And I did call him. We did text a lot. Like, a lot.
I had this new inspiration that came from Daniel. I could draw 3 pictures in one day with him around.
Although, I was still nervous around him. Which didn't make sense at the time.
Usually I get used to people in a few days, but even at the 2 month mark I was still nervous around him.
I had no clue back then, but I had a bit of a crush back then.
2 months after we met.
"Hey, blossom boy"
Daniel said as he sat in front of me.
"H-hello" I replied quietly, I was mentally slapping myself for stuttering. I wished it stopped.
"What tree are you drawing this time?"
He chuckled, as he pulled his pencil from his pocket and opening his journal.
"Lombardy poplar."
I responded.
"What poem are you writing this t-time?"
He chuckled and turned hi book around so I could see.
I leant upon a coppice gate,
When Frost was spectre-gray,
And Winter's dregs made desolate
The weakening eye of day.
The tangled bine-stems scored the sky
Like strings of broken lyres,
And all mankind that haunted nigh
Had sought their household fires.
"You're so poetic"
I chuckle as I go back to drawing.
"Why, thank you."
He said beginning to write again
As he was writing, I watched him.
Sorta creepy, I know.
The way the wind was blowing his hair gently and how the sun shined on his features perfectly.
The way he looked like a 'struggling artist' when you stopped writing for brief moments.
It was a beautiful scene. One I wanted to remember, always.
I went to an empty page and began drawing Danes. I never drew people. Always plants and things.
But if came very naturally to me.
I darken areas with the pencil for shadowing, and make lighter grays and blacks to try and imitate other colours.
I finished after a few hours. Big time skip, I know. But he was just to perfect to not draw.
It got dark, though. So I
had to stop as well as him.
Just as I was about to close my journal though, a blossom petal fell from a branch and into his book.
I added in the petal on my drawing. Perfect scenery.
"Hey. You took my advice!"
He said. I looked up at him, little confused.
"You took a picture"
He said pointing at my page.
Yeah, he really wasn't supposed to see that. Embarrassment for moi.
"T-technically, I drew a picture. I didn't take one"
I said. He rolled his eyes and chuckled.
He chuckles a lot to. And smirks, and smiles. He does a lot.
"So, Joseph, have you ever thought of like painting?"
He asked me, his eyes still hooked on his book.
"Not really n-no." I responded quietly.
Yes, that was a lie. But I didn't have any painting supplies.
And my parents thought it was 'a waste of time'
They weren't trying to hurt my feelings, but they did. I take my art seriously and it truly hurt when I realized nobody would ever care to look at it.
They definitely weren't going to buy me any canvases or brushes.
"Liar" he mumbled.
"Truther" I mumbled back.
(A/N random drake and josh quote)
"But seriously, I bet you'd be equally as good if not even better with actual paint"
He proceeded again.
"I'm good with sticking with drawing" I added he scoffed and shook his head.
"What artist doesn't want to add colour to their art?" He chuckled. I shrugged and co tinier to draw.
"Can I buy you so-"
"No" I cut him off.
He groaned and laid down. He was looking up at the sky.
"You could paint this colourful sky, and you choose not to. Unless you wanted a gray sky."
He mumbled. He sighed and layer down next to him.
"Write a poem about the colourful Sky then"
I chuckle. "You can't do that with words. I mean, I suppose you could, but it would speak much of its self. One who can see the sky and take the word and form the picture that the writer thinks of. But a picture speaks a thousand words. You don't need words for a picture. You just come up with it."
He spoke so poetically. It always confused me.
"Alright, damn"
I said. He chuckled a bit.
"In English please"
I asked sarcastically.
"Basically, you could paint this better then I could write it"
"Heh" I mumbled. The sun was going down slowly.
I realized I had to head home, so I stood up and put my journal down next to the tree.
"Noo. Where are you goin'?"
He asked when I began walking away.
"A futuristic land called 'home'"
I chuckled.
He sat up.
"Don't leave me!"
He said dramatically reaching his hand out towards me.
"S-sorry not sorry."
I chuckled. I heard him groan dramatically.
I got on the path and began walking.
It only takes me a few minutes to get home. But this time I went really slow.
I was lost in thoughts and not really I thinking.
Before I knew it, it was dark. Which actually scared the shit out of me.
One of my biggest fears. I hated the dark.
The idea of not knowing what's in front of me, or even seeing what's around freaks/terrifies me.
It made me walk even slower sense I didn't want to walk over something or run into something.
I patted my pockets to find my phone.
"Dammit" I murmured when I realized I must've left it at the tree.
I walked very slowly on the pitch dark path.
There were literally no street lamps over here. Go figure.
I heard something behind me I kept my normal pace but tensed up.
I felt someone grab my wrist. I swing around and slapped whoever it was.
"Ah! what the heck Joey!?"
I heard the voice say.
I put my hand over my mouth.
"Oh my god! Daniel?"
I said trying to squint my eyes to see him.
"Uh yes! Why the heck did you slap me!?"
We walked over to one of the houses; good thing nobody lived and turned on a porch light.
"Oooo. Definitely red"
I said as I looked at the red hand mark on his cheek.
He glared at me as he held his cheek with his hand.
"I'm s-so sorry."
I said as I still, looked at his cheek.
"Didn't answer my question. Why on earth did you slap me!?"
He whisper yelled.
"I thought you were a predator"
I replied back.
"What the fuck" he chuckled.
"Well I'm walking home in the dark, and somebody grabs my wrist"
I replied back defensively.
"Oh by the way, why the hell did you sneak up on me?"
I asked. He pulled a phone out of his pocket.
"You left your phone at the tree. I was giving it back to you, dumbass"
He chuckled.
I took it back.
I murmured.
He whispered.
"I will slap you again" I sarcastically threatened.
"Mm sure." He replied back.
"Well, least now I have a flashlight"
I said turning on the phone flashlight.
"Okay well. Later"
He said. I had this weird urge to do something. I contemplated what the results of this action could be.
I looked at him for a second. His eyes. His eyes. His eyes were so... So different but beautiful at the same time.
It's like his eyes out me under this weird spell that I couldn't look away from.
"Hello? Earth to Joey?"
Daniel said, snapping his fingers his front of my face.
I quickly made a very risky decision.
I put my hands on either side of his face and slammed my lips to his.
I hate the word slammed, but that's basically what I did. I didn't even do it for 7 seconds I quickly backed away realizing what I just done.
He looked at me with wide eyes and his mouth open a bit.
I put my hand over my mouth.
"Oh G-god. I... I can't... Oh shoot." I stuttered out quickly.
"Okay bye" I said quickly and dashed off the porch and onto the sidewalk. I sped walk as I heard Daniel call after me.
I cannot I believe I did that.
After I got home and ran up to my room and shut and locked the door.
"What have I done what have I done!?"
I whispered to myself.
I heard a knock on my door.
"Joey? You alright?"
I heard my sister Nicole as, wiggling the doorknob.
I unlocked the door and legitimately flopped on my bed.
"I am a disgrace"
I shouted into the pillow.
I felt the bed sink next to me.
"Whatcha do? Join the Chinese army to save dad?"
She joked. I say up and ran a hand through my hair.
"I..." I tried to say. "You?" She questioned.
I sighed loudly and laid down.
"I kissed Daniel" I murmured. Her eyes widened and she got a big grin on her face and jumped up and down on the bed.
"Ahh! You what!? Tell me tell me! Don't leave any details out!"
She squealed. I put my hands over my ears to drain out her annoying squealing.
"I slapped him, then I kissed him"
I said.
She laughed and sat down.
"Why'd you slap him?" She laughed.
"Not now. I've literally ruined everything!"
I whined. She patted my shoulder but giggled.
"You're gonna get married to Daniel"
She said. "God no. That's definitely not happening. He probably thinks I'm insane now."
I said letting it all sink in.
"Okay you say that now, but at y'alls wedding, I'm going to say 'I told you so, loser!'"
She chuckled. I put my hands over my face. I heard my phone beep.
I pulled it out of my pocket
5 new messages from 'Daniel'
I shrieked like my phone was a spider and here it at Nicole.
She shouted back.
I pointed at the phone and she smiled.
She unlocked it and looked at the texts.
"Hey Joey wanna get married?"
She said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the phone from her hand. She chuckled at me and looked over my shoulder so she could actually read what he sent.
Joey stop running from me.
Pls stop ignoring me and come and talk to me
Joey please respond
R u just never going to reply?
I didn't reply at first. I tried to think of what to say.
"Sorry. Please pretended like 2day never happened. I'm so sorry"
I replied a few minutes later.
I couldn't believe I actually did that.
"It's gonna work out, Jo" Nicole said I forgot she was there.
I sighed and laid back down. We said goodnight and soon I was left alone.
"I'll just never ever go out again."
I thought to myself.
"He will give up talking to me eventually, right? I'll get saved the 'I don't like you that way speech"
Was the last thing I thought before I drifted off to sleep.
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