Chapter 15
This took way longer than I'd hoped. Sorry for the delay. My depression and self-esteem issues came back, plus writer's block. Yay.
Anyways, I've got a laptop now, so hopefully I'll get around to writing more.
Aaron ran out of the castle and to where Theodosia was, stumbling over the snow in his haste.
"Theo!" He called once he reached her. His numb hands desperately untied her, before he jumped onto her back. "GO!" He cried, snapping her reins. She took off, kicking up snow.
Aaron clung to the reins tightly as she practically flew across the snow. They bust through the gates and raced into the forest.
"Sally!" Aaron called as they ventured into the woods. "Sally where are you?"
He snapped the reins to urge Theodosia faster. He looked around as they sped along. Dammit! He thought. How in the world would he be able to find Sally when everything looked the same!
"Sally!" He still received no response. The wind roared at him, stealing his cry and carrying it away, never to be heard by the right ears. His eyes widened when he remembered Alexander's words about the magic mirror.
"This mirror will show you anything you wish to see. All you need is ask."
He slowed Theodosia to stop and took out the mirror. He took in a shaky breath. "Show me my sister." He said in a steady voice.
The glass on the mirror began to ripple and shift about. Aaron with baited breath as the mirror slowly cleared into an image. He gasped when he saw it. The mirror showed Sally, panting heavily, leaning on a crooked snowy tree, that thankfully Aaron recognized as one near the house, just outside of town. He watched in horror as Sally slowly slid down, her eyes fluttering shut.
Without a second thought, he shoved the mirror back into his pocket before snapping Theodosia's reins.
"Go Theo!" He screamed and off they went.
Just ten minutes later, they came upon the tree. "Sally!" He cried, jumping off of Theodosia's back and stumbling over to his sister.
"Oh my lord." He whispered, cradling her ice cold face. "Come on Sally." He pleaded softly. "Just open your eyes."
He leaned close, nearly sobbing with relief when he felt her soft warm breath on his neck.
"C-Come on." He chattered, becoming cold himself. He hoisted her onto his shoulder and staggered to Theodosia, who knelt a bit, allowing him to clamber up with Sally safely tucked in his arms.
"Go Sally." He said, shivering. With his adrenaline now gone, his body was beginning to feel the cold. If they didn't get to some place warm soon, it was likely they could freeze to death. After all, Sally was only protected by a frail shawl while Aaron was dressed in a light suit. Neither were suited for the cold.
Theodosia tore across the snowy ground, not going quite fast enough to throw Aaron and Sally off, but just fast enough that they got back into town in only a few minutes.
Once they arrived at their home, he gently nudged Theodosia to her stable, before hopping off and rushing inside, well. More like stumbling inside. His whole body was shivering like mad and he nearly dropped Sally several times.
Aaron's eyes widened when he saw Jonathan Bellamy rush to him, concern written all over his face.
"Bells?" He said, gently placing Sally into Jonathan's outstretched arms.
"Sally was ill." Jonathan said, rushing to place Sally on their couch, practically burying her in blankets. Aaron hugged himself as he watched his sort of friend rush about, grabbing various things to warm Sally up with.
"She was babbling about you being taken and held prisoner by some monster named Alexander Hamilton," Jonathan explained, placing a warm washcloth on Sally forehead.
"People were starting to think she was insane, but she was just ill, so I took her to Dr. Angelica." Jonathan frowned and sighed, gently coaxing the fireplace to roar with flames. "But when we turned our backs for just a minute, she ran off." He turned to Aaron a small smile on his face. "I'm glad you found her though. She was in no condition to be out there."
"Thank you for taking care of her while I was away." Aaron said softly. He walked over to the fireplace and sat beside it, sighing when the warmth of the flames sank into his bones.
"Aaron," Jonathan said. "Where did you get those clothes?"
Aaron blinked, looking down at his attire. In the haste to save Sally, he'd forgotten what he was dressed in.
"Uh," He glanced back at Jonathan. He bit his lip. "A close friend gave it to me." He finally said softly. His heart clenched at the thought of Alexander. God, it had only been a little while since he'd left. How could he miss him that much already?
"Aaron?" Jonathan asked, noting Aaron's sudden silence. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes." Aaron chocked out. His back was turned to Jonathan and he quickly wiped a few tears that had begun to form. "Just. These clothes were the last gift my friend gave me..."
He turned to Jonathan, pulling him up a fake, practiced smile. "Could you get Sally some water?" He asked, voice trembling.
Jonathan stared at him, seeming conflicted, before nodding and quickly running off.
Aaron sniffed and wiped away more tears, before taking a shaky breath. He looked down at his sister, feeling slight guilt consume him. He had no doubt that she had been out looking for him.
"I'm sorry Sally." He whispered, clutching her hand.
His eyes widened. "Sally!" He cried, hugging her tightly.
"Aaron!" She sobbed, clutching back with all her strength. "Oh Aaron, you're alright!" She pulled away, holding his face with cold hands. "The beast. He didn't, he didn't hurt you did he?"
Aaron's eyes widened. "No! No, Alexander would never."
"How did you escape?" Sally whispered, tears forming and falling.
"He..." Aaron swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "He let me go."
Sally stared at him, shocked. "What?" She said. "He just... released you."
Aaron nodded, tears falling from his face.
"Aaron!" Sally said. "What's wrong? Aren't you happy you're away from him?"
"He's not-" He sobbed, placing a hand over his mouth as more sobs escaped his throat.
"Aaron!" Sally cried in distress. "Please, tell me what's wrong?"
"He wasn't. He's not what you think!" Aaron sniffled, wiping away some of his tears. "He was kind and intelligent. He... He had flaws like everyone else but he was just so..." His voice trailed off, trying to find the right words.
Before she could say another word, a loud bang and crash sounded through the house.
Sally gasped and her eyes widened because there, standing in the doorway was one Thomas Jefferson.
Aaron stared at the mental asylum owner, feeling dread settle in his stomach when he saw the wicked grin across Jefferson's face.
"Such a touching reunion." The man cooed. "But I'm afraid I'll have to ruin it."
"Alexander...?" Eliza said softly, staring at the beast with sad eyes. Ever since Aaron had left, the beast had gone to the roof to sulk in his sadness and guilt.
"I've doomed us all." The beast whispered, tears falling into his brown fur. "We were so close and I-" He chocked on a sob.
"Oh Alexander..." She whispered, hopping over to him. "We aren't mad at you."
"Maybe but I... We... We were just so close." He turned to her, eyes filled with sorrow. "The rose is down to just two petals." He gazed out at the forest surrounding his once beautiful castle. "And the second last petal is about to fall. It's now... It's now only a matter of time."
Eliza's gaze was soft, but she said nothing. After all, what kind of thing could she say in this situation? She had no idea how Alexander was feeling right now. All she could do was comfort him to the best of her abilities.
Meanwhile, the rest of the servants were in a small gathering in the foyer.
"What are we going to do Washington?" Peggy asked softly. "Now that Aaron's gone, there's almost no chance that the curse will break. Not to mention the fact that Alexander may never recover from this."
"Peggy is correct Monsieur Washington." Lafayette said. "Alexander is up on the roof, most likely feeling incredibly guilty, not to mention heartbroken." Lafayette gazed up the staircase in Alexander's general direction. "He really did love Aaron." He laughed bitterly. "Aaron had been one of the first people to give him a chance. It took time, but it happened. I cannot imagine how heartbroken he must be right now."
"I am afraid there is nothing we can do." Washington sighed heavily. "I don't like seeing Alexander like this but, we cannot do anything." Washington looked down at his clock form dejectedly. "We are merely household objects. We cannot ride a horse into town and drag Aaron back." He shook his head. "I doubt Mr Burr would appreciate being held here against his will once more."
All the household objects looked down dejectedly.
"Is there truly nothing we can do?" Peggy whispered.
"I am afraid not." Washington said softly.
Peggy's eyes filled with tears and she began to cry, everyone quick to join her.
All their hopes of ever returning to normal and seeing their families back in Yorktown have been officially crushed.
There truly was nothing they could do. They were doomed.
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