Chapter 9
Aaron ran out into the blizzard, clutching his jacket tight against himself as the winds raged around him. He stumbled through the building snow, barely able to see a thing. A distant roar sounded through the air, further fueling Aaron's fear.
The thought of being captured by that horrible beast again was enough to make a chocked sob escape his lips. He just wanted to go home!
He ran as fast as his legs would allow and soon came across the gateway. Without hesitation, he reached out a bare hand and grasped onto its icy rails, trembling from the cold. He yanked open the gates, before turning back and staring at the distant outline of the castle. He bit his lip, almost tempted to return and stay out of the chilly raging wind.
The sound of loud footsteps prompted him to run through the gates, slamming them behind him. He ran up the hill and into the forest, moving as fast as he could. He knew that the beast might still catch up to him and the thought sent fear coursing through his veins.
He was deep in the forest when he heard the first howl. His eyes widened and he pushed forward, now worries of wolves on his mind. He let out a scream as a wolf suddenly jumped down in front of him. He backed up only to hear the snarl of another.
He ran to the left hoping to escape, but another wolf appeared. He turned to the right, but her was nowhere to run. He was trapped.
The wolves advanced, snarling at him. Aaron backed up, trembling now from fear. He didn't want to die. A wolf jumped at him and Aaron let out another scream, dodging to the right and barely managing to avoid the other wolves.
They skidded and swiftly turned, now slowly advancing on him. One snapped at him and Aaron stumbled over his own feet, falling to the ground. His hand desperately searched for some sort of weapon as the wolves grew closer. His fingers closed around a large fallen branch and he use it to smack a wolf away.
"STAY BACK!" He screamed, waving the stick in front of him. He smacked another wolf and his eyes were wide with tears and terror as it snapped in half. The wolves were practically smirking as Aaron frantically backed up.
He let out a cry, squeezed his eyes shut and prepared for the worst. A loud whine was heard and Aaron slowly opened his eyes. He let out a gasp. There was Alexander, standing protectively over Aaron.
Alexander let out a roar and swung an arm at a wolf, knocking it aside.
"Look out!" Aaron cried. He watched with horror as a wolf sank its teeth into Alexander's arm. Aaron tabbed his stick and rammed it into the wolf's eye. It howled, before running off.
Alexander stumbled back and roared loudly, scaring off the rest of the wolves. Aaron dropped his stick in relief before collapsing to his knees. He looked up at Alexander, gratitude shining in his eyes.
"You saved me..." He said. He gasped when Alexander suddenly fell to the ground.
Aaron stumbled through the snow, his entire body exhausted and dreary to the bone. He let out a small chocked sob as the cruel winds pushed him back, despite him being weighted down by Alexander's massive body.
"J-Just a bit... further..." He coughed, teeth chattering from the cold. The snow had soaked through his clothes, chilling him to the core. Tears pricked at his eyes, some just barely making it through.
'I have to save him... I have to!'
The castle front door slowly creeped open. Lafayette and Washington anxiously waited to see who would come through. Would Alexander walk in alone? Or would Aaron be with him? If Aaron did return, they could finally be free!
Neither happened.
Lafayette and Washington were shocked and horrified to see a battered and wary Aaron stumble in, supporting Alexander's huge form on his back.
"Help..." He whispered before collapsing to the floor, Alexander's form practically crushing him.
"Alexander!" Washington yelled, hopping down and hobbling as fast as he could to the two injured forms.
"Get Eliza! Call Peggy! Make sure Mr Schuyler gets warm! Get everyone for Christ's sake! Hurry!!"
Lafayette rushed off, screaming for help. The servants all rushed into the foyer and with great difficulty, managed to drag the two into the living room, placing and injured Alexander on the couch and Aaron on a makeshift bed on the floor.
"Alexandre is injured!" Lafayette exclaimed, spotting the bite wound on the beast's bicep.
"But none of us have arms or hands to tend to it!" Peggy cried frantically.
"I can... tend to him..."
"Aaron!" Lafayette cried in relief, throwing his candle arms around the man. "Oh mon dieu! I was so very worried!"
"I can, I can help Alexander." Aaron struggled to his feet, arms trembling from the effort. "Please."
"Son, you're still injured. You need to rest." Washington said.
Aaron shook his head, now standing and leaning heavily against the table. "He's injured." He coughed a bit. "He got hurt saving me... I... I'm the only one who can help him!"
Everyone exchanged looks, murmuring uneasily. Lafayette cleared his throat.
"Someone! Fetch the bandages and bring warm water! We will help in any way we can."
Aaron smiled weakly as everyone immediately jumped into action.
"Son, you should sit down." Washington said. Aaron stared at him with tired eyes.
"I don't..." Aaron but his lip. "I don't want to leave him."
His cheeks flushed with shame as the memories of Alexander's heroism and his cowardliness came to mind. Washington's face twisted in what looked like frown.
"Can you whistle?" He asked suddenly.
Aaron frowned, confused. "Yes, why?"
"My arms are far too short and my mouth..." His voice trailed off. "Anyways, whistle sharply."
Aaron was too tired to argue and did as told. He was shocked to see a footstool come running through the door and up to Washington.
"Mr Burr, meet John Laurens." He said proudly, patting the footstool.
Aaron was too shocked to say anything.
"He was Alexander's animal companion. You can take a seat on him." Aaron could only stare, shocked. A small smile came over Washington's face. "He named it after the lad who gifted the pup to him; his close friend John Laurens." His expression turned sad. "I can't help but wonder what happened to him. Poor Hercules has been-"
"Monsieur Burr!" Lafayette interrupted. "I have brought some bandages."
Aaron smiled gently. "Thank you Lafayette."
He took the bandages from a coat rack (Lafayette couldn't hold them or he'd burn them) and then gently rolled up Alexander's sleeve. Another servant rushed over with a bowl of hot water and a rag.
Gently ringing the rag out, he set to cleaning the wound. Alexander groaned in discomfort and Aaron frowned in guilt. Biting his lip softly, he continued to clean it, knowing that should he not, the outcome would be horrible.
All the servants watched as Aaron wiped at Alexander's bite mark.
"I uh, I think it's cleaned now." He said quietly. Lafayette hopped up and handed him the bandages that he had dripped to the ground in favor of the rag and water. Aaron swiftly wrapped Alexander's arm up.
He blinked, his vision becoming blurry. "I'm all..." He wavered slightly. "I'm all done..."
He blinked, before falling to the ground. He barely managed to look up at Alexander before his vision faded to black and he fell to the ground.
Short chapter to add suspense.
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