Chapter 4

Aaron slid down against the door and groaned. He could not believe that George proposed to him. The two barely knew each other for Christ's sake! He stood up and peeked out his window, looking for George.

"Is he gone?" He whispered to no one in particular. With Sally gone, no one else was in the house. Aaron let out a small sigh of relief when he saw no sign of George or any of the villagers that he'd gotten a glimpse of when he'd shoved George out the door. Cautiously, he opened the door and took a step out. 

When nothing happened, he took another and slowly made his way over to the garden. He fell to his knees and started ripping up the weeds that had spread everywhere over the winter. Aaron always did this when he was mad, frustrated or just really anxious. It was good distraction besides reading of course. He was shocked however, when he heard a neigh.

"Theo? What are you doing back here? And where is Sally?" He demanded as he ran up to the obviously scared horse. He quickly unbuckled her from the wagon and he felt dread settle in his stomach when he saw some of the food and Sally's music box were gone. He immediately knew that something had happened. Sally would never just leave Theodosia to fend for herself.

"Lead me to her Theo." He said, jumping on Theodosia's back.

He was surprised when Theo lead him to a giant castle. Slowly, he dismounted the horse and opened the gate, leading her inside. A soft gasp escaped his lips when he got a closer look at the palace. It was almost like it had jumped right out of one of his novels. "This is incredible Theo. And you're sure that Sally is in there?"

Theodosia gave him a snort, almost as if to say 'Of course I am'. Aaron lead her into a small closure and tied her up. He patted her snout affectionately. "I'll be back soon girl."

He walked up the grand steps just like Sally had. Well, it was more like he ran. He was very worried for his sister. He knew that she would never let Theodosia go off on her own. Something must've happened to her. He made it to the front door and noticed that it was already opened a crack. He reached his hand out and gently pushed it open, before walking inside. As he walked, he gave a soft knock on the wood door.

"Hello? Is anyone in here? I don't mean to intrude, but I'm looking for a girl named Sally... Do you know if she's here?" Aaron got no response and suddenly he felt a bit silly talking to empty air.

"Washington! Washington! Look!" Our favorite french candelabra whispered, hitting the sleeping clock over the head with its candle sticks. Washington spluttered awake and shot a glare at Lafayette, who was looking at Aaron in excitement. Washington followed his gaze and instantly shook his head.

"No. Absolutely not." He said and Lafayette pouted.

"But look! He is so beautiful!" Lafayette protested, gesturing to Aaron, who remained oblivious to their presence.

"That was what you said about the girl  and look what happened. Now shut your mouth!" Washington hissed, before going still and attempting to look normal. At first, Lafayette decided to do the same, but as he listened to Aaron call for this Sally person, he felt himself a break a little more.

"Washington look at him! He seems to be our age and he's very handsome." Lafayette whispered and Washington let out a growl and glared at him.

"I thought I told you to be quiet!"

Meanwhile, a small teacup was sitting by the railing of a large staircase, practicing poetry. When he'd heard the castle door open and saw a handsome young man walk in he nearly burst with excitement.

"Mama! There's a man in the castle!" The teacup shrieked when he reached his mother who was a teapot.

"Philip, what are you talking about? There hasn't been a man in this castle for nearly three years." His mother, who's name was Eliza, said, frowning at her son.

"But I saw him Mama! I swear I did! And he was handsome! I think he's Alexander's age." Philip insisted.

"You shouldn't be spreading lies Philip." Eliza scolded and her son pouted. 

"I'm not lying Ma!"

"Eliza! You'll never believe it! There's a man in the castle!" A feather duster yelled bursting into the room.

"Not you too Peggy..." Eliza moaned.


"Lafayette, you better not be thinking what I think you're thinking." Washington growled and Lafayette shot him an innocent look.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said, but his cheeky grin gave everything away. Lafayette turned away from Washington and faced the direction Aaron was in. He waved his candle sticks around, and smiled.

"Monsieur, what are you doing here?" Lafayette called and Washington let out very (manly) shriek.

"What are you doing you stupid candelabra!" He yelled and attempted to hit Lafayette on the head, but unfortunately his arms were too short. Instead, he settled for hitting the French man were his waist should be. Sadly, Washington was too late and Aaron had seen them.

"Oh my god!" He screamed. Washington froze while Lafayette smiled charmingly, hoping to talk with the young mysterious man, but Aaron was having any of it. He turned on his heel and ran away as fast as he could, just like any normal human being would.

"Wait!" Lafayette yelled, before quickly hopping off that table and attempting to hobble after Aaron. Washington followed Lafayette, concerned for his friend's safety. That young man had looked quite freaked out and he didn't want Lafayette getting hurt. He wobbled after him, and desperately tried to stop the candelabra (though it didn't work).

Aaron rushed through the hallways, hoping to lose the somehow talking candelabra and clock. He looked behind him and relaxed when he didn't see either object. He stopped running and simply walked around, still searching for his dear sister.

"Sally...?" He called, a bit softly so that the talking objects wouldn't hear him. He didn't want to meet those crazy things again. Aaron got so distracted with finding his sister, he didn't even hear the light thumping that the candelabra and the clock were making. They had found Aaron and were silently following him (Washington ordered Lafayette not to say anything). Aaron continued to walked around, still calling softly for Sally.

"Sally? Are you here?" He called, glancing around. He felt unease fill him. He felt like something was watching him, but when he turned to look around, there was no one to be seen.

"That was too close Lafayette. Let's return to the foyer." Washington hissed. "And get your candle sticks off me!"

Lafayette, ignored him and cautiously looked around the corner, sighing in relief when he saw that Aaron wasn't looking at him. He released Washington and the two continued to pursue Aaron.

"I-Is someone there?" A faint voice called, one Aaron immediately recognized.

"Sally!" He cried and rushed over to the cell that she was locked in. "Oh my goodness, are you okay?" He asked, kneeling before the cell bars. Sally rushed over to him and entwined their fingers.

"Aaron, listen to me. You need t-to get out of h-here!" Sally cut herself off with a cough and Aaron grew increasingly worried.

"Are you sick?" He asked, examining her.

"N-Never mind that! You need t-to leave before he gets here!" She said, hushed. Aaron frowned at her words and stood up, trying to open the cell.

"I'm not leaving without you." He said stubbornly. "Aaron please-" Sally broke into a small coughing fit and Aaron looked over at her.

"You're sick Sally. You need medical attention. I'm not about to leave behind my only family to die!" Aaron's words echoed through the empty castle and a large growl was heard, causing Sally to whimper.

"Aaron, you need to run!" She whispered. "Go before he gets here!"

Aaron didn't listen to her and stood his ground. "I'm getting you out of here."

"Aaron, he can't be reasoned with!" Sally said, desperate to get her brother to leave. Aaron turned to refuse, but someone grabbed his shoulder, whirling him around. Sally let out a horrified gasp and Aaron's eyes widened in shock when he saw the monstrous form of the beast.

"Who are you and what is your purpose here?" The beast growled, staring coldly at Aaron. He did not like it when strangers entered his house. Not since the enchantress.

"NO! Leave Aaron alone!" Sally screamed, but the beast ignored her. Aaron swallowed his fear and attempted to straighten his posture, even though he wanted to cower in fear.

"Who are you?" He asked, trembling, ignoring the beast's previous question.

"Alexander Hamilton. I'm the Master of this house." Alexander growled. "And who might you be?"

"Aaron Burr, sir."

"What are you doing in my house, Mr Burr?" The beast questioned. Aaron took a shaky breath and looked the beast directly in the eye.

"I've come for my sister." He said as steadily as he could and Alexander's eyes flickered to Sally, who cowered a bit in fear. "She is sick. Can't you see that she needs a doctor?"

Alexander scowled. "Then she should not of trespassed." He said. "She should have gone to a medical facility instead.."

"She was in a desperate situation! She no longer had a horse. What was she supposed to do?" Aaron cried, his fear slowly dissolving.

"I don't care! How would you feel if someone just waltzed into your home and sat in your chair, touched your coat rack and fiddled with your possessions? She committed a crime and this is her punishment!" Alexander roared, and Aaron flinched slightly.

"She is seriously ill! And she only committed a minor crime! She shouldn't have to pay for that with her life!" Aaron yelled. He could not believe that he was arguing with a giant, terrifying beast, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Aaron took a deep breath and calmed himself.

"Please sir, is there nothing I can do?" He asked desperately. He couldn't let his sister die. He had already lost his parents, he couldn't lose Sally too.

"There is nothing. No point in pleading her case. Now, as I was saying-"

"I'll take her place!" Aaron blurted out, cutting the beast off. Everyone, including Lafayette and Washington, who were still watching, froze.

"What? Aaron no! Please don't! You need to live your life!" Sally cried. 

"So do you Sally." Aaron said softly. Alexander observed the two, before turning to Aaron.

"You would take her place?" He asked and Aaron nodded, tears welling up in his eyes.

"O-Only if you let her go." He stammered. Sally yelled at him to stop, that he didn't now what he was doing, what he was getting into, but Aaron ignored her.

Alexander seemed to ponder the idea for a few seconds, before turning to the siblings. "I agree to your terms, but only if you stay here forever." He said and Sally gasped in horror.

"No!" She shouted. Aaron started trembling violently, but he raised his head and looked the beast in the eye. He felt fear trickle down his spine as his head whirled with the thought of never going home. Never seeing his books, never seeing any of the villagers, never dealing with George... never being free again.

"Well? I don't have all day." Alexander snapped.

"I'll stay." Aaron whispered. The beast's face twisted into a small grin. "Excellent." Alexander said. 

He stepped into the light and Aaron held back a gasp when he saw the monstrous features that Alexander had. The beast stalked over to Sally and roughly grabbed her.

"No! Let me go! I'll stay! Aaron, you can't do this! Please!" Sally screamed, but Aaron stayed still. The beast walked out and pushed Aaron into the cell and shut it. Aaron ran to the cell bars and watched helplessly as Alexander dragged Sally away kicking and screaming. 

When they disappeared, Aaron walked over to the far wall and settled beside it. He couldn't help but wonder if he was going to be stuck in this cell forever. He hoped Alexander would at least give him something to do, but considering how he had treated Sally, Aaron figured it was unlikely. He sniffed and finally let his tears fall from his eyes.

"Oh, Monsieur, please do not fret too much. Alexandre is alright. I promise." Lafayette said, appearing before the cell. Aaron stared at him with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

"S-So I didn't imagine you earlier..." He muttered and Lafayette laughed.

"Of course not mon ami. I am sorry about Alexander. He has not been around a human for nearly three years." The candelabra explained gently.

"That doesn't give him an excuse to act like a complete asshole..." Aaron mumbled, tears falling from his eyes still, though a bit more slowly.

"Yes, well, that is just how Alexander is. He has always been a bit of an asshole." Lafayette said, smiling fondly.

"Do you have a name?" Aaron asked the candelabra, who beamed at him.

"My name Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de Lafayette, Marquis de Lafayette. But everyone calls me Lafayette or Laf." Aaron blinked in surprise at how long his name was, before smiling softly.

"My name is Aaron Burr. It's nice to meet you." He said softly. He crawled over to the candelabra and sat in front of him. "How can you talk?" He asked curiously.

"It is quite a long story. But I was not always a candelabra. I was once a fighting soldier! If it weren't for me, this country wouldn't exist!" Lafayette boasted, puffing out what little chest he had. Aaron giggled at the action.

"I see." Aaron said in bemusement. He didn't really believe what the candelabra was saying, but he kept quiet.

"Lafayette! I thought I told you to leave the poor boy alone." A voice barked. Aaron watched in slight fascination as a gold clock wobbled in, glaring at the candelabra.

"But Monsieur Washington, our poor guest was so lonely. I could not bring myself to leave him alone." Lafayette huffed, pouting a bit. Washington sighed and shook his clock head.

"How are you feeling son?" Washington asked, looking over at Aaron.

"Awful. I just lost my freedom and my family." Aaron said. Washington and Lafayette looked at him sympathetically.

"Do not worry Monsieur Burr. We will talk with Alexandre." Lafayette promised and Washington nodded in agreement. Aaron blinked in surprise and watched as the two hopped away.

Aaron was left alone with only silence for company.

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