Chapter 7

"So, he's the one Peggy's been talking about?" The wardrobe, sorry Hercules, said. Aaron eyed the wardrobe warily. He had mixed feelings about Hercules. For one, he was huge which meant that he couldn't be moved and that meant no privacy for Aaron. 

On the other hand, Hercules was actually good company - when he wasn't mourning over the loss of his lover whom he hadn't seen for years that is. Strangely enough, Lafayette mentioned similar complaints. His were slightly different, like saying; "Il ne me remarque jamais! Je flirte et il ne le réalise pas!"

Of course, it was always in french so Aaron could never help with his ah, problem.

"Yup!" Philip said, jumping and twirling around excitedly.

"Philip! Be careful or you'll fall." Eliza scolded, fussing over her son. Aaron had been at the castle for about a day and while he didn't necessarily hate it, he didn't enjoy it either. For one, he was scared to leave his room for fear of encountering Alexander. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to hold his tongue and that he'd say the wrong thing. From what he'd seen, the beast had a terrible temper.

"Would you like some tea dear?" Eliza asked, turning to Aaron. His eyes widened and he jumped in surprise.

"O-Oh! S-Sure." He stuttered. He watched as Eliza jumped and proceeded to pour some tea into Philip. Her son hopped forward, careful not to spill any of the hot drink.

"Here you go Mr Aaron!" Philip chirped. Aaron picked up the tiny thing hesitantly. He felt a bit awkward to be well, drinking out of Philip. He was scared of breaking the boy, or accidentally hurting Philip in some way. The little cup was so adorable and how would he ever be able to talk to Eliza again if accidentally killed her son.

"It's okay Mr Aaron! It won't hurt me in any way!" Philip suddenly said cheerfully, taking Aaron by surprise and almost causing him to drop the teacup. Slowly and carefully, Aaron brought Philip to his lips and drank out of the teacup. Philip giggled and Aaron gently set him back down on the trolley.

"Thank you." He said, smiling.

"Wow! You guys weren't kidding when you said he was handsome!" Hercules said. Aaron felt blood rush to his face and he hid his face in his hands.

"Adorable too." Hercules commented and Aaron could bet that there was a large cheeky grin on the wardrobe's face. Eliza giggled and Philip twirled again, spilling some of the tea. Aaron bashfully peeked out from behind his fingers as Eliza scolded Philip and told him to be more careful. Hercules chuckled good heartily and all was calm. The mood however, was broken by a knock at the door.

Nervously, Aaron went to answer the door and he visibly paled when he saw the beast.

"G-Good morning." Aaron stammered nervously. Alexander was the last, thing, he wanted to see at the moment.

"Good morning Monsieur Burr." Lafayette greeted cheerfully, hopping out from behind Alexander. Aaron smiled, happy to see the candelabra once more. He had grown fond of the French... object. 

Alexander melted a bit at the sight of Aaron's smile. It was so warm and gentle. He felt a bit jealous that that smile wasn't directed at him. A sad feeling filled his heart when he realized that Aaron would never look at him with that amount of warmth. After all, he was a monster.

"Hello Lafayette." Aaron said. "As wonderful it is to see you, may I ask what you are all doing here?"

From behind Alexander, Washington nudged him in the leg, causing him to stumbled forward and nearly knocking Alexander into Aaron. Alexander took a step back and cleared his throat.

"I uh. Came to remind you of dinner tonight." He mumbled, looking at the ground in an almost shy way? Aaron might've found it cute were it a different situation. And if Alexander were human. Mind you, he kind of looked like a puppy. A kicked puppy at the moment.

"Dinner." Aaron said, unimpressed. Hamilton nodded and looked up at Aaron's face, which remained impassive.

"I will have to pass." Aaron said coldly, before proceeding to shut the door. Alexander's face filled with rage and he slammed a fist against the door, making Aaron jump in fear.

"That was not a request! I order you to be there!" He roared. He became more enraged when Aaron didn't respond.

"I expect to see you there at five o'clock sharp!" Alexander snarled, before storming away. Aaron slammed the door and sank down against it, placing his head in his hands.

"Mr Aaron...?" Philip asked hesitantly. Aaron looked up and saw them all staring at him worriedly.

"I'm fine. Just... tired...." He said softly, but tired didn't begin to explain what he was feeling. Eliza pursed her lips and Philip squirmed a bit.

"I'm terribly sorry about Alex. He's normally much kinder than this. He's probably still a bit on edge from when your sister came. She said something that... hit far too close to home." Eliza explained softly. "At least... that's what Lafayette told me."

"That's not a plausible excuse for acting like a jackass." Aaron huffed.

"Aaron!" Eliza said sharply, gesturing towards Philip. Behind them, Hercules laughed.

"Lighten up Eliza. It's not like Philip hasn't heard Alex being called asshole or jackass. We aren't destroying his innocent. It was destroyed a long time ago." Hercules pointed out in amusement.

"Let Ma stay in her illusions." Philip said and Eliza looked at the two in embarrassment. Aaron let out a giggle.

Maybe life in this castle wouldn't be so bad.


"Where is he?!" Alexander snarled pacing. Lafayette and Washington shared concerned looks. They both knew Alexander was starting to lose his temper and that was never pretty.

"Peut-être il est juste en retard...?" Lafayette said, completely in french. Washington stared at him, having no clue as to what Lafayette had just said.

"I gave him not one, but two reminders about tonight! There is absolutely no way he's simply late." Alexander snarled. Both house objects flinched at his tone and their eyes widened when Alexander turned on his heel and marched to Aaron's room.

"Attender!!! Alexander! Please do not to something rash!" Lafayette shouted as he and Washington scrambled after the prince.

Meanwhile Aaron was sitting on his bed talking cheerfully with Eliza, Philip and Hercules. It was pleasant, the three household objects gave him a bit of history on the castle. It was interrupted however, by a knock at the door.

"I just remembered. Aaron, were you not suppose to go for dinner with Alexander?" She asked as the knocking increased.

Aaron shrugged. "I decided not to go." He said simply.

"You what?" Hercules shrieked (very manly I add). "Do you have any clue as to how this will affect Alex? His temper will flair!"

"I don't see the problem-"

"Mr Burr! Open this door right now!!" Alexander roared, banging heavily on the door.

"If you don't open the door, Alexander will break it down." Eliza said softly. Reluctantly, Aaron stood and hesitantly opened the door. His eyes widened when he saw how angry Alexander looked. He was panting heavily and Aaron had a feeling it wasn't because of exhaustion.

"May I help you?" Aaron asked stiffly.

"I thought I told you that we were to eat dinner at five o'clock sharp." Hamilton said, his frame shaking in obvious rage. Aaron quirked a brow.

"I do not ever remember agreeing to this dinner." He said coolly. He went to close the door, but Alexander slammed it back open, ripping it from Aaron's grip.

"You will be joining me for dinner!" Alexander roared.

"I will not!" Aaron yelled back. The beast's face twisted into one of pure rage.

"Than you won't eat at all!" With that, Alexander stalked away.

"Alexandre!" Lafayette cried. He and Washington skidded to a stop when Alexander stormed pass them.

"Son! Wait a minute!" Washington called, panting lightly. Being a clock was harder than it looked. Alexander payed them no mind as he walked into the West Wing, slamming a door. Lafayette flinched.

"I take it that the uh, talking did not go as planned."

Washington sighed and shook his head. "His temper must've flared once more."

"I would think you're correct Monsieur Washington." Lafayette said sadly. At this rate, their curse would never broken. "Let us go comfort la bête."


"Aaron...?" Eliza asked softly. Aaron shut the door softly and sighed.

"Mr Hamilton doesn't seem to understand that when you've been taken prisoner that you need time." He said, scowling.

"Yeah... Alex isn't the best at understanding other people's boundaries. He always wants to do what he wants." Hercules said, wincing slightly. Aaron shook his head, absolutely exhausted.

"If you don't mind... I'd um, like some time alone. If only to think and-"

"It's fine Aaron. We understand." Eliza said, smiling.

"Come on Philip. Time to go." She and Philip left leaving only Aaron and Hercules.

"Um I can't really leave so yeah and uh..."

"It's fine Hercules. Just... don't watch me sleep yes? It would be kind of creepy."

Hercules laughed a bit. "No worries man. I need a nap too. See you later?"

Aaron nodded and smiled before climbing into bed and falling into a deep sleep.

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