I Got You

"I thought that ride would never end!" Yang announced as she stretched her arms on the docks.

The three of them reached Anima after two nights at sea. The whole ride was uneventful and they arrived late afternoon on the docks of a coastal town. After what seemed like a long time of looking for Weiss, they were halfway to finding her.

Blake took a deep breath of air and let it out. Her whole body tingled from a single deep breath that refreshed her whole system. She turned to Ruby with a sparkle in her eyes and a smile on her lips. "You're right. This place is thick with magic."

"I told you. That's why a lot of our kind stays here. Just wait until you see the whole settlement of mermaids in Lake Matsu." Ruby smiled at her, adjusting her backpack on her shoulders.

All three of them took their things and headed out of the dock, eventually the town. Once they were away from the regular folks, it was time for them to get back to their objective.

Ruby took out her scroll. She hap hoped that her uncle Qrow would help her find Weiss but it seems that even he was having a hard time working and keeping an eye on a bunch of kids. She didn't mind that. Qrow was still a huntsman working for Ozpin. The more he knows, the more chances he'll slip up. She just hopes that he was fine.

Blake settled under the shade of a tree as they paused their walk, stretching and sitting to rest. "So? How do you want to track her here?"

Yang had conjured fire in her hands and was playing with it, practicing her punches. "It may be easy to use your magic here but you can't do tracking magic that far, Ruby. Blake, you can't possibly track Weiss here because you haven't seen her in a while."

Yang was right. Ruby had known that even with limitless supply for magic, the connection they had with Weiss was weaker than before. It's been too long since they last saw the girl. They couldn't even keep in contact with her since she didn't bring her scroll.

The vampire took out their folded map of Remnant and was thinking of a way to do a tracking spell. It was a long-shot to have any definite results since she was doing it on a continent but maybe, she'd pick up something from it.

"Let me try." She declared. Ruby took out a necklace from one of her pockets. It was Weiss' originally. She left when she left Vale. Ever since Ruby had kept it with her to remind her what matters most.

Yang watched as her sister walked off to a clearing deeper in the woods but not too far where they won't see her. She always opted to work alone since she needed to concentrate. The blonde remembered a lot of their mother on Ruby. She inherited her resourcefulness and leadership skills from Summer. Both of them were trained to be good people but just when they needed her guidance with their newfound powers, she was gone.

Ever since she found Ruby after her imprisonment, she was distant and she could be cold. The light in her eyes rarely showed anymore. Somehow, that was different around Ruby's girlfriend. Yang found out quickly how important was the former Schnee heiress to her older sister and she was determined to find her just to see her sister happy.

Blake could feel the sadness radiating from Yang. She took her hand in hers to place a soft kiss on it. "Everything's going to be better, Yang." Blake told her. It made Yang melt to hear such comforting words from Blake. It meant a lot to her that she was there, more supportive than ever. The blonde returned the sweet gesture to her lover, placing a soft kiss on Blake's forehead.

"Yeah, I know."

Both of them watched Ruby from afar, keeping an eye on her and their things while they waited. The afternoon was peaceful and quiet so they laid back on the grass under a tree and enjoyed their free time.

Ruby called upon the elements around her to help her search and track the owner of the necklace she held in her hand. The breeze picked up as she chanted under her breath and stood in a clearing. She used everything she could call upon to help her with the spell. She laid the necklace down on the map but it hovered above the map, the pendant pointed down.

The witch continued chanting her spell and kept Weiss in her mind. She remembered the girl's smile, her scent of freshly fallen snow, her soft skin, her eyes, her presence. Ruby dug in her memories, keeping Weiss in her mind as the necklace swayed on the map. It stopped not long after on the northern part of the continent. The closest known settlement was Argus but the pendant didn't point there. It was on the snowy woods of the continent, close to Lake Matsu.

Ruby couldn't believe it. The spell worked. A little too well if she could say so.

Upon taking the necklace once more, she saw glimpses of Weiss' trip on the continent. The witch saw a white caped figure walking through the autumn colored forests, humming. She saw the girl fight numerous amounts of Grimm and felt her injuries from them. Ruby saw the encounter Weiss had with Raven. Finally, she felt every single injury she had after she left that camp.

Ruby was in tears as she felt the pain Weiss went through. The girl wanted to scream because of it. To be forced to feel all pain her lover--her mate--had felt since she stepped on the continent was excruciating but they all faded after mere minutes due to her ability to recover but the thought of Weiss obtaining that much pain kept her in tears. It was tearing her apart. What more of her injuries from Sanus?!

Yang and Blake heard Ruby crying in the clearing. Both quickly ran to the girl and tried to figure out what's wrong. Yang held her sister in her arms and Blake soothed the girl's back but both of them looked at the map.

It was clear the spell worked. All across the continent of Anima, red snowflakes the shape of Weiss' emblem were marked. Ruby tracked her.

"We-We have to find her! She's hurt!"

Quickly, Yang shifted to a different form. Golden flames engulfed her whole body as she turned to her other form. Once the flames have died down, an oriental dragon with golden scales stood before them, toppling a few trees in the clearing that was too small for it to stay in. Blake took their things and helped Ruby ride the creature. Quickly, the three of them took to the sky.

"Don't worry Ruby, we'll get to her soon." Yang spoke as she flew up in the clouds, heading north of Anima.


The trip heading north to Argus was stressful for Weiss. Everything and everyone she seemed to come across had every intention to kill her.

Ever since she left the camp of the Branwen Tribe--who were very hospitable to someone who has blackmailed their leader--she has been met with a lot of conflicts on the road. The Grimm she had encountered seem to have gotten bigger and meaner. King Taijutus that came at her by pairs, a whole pack of beowolves that had every intention to eat her, and a large number of Ursa that came for her stock of maple syrup. All of it didn't make sense to her. Maybe they felt her stress of traveling alone in a different environment or they felt the growing sense of excitement and dread she felt as she realized that she was close to Argus.

Weiss didn't know which was it but it was tiring to fight them off. Assassins came after her by groups, all of them wanting her dead or wanting to steal from her. It was a mystery where they all got her location but she had a sneaking suspicion that this was payback from Raven.

After what felt like weeks which were simply a few days, she had about enough of the hunt for her head. Her injuries barely had time to get better because the fights came one after the other. Thankfully, the weather came to help clear her tracks.

A blizzard came down hard after she finished fighting a group of huntsmen that wanted her dead. That fight didn't end well for either side. The only difference is Weiss came back alive, injured badly but alive. Just a normal Thursday afternoon. She didn't even know Anima can have blizzards this early in the year.

Weiss stumbled upon an abandoned town after an hour of blindly stumbling in the raging winds of the storm. Grimm came out to greet her just as she came in the town but thankfully, due to the cold weather, it was easy to freeze the Grimm to the point that they simply shattered because of the sub-zero temperature.

After the quick fight, she took shelter at one of the sturdier complete houses. The girl quickly started a fire to warm up. Weiss curled up in her cape that extended long enough to double as a blanket. It was a quirk she discovered when she first received the cape. It was just like Ruby's. With it, she never got cold. Of course she can also thank her recently developed skill of Ice Magic because she never felt cold.

The comfort and warmth of the cape and the fire easily made her forget her injuries. It made the girl think for a moment.

If Ruby or any of her friends were close enough, would they have sensed her blood? Would any of them know a distinction from all of the bodies she left in her trail? Weiss knew that this was the only time she left a trail of bodies ever since she left for her trip. What rotten luck has befallen her that she's have this much trouble?

"Rotten luck, huh?" Perhaps it was just that. Luck.

Weiss listened to the sound of the blizzard raging outside the house. She clutched the cape closer, curling tighter in a ball underneath it. Oddly enough, the caws of a crow were heard by the girl. It made her pity the poor creatures who'll have to endure this harsh weather. Even with a blazing storm outside, she felt drowsy. The huntress was well aware of how dangerous it was for her to fall asleep with untreated injuries but she was exhausted. Magic was constantly helping her heal her Aura and her injuries so she didn't worry much about it. Within a few minutes, she was curled up at the floor, sleeping with Myrtenaster in her hands.


Weiss woke up from the sensation of water drops on her cheeks. The scent of roses gently woke her from her sleep only to gaze upon a pair of silver eyes that shed tears. At first, no voices registered as her ears rang but the laughter of relief from the person that held her brought her back to consciousness.

"Thank the gods! You're alive!" The girl in the red cape cupped her cheek. "Weiss..." She was called.

Slowly, aches all over her body started to register. The cold was seeping through the floorboards underneath her and the room had more people. Weiss pulled off the fabric that hid her scarred eyes revealing a bright baby blue pair of orbs.

The girl didn't know how long she had been sleeping, what time it was, nor how Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, and Blake Belladonna had come to surround her in the living room of an abandoned home in the middle of a cold forest.

"You kept me waiting long enough."

Ruby pulled Weiss in a tight hug and the white-haired huntress wrapped her arms around her lover, tears streaming from their eyes as they smiled. Their separation for months proved to be too long. Even Weiss broke down completely once she knew she wasn't dreaming.

A reunion like this was worth the tears shed by the four girls in the room. All four of them were back together like before, all alive, all grown.

Ruby pulled away from Weiss and cupped the girl's cheeks, her thumb gently grazing the girl's scars that weren't there when they last saw each other. Weiss took the girl's hand and held it tenderly on her cheeks. To feel her this close again, it made her heart happy and warm.

For the past few months, she was doing her best to survive. All this time, she kept Ruby in her mind and heart, remembering their sweet and good times as well as the bitter ones. At times when she almost lost her life to all the fighting, she wished for Ruby to be safe and better. Weiss missed Ruby more than she could ever say but it showed with how tight she held her lover's hands in hers.

"I'm right here. We're all right here." Ruby assured her, smiling at Weiss. Yang and Blake attacked the girl in a tight and warm hug. Ruby joined in with them.

 It felt like a dream.

All four of them were back together. Safe and sound. 


The gang's all together again! Yay~! I hope this transitioned well. 

What do you think of their reunion~? I hope you all like it so far! Leave a comment and let me know what you think~

I have been re-uploading this fanfiction in Fanfiction.net. I think as soon as I have finished this, I'll be re-writing it to make it better for everyone who likes reading it.

Thank you so much for all your support! This isn't the end of the book just yet so don't worry. 

I hope you all stay safe and well~

With love, 

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