Chapter 2
One week after Naruto left:
Minato was sitting in his office doing paperwork. But his mind was on other things like how he neglected his son.
Minato got out of bed to see that he was alone. He figured that Kushina was already making breakfast for the twins and got dressed. He walked down to the kitchen to see that Mito and Natsuki were already eating breakfast. "Morning girls," he said as he sat down to eat.
"Morning Tou-Chan," the said to gather
"Morning dear," said Kushina as she set down a bowl of rice and kissed Minato. As Minato ate he had something biting at the back of his head like he was forgetting something but he ignored it. After they were all done eating breakfast Minato said: "Alright girls, get out to the backyard and we can continue where we left off the day before yesterday". As they walked out the back door Mito asked "Tou-chan,"
"Can Naruto train with us?" and when she asked that question Minato froze. He then realized that Naruto wasn't at the table for breakfast. "I don't see why not"
"YAY!" she replied and went to go get Naruto. But when she reached the door to the house she turned and asked something "Which on is his room, Tou-chan?" then Minato froze again
"Yeah, which is our brother's room?" asked Nastki who looked at Kushina
"I don't know either," she said with some worry in her voice
"I think I know where his room his," said Minato as he made a motion with his hand to follow him.
When Minato walked up the stairs of his home he felt guilt and self-loathing. Guilt because he had forgotten his son and loathing because he completely ignored him. When he reached the door with Mito, Natsuki, and Kushina behind him, he knocked on the door and it opened up. When they all saw the inside of the room, they were astounded. It was grey, grey as grey could be. There was a small mattress on the floor, a small lamp and a dresser. It looked more like a cell than a room. Minato looked in the closet and was disgusted. It was full of bloodied bandages and clothes. He then heard "Minato,"
"What is it Kushina?"
"Read this," she said with tears in her eyes and she handed Minato a note. Once he read it he turned and said "ANBU," and a bunch of ANBU appeared "FIND MY SON! FIND NARUTO! NOW!" and they all said "HAI!" and went in search of Naruto. He then turned to Natsuki who was pulling on his cloak
"Where's Naruto?" she said with tears forming in her eyes
"He'll be home soon, Natsuki. He'll be home soon."
End Flashback:
Minato got up from his chair and looked out the window about what has happened since Naruto left. Natsuki and Mito took their training more seriously in order to find their brother. Kushina then went into a depression, never leaving his room and saying that once she found him she would be a better mother. "Kami, what have I done?" he said as tears slipped down his cheeks.
With Naruto:
Naruto has been traveling for a week now going in the direction Gildarts told him to go. "Are we there yet?"
'Just a little bit further. You'll know when we are there,' Gildarts said as Naruto walked and walked until he reached a cave. 'Well? Stop standing there and go inside!' Bluenote ordered, making Naruto walked into the cave with his bag in hand. Naruto continued to walk until he reached a door.
"What is this?" asked Naruto
'This is the door to the old remains of my guild, Fairy Tail,' Gildarts explained 'now go through the door and do the hand-signs Kurami taught you,' he said. Naruto walked through the door as he was instructed and preformed the hand-signs Kurami showed him on the way here. A large cloud of smoke appeared and sent Naruto into a coughing fit. Once the smoke cleared Naruto could see Gildarts, Bluenote, and Kurami stretching. "Thanks, kid, now let's get to work," said Gildarts
"H-hold on, I thought I couldn't use chakra!" asked Naruto
"You can't, that's why I made a Jutsu allowing us to come out of the seal using magic. Yes, I can just do that, I'm over 3,000 years old," Kurami said
"Alright... so what do we do now?"
"Well for starters," said Gildarts as he turned away from Naruto, "this place has special magic placed on it so that time moves faster than the outside world. But don't worry, you'll age normally so it just expands your mental age rather than your physical age." he explained
"For your first task you are to learn everything about magic from these books Fairy Tail has collected over the years and everything Kurami has learned since she was created," said Bluenote as he referenced the door leading to the library
"Hai," said Naruto as he went into the library with Bluenote.
"This is going to take some time," said Gildarts as he turned to Kurami "so... wanna drink?" as he walked to the bar
"With pleasure," she said as she sat at the bar
Five Years in The Guild Later:
Naruto had crammed everything about magic and jutsu into his head. Even though it had been five years in the guild, it was actually one year in the outside world.
"Final question: what is Lost Magic?" asked Bluenote as he questioned Naruto about everything he has learned
"Lost Magic is a type of Magic that has been obliterated from the history of the world due to their immense power and the sheer gravity of their side effects on the users. However, users of such Magic still exist, though the Magic itself is believed to be extremely rare," replied Naruto
"Correct," said Bluenote as he walked out of the library with Naruto by his side, "now on to your next part of training". He then walked to a passed out Gildarts who had a mug in his hand, Bluenote took the mug out of his hand and hit him over the head with it. Gildarts then woke up rubbing his head
"What's going on?"
"You were passed out drunk while Naruto and I were studying in the library,"
"Yeah," said Naruto, "also where's Kaa-chan?". Three years ago Naruto asked if Kurami would be his Kaa-chan considering the fact that he didn't really have the loving embrace of a mother thanks to Kushina always paying attention to the twins. She cried and hugged Naruto on the spot when he asked that and she agreed.
"She's in the kitchen making you something," said Gildarts as Naruto dashed to the kitchen, "you think he's ready for our training?"
"Yes, I have managed to make sure Naruto knows everything about everything,"
"That's good. Want me to take control of his training now?"
"I would like that considering I don't let up on training," said Bluenote as he saw Naruto and Kurami walk out of the kitchen of the guild, "Naruto, get over here". Naruto did so and walked up to Bluenote
"What do you need Sensei?"
"Today until further notice you will be training with Gildarts,"
"Ok," said Naruto as Gildarts motioned for him to follow
"For the next 2 years, you will learn how to control your magical energy and for the rest of the time you will be physically training your body,"
"Ok Sensei,"
"Now I want you to try and stand on the water in the bathroom in the tub because we don't have a lake. It's the next best thing we have," Gildarts said as he scratched the back of this head and Naruto creating cartoonish sweatdrop on his forehead.
Five Years Later in The Guild:
"Okay Naruto, this part of your training is done," Gildarts stated
"Ok Gildarts-Sensei," Naruto replied
"Now I will teach you my style of hand-to-hand combat for the next five years I will be teaching you my style of hand-to-hand combat and after that five more years of me teaching you my magic,"
"Alright Sensei,"
Ten Years Later in The Guild:
Naruto was reading a book about bloodline in the Elemental Nations he got from Kurami when Bluenote came up to him with a long piece of cloth. Naruto gave him a questionable look and asked: "Sensei, what's with the cloth?"
"Since you refuse to cut your hair I have taken the liberty of putting your hair in a ponytail much like mine" over the time they were in the guild, Naruto's hair grew out a lot. He may still have the body of a child but his hair grew out of control
"From what I'm hearing, you would like your hair in a style much like mine?"
"YEAH, when I first saw you I wanted my hair to be just like yours. IT'S AWESOME!"
"Wouldn't call it 'awesome', more like bothersome!" Gildarts commented from across the room
"*Sigh* Stand still so I may put it on," Bludenote ordered and Naruto did as he was told. Standing still, Bluenote pulled on Naruto's hair, making it a ponytail with a large tuft at the end "well what do you think?". Naruto picked up a nearby mirror and looked at himself
"Now that's out of the way, I have come to train you along with your mother,"
"Alright Bluenote-Sensei, what will I be learning today?"
"Same as what Gildarts has taught you, except it will be my magic and fighting style,"
"Tomorrow, now go eat lunch," said Bluenote as Naruto put his book away and walked to Kurami who was serving Gildarts some curry and rice.
Another Ten Years Later:
Naruto has Finished his training and they were celebrating, well Gildarts and Naruto where. As for Kurami she was out getting some things while Bluenote was reading. "YAHOO, I FINISHED TRAINING! NOW I CAN BEAT ANYONE IN THE WORLD!"
"Not yet kid. You first have to beat both me and Bluenote in a full-on fight. THEN, you can beat anyone in the world."
"Alright, let's get started. Come-on Bluenote-Sensei, get over here so I can finish my training!" yelled Naruto as Bluenote looked over from his book. He then closed the book and walked over to Gildarts. They then got into a fighting position and Naruto did the same thing, they looked at each other for a minute and launched at each other.
Five Hours Later:
Kurami came back from the outside world with some bags, she looked at the condition of the guild and looked at Naruto who was standing on top of a pair of unconscious Gildarts and Bluenote. Naruto was breathing heavily, he then looked at Kurami and smiled. He then slipped into unconsciousness himself as Kurami caught him. She then walked upstairs and put him to bed. While doing this she put the bags next to the bed and a little note saying 'With Love From Kaa-chan To Naruto'. She then walked back downstairs to see that Gildarts and Bluenote where already back from la-la land. "What happened while I was gone?" she asked them in a threatening tone
"W-w-we sorta, kinda, well-"
"We had a fight and we lost. Naruto has been trained to the point where he can beat both of us at our best. He truly is a force to be reckoned with, he has flown higher than both of us and all those who fight him shall fall" said Bluenote as he interrupted Gildarts
"Yeah, that," said Gildarts as they both got hit in the head.
One Day Later:
Naruto woke up to find himself sleeping in a bed. He got out of the bed and he realized that his clothes were destroyed. Then looking over he sees the bags Kurami left and found that they were filled with clothes. Putting the clothes on, he walked downstairs to see them all sitting at a table eating breakfast, walking over he asked: "Well, how do I look?". Naruto was wearing a long, blue, high-collared and tattered cloak (much like Gildarts), a black sleeved shirt what went past his elbows by three inches, a sleeveless cloth, reaching down to his knees both on the front and, larger, on the back, which is open on the sides (like Bluenotes except it was dark blue) and on the front was an ace with the symbol for blue, some loose-fitting black pants which were tucked into some boots like the ones Gildarts wears and being held up by a purple cloth sash around his waist.
"You look handsome, Naruto," said Kurami as she went over and hugged him. Bluenote walked over to him
"Naruto," he said as Naruto looked at him, "you have flown higher than I could have reached. You have flown even higher than what Gildarts could have and for that, I'm proud of you" letting a small smile slip across his face. Naruto then ran and hugged him saying "thank you", surprising him. Letting Naruto hug him he waited a little bit before returning the hug. Kurami was enjoying the moment with Gildarts who then said
"I hate to ruin the moment but don't you think maybe he should get more experience under his belt,"
"I agree, I think Naruto needs to be more experienced before anything else,"
"Than what do you suggest?"
"My little Naruto becoming a Mercenary," she said making Gildarts face fall. Bluenote then separated from the hug and said
"It would be the best course of action, he would gain experience and make some money on the side. What do you say, Naruto?" Naruto looked at them and nodded stating
"I'LL SHOW THE WORLD HOW STRONG I AM, OTHER WORDS MY NAME ISN'T NARUTO UZ-" he stopped when he was about to say that dreaded name. Kurami looked at Gildarts and Bluenote with concern. Bluenote then walked over and put a hand on Naruto's shoulder and said
"Naruto, I give you, as a gift from me, the last name Stinger," this surprised Gildarts and Kurami
"Does that mean-"
"Yes, you are my son now," and just as he said that Naruto hugged him again with tears in his eyes. Kneeling down to the boy hugging him, Bluenote said: "From this day forward, you will be known as Naruto Kyuubi Stinger, Son of Kurami the Kyuubi No Kitsune, Pupil of Gildarts 'The Ace of Fairy Tail', and the son and student of Bluenote Stinger." and Naruto cried harder. For these were tears of joy, the joy that Naruto hasn't felt in years. Even Gildarts and Kurami were tearing up a bit at what they were seeing. "Now let's get out there and show them how low they will fall, my son," Bluenote stated as Naruto nodded hugging his new-found adopted father.
[Hope you enjoyed this rebooted chapter]
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