Unprecedented meeting

The death of Weiss Schnee was soon broadcasted to the world by none other than her father. It was one of the rare times when her father and mother were on the same screen. Not many mourned for her but those who did know her mourned and sent prayers for her. 

But life went on. Soon, her passing was just a bitter memory to the world. Everything had to continue without her. 

As soon as Beacon came back, Ozpin urged Ruby, Yang, and Blake to go back to the school to finish their training. They knew they had to keep going for their friend's sake so they did. All of them finished the school year and their missions. The second semester was a breeze but it wasn't the same.

Ruby stayed with her sister and Blake in the dorms. She didn't like the silence of the dorms at night nor her days hunting. She missed Weiss more than she could admit. Every training wasn't the same, times together with her friends was just a decent distraction. An ache and longing for her lover kept her mind occupied most of the time but she did her best and studied well, adapting to modern times and learning more. 

Nothing could have prepared her for that kind of pain. Even if she knew where Weiss was, which she didn't, she can't send her a message or a letter. She'll be constantly moving. She's smart like that. 

Yang did her best to cheer her sister and be there for her. It was never a dull moment with the blonde. Her energy was warm and comforting to everyone around her. Still, she missed Weiss. They may not be close but she found herself looking for the girl's sassy remarks and sarcastic phrases. All she could do for now is trust the girl was alright, wherever she was.

Blake was more active than anyone expected. She did her best to keep track of Weiss. She'd tell her team what she can get but soon, the distance proved too much and lost track of Weiss. It was devastating to but she hoped that the Ice Queen can handle things for herself. 

Ozpin did his best to offer help to the girls. It was very kind of him but all three of them just pressed on and worked through the year. Aside from being headmaster, he made sure that a tragedy like this will not happen again. 

It was the middle of Fall when they all returned to Patch. The School year at Beacon was over. Ozpin wasn't expecting them to return to school after that. All of them were licensed huntresses for years. The only reason they came back to Beacon was to keep the illusion that they were just kids. Ruby just stayed because of Weiss. 

Qrow and Tai weren't home when they came back so they cleaned up the home a bit and made themselves cozy. The year was over. 

"So, what now?" Blake asked them as she held a cup of tea in her hand, sitting by the fireplace in the living room. Yang took a sip of her coffee, her eyes turning to glance at her older sister. 

Ruby took a deep breath and stretched on the couch. "Well, we promised her, didn't we?" She sat down and crossed her legs, raising her mug of coffee. "Let's go find our Ice Queen."


During her first months of waiting, Weiss struggled. Hard. 

To be tossed in the wilderness alone with no team and only herself, she had to stay alert every time. She had walked thousands of miles on foot, snuck in airships, did her best to survive. Everything was new to her and she had to learn new skills fast. 

Her situations pushed her to be resourceful and creative. She kept her water available by creating ice and melting it in a fire, she foraged for food on days she can't seem to find a town, she helped villages from Grimm invasions and was offered money and shelter for days before she moved on. Weiss lived a life of what real hunters and huntresses would have. 

When days didn't seem to go well, she got by and looked up the sky. She kept herself motivated, telling herself that all of them are in the same world. It was a small world. 

Summer slowly turned to fall. Weiss found herself on the continent of Anima by then. She was aware that Vale was a ship ride away but she didn't want to go back to Vale just yet. So, she ventured across the continent to reach Minstral whenever. 

In the first few weeks of the season, she got to see the beauty of the trees turning all shades of orange and red. While she fought Grimm on the way, it reminded her about an assignment they had during the early start of Beacon's school year. 

Often, she spent her days walking around the woods just to explore the forests. Sometimes, she watched Grimm activity from afar, mostly Goliaths what were migrating. It was fascinating to learn all types of Grimm on her own and even kept a journal on them. 

Of course, it wasn't uncommon that the girl would be at the brink of death a couple of times during her disappearance. 

One unfortunate time, she came across a giant Nevermore. The last time she fought one was the second day on Beacon. Since then, all the other ones were small. This time, she had difficulty killing the creature. It almost cost her an eye to fight with the thing. It took her a week to heal her wound but by them, a fresh scar had appeared on her face, just next to her previously owned one. 

Because of it, she started wearing a white thin lace blindfold over her eyes. She still saw well and clear with it on but she didn't want anyone asking where she got the scar. 

The months of long travels led to Weiss' hair growing down to her legs. She didn't like to cut it because she knew Ruby would recognize her through it. Instead, she kept it braided. Dust crystals adorned her hair, all of them shaped like small roses. To avoid recognition, she always kept her hood up when she was outside to cover any feature that would give her identity away.

The girl had earned herself a name because of her powers and willingness to help those in need when she wants to. The "Snow Angel" they dubbed her. Weiss didn't have any control over it so she accepted the name humbly. Summer Rose's white hoodie had become her trademark. It changed from all her fights, growing tattered and permanently stained light blue at the hem of it. Some have claimed that the girl trailed snow in her fights. 

All that time on her own made her a stronger and better fighter. Weiss hoped that her sister would be proud of her. 

One fateful afternoon, she passed by a gas station in the middle of nowhere in Anima. She went in to restock her food and get a warm drink since the day was getting colder. She got a coffee and sat on the bar, enjoying the place to herself. 

A man came in to order an early drink for himself. Weiss didn't pay him any mind and continued with her drink. The bartender kept an eye on the man who came in since he was a troublemaker.

"Aren't you too young to be in a place like this? Alone?" The man asked, turning to Weiss who was just enjoying her drink. 

"She's just drinking coffee." The bartender told him off. Weiss raised a hand, asking the kind bartender not to mind him. 

It seemed like the man didn't see the weapon holstered be her waist or her backpack by her feet. He just saw her alone and young. Weiss just finished her drink. 

The lad didn't seem to leave her alone. "Hey, I'm talking to you." He called out to her. "You don't look so bad. Small, slim, and from what I can guess under your hoodie, is a looker too." He approached Weiss and pulled down her hood.

White french braided hair and lace covered eyes. Other than that, she looked beautiful. The man thought he hit the jackpot with the girl. Weiss turned to him with a frown. 

"Are you done? Can't you leave a blind girl alone?" She asked. Weiss paid for her drink and slipped off the seat. She grabbed her bag and slung it at her back. Her cape couldn't cover her rapier any more.

"You're a huntress? You don't look like it." The man noted. Weiss pulled her hood back up.

The girl started walking out of the door, leaving the man behind but he was persistent. He ran after her but he found himself off the ground, out the door, and slammed on the floor quicker than he could process. 

"Ugh...Hey! What was that for?!" The man stood up and watched as the white-caped lady walked out of the door. 

"You were in my way." She said. Weiss didn't pay him any more mind so she walked off the gas station.

"Hey! Where are you going!" The man chased her intending to get back at her. He attacked the girl when she was turned back from him but that made for serious consequences. 

Weiss quickly turned around, ducked and kicked him on his gut. It sent him flying at a nearby tree, grumbling in pain. She dusted her cape off and continued walking. 

She wasn't aware that one bothersome rat would bring her a whole swarm of problems. 

An hour has passed and the growing suspicion of trouble came to a boil when she sensed something different in the air. She stopped her walking for now and looked up to check the weather. What seemed like a fine sunny day had turned to a gray gloomy one. 

Weiss was glad that there weren't any Grimm she encountered for the day but she was about to encounter a whole different kind of issue. 

"That's the girl." She heard the same man from the gas station miles away. Perhaps her time of walking and detouring around the place have given these people to gather and wait for her. Good for them. 

A group of mercenaries and bandits surrounded her. All their weapons aimed at her and most of them had the intention of harming her. 

"It's been a tiring day, can you please leave me alone?" She asked, frowning. 

A few of them chuckled. Of course they would. If you looked at her, she was not the type to brawl. She didn't look like an 18-year-old huntress at all. She just looked like a traveler. 

"You messed with the wrong man." The man who attempted to harass her earlier attacked first, charging with his sword.

Weiss turned to him and leaned slightly before kicking his chin, shaking his skull and making him roll over to the side. The rest of them came for her. 

Each of them tried to use their weapon on her but she quickly evaded them with summersaults, a slight lean, or redirecting their aggressive movements to another one of them. The girl learned that unless you need to, you don't have to fight with a weapon or semblance. You just have to be smarter. 

With ease, the girl twirled around her opponents, took their arm or limbs, and twisted them. With enough force, she broke a few bones and tossed a few of them on trees or at the ground. She looked like she was dancing than fighting. 

Within a few minutes, most of them were groaning on the ground, their weapons scattered around. Weiss picked up the things she dropped in the fight. 

"You're dead! You're so dead! When Raven hears about this, your head won't stay on your shoulders." The same man had the strength to threaten her. 

The white-haired huntress turned to him as she stuffed her things in her bag. "Not likely." She shrugged. "I mean I'm friends with her daughter. Last I checked, Raven didn't want to be found by her daughter. One dial and I can tell her where she is." 

The poor man couldn't get any more unfortunate with the huntress. Weiss didn't want trouble so she carried on with her walking but someone blocked her path. 

A woman dressed in black and red. Her black hair was covered by a blanket of black feathers, her face covered with a mask. In her hand, she held a red-bladed sword. Weiss guessed that it was dust. She can see the resemblance of the daughter to her mother. 

"You won't do that, will you?" The woman in the mask asked as she sheathed her weapon. 

Weiss crossed her arms, a smile on lips formed as she stared down the woman in front of her. For a woman who runs a tribe of bandits, killers, and criminals, she sounded quite nervous. The girl shrugged. 

She accounted for a few scenarios on how the encounter will come down. Weiss placed a bet that she'll probably be taken by force or Raven Brawnwen will slice her to pieces. Even she knows she can't fight someone like her. 

"If I can freely join you for tea and dinner, no one will know you're here." She negotiated. 

Raven removed her mask, revealing a knowing smile on her lips. "That can be arranged, Weiss."


Heellloooo~!! I hope you liked what you just read! >w< 

Tell me what you think~! Also, to everyone who has a birthday in May (like me): Happy birthday~! \>w</ 

This pandemic sucks, I know. But I hope you can celebrate it even in small ways~ 

I hope you all have a good day! Vote and leave a comment! Thank you for reading~!

With love,

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