U.A. Fight Tournament



Kenshi or Vergil Talking

"Telepathic speaking"

Last Chapter:

You drew you lots and the tournament was about to starts

(A/n: I will only be doing the Fights that wasn't shown unless everyone wants me to)

Now onto the chapter: 

You were with Toru during Midoriya's fight.

(Y/n): You know I think I peed someone off for having to fight Todoroki in the first round.

Toru: Well after what you told him in the locker room it was kind of inevitable.

(Y/n): Yeah yeah, I know. How do you feel about fighting Shiozaki.

Toru: Well I don't know much about her quirk but we will see. 


(Y/n): Oh well, I guess my match is next. Wish me luck!

Toru gives you a kiss 

Toru: Good luck.

You went to the warm up room and meditated to fight with Kenshi until they called you out there. Soon they announce your fight you got up and grabbed Sento.

Present Mic: All right, audience! Let's cut to the good stuff and not delay the next fight any longer. Let's welcome our fighters.

It's (Y/n) Takahashi from the Hero course

You walked out and waved to the crowd.

Mt. Lady: Wait is he blind

Kamui Woods: Looks like it but looks can be deceiving.

Present Mic: And his opponent also from the hero course Shoto Todoroki!

Mt. Lady: That's Endeavors son ain't it 

Kamui Woods: Yeah it is. 

Ryukyu: He has a lot to live up to.

Hanzo: So does (Y/n), but many don't know.

Midnight: The rules are simple. Immobilize your opponent or force them outta the ring. You can also win by getting the other person to cry uncle! Bring on the injuries, 'cause we've got our very own Recovery Girl waiting on standby! So put your morals aside and don't be afraid to play dirty! But of course, no life-threatening crap, folks. It's not allowed! Real heroes use their power to throw villains in jail, not kill them. I'll stop anyone who tries to get too rough.

Present Mic: Ready!.............. Begin!

Immediately Todoroki sent ice at you but you used Blade Reflect and sent them back at him. You ran at him and perform Rising Karma followed up by Telekinetic Slam. As he slammed in the ground you created some space and remember what Endeavor said to you earlier.....


Endeavor: Hey Takahashi, can I ask a favor from you?

(Y/n): Call me (Y/n), but I have a feeling what this is about, but go ahead.

Endeavor: Well since Hanzo told me about how I shouldn't let my anger rule over me, I changed the way of my life. I admit I made very costly mistakes but I've tried my best to fix everything, most of my children and my wife has forgiven me but Shoto, he still hates me, he told me he would never use his other half due to his hatred for me. Can you try to make him use his quirk I want the best for him, and if he becomes a hero and don't use his fire half I'm afraid it might cause him to be killed.

(Y/n): well that's sad to hear, I will try my best but no promises. He may hate me also so we will see what happens. 

Endeavor: As long as you try, that's all that matters. Good luck on your fight.

Flash back ends.

(Y/n): 'Welp no time like the present'

Kenshi: You know this might backfire on you right?

(Y/n): 'Yep'

(Y/n): So, Todoroki you're holding back on me. You won't be able to get past me while doing so. Do you think your ice will be able to stop me.

Todoroki: Shut up, my dad put you up to this didn't he?

(Y/n): Whether he did or not shouldn't matter, do you think its fair to everyone else that is trying their best for you to be holding back. 

Todoroki: I could beat anyone of them no matter what!

After he finished his sentence he threw some more ice at you. You used Mind Warp to get past the ice and in front of him and then performed Spirit Charge to send him back to the ground. 

(Y/n): It's sad that you think that you will be a great hero when you can't even get past me.

Kenshi: You know making him angry might get his fire quirk to come out, but have you really thought about what might happen if it does.

(Y/n): 'Kind of, but I'll handle it when it happens.'

Todoroki: Fine you want to play with Fire, Let's play with Fire.

As Todoroki activate his fire quirk, you had a smile on your face.

Todoroki: So, that was your plan. Do you really think it was smart?

(Y/n): Not really, but now at least I get a good fight.

Todoroki launched some fire at you, you barely dodged in time and performed a Tele-Flurry. Which knocked him off balanced and off guard. You then performed a Tele-Blast. Which pushed him greatly and almost out of the arena, but caught himself and froze your leg and the arm that holding Sento and shoulder charge you which knocked Sento out of the arena. He almost cheered that he knocked your weapon out of reach before it went back to your hand.

(Y/n): You really forgot about my Telekinesis didn't you.

Todoroki: Yep

You put Sento into it sheath and fought him with CQC. After about 5 more minutes you both was running on fumes. You performed a move called Soul Blade and knocked Todoroki unconscious with a broken skull and a large slash across the abdomen.

Present Mic: And winner (Y/n) Takahashi. Also can we get.............. Nevermind

You picked up Todoroki and took him to the infirmary and crushed a senzu bean up and feed it to him, now it wouldn't fix his skull fully but it would give him energy for the recovery girl to use her quirk and heal the cut across his abdomen. 

You walked back to your class section in the arena. 

(Y/n): ouch, he doesn't hold back.

Midoriya: Well you did anger him. 

Tomas: You didn't think that through did you.

(Y/n): nope, and you better get ready Midoriya, you're fighting me next.

Midoriya: oh God.

Toru: You didn't hold back either and now your both injured, come here I'm taking you back  down to the infirmary.

(Y/n): nooo, I don't like hospitals. 

Toru: You better come now or no cuddles for a week. 

(Y/n): fine but that was dirty and you know it.

As Toru dragged you back to the infirmary you notice that Todoroki was awake and looked healed.

Todoroki: You don't hold back do you?

(Y/n): No, and neither do you I think you broke a couple of my ribs.

Toru: You been walking around with broken ribs, you are such an idiot.

(Y/n): I thought we all already knew that. 

After Toru sat down, she had to leave due to her match being next (Her match was short she cut Shiozaki vines at shoulder barge her out of the arena anyways back to the story)

Todoroki: She really cares for you doesn't she?

(Y/n): yeah she does, but I do have a question for you.

Todoroki: What is it?

(Y/n): When are you going to ask out Yaoyorozu. It's clear that you both liked each other. 

Todoroki: Wait how do you know?

(Y/n): Well I can read minds and normally I don't invade other minds but both of your thoughts are very loud.

Todoroki: So she likes me too?

(Y/n): You didn't hear any of this from me...., but yes she does.

Todoroki: wait if you know about me and Yaoyorozu, who else likes each other. Also thanks for giving her your jacket earlier I appreciated it. 

(Y/n): Not a problem, and to answer you question, Tokoyami likes Tsu, Jiro likes Kaminari, and Uraraka likes Midoriya, and the other way around, but none of them makes a move so.

Todoroki: Well beside Midoriya and Uraraka, they are kind of obvious the others I didn't know.

(Y/n): Well it's one of the perks of Telepathy, and everyone's thoughts being so loud all the time.

Todoroki: Thanks for helping me realize my father's quirk isn't bad

(Y/n): Ok, I'm going to stop you there it's not your father's quirk it's yours. It's all on you of how you want to use it.

Todoroki: My mother said a similar thing. 

(Y/n): well your mother is a wise woman. Well I'm going to get some sleep before my match with Midoriya. 

Todoroki: I'll wake you before it happens. 

(Y/n): Thanks.

Back to the arena:

Present Mic: Our next match up is between Tomas Vrbada from the hero course and Fumikage Tokoyami also from the hero course.

Tomas: May the best man win

Tokoyami: I agree 

Present Mic: Ready............Begin

Tokoyami immediately sent dark shadow for Tomas. DS (Dark Shadow) was ruthless in his attacks, he then used Teleport Punch and hit Tokoyami in the back of the head, and then followed it up with Smokeycut. He then used Vicious Vapors to slash Tokoyami across the chest. He then used Ashes to the Mouth which end with Tokoyami out of the arena with a broken jaw, a further broken skull, and a shattered pride. The robots then took Tokoyami to the infirmary. 

Present Mic: And the Winner Tomas Vrbada.

Tomas then went to check on (Y/n) and Tokoyami, he made it to the infirmary to see (Y/n) asleep and Tokoyami still knocked out but Todoroki awake and looking at the matches on the television.

Todoroki: What's with you and (Y/n) and breaking people skulls. 

Tomas: Hey, on my defense they told us not to hold back.

(Y/n): Yeah that's just what we do.

Todoroki: Oh your up, I thought you was going to rest until your match.

(Y/n): Ah I got enough rest..... also if you ever want to spar again Todoroki just ask, you are a pretty good opponent. 

Todoroki: I've always wanted to learn how to use a sword.

(Y/n): Say no more I'll have you a sword and then teach you how to use it but just give me a few days, I got to think about what sword would be good for you to use.

Todoroki: Take your time.

TV: and our next match Yaoyorozu vs. Ashido.

(Y/n): Huh well this will be interesting..... want to take bets

Tomas, Todoroki: You're on.

(Y/n): 50$ each, I'm going to say Mina

Tomas: I'll also say Mina

Todoroki: I'll go with Yaoyorozu.

Back to the arena:

Present Mic: GET READY.........FIGHT

Mina immediately went of the offense and started to slash at Yaoyorozu, all Yaoyorozu could do was go on the defense, and try to find a opening, Mina then followed up with Million stabs which keep pushing Yaoyorozu back until suddenly she stopped. Yaoyorozu was about to start fight until she heard.....

Present Mic: And our winner is Mina Ashido.

She looked down and saw she was knocked out of the arena. She started to cry and then ran back to the hallway.

In the Infirmary....

Todoroki: Well here's your money.

(Y/n): Keep your money, go cheer up her up she could use you right now.

Tomas: Yeah I agree with him.

Todoroki: Thanks guys I owe you.  

Todoroki got up and went to find Yaoyorozu. He found her crying in a random hallway hugging her knees.

Todoroki: Hey Yaoyorozu, I saw you fight.

Yaoyorozu: What are you here to tell me I suck, that I should just drop out of the hero course.

Todoroki: on the contrary, you fought valiantly, and maybe she got the best of you now, but you now know what to expect from her next time.

Yaoyorozu: That's...... actually good advice.

Todoroki: Ouch, that hurt a little bit

Yaoyorozu: Thanks Todoroki (She got up and gave him a hug)

Todoroki: 'Now's a good time as any'.  hey Yaoyorozu I have something I want to tell you.

Yaoyorozu then gave him a kiss on the lips

Yaoyorozu: I been wanting to do that for a long time now. 

Todoroki: Um yeah that sums that up. Todoroki leaned down and kissed her. 

Todoroki: Would you like to go....... out with me Yaoyorozu.

Yaoyorozu: Call me Momo, and yes.

Todoroki: Well you can call me Shoto. 

They then walked back to the student section hand in hand as they was walking there they saw (Y/n). Who congratulated the new couple. Yaoyorozu was confused, but Todoroki knew he heard their thoughts.

Present Mic: Our now our quarterfinals. The first match up is Izuku Midoriya vs (Y/n) Takahashi......

(Y/n): I'm sorry for what's about to happen to you Midoriya.

Midoriya:........ Have Mercy

(Y/n): Sorry fresh out.

Present Mic: 


You rushed Midoriya and performed Rising Sword followed by Telekinetic Slash. As he was in the air you used Telekinetic Slam. You slammed him into the ground, as you looked upon him you felt a little pity and decide to put him out of his misery and finished the fight. As he got up you performed Absentminded followed by Tele-Push and shove him out of the arena.

Present Mic: Oh wow  I don't even think Midoriya got a move off. Anyways Winner is (Y/n) Takahashi.

(Y/n): Flawless Victory.

Aizawa: We'll that was some match up, (Y/n) easy fended off Midoriya and will now face the winner of Hagakure, and Iida. 

(Y/n) then left and joined Toru as she was waiting to be called out. 

(Y/n): You know if you wins this, you and I will face each other in the Semi finals.

Toru: oh I aware and I'm looking forward to it.

Present mic: And our next match up let's see if they can followed the one sided assault. Toru Hagakure, and Tenya Iida.

As they walked out to the arena, Iida got ready for the match as Toru was just standing there.

(Y/n): What is she doing 

As the match was about to begin Toru walk closer to the arena line. 

(Y/n): ok I've officially lost her train of thought.

Midnight: Get Ready............Begin.

Iida saw how close Toru was to the line and thought it was going to be an easy match. He ran full speed at Iida, but as soon as he got close Toru used the cane to trip Iida making him fall outside the line.

Present Mic: They always say think smarter not harder, and she certainly did, Winner Toru Hagakure.

(Y/n): oh so that is who I have to face then, apparently Vergil has been giving her pointers.

Kenshi: It would seem so, maybe we should come up with a gameplan before hand.

(Y/n): 'Nah, I'm going to wing it'

Present Mic: Now our next match which I am very much looking forward too, and I think many others are too. 

Present Mic: In one corner we got smokey Tomas Vrbada, and in the other corner we got the hero in training known to have a short fuse Katsuki Bakugo! 

Bakugo death stared Tomas, ready to kill him if need be. Tomas on the other hand, well he was kind of checking his finger nails. 

Midnight: Are you ready...........Fight.

Bakugo rushed at Tomas with explosives in his hand. Right as Bakugo was about to hit Tomas, Tomas teleported behind Bakugo and drop kicked his back. Tomas went to the center of the arena and threw his kunai at Bakugo's leg and was able to wrap it around it, he picked him up and swing him into the ground. As Bakugo hit the ground Tomas used Smokeycut, and teleported under Bakugo and punched him in the stomach. Tomas went to attack Bakugo again but Bakugo countered it by blowing Tomas away from him, and was able to get his bearings back. Tomas got back up and they just stared at each other, Tomas then pulled Muramasa from its sheath.

Tomas: Do you bleed? Let's find out.

Tomas ran to quick for Bakugo to register until he found his side be slices, followed by a cut on his leg and then his arm. He then stopped in front of Bakugo and uppercutted him knocking him out completely.

Tomas: may have overdone it there, but what's done is done.

Tomas then walked back to the student second and saw Cassie head down to check on Bakugo. He soon saw you, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu, and Toru talking to each other.

Tomas: What's up everyone, what's got every so chatty.

(Y/n): Well one Toru and Yaoyorozu was trying to set up a double date. Also Cassie is going to kill you later, so you better run.

Tomas: Well, I'm screwed where's Mina I need to say my goodbyes. 

Toru: She's about to fight Kirishima, it's the last match of the quarter finals and for today. Tomorrow resumes the fighting in the Semifinals and finals.

(Y/n): Wait a minute if she wins this match, tomorrow will be interesting tomorrow.

Toru: What do you mean?

Tomas: Wait a minute.......oh it definitely will be. 

Toru: I'm still confused overhear.

Yaoyorozu: ok Hagakure tomorrow you know you will be fighting (Y/n) right?

Toru: Yes, wait a minute if she wins she will be facing you Tomas. 

Tomas: Ah finally the light bulb went off, but she will need to make it past Kirishima.

Down at the arena:

Midnight: and Fight.

Ashido used her quirk and started to slide around Kirishima and slashing at him with Rebellion, and started to wear him down. He tried to punch her repeatably and keep missing, and Mina finally used dance Macabre, which knocked Kirishima out of the ring.


Present Mic: and there we have it our winner for the last match today is Mina Ashido.

Aizawa: Tomorrows match ups are (Y/n) Takahashi vs. Toru Hagakure, and Tomas Vrbada vs. Mina Ashido.

Chapter End

Next Chapter: U.A. Sports Festival end 

Moves used:

(Y/n) Takahashi

Blade Reflect- Kenshi unsheathes his sword and deflects projectiles off Sento's blade, reflecting them and their properties back at the opponent.

Rising Karma Kenshi uppercuts his opponents in the air with Sento in the ethereal form, launching the opponent in the air for a juggle.

Telekinetic Slam-Kenshi picks the opponent up with telekinesis and slams them against the ground in front of him.

Mind Warp- Kenshi teleports himself closer to his opponent.

Spirit Charge-Kenshi telekinetically shoulders the opponent, knocking them away.

Tele-Flurry-Kenshi performs two punches and a kick to his opponent from a far distance. In MKX, Kenshi summons his telekinetic projection to slice the opponent three times, with the third one knocking them away.

Tele-Blast- Telekinetic Push: Kenshi holds his hand in front of his opponent and telekinetically pushes them backwards. In MKX, this attack is called Tele-Push can knocks the opponent away full-screen distance. (MK:DA, MK:D, MK:U, MK:A, MKX - Kenjutsu Variation). The enhanced version is called Tele-Blast, which has armor and deals increased damage

Soul Blade- Kenshi throws his sword into the opponent's abdomen and Mind Warps in front of them. He then takes out his sword, turns it over, and hits the opponent in the face with the hilt, breaking the whole skull. He then turns it back over and slashes the foe upward, ripping their ribs open and further damaging the skull.

Rising sword-Kenshi uppercuts the opponent with Sento. Kenshi is offered a brief moment for an additional attack; otherwise, the opponent is knocked away. When utilizing this ability in the corner of an arena, this juggle effect is greatly increased.

Telekinetic Slash- Kenshi telekinetically unsheathes Sento and slices the opponent upward. There are close, medium and far versions of this move.

Absentmind- Kenshi performs a series of palm strikes then slashes the opponent with Sento, launching them in the air for a juggle. This combo is unavailable in the Possessed Variation.

Tele-push- Kenshi holds his hand in front of his opponent and telekinetically pushes them backwards. In MKX, this attack is called Tele-Push can knocks the opponent away full-screen distance. 

Tomas Vrbada

Teleport Punch- Smoke teleports behind his opponent, punching them in the head. This is taken from Scorpion.

Smokeycut-Smoke goes underground and then teleports under the opponent, performing a vertical uppercut, hitting them on the way up. This attack was borrowed from Sektor.

Vicious Vapors- Smoke transforms into a cloud of smoke and dashes towards his opponent, cutting them across the chest with his dagger and then knocking them down with a jumping downwards slash.

Ashes to the Mouth- Smoke vanishes then reappears, punching the opponent in the stomach. He then goes behind the stunned opponent and German Suplexes them into the ground face-first, shattering their lower jaw. Before the opponent can get up, Smoke takes a step back, then kicks the opponent straight in the face, shatter the front of their skull, knocking them away

(A/n: Thanks for reading Hope you have a beautiful day)

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