


Ancestors speaking

"Telepathic speaking"

(A/n: I'm just going to say it, People like Dante and Lisbeth is one off character, they may show up again but they aren't going to be very important just to explain why something was brought in).)

Onto the story:

You awoke to your alarm, you wanted to wake up 3 hours before school so you could be sure your equipment was in tip top shape. As you was sharpening  Sento, while drinking you coffee/tea, Tomas came down and grabbed a cup of coffee. 

Tomas: So you got up earlier, worried about today.

(Y/n): Yeah, I have this feeling that something bad is going to happen today, and Sento has been unnormal quiet when I tried to speak to them. 

Tomas: That does sound like a problem, after today how about we set down and try and figure it out.

(Y/n): yeah that would be nice

As you finished sharpening you sword you when to your room to get change into your uniform before you and Tomas head to school. You sat down and waited for Aizawa to enter.

Aizawa: Today's hero basic training has turned into a class with five instructors, All Might and me, and three more people.

Classmates: 'Turned into?

Midoryia: I wonder if it's a special case?

Iida: Excuse me! What will we be doing?

Aizawa: Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between. It's rescue training.

Toru: Rescue...

Mina: Looks like it'll be a lot of work this time, too.

Kaminari: Right?

Jiro: Idiot, this is the duty of a hero!

Kirishima: My arms are ready to rumble!

Asui: No one can beat me in water, ribbit.

Aizawa: Hey, I'm not done. You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time. Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities, too. The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus. That is all. Start getting ready.

Everyone was outside near the bus except for a blind swordsman. 

Toru: Hey where's (Y/n)?

Tomas: He said that he would be here in a second.

Soon they saw the swordsman walking towards the crowd.

(A/n: Just the outfit not the beard, your 16 you aren't growing a beard yet.) 

Tomas: Had to show us all up didn't you. 

(Y/n): It's what I do best, and also Iida I know you already made a seating chart, appreciated it but its an open bus layout.

Iida is seen anime crying with Uraraka patting his back.

(Y/n): ok everyone gather on the bus. Sit where ever you like.

You, Mina, Toru, and Tomas sat down near each other (You sitting in front of Tomas but beside Toru, and Mina was in front of Toru) as the bus  started going Toru linked hands with you and put her head on your shoulder. It put a smile on your face. Then you heard the others have a conversation. 

Asui: Midoriya...

Midoriya: Um, yes, Asui?!

Tsu: Call me "Tsu."

Asui: Your Quirk is like All Might's.

Midoriya: Huh?! Y-Y-You think so. But... I'm... uh...

(Y/n): Wait a sec, Tsu, All Might doesn't get hurt when he uses his.

Uraraka: They just kind of look the same.

But it's nice to have a simple augmenting-type Quirk.

Tengen Uzui: You can do lots of flashy stuff!

A/n: Wait a minute you're not supposed to be here. Time for a reshoot.


Kaminari: You can do lots of flashy stuff!

: My Hardening's strong against others, but unfortunately, it doesn't look like much.

Midoriya: I think it's really cool!

Tomas: It's a Quirk that can definitely pass as a pro's!

Kirishima: A pro's, huh?

But you have to think about popularity as a hero, too, you know.

Aoyama: My Navel Laser is pro-level in both flashiness and strength.

Mina: But it's not great that it gives you a stomachache.

Kaminari: Well, if you're talking about flashy and strong, it's gotta be Todoroki, (Y/n), and Bakugo, though, huh?

(Y/n): Wait? What?

Tsu: Bakugo's always mad, so he doesn't seem like he'll be popular, though.

Bakugo: What the hell! You wanna fight!

Tsu: See?

Kirishima: We haven't known each other that long, so it's amazing that everyone already knows his personality is crap steeped in sewage.

Bakugo: What's with that vocabulary, bastard?! I'll kill you!

Midoriya: Kacchan's being teased...

(Y/n): Mind calming down Bakugo. We are almost here.

After you asked Bakugo, He started to take deep breaths and calmed down.

Kirishima: I can't believe what I'm seeing!

Kaminari: That's U.A. for you!

Yaoyorozu: What a vulgar conversation.

Aizawa: Ok, everyone shut up and pay attention. We're here.

You all unload from the bus, and saw three people standing at the entrance.

13: Everyone, I have been waiting for you.

Hanzo: Took you guys long enough.

Kuai: At least they got here, Hanzo

Uraraka: It's the Space Hero, Thirteen! The gentlemanly hero who has rescued tons of people from disasters!

Midoriya: But also, Scorpion, the Number 2 hero, and Sub-Zero the number 4 hero.

Uraraka: Oh, I love Thirteen!

(Y/n): Hey Dad, glad to see you again.

Classmates: DAD!?!?

(Y/n): oh yeah, I never actually told you guys that my dad was Scorpion. Wait until you find out who Tomas' dad is.

???: 'This is bad, this is very very bad'

(Y/n): 'Good they're worried.' 

Tomas: Yeah, yeah yeah, my dad is Sub-zero. It's, whatever but can we get this on with?

13: Yes, let's go inside without delay.

Midoriya: Look forward to working with you!
Uraraka: Look forward to working with you!

13: A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, etc. It is a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters. It's called the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or "USJ" for short!

Classmates: It really is USJ.

(Y/n): 'Sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.'

Aizawa: Where's All Might, 13? He was supposed to meet us here.

13 holds up 3 fingers telling you, Hanzo, Kuai, Aizawa, and Smoke all you needed to know.

13: About that...

It looks like he did too much hero work on his way to work and ran out of time so he's resting in the lounge.

(Y/n): Hanzo, Kuai, Aizawa, and Tomas: 'What an Idiot.'

Aizawa: That's the height of irrationality.

13: Well, we took precautions just in case. It can't be helped.

13: Shall we begin? Let's see, before we begin, let me say one thing, or two...
three... four... five... six... seven...

Classmates: It's increasing...!

13: Everyone, I am sure you are aware of my Quirk, Black Hole.

As she started talking you felt your head exploded with Sinister Energy, You felt it coming from the fountain in the center. Hanzo, Kuai, and Tomas, noticed the look on your face and walked over to you.

Hanzo: What is it (Y/n)?

Kuai: Do you sense something?

(Y/n): We have incoming get ready.

As you said that a black portal open at the fountain gathering everyone else's attention. 

Aizawa: Gather together and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students!

Mina: What's that?

Uraraka: Is this like the entrance exam where the lessors already started?

Aizawa: Don't move!

Hanzo: Those are...

Kuai: ...villains.

(Y/n) And coincidentally, during the time when we were supposed to be practicing saving lives. 

Tomas: How did they know?

You gave him a look that told him everything. Someone here is feeding the LOV information.

Kirishima: Whoa, what is that thing? Has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people.

Aizawa: Stay back!

Aizawa: This is real. Those are villains.

Leader: The only real heroes I see are Thirteen, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Eraser Head. Perplexing. According to the schedule we retrieved from UA, All Might should be here as well as well as our little helper.

(Y/n): So, you were scumbags used the press as a cover, and sneaked onto campus.

Leader: Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who're eager to meet him.

They want All Might. The great Symbol of Peace.

I can't believe he's not here. Maybe if I k*ll a few kids, he'll come out to play.

Kirishima: What? Real villains? No way.

Aizawa: How could so many of 'em get into a UA facility this secure?

Kuai: Yeah, 13.

Why aren't the alarms going off?

13: Good question. I'm not sure.

Iida: Is the entire campus under attack?

Yaoyorozu: Or is this their only target?

Todoroki: Either way, if the alarm sensors aren't being triggered, then one of these villains must have a Quirk that's masking their presence here.

Tomas: They carefully chose this isolated facility as an entry point at a time when a class was being taught. They're fools for trespassing here, but they've thought this out. Whatever their plan, they must have a concrete objective in mind.

(Y/n): But what is it?

Aizawa: Thirteen, get the students out of here and alert the main campus. Actually, if they've got the ability to block our sensors, then they might be jamming our regular communications, too. Kaminari, try using your Quirk to contact the school.

Classmates: Yes, sir.

13: You got it.

Uraraka: What're you gonna do? You can't fight them on your own!

Midoriya: There's too many of 'em. Even if you can nullify their Quirks, your fighting style's not suited for this. Your power works best in stealth and one‐on‐one fights. That's not gonna help with a group.

Aizawa: You can't be a pro if you only have one trick.

Hanzo: Plus, he's not alone. Let's go Kuai.
AIZAWA: we'll leave it to you, 13, protect the students.

Hanzo, Kuai, and Aizawa jumped down and took on the villains. They split up to take on different groups.

Random Villain Leader: Take your aim! Didn't our intel say it was just gonna be Thirteen and All Might out here?

Random: Who's that?

Random Villain Leader: Don't recognize him, but if he thinks he can take
us down easy, he's dead.

Random Villain: Let's gun him down!

Random Villain: Uh! My Quirk.

Random Villain: Where're my bullets?

Random Villain Leader: Idiots. That's EraserHead! A pro! He can cancel your Quirks just by looking at you.

Back to the Students:

A villain teleported from the battle ground to in front of the 1-A class.

Teleport Villain: It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains. I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello.

Teleport Villain: And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the Symbol of Peace, to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today, and yet I see no sign of him. There must've been some sort of change in plans we could not have foreseen and weren't told of. Ah, well, in the end, I suppose it doesn't matter. I still have a role to play.

Bakugo: Did ya think we were just gonna stand around and let you tear this
place to shreds?

As Bakugo and Kirishima rushed in they went to punch the villain in front of them.

Teleport Villain: You live up to your school's reputation. But you should be more careful, children. Someone might get hurt.

13: You two, get out
of the way, right now!

Teleport Villain: I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades and your deaths!

As he said that he teleported a large group of students. Only leaving you, Tomas, 13, Shoji, Sero, Sato, and Iida, and left to go to do something else.

(Y/n): Shoji, do you have them, do you know where they are?

Shoji: They've been scattered across the facility, but our classmates are still here.

(Y/n): That is good to hear, now Iida I have a job for I need you to go to the main campus and get help.

Iida: But...

(Y/n), No, likely, whoever is causing this interference hid as soon as they warped into the USJ. They could be anywhere. Impossible to hunt down. It'll be faster for you to run and get help than for us to find whoever's jamming everything.

Iida: Yes, but it would be disgraceful for me to leave you all behind.

13: Use your Quirk to save others. Be a real hero!

Iida: ok, fine

Uraraka: I can help you out! My quirk well help make you lighter

Iida: Okay? No prob!

Tomas: You got it, but do your best to hurry, we don't know what our classmates are facing.

Teleport Villain: Even if this is your only option, are you really foolish enough to strategize in front of your enemy?

(Y/n): Well to be completely honest we thought you left.

13: It won't matter if you know what we're planning or not when I'm done with you.

13: Black Hole!

But before 13 could activate her quirk she was hit in the head and knocked out by none other than.......

..... 1-A's Traitor, 

Yuga Aoyama.

Aoyama: Sorry but I can't allow you to do that. 

(Y/n): So it was you all along. 

Aoyama: yes, I knew a group was suspecting me but I never suspected it to be the blind swordsman. 

You had a wave of anger wash over you. The voice talked again.

??? (Dark): Yes, Let your Anger Out!

???: Control your anger (Y/n) Do not let it get the best of you.

You calm down quickly and looked at Iida. 

(Y/n): Get out of here go get help, we will hold them off.

Teleport Villain: What makes you think you can hold us off. Killing you would be a pleasure. 

(Y/n): Before we fight mind giving me a name for you.

Kurogiri: not that you'll live long to use it but call me Kurogiri.

(Y/n): I like to see you try. 

You pulled Sento out of it sheath and ran at Kurogiri and notice the metal brace around his neck. 

(Y/n): 'Probably to control his quirk'. 

You pulled out a kunai from your belt and throw it at Kurogiri catching him off guard and slightly damaging the metal brace, not wanting to fight any longer, he grabbed Aoyama and teleported away. 

(Y/n): Cowards, ok listen up everyone now that Iida is going to go get help, me and Tomas are going to gather the rest of our classmates and send them here, I want you to stay with 13 until she wakes up and she'll tell you what to do. 

They all agree and you and Tomas left to gather your teammates, you came across of Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, and Jiro. Kaminari was being held hostage so Tomas threw a kunai at villains arm and you ran up and delivered a overhead kick to their head.

Tomas: If he wasn't a villain I would be a little concern that you may have just killed that man.

(Y/n): Are you guys alright?

Yaoyorozu: yeah we are fine, thanks for the assistance.

(Y/n): Not a problem, take Kaminari and head to the entrance, and if you see Aoyama don't listen to a word he says, he betrayed us and will most likely try and trick you. 

Jiro: Nice to know, be care don't die, I know Hagakure will be devastated if that happens. 

 (Y/n): I don't intend to die today.

You and Tomas left to go get the other students, and came across Mina and Toru but most likely at the wrong time, you just witnessed Toru blasted away by a villain's quirk and at that moment all you saw was red and quickly decimated the villains in the area. 

???: This is bad he finally gave into the anger. You need to gather you friends and get of this area now and tell Aizawa, Hanzo, Kuai about this predicament. 

Tomas then saw a spirit manifest themselves Infront of him.

Tomas: Wait who are you. What's happening to (Y/n).

???: My name is Kenshi Takahashi, and what's happening to him will be explain later. You need to get everyone now I'll try and hold them off as much as I can but my time is limited.

Tomas quickly grab Mina and Toru and made it back to the entrance, as he was going there Toru woke up and saw they was leaving you back there. 

Toru: Stop we need to help (Y/n), we can't leave him behind. 

Tomas: We must he has lost himself we need to warn the teacher. A guy named Kenshi Takahashi is holding him off but we don't have much time.

As they arrived at the entrance they notice that everyone was present and the villains that hadn't disappeared where being arrested. 

Tomas: KUAI, HANZO, AIZAWA!!! We have a problem, you guys need to follow me. 

Hanzo: Kid calm down what happen?

Aizawa (no longer injured due to senzu beans): Yeah you look spook.

Tomas: ok I'll have to explain as quickly as I can. (Y/n) has lost control of himself, a guy name Kenshi Takahashi said to get you three and he'll hold him off as much as possible but time is limited.

Hanzo: Wait did you say Kenshi Takahashi. This is worst then I thought.

Aizawa: What do you mean Hanzo?

Hanzo: Kenshi Takahashi is one of (Y/n)'s ancestors he was the first one to have receive that quirk. If he is here then something terrible has happen we need to go Now. 

Hanzo: Nezu get everyone out of here, we do not know what might happen. Do not even let the heroes get involved if Kenshi is here then its a lot worst for them handle.

Nezu: ok, try your best not to die any of you.

As they was about to leave Toru grabbed Hanzo's hand. 

Toru: Please save him Mr. Hasashi, I can't lose him. 

Hanzo: I will try my best to bring him back.

As they left they came upon your battle with Kenshi. Kenshi kicked you away and into a building making it collapsed onto you buying them some time.

Hanzo: Kenshi how are you here, what is happening to my son. 

Kenshi: I don't know how much time we have until he breaks out so I'll have to quickly tell you. (Y/n)'s quirk is awakening, but unlike most quirks the process is not great. He is currently possessed by anger, due to witnessing Toru getting hit. We need to snap him out of it, or his quirk will possess him permanently or Kill him in the process.  

Tomas: Wait is this why Sento wasn't talking to him earlier. 

Kenshi: I'm afraid so, when it first tried taking control of him, his ancestors went and held it off has long as possible, but now it has taken control.

They felt the ground start to shake as they felt something come up through the building.

Kenshi: Get ready everyone, this will be a fight for our life.

Hanzo, Kuai, Aizawa, and Tomas: Let's do this!

As they said this (Y/n) busted through the wreckage of the building all the saw was....

Chapter End.....

Next Chapter: (Y/n) vs Hanzo, Tomas, Kuai and Aizawa.

(A/n): Sorry for the cliffhanger until Next time.

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