Chapter 17
I'm so so sorry for how late this is. It was hard to find the right flow and I just wasn't pleased with what was written for a long time. I promise the next chapter won't take nearly as long.
"Aaron," Sally said gently, pursing her lips when her brother ignored her and rammed himself into the bars. "They're metal bars, you can't break through them."
Aaron winced as he stumbled back from the bars. He clenched his fist. "They're going to kill him, Sally." He said. "I can't let that happen!"
Sally frowned and walked over to him gently grabbing both his hands and squeezing them.
"You need to calm down." She said softly. Aaron's eyes flashed angrily and she quickly continued. "Once you've calmed down, we can think of a way to get out of here."
Aaron let out a soft sob and buried his head in Sally's shoulder.
"They're going to kill him." He whispered. "And it'll be all my fault, I can't-"
"I know Aaron..." she said. "We'll save him okay? I promise we'll figure something out."
She squeezed him tightly and kissed his forehead. Aaron took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. He relaxed into her warm embrace, blinking back whatever tears rose.
"Ow..." Someone groaned.
Sally's eyes widened and she gently separated herself from her brother before rushing over to the bars.
"B-Bellamy?" She called, pressing herself against the bars, trying to see if it really was him. Jonathan's face appeared a second later, looking very concerned.
"Why are you two in here?" He asked.
Sally scowled. "George King locked us in here! Can you please get us out?" She glanced at her brother, who was staring at them with wide, hopeful eyes.
Jonathan blinked blankly for a moment, before suddenly scurrying into action. "Right! I'm on it. Just sit tight."
"Please hurry," Aaron said as Jonathan moved away. Jonathan looked back at the two siblings.
"Don't you two worry. I'll have you guys out soon." He said, before hurrying to the locked door. "Sally, do you have a hairpin?"
Sally fumbled a bit, feeling around her head. "Ah! I got one." She quickly handed it to Jonathan who stuck it in the keyhole.
It took a couple of minutes and quite a lot of broken hairpins (good thing Sally had plenty), but the cage door opened.
Immediately, Aaron rushed out and ran to the carriage's horses.
"Jonathan!" He said once he'd mounted the horse. "Keep Sally safe, don't let Mr. Jefferson come after her."
Jonathan nodded. "I will, but where are you going?"
"I'm going to go save my friend."
"Eliza!" Peggy said, flying over to her. "What happened? Where is Alexander?"
Eliza sighed heavily. "He's not coming."
Peggy's eyes widened. "What? Doesn't he know the castle is under attack?"
"Yes, of course. But..." Eliza looked up to where Alexander was sulking. "He doesn't care anymore." She said softly. "He's... He's given up."
"W-What? But what do we do now?" Peggy whispered, her feathers deflating.
"We defend the castle," Eliza said firmly. She looked out the window at the approaching mob. Her eyes hardened. "No matter what."
Peggy nodded. "Right."
When the villagers entered the castle, all was completely silent.
"George?" Samuel said uncertainly, practically pressed against George. "Are you certain this is a good idea? I mean, you saw that beast!"
George scoffed and shrugged him off. "Of course! I've killed more ferocious beasts than that thing in the mirror! This shall be easy!"
The villagers muttered amongst themselves, all observing the foyer they were standing in. It was littered with various household objects.
"It's so dark in here." Someone murmured before picking up a candelabra that sat on a nearby table.
Unfortunately for them, the candelabra happened to be Lafayette. The villager shrieked when the candelabra suddenly moved and whacked him on the hand. Lafayette fell to the floor and screamed,
Instantly, all the household objects began to move and attacked the villagers.
"What the hell!" Someone screamed before crying out when a fork stabbed them in the thigh. All the villagers started panicking at the sight of a bunch of normal looking household objects suddenly coming to life.
Lafayette and Peggy were the most enthusiastic fighters. Every chance he got, Lafayette either burned or hit someone over the head with his candlesticks, while Peggy flew about, waving her feathers in the villager's faces, distracting them.
Meanwhile, anyone who tried to get up the stairs, Hercules knocked them back down with his drawers. Washington was riding John Laurens the footstool into the fray, a sharpened butter knife as his weapon and Eliza was running around pouring hot tea on anyone nearby.
Screams and shouts filled the air as the villagers tried to fight off all the household objects.
Charles Lee tried to bat the forks and knives out of the sky with a coat rack, which happened to be alive. He screamed and dropped it when it suddenly twisted around and started to hit him over the head.
Samuel Seabury was trying to make it up the stairs, inching closer and closer and nearly squealing when a man beside him was suddenly hit back down and right into the fray.
"Everyone calm down dammit!" George shouted, growling when his supposed army didn't listen. "Pitiful." He grumbled, making his way upstairs and skillfully dodging any flying bodies. He passed Seabury, who whimpered. George ignored him and continued on.
"My army, being bested by household objects!" He said. "Hamilton will pay for making me look like a fool."
"Faster!" Aaron shouted, snapping the reins on his horse. The horse sped up, racing along the trail. Branches whipped by, smacking Aaron in the face, arms, and legs, but he hardly felt them. The only thing that was on his mind was getting to the castle and to Alexander.
Tears started to build in his eyes. What if George really did kill Alexander? What if Aaron didn't make it in time? Tears started to fall and Aaron tried to wipe them away.
No, he would not let anything happen to Alexander! He wouldn't allow it!
He urged the horse faster. He had to get to the castle, he had to.
He nearly cried out in relief when he saw the castle's gates. They were wide open, meaning the villager mob had already arrived. He led the horse through the open gates and quickly jumped off her, leaving her to wander the snowy fields.
Aaron ran towards the castle as fast as he could. As he scrambled up the steps, he heard screams and shouts. Fear gripped him tight as he hurried up the stairs. He flung the door open and gasped when he saw the chaos inside.
Villagers were rushing about, most being chased by various kitchen utensils, Aaron could spy Hercules at the top of the stairs and his eyes widened when he saw Washington weaving around the villagers atop John Laurens the footstool, stabbing ankles with his butter knife.
Aaron glanced to his right, startled to see Eliza being flown around by what looked to be a rug. She hopped off and landed gracefully on a nearby table.
"Eliza, what's going on? Where's Alexander?" He asked in a rush.
"He's upstairs," Eliza said, squeaking slightly when a villager tried to smash her. Aaron punched the man right in the jaw, sending him spiraling away. He glanced at Eliza to ensure she was alright, before racing away to the staircase. If Alexander was upstairs, there was only one place he could.
"Aaron, where are you going?" Eliza called.
"I'm going to save Alexander!" He yelled, dodging a few terrified villagers that Lafayette was chasing around.
Eliza stared after him, before turning her attention back to the villagers and resuming attacking them. There was nothing she could do to further help Aaron and Alexander. The best thing she could do was distract all the villagers.
Aaron rushed up the stairs, passing a shaking Seabury that was cowering against the railing. He scowled at him, before climbing to the top of the stairs. He gave Hercules a nod, before running off, headed for the room with the rose. He was certain that was where Alexander was.
Alexander sighed, staring up at the evening sky. With his sharp hearing, he could hear the fighting happening several feet below. He gnawed on his lip. Looked like Eliza and the others didn't listen. He wished they had just gone and hid, he didn't want them to get hurt. Surely they would be fine if he was the only causality.
He sighed again and tilted his head slightly when he heard footsteps drawing near.
"Hello, monster." A man sneered. "So sorry to intrude on your pity party. My name is George King."
Alexander looked up, blinking blankly at the man standing in the doorway.
"What do you want?" He asked softly. "Here to kill me? Go ahead."
George smirked and loaded his rifle. Alexander didn't move, only slouched more. If George killed him, he'd be satisfied and leave the castle and its enchanted residents alone. George carefully took aim and,
Alexander bit his lip harshly to prevent the cry that wanted to escape when the bullet pierced his left shoulder. He stumbled slightly, panting. He stifled any cries as his shoulder burned with pain.
"What's wrong?" George taunted, walking forward. "No fighting spirit, eh?"
He fired another shot, but this time Alexander tumbled away slightly. George grinned and fired again, and still, Alexander dodged. As he stumbled away, he couldn't help but wonder why he was avoiding the blows. What was the point? Aaron wasn't returning, his curse wasn't going to be broken. Why didn't he just let this George fella put him out of his misery?
"Come on beast!" George yelled. "Fight back already!"
Alexander gritted his teeth and avoided the next shot.
"If you're not going to fight, at least let me shoot you," George smirked, his eyes bright with madness. "Once you're dead, I'll have everything. This palace will be mine, the villagers will worship me more and even sweeter," his smirk grew. "Mr. Aaron Burr will finally be mine."
Alexander's eyes widened and he turned with a snarl. "Aaron will never be yours." He growled, taking a step forward.
George laughed mockingly. "Of all the things I've said, that's the one that got you angry?" When he saw the look on Alexander's face, he laughed harder. "Wait, you don't actually think that Little Aaron like you, did you? Oh god, you totally did." He smirked. "Aaron could never love, much like, a hideous monster like you."
Alexander swallowed and clenched his fist. As much he hated to admit it, George had a point. How could Aaron ever love a face like his? Just like that, any fighting spirit he'd had earlier was gone.
He sat down and bowed his head. George took a step forward and reloaded his gun before carefully taking aim.
Alexander's head shot up and he gasped when he saw Aaron scrambling up the staircase.
"A-Aaron..." He whispered. "You... you came back."
Aaron flung himself at George, trying to hit the rifle out of his hands.
"Aaron!" George shouted. "Out of my way!"
"I won't let you hurt him!" Aaron yelled. He cried out when George shoved him away and kicked him to the ground.
"I would suggest you focus on yourself beast." George snarled.
Alexander growled and charged at him, tackling him off the roof.
"Alexander!" Aaron cried when both he and George went flying. They landed roughly on a tower's roof, grappling with each other. Alexander managed to knock George's rifle away. With no weapon, George was helpless. Alexander gripped him tightly, struggling to his feet. He stumbled his way over to the edge of the tower and held George over the edge. George kicked his feet fruitlessly.
"Don't struggle so much," Alexander said. "Or else you might just fall."
"Go ahead!" George shouted. "Let go of me. Show Aaron how much of a monster you really are."
Alexander stared at him, snarling, before flinging George back onto the roof.
"Don't ever come here again." He said. "And don't even look at Aaron."
With that, he took a running start and leaped back to Aaron.
"Alexander," Aaron said, rushing over and hugging him tightly. "Oh thank god you're okay." He sobbed.
"Yeah I'm f-" Alexander gasped and stumbled forward.
"Alexander?" Aaron whispered. His eyes widened when he felt a liquid on his fingers. He looked to where George was and saw that he was holding his rifle.
"N-No..." He whispered. Alexander's weight became too much and he nearly fell down, but Aaron quickly caught him and managed to drag him forward and to safety. George however, as not so lucky. When he tried to take a triumphant step forward, he ended up slipping and falling down, swallowed by the darkness never to be seen again.
But Aaron didn't even notice.
"Alexander, please stay with me." He begged, pressing against the wound, desperate to stop the bleeding.
"You.. you came back. F-For me..." Alexander whispered, before groaning in pain. Both his shoulder and ribs were throbbing.
"Of course I did," Aaron said. "Now stop talking, save your strength. You're not allowed to die on me, you understand!"
Alexander laughed bitterly, before coughing from the pain. He didn't say anything, only smiled and reached up to cradle Aaron's oh so lovely face.
"It might be," he coughed again. "It might be better this way. The servants... Eliza, Washington, Lafayette, Hercules, Peggy, and Philip. L-Look after them for me? Please?"
"Don't say things like that! We can, we can look after them together." Aaron cried. Tears fell from his face and slid down Alexander's wrist.
"A-Aaron... Would you, would you smile for me? I want that to be the last..." He heaved in a breath. "I want that to be the last thing I-I see."
Aaron stared at him, trying to conjure up a smile, but when he saw Alexander's eyes begin to drift shut, he panicked.
"No!" He cried, shaking Alexander's weak body. "I can't lose you too, I can't! I-I..." He sobbed burying his face in Alexander's chest, not caring about the blood. "I love you."
The words were whispered and just behind them, the last petal on the rose drifted to the ground.
Meanwhile, all the objects felt the sudden shift. They all froze and stared at each other, sadness deep in their eyes.
"The last petal..." Peggy whispered.
"It's... It's fallen." Lafayette finished. The objects all bowed their heads, tears they should not possess beginning to rise.
"Alexander..." Aaron wept. "Alexander please, open your eyes."
There was no movement and Aaron lost all hope. He cradled Alexander's limp head with care and kissed his cold lips.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered. "I'm so, so sorry." He layed Alexander's on the floor and stood up, wiping away his tears. He stared at Alexander form, before wrapping his coat around himself and turning to head back downstairs to inform the servants of what had happened.
Just as he took his first step away, a sudden light flashed into the room. Aaron whirled around and gasped when he saw the light embrace Alexander, lifting his body into the sky. He watched in shock as Alexander was spun around and around, creating and mini whirlwind and causing all the dust in the room to rise.
Aaron shielded his eyes and squeezed them shut.
Aaron opened his eyes and covered his mouth when he saw a handsome young man standing where Alexander had been moments ago.
"A-Alexander!" He cried, tears once again flowing down his face.
"I, I'm me again!" Alexander said in delight, letting out a small oof when Aaron basically tackled him.
"Don't you ever do something like that to me again!" Aaron yelled, punching him in the shoulder.
"Ow!" He yelped only to be silenced when Aaron kissed him.
"You scared the life out of me." Aaron whispered once they pulled away.
Alexander smiled at him, gently stroking his cheek.
"I promise, it won't happen again love," he whispered back before diving in for another kiss.
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