Chapter 13

Thomas Jefferson let out a content sigh as his carriage slowed to a stop. Goodness it had been a long day of traveling. Thomas was happy though.

Sure, the foreign land of France had been exciting, but he was looking forward to returning to his lovely home, well mansion, have a meal cooked by his servants and sleep in his feathered bed.

The carriage stopped completely and the door was opened by a servant.

"We are here Sir." The young boy said.

Thomas simply hummed, exiting the carriage and walking up to his home.

"Ah, Monticello." He said, grinning. "Did you miss me?"

His house didn't reply of course, but Thomas paid it no mind. He was smiling as he entered his home, dropping his coat in the waiting arms of a servant. He strolled along, sighing happily at finally returning to his simply gorgeous house.

"Excuse me sir?" A meek voice said, interrupting Thomas' fantasies about sleeping in his feather bed and eating his warm, delicious home cooked meal.

He turned to the girl scowling. "What?" He snapped.

The girl, Sally he thought her name was, cowered slightly under his glare.

"T-This came for you in the mail sir." She said, holding out an envelope. Thomas snatched it from her hands.

"Go." He ordered with a wave of his hand. He tore open the letter as the girl scurried away.

"George King?" He said once reading who the letter was from. His nose wrinkled with distaste. "Why is that brute contacting me?"

As he read the letter, Thomas began to feel annoyed. "How dare he think that I would drop everything just to help him in some ridiculous scheme!" He cried.

You see, Thomas was the owner of the only mental asylum in Yorktown. He and his close friend James Madison were the ones who decided if a person should be sent there.

Thomas' eyes flickered back and forth as he read.

"Sarah Burr?" He muttered. "That girl is far from crazy... And she's harmless."

He threw the letter to the floor which a servant hurried to pick up.

"I suppose I could go meet him. I am curious as to what his motives are..." He mused. "You there!"

The boy who was picking up the letter squeaked and stood at attention. "Yes sir?"

"Prepare the carriage." Thomas said, strolling over to receive his coat and cane. His mouth twisted into a grin. "We are going into town."

The boy nodded and rushed away, still clutching the letter.


Thomas strolled into the tavern elegantly. With his bright purple clothing, he immediately caught everyone's attention.

"Mr Jefferson."

Thomas looked in the direction and frowned when he saw tall but meek Samuel Seabury practically skip over to him.

"Mr Seabury." Thomas basically sniffed. Aside from Mr King himself, nobody but Seabury matched Thomas in height.

"Just this way please." Seabury said, sounding far too cheerful.

Thomas obliged, following him to a small table that was pretty far away from the rest. He grabbed a chair and plopped down. Across the table, George King sat looking stupidly menacing.

"So," Thomas said. "Why does this scheme of yours need me?"

"Aaron Burr." George said. "I want to marry him."

Thomas quirked a brow. "The inventor's brother? That's my problem how exactly?"

George leaned forward, a slightly disturbing look in his eyes. "My first attempt did not go as planned-"

"He rejected you by pushing you out the door." Seabury cut in and Thomas stifled a laugh.

"Shut up Seabury!" George snapped, slamming his hand down. He took a deep breath. "I have a plan on how to make him say yes." A grin made its way onto his face. "Sarah Burr. She's far too mad for Yorktown."

"Sarah may be unusual, but she's harmless." Thomas said, waving a waiter down and ordering some rum.

"Even when she's rambling about horrifying monsters that live in far away castles, that have kidnapped her brother?" George said.

"And the beast's name is Alexander Hamilton!" Seabury added, though was quickly silenced by George's glare.

Thomas frowned. "That does not sound good."


"However," Thomas said. "That still doesn't mean she should be sent to the asylum. I do presume that is your plan?"

"Oh no." George said with a wicked grin. "You see, young Aaron loves his sister very much. Perhaps with the right persuasion, Aaron could be... convinced to marry me."

"You want me to lock Sarah up so you can marry Aaron."

"Exactly! So, you'll do it?" George asked eagerly.

Thomas snorted and crossed his arms. "What's in it for me?"

George raised an eyebrow. "What do you want?"

Thomas licked his lips. "The election is coming up. You're influential. Get me the votes."

George smirked. He stuck out a hand. "Very well. It's a deal then."

Thomas grinned and accepted the hand. The two shook hands while Seabury watched with a slightly nervous look.


"Mr Burr!"

Aaron groaned when he heard the voice. He rolled over in his nice warm bed and put his head under his pillow.

"Aaron," The gentle voice of Eliza said. "It's quite late in the afternoon. You have not yet eaten today."

"And Alex wants to speak with you!" Philip added.

"'M tired." Aaron grumbled, snuggling closer with his blankets.

Eliza sighed. "Hercules, we need your assistance."

Immediately, the wardrobe whirled to life, flinging purple fabrics onto the floor.

"I'm on it!" He said.

Aaron let out a shriek when his covers were suddenly snatched away. He instantly curled in on himself and glared at the house objects who were standing beside him.

"Give them back!" He whined. "I'm cold."

"No can do Aaron." Hercules said cheerfully. "You gotta get up now."

Grumbling in defeat, he sat up, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He yawned and stood, walking over to Hercules, who grinned and dropped the blankets.

"What does Alexander want?" He asked just as Hercules grabbed him and dragged him in to dress him. He'd gotten used to this now, it no longer bothered him since Hercules insisted that he be the one to chose his clothing. Aaron had learned pretty quickly not to protest.

"He didn't say. But he sounded a bit anxious, so it is probably important." Eliza said, pouring some tea into Philip for Aaron.

"Hmn." Aaron hummed once Hercules released him. He glanced down to see that Hercules had dressed him in some plain black pants with a light purple shirt. Not something Aaron would typically wear, but he said nothing.

He picked Philip up, delicately drinking from him. He still felt a bit nervous and awkward doing this, it felt a bit strange to drink out of a tea cup who giggled when you did.

"I assume he wishes to speak in the dinning room?" He said, placing Philip back down.

"Considering you haven't eaten yet, I would say yes." Eliza said.

"Now off you go, best not keep him waiting any longer." With that, she and Philip shooed him out of his room.

Shaking his head softly at their antics, Aaron headed to the dinning room. When he arrived, he was slightly surprised to see Alexander deep in conversation with both Lafayette and Washington.

"Good morning." He said and the three jumped apart.

"Monsieur Burr!" Lafayette greeted cheerfully. He hopped over to him with a wide grin. "More like good afternoon, non?"

Aaron flushed and smiled sheepishly. "I do not like getting up in the mornings."

"I hope you slept well." Alexander said, giving him a small smile.

Aaron smiled back and took a seat. "Yes I did. Thank you."

Servants immediately rushed out with some food, placing it in front of Aaron, who was quick to thank them. As he ate his meal, Alexander spoke up.

"If you don't mind," He said and Aaron could just barely make out some red behind his fur. "I would like to show you something after you have finished eating."

Aaron smiled with delight. "Yes of course. Perhaps you could tell me a bit about the history of your castle as well. I have yet to find a book on it."

Alexander's face lit up. "Of course! There is a lot of history here. My family has resided here for generations."

"Wonderful." Aaron said happily. He was quick to finish his meal after that. This castle held so many secrets and mysteries, he couldn't wait to learn some of it.


"So," Aaron said, holding onto the Alexander's arm. "What is it you wish to show me."

Alexander gave a him a toothy grin. "You shall have to wait and see."

Lafayette and Washington followed them, both brimming with excitement.

"Look at how close they are!" Lafayette whispered, smiling widely. "It is only a matter of time before Aaron returns Alexandre's affections."

"Don't get your hopes up too high Lafayette." Washington chided. "Aaron may enjoy his company, but it will be difficult to love Alexander the way he is now. Besides, what if Aaron only views Alexander as a close friends or even as a brother. Then what? We are running out of time."

"I have faith in Alexander." Lafayette responded. "I am sure he will sweep Aaron right off his feet."

Washington shook his head, but remained silent.

"Who is that Alexander?" Aaron asked, pointing to the portrait of a young woman.

Alexander turned to the painting, a sad look overtaking his face. "That is my mother."

"She's beautiful." Aaron said softly. Alexander nodded.

"Indeed she is. Let's continue, yes?"

Shortly after, they arrived at a grand set of doors.

"This is what you wished to show me?" Aaron asked, staring at the huge doors.

"Yes." Alexander said, placing a large hand on the doors. "Behind these doors is one of my favorite places."

He pushed them open and Aaron's eyes widened.

"Is this your ballroom?" He asked, walking in and turning in awe. It was enormous. Large enough to fit nearly a hundred people. Four crystal chandlers hung from the ceiling and massive windows showcased the gardens, now covered with snow. The whole room was quite well kept, Aaron couldn't spot a single cobweb.

"I asked the servants to clean this room up." Alexander said, walking up behind Aaron. "I used to hold many balls in here. When filled with so many interesting people, it becomes an amazing place.

"It's marvelous. Almost like something out of a fairy tale." Aaron said, still taking it in.

"I was thinking..." Alexander said, watching as Aaron did a twirl. "Perhaps tonight we could have dinner and then" His face flushed. "We could return here and dance...?"

Aaron turned to him. "I would love to." He said with a large smile.

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