Chapter 14

"Angelica," Jonathan said. "Sally is going to be alright, yes?"

Angelica sighed as she poured some fresh water into a glass. "As long as she gets plenty of rest, she should be fine. It's just a bad cold Jonathan."

"She looked close to death when she appeared at the tavern." Jonathan protested.

"Again, that's because the cold drained her strength. She was exhausted." At Jonathan's uneasy look, she sighed. "I'm a doctor Jonathan. You can trust me."

"Yes of course. But I still worry."

Angelica hummed before handing him the glass. "Take this up to her will you? She was dehydrated when she got here."

Jonathan took the glass and nodded. "Right."

He walked up the stairs of the house and went to the bedroom that Sally was staying in.

"Sally?" He called, opening the door slowly. His eyes widened at the sight before him. Sally was frantically tying her bed sheets into a long rope. Her eyes were wide and crazed as her hands moved.

"Sally!" Jonathan cried rushing to her and pulling her away from the blankets.

"Let go!" She shrieked, squirming.

"You should be in bed!" He threw her onto the bed and wrestled with her until she was pinned.

"I need to go to him!" She screamed. "He's in danger! Don't you care about Aaron at all?"

"Sally!" Jonathan shouted. "Aaron's fine! He's probably back at your house! He's not stuck in a castle with some beast named Alexander Hamilton!"

"Let go let go!"

"Angelica!" Jonathan screamed when Sally managed to shove him off.

Footsteps ran up the stairs and Angelica appeared in the doorway a second later.

"What is going on here!?" She bellowed. Both Jonathan and Sally froze, staring at her with wide eyes.

"Sally," She snapped. "You are ill! Back in bed."

"I can't!" Sally sobbed, even as Jonathan stood to his feet and began to gently lead her to the bed. "Aaron's trapped there all alone! It's already been a week! Do you have any idea what the beast could have done in that amount of time?"

"Sally," Angelica said gently, untying the bed sheets. "Aaron's home in bed. He's fine. You needn't worry. Once you are well again, you can see him."

Sally let out a small sob as Jonathan covered her with a blanket.

"Get some rest." He said gently.

"Please." She begged. "Find my brother."

Jonathan sighed, but grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly.

"You'll see him soon." He promised.

Sally let out a sniffle before curling up to sleep.


"What's wrong Aaron?" Hercules asked. "Do you not like the outfit?"

Aaron shook his head. "No! No, of course not. It's lovely. I just..." His voice trailed off. "I've never danced before. What if I'm horrible?"

"Oh Aaron," Eliza said, hopping over to him. "You'll be fine. I promise."

"Besides!" Philip said. "Alexander is not very good at dancing either. The ladies used to say he had two left feet!"

Hercules chuckled while Eliza looked mortified.

"Philip!" She said. "You know better than to gossip about people behind their backs!"

"But Maaaa! I was just comforting Mr Burr!" He whined.

Eliza sighed tiredly.

"Thank you Philip." Aaron said softly, giving the small teacup a smile. "It did help."

"You better head out soon Aaron." Hercules said. "It's almost six o'clock."

Aaron's eyes widened and he quickly backed away from the mirror. "Yes, I'd better go. Thank you again for the outfit."

Hercules gave him a wide grin. "No problem!"

Aaron grinned before rushing out of the room.

"Hello Monsieur Burr!" Lafayette said, smiling when the young man walked down the stairs.

"Where is Alexander?" Aaron asked.

"Waiting for you in the dining room." Lafayette said, leading Aaron to said room, even though Aaron had been in the castle for over a week.

"I haven't been keeping him waiting have I?" Aaron said, quickening his pace a bit.

"Oh non! Not at all." Lafayette reassured. "Alexandre only arrived a few minutes ago himself."

Aaron relaxed. "Oh thank goodness."

Lafayette stopped at the doors for the dining room, somehow opening them. "Voila!" He said cheerfully.

Aaron gasped.

The room had certainly been cleaned up from the last time he'd been inside. The chandler glistened instead of looking dull, a fireplace rumbled behind Alexander, the grand oak wood table had been polished so much that he could see his reflection on it.

"It's lovely." He breathed.

Lafayette beamed. "Thank you! We all worked hard to prepare it for you."

Aaron smiled. "Thank you so much."

Lafayette gave him a silly little bow before hopping off to the kitchen.

"Aaron." Alexander said, standing and walking over to him. "You look enchanting."

Aaron's face flushed a bit and his chest fluttered. "Thank you." He said softly. "As do you."

Alexander looked a bit startled and hurriedly led Aaron to his seat, before returning to his own.

"Have you read that book I recommended?" Alexander finally said after a moment of awkward silence.

Aaron smiled widely and nodded. "It is wonderful! The adventure is well paced and the romance is adorable but not overbearing. You have good tastes."

"It was a favorite of mine when I was a child." Alexander admitted, obviously pleased that Aaron had enjoyed it so much. "My mother used to read it to me every night."

"If you don't mind me asking," Aaron said a bit nervously. "What were your parents like?"

Alexander blinked, before pausing to think.

"My mother was kind." He finally said. "She was intelligent and never let societies rules control her." A small smile graced his lips. "She was quite a fierce woman. My father was the opposite. He tried to listen to societies rules. He did not like to stand out. He disliked social events greatly, even though they were good for the kingdom. He was not stupid, but he wasn't the most intelligent person I have met. He was quite cold as well. He never had the time for me."

Aaron's gaze softened. "I am sorry to hear that."

"It's fine. I had my mother and that was all I needed. And after they died I had all the lovely servants. They have become my family."

Aaron nodded. Sally, Theodosia and Montgomery were his family.

"What about you?" Alexander asked. "What were your parents like?"

"I... I am not sure. They passed away when I was very young. Sally tells me stories though." Aaron laughed lightly. "They are quite different from the ones circulating in the village."

"I am curious what your sister said. I'm sure she knew them better than the villagers."

"That is true." Aaron said. "When I was young, Sally would tell me how my mother and father met." He smiled. "She told me that father was a traveling merchant. He came to town with goods and spotted my mother among the people in the market. Sally told me that father instantly knew he was in love. Eventually, he worked up the courage to speak to the 'beautiful woman from the market'. It took a while, but my mother eventually fell for my father's charm and they eloped."

"That sounds almost fairy tale like." Alexander said, smiling when he saw the happy look on Aaron's face.

"It does." He agreed. "Now tell me, what were you like as a child?"

Alexander's face twisted. "I'm not sure I want to tell you."

Aaron grinned. "Please? I would love to hear the adventurous stories of the great Alexander Hamilton."

"Very well, but you must return the favor."


The rest of dinner was spent with them exchanging various stories about their past.

"How did you manage to set yourself on fire?" Alexander asked.

Aaron flushed in embarrassment. "It was late at night and I was writing something down. I cannot remember anymore. Anyways, my father's pistol was sitting right there and I thought, well it has gunpowder in it, surely I do not need to fetch a match. It worked, but the flame did not go to the candle. It instead went to my jacket, which was quick to light up. I can still remember Sally running upstairs and the both of us screaming. We managed to put the fire out, but Sally has never allowed me to forget it." Aaron laughed. "It was not one of my finer moments."

Alexander laughed. "Indeed. Tell me, anymore stories about the human disaster Aaron Burr?"

"Oh like you are one to talk." Aaron said, grinning. "Did you or did you not go two days with eating, sleeping or drinking? And then when the servants came to fetch you, you insisted that you were fine!"

"That was one time!" Alexander protested.

"So the one time I lit myself on fire is more important?"

"Well yes!"

Aaron laughed and shook his head. "You are ridiculous."

Alexander simply pouted and drank some water.

Dinner was over quickly, the servants cleared away the last of the dishes. As they did, Alexander stood up, careful to avoid the chaos of the servants flying about with heavy dishes.

"I believe it is time to go?" He said, offering Aaron his hand.

Aaron took it and allowed Alexander to pull him up and led him to the ballroom.

The two stood in the center of the room, Aaron's hands rested on Alexander' biceps (he couldn't reach his shoulders).

Alexander carefully began to guide Aaron through a waltz. It had been a while, but being a prince assured that he received many lessons. It was impossible to forget.

At first, it was awkward and stiff. Neither wanted to cross any unspoken boundaries.

Lafayette watched the two of them from behind a curtain with a frown. "This won't do!" He said once he noticed how awkward the couple was. "Peggy! Grab your sister. She can provide vocals." He said.

"On it!" Peggy said before rushing away.

"Is this going to become a habit?" Washington hissed from behind the candelabra.

"Why Monsieur Washington, surely you agree that this night must be perfect! Look at them. By the end of the night, Aaron will be head over heels for Alexandre."

Washington sighed. "If you say so."

Eliza came rolling in a minute later, Peggy and a couple of forks and spoons pushing her cart in.

"Eliza?" Aaron said, noticing them.

"I'm here to provide music!" She said, smiling. "You cannot dance without a good beat."

Without waiting for a reply, she began to sing. Alexander smiled before returning to the dance, taking Aaron with him. Now that they had a beat, they both quickly became lost in the dance.

They didn't even notice when Lafayette dragged Washington onto the dance floor and began to dance with him (Washington was spluttering with a red face the whole time).

"Aaron," Alexander murmured. Aaron looked up at him through his lashes.


"Are you..." Alexander took a deep breath. "Are you happy here?"

"Yes of course Alexander, why do you ask?" Aaron said after slight hesitation, doe brown eyes filled with worry.

Alexander's heart fell at the hesitation. "You hesitated." He said softly. "What is it?"

Aaron's gaze fell. "I... I miss my sister." He admitted. "I wish to see her once more. Just for a minute."

Alexander twirled Aaron before dipping him down. "There may be a way."

Aaron blinked and Alexander quickly led him away from the ballroom.


"Jonathan, what's wrong?" Angelica asked from her spot on the couch.

Jonathan was frowning with worry and kept glanced up the stairs. "She's been quiet for awhile now." Dread settled in his stomach. "Too quiet."

With that, he rushed up the stairs, Angelica quick to follow him.

"Sally!" He flung the door open and his eyes widened when he saw the open window. "Oh no." He whispered rushing to it. "Oh nononono!"

"Jonathan what's wrong-"

"She's gone!" He cried, peering out the window. "Sally's gone!"


"Alexander, what's going on? What do you mean there's a way?" Aaron asked as Alexander tugged him up the stairs to the West Wing. Alexander kept silent, ignoring Aaron until they reached the degraded room with the rose.

Aaron frowned, wrapping his coat around himself to keep warm from the chilly winds.

"Alexander?" He asked quietly, taking a step closer.

Alexander turned suddenly, holding out a small mirror. "This mirror will show you anything you wish to see." He explained. "All you need is ask."

Aaron's eyes were wide as he took the mirror from Alexander's clawed hands.

"Truly?" He whispered.

"Yes." Alexander nodded. "Go on."

"I-I wish to see my sister." Aaron said clearly. His eyes widened in shock and he nearly dropped the mirror when the surface began to shift. Both him and Alexander watched closely as the glass cleared to the forest and Sally stumbling through it. Aaron watched horrified as she coughed and nearly fell to her feet.

"Oh my god!" He cried, this time he did drop the mirror, though Alexander managed to catch it. "She's out there in the cold." He said trembling. "Sick and alone!"

He looked at Alexander with wide, terrified and desperate eyes. Alexander quickly glanced back at the dying rose. Two petals had fallen off already, only two remained. He looked back at Aaron who looked close to tears.

"You must go to her." He said softly, firmly placing the mirror in Aaron's hands.

"W-What?" Aaron said.

"I release you." Alexander said, holding back tears of his own. "Go. Go to her. She needs you."

Aaron stared at him for a moment. "I... I am free...?"

"Just promise you will not forget me." Alexander said softly. "Use the mirror to see me."

Aaron nodded, clutching the mirror tightly. "Thank you." He whispered before running off.

Alexander watched him go mournfully. With a numb heart, Alexander returned to the ballroom where his servants were.

"I'm proud of you son." Washington said. The others nodded.

"I... I let him go."

They all froze.

"Quoi? Mais tu étais si proche!" Lafayette cried.

"I had to." Alexander whispered. "I couldn't keep him here any longer."

"B-But why...?" Peggy asked.

"Because I love him." Alexander finally allowed the tears to fall. "I am so, so sorry."

Washington bowed his head, before walking over and patting Alexander's leg.

"It's alright son." He said quietly. "We understand."

They all turned to the window, watching Aaron ride out of the castle, taking their hopes with him.

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