Chapter 5
"Alexandre! Alexandre! Wait!" Lafayette called, trying to keep up with the prince's long strides, which was next to impossible.
"Son please. The boy is going to be staying with us for quite some time. Should we not offer him somewhere more comfortable to live?" Washington said, trying to talk some sense into Alexander, which was also almost impossible. The prince growled and sped up, leaving the two house objects behind.
"Alexander! Is it true that there is a man in the castle?" Peggy a feather duster asked, zooming up to Hamilton. The beast scowled at her, but said nothing. He stopped walking for a minute, which allowed Lafayette and Washington to catch up.
"Peggy! Bonjour! And yes, there is a man in the château." Lafayette said cheerfully. Peggy let out an excited squeal and did a twirl.
"Oh my god!! I was right! Now I can go prove Eliza wrong! Where is the boy?" She asked, her eyes lit up.
"You will not visit him!!" Alexander roared, before stalking away. Lafayette sighed and shook his head.
"At his rate, Alexandre will never get Monsieur Burr to love him!" He cried dramatically. Washington gave him a strange look.
"We never established that Mr Burr is the one who will break this curse!" He said, his eyes wide.
"But of course Monsieur Washington! Il est très évident! Tu as vu comment Alexandre a lui regarder! Et Monsieur Burr est très beau! Il n'y a personne d'autre!" Lafayette said. Washington stared at him blankly, for he did not understand french. Lafayette had a bad habit of speaking his native language whenever he got nervous or very excited.
"Lafayette. English." Peggy giggled. Lafayette would've flushed bright red if he were in his normal form.
"I apologize. I did not realize." Lafayette said sheepishly. Washington sighed and shook his head in slight disbelief.
"Repeat what you just said. In English this time." He said and Lafayette chuckled.
"Of course sir. I said, it is very obvious! You saw how Alexander looked at him. And Monsieur Burr is very handsome! There is no other person!" Lafayette repeated. Washington frowned.
"While I agree that Mr Burr is very handsome, I hardly believe that he will be the one." He said.
"But Monsieur Washington! Did you not see how Alexandre looked at him? It was obviously love at first sight!" Lafayette said swooning slightly.
"Mr Burr is an attractive young man. I would be worried if Alexander was not slightly attracted to him." Washington reasoned.
"Washington! Stop ruining Lafayette's hopes with logic!!" Peggy whined.
"It's better to be logical than to get your hopes up only for them to be ruined." Washington said tiredly. They all fell silent and looked to where Alexander had gone to. They could pray that the two men fell in love, no mater how unlikely it was.
Meanwhile, Aaron was curled up on the floor of his cell. His eyes burned with the effort of trying not to cry and his cheeks were wet from the couple of tears that had escaped. His back hurt from being curled up for so long, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
He missed his sister and his books. He missed Montgomery's kind smile and the rustic smell of his bookstore. Hell, he was even starting to miss George and his annoying attempts for his affections.
Just thinking about his town made Aaron hiccup. Overwhelming sadness washed over him and suddenly he couldn't hold back his tears. He lifted his hands up and tried to wipe away his tears. He sniffled softly.
"Mr Burr?" Aaron lifted his head and his bloodshot eyes widened in shock. There stood the beast with a surprisingly soft and sad look on his face.
"W-What do you want?" Aaron asked and he was ashamed for the way his voice trembled. Alexander had the decency to look guilty, before he opened the cell door. Aaron stared at the door and than at Alexander, who refused to look him in the eyes.
"I have come... to take you to your room." He spoke softly and slowly Aaron sat up.
"I was under the impression that I was a prisoner. So why would you set up a room for me?" Apparently that was the wrong thing to say because Alexander's expression turned stormy.
"You can stay in this cell if you wish." He growled and Aaron swiftly stood up.
"I-I would like to go to the room you've set up." He said quickly, ducking his head a bit. The beast nodded and stepped aside, allowing Aaron to leave the small cell.
"This way." Alexander grunted. They walked in silence until they passed Lafayette and Washington, who were arguing on a small coffee table,
"Alexandre! Monsieur Burr!" Lafayette cried, grinning brightly while Washington looked pleased.
"I'm glad to see you've took my advice son." Washington said in approval. Alexander scowled and he was mentally thankful that his brown fur covered his blush. He cleared his throat and directed his attention to his longtime friends.
"Lafayette. Could you come with us please?" He asked awkwardly. Lafayette positively beamed at that and nodded. Alexander gently picked the candelabra, scared of hurting him.
"Wait! I would like to join you." Washington said. Aaron glanced at him, before picking the clock up. Alexander stayed still for a moment, before he continued to walk.
"Um, excuse me. But I do not think I ever got your name." Aaron told the clock.
"Oh! My apologizes. My name is George Washington." The clock said proudly. Aaron gave a small smile.
"It's nice to meet you Mr Washington." He said politely.
"Mr Burr, sir?" Aaron froze and looked over at the beast, who was staring at him nervously. Aaron forced his face to go blank and he stared back.
"Well, I just thought you should know that you do not need to stay in your room and that since the castle is your home now you can go anywhere you like except for the West Wing. That's off limits and I'm not going to tell you why it's off limits because it's a long story and one I don't want to talk about so don't ask." Alexander said in one breath.
"Long story short, you may go anywhere but the West Wing." Lafayette supplied.
"Why? What's in the West Wing?" Aaron asked curiously, ignoring what Alexander had just said.
"I thought I told you not to ask about it!" Alexander said sharply and Aaron flinched.
"My apologizes." Aaron muttered, looking away. Lafayette shook his head in disapproval, but the prince ignored the candelabra.
"This is your room." Alexander said calmly and Aaron wordlessly entered. Invite him to dinner. Lafayette mouthed.
"Dinner. Tomorrow. You will... join me...?" It came out as a question and Lafayette face palmed. When Aaron failed to reply and his face remained cold, Alexander's temper flared.
"And you'd better be there!" He snapped before turning on his heel and marching away, Lafayette still in his hands. Washington wiggled out of Aaron's arms and quickly waddled after the two, shouting something incoherent. Aaron stared after the three, before shutting his door. He sank down against it and finally let his tears flow freely. He didn't try to stop them and he sobbed, thinking that he had privacy.
"Why are you crying?" A childish voice asked curiously. Aaron looked up and searched for the voice, but saw no one. Don't tell me there's more talking objects! He thought, his eyes wide.
"Up here!" The voice said. "Philip! Leave the poor man alone! We don't want to overwhelm him!" A female whispered, hushing the childish voice.
"But Ma! I wanna talk to him!" The infant voice whined. Aaron stood up and walked over to a small trolley, his eyes widening when he saw a teacup and teapot. He wasn't even surprised at this point.
"H-Hello." He whispered. The teacup whirled around and smiled brightly at him.
"Look Mama! Didn't I tell you he was handsome?!" The teacup said turning and eagerly looking at the teapot who Aaron assumed was his mother.
"Yes Philip, now don't be rude and introduce yourself." The teapot scolded. "Hello dear. My name is Eliza."
"And I'm Philip!" The teacup chirped.
"I'm Aaron Burr." Aaron said softly.
"I understand that you are upset Aaron but please, give Alex a chance. I know he seems unreasonable, but he is desperate." Eliza said softly.
"Why is he desperate?" Aaron inquired. Eliza looked saddened and even Philip looked solemn.
"I'm afraid I can't explain deary, but he is a wonderful man once he warms up to you." Eliza said.
"He locked my sister up and didn't even let her leave when she became ill. Sorry if I don't really believe what you say." Aaron said bluntly.
"Mr Aaron! Alex just wants a friend who's still human! And maybe, you can read to him! He hasn't been able to read or write for years and-"
"Philip! That is enough! Alexander will tell Aaron those things when he wishes to. You do not have permission to tell Aaron Alexander's private turmoil." Eliza scolded and Philip looked away guiltily.
"Sorry Mama." Philip said.
"I'm not the one you should apologize to. Next time you see Alex, you can say you're sorry." Eliza said.
"Um, Miss? Are there any more talking um, objects in here?" Aaron asked nervously.
"Ah! Only one other. His name is Hercules and he's a wonderful man." She said, smiling.
"Uh huh! He taught me how to sow!" Philip said proudly.
"What is he?" Aaron asked.
"Hm? Oh, he's your wardrobe. He's sleeping right now so you'll have to meet him later. The poor boy hardly gets any rest now a days. He misses his lover too much. It would be a shame to wake him from such a peaceful slumber." Eliza said softly.
"O-Okay." Aaron said.
"You should get some rest as well. You've had a busy day." Eliza suggested.
"Alright." Aaron wandered over to the bed and flopped down.
"You get lots of sleep. We'll make sure no one disturbs you." Eliza said and Phillip cheered in agreement. Aaron smiled at them thankfully.
"Thanks you two. I appreciate it." He mumbled before closing his eyes and falling fast asleep.
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