Mock Battle: (Tomas & Ashido vs. (Y/n) & Toru)



Ancestors speaking

"Telepathic speaking"

Last Chapter:

All Might: Ok, we have one last match up Tomas Vrbada & Mina Ashido (Team E) vs. (Y/n) Takahashi & Toru Hagakure (Team I). The Villains will be Team E and The Heroes will be Team I!

All Might: Villains you have 5 minutes to set up you locations. While Heroes during that time you get to look over the map of the building and decide you plan of action. 

Now onto the story:

As you was waiting for the 5 minutes to be up, you and Toru decide to look over the building plan and come up with a solid plan now that you know what alignment you guys are. 

(Y/n): Ok Toru I have a plan, but there no telling what their plan for us is. So what I want you to do is after we find the room either by me being able to detect them through the wall assuming they will have someone guarding the bomb, or just coming upon it I want you to turn invisible and touch the bomb, but if worst comes to worst, you will take on Ashido and I'll take on Tomas. Then afterwards try to find the bomb if we don't know where it is. Does that sound like a good plan to you?

Toru: As good as a plan as of right now, Tomas quirk is going to be a problem if we are able catch him off guard then we may have a chance but other than that I don't see how we would be able to take him down.

(Y/n): Did you forget that I see people who are invisible, and it relatively impossible to sneak up on me. ಠ_ಠ

  Toru: Oh yeah I kinda of forgot. (slowly chuckling)

(Y/n): I also have a few tricks hidden up my sleave that not everyone knows about so I'll be able to catch him off guard, but lets not get ahead of themselves we have to find them first and foremost. 

All Might: Ok, The five minutes are up heroes are allowed to enter now!

As you and Toru enter you looked up and down but couldn't find them on the first floor so you turned to Toru and came up with a plan. 

(Y/n): Ok on the map there was two stair ways to get to the upper floors. I'll enter the east one and you go to the west one. If we spot the bomb or our opponents alert the other person on the ear piece and try not to take them  both on until I get there and same goes for me I'll wait on you.

Toru: Sounds like a plan. 

As you split up you started to head up the stair way and keep checking our the east side, but ran into anyone but as soon as you was about to head back down to meet with Toru you ear piece went off.

Toru: (Y/n) they have cornered me on the west side of the 5th floor. I don't know how long I can take them both on. Try and hurry.

You immediately started to run to the 5th floor to meet up with Toru. But when you got there you found you was to late, they had Toru wrapped up in capture tape, she was also  knocked out. But they both looked a little worn down so Toru was able to put up a good fight.

(Y/n): Did you guys really have to knock her out?

Tomas: That was an accident, but she also packed a punch.

You looked at Ashido and Tomas and knew that you had to take one of them down quickly or you would have a problem with them having the chance to overwhelm you. You immediately used Mind warp to get right in front of Ashido and pulled off Spirit Charge. As she was sliding from the attack you immediately attacked her with Tele-Flurry. You quickly used your Telekinetics ability to pick up Ashido in the air and do a Telekinetic Slam. Quickly knocking her out.

In the Monitoring Room:

Midoriya: oh wow (Y/n) is ruthless.

Yaoyorozu: Well he had to be if he wasn't he would have been at a disadvantage due to his teammate getting captured, plus he went after the one that looked the most worn not trying to waste energy when he needs to conserve his energy. 

All Might: I couldn't have said it better myself!

Kirishima: Wow, that is so Manly

Back to the fight:

Tomas: and you .went one me for knocking out Toru. What was that then. 

(Y/n): Well it was two on one so now its all evened up. You ready to break the little tie of ours.

As you both when to clash you still has Sento sheath in your hand, (like the picture above not including the tattoos.) Tomas looked at you and said.....

Tomas: How about a little wager on this fight?

(Y/n): Really do.... we are in the middle of an exercise. Fine what do you have in mind?

Tomas: Who ever wins get something they want from the other person without question.

(Y/n): 'Why would you want something like that'.... Fine you got yourself a deal I am a little curious. 

Tomas immediately when on the offensive and pushed into you sending you away from the clash. You quickly brought Sento from it sheath and stabbed it into the floor to stop you from sliding. You notice that Tomas became a cloud of smoke, you know what he was planning, turned quickly to block his Karambit with the sheath of Sento. You knock his arm out of the way and Spirit Charge him giving a little space in between the both of you. You knew that you didn't have much time left so you wanted to end this as quickly as possible.  You stuck your hand out as Tomas charged at you to do a move that he hasn't seen yet. You done a Telekinetic Push to put some space in between of you before you pulled of the move. It caught Tomas off guard a little bit, not seeing many of your telekinetic abilities. You still had your hand out to pick him up of the ground and perform Telekinetic Toss. As he hit the ground. You wanted to keep on the offence so you perform an enhanced version of Tele-Slam the move you want to pull of was called Tele-Suspend instead of slamming him into the ground you kept him suspended in the air to performed Tele-Flurry. After you landed the third slash it has incapacitated him. Instead of checking on your friend after the attack you went to search for the bomb knowing you didn't have much time left finding it on the west side of the six floor winning the match up for your team. 

You headed back down to check on your classmates they were still knocked out. You picked up Toru in a bridal style and picked up Ashido and Tomas with your Telekinetic abilities taking them all to the nurse to get check on and for them to wake up.

As you was walking you felt Toru shift in your arms. Noticing where she was she immediately started to blush heavily. 

Toru: W-what happen? Did we win?

(Y/n): Well after you contacted me I tried my best to make it to you in time, but when I got there you was already knocked out. I took on Ashido and Tomas and may have went a little overboard and knock them both out and now I'm taking you all to the nurse and yes we won.

Toru: I'm sorry I failed you and made you do all the work. 

(Y/n): You didn't fail me, you actually was able to wear them down for me to be able to finished them off. Plus I have a sword and know how to fight the odds, you just need more training and I have full belief that you will become a great hero.

Toru(Heavily blushing) put her head into your chest and let out a meek thanks. 

You made it to the nurse's office and put your three classmates on the bed and seen Midoriya there as well. You shook your head and turned to the nurse.

(Y/n): Thanks for taking care of my classmates Recovery Girl I don't know what we would do without out you.

Recovery Girl: Probably be neck deep in broken bones and deep cuts. 

(Y/n): Hopefully we can solves our classmate breaking his bones all the time but you wouldn't be wrong there. You have a good day Recovery Girl.

Recovery Girl: You do as well.

As you walked out to search for All Might speaking of which you just saw him zoom into the teachers lounge. As you entered the Teachers lounge you saw Nezu, Aizawa and Small Might.

(Y/n): Well this makes my job easier. I needed to speak with the three of you. 

Yagi: What is this about young (Y/n).

Nezu: I wonder this as well.

Aizawa had a look that just need a cup of coffee. You brought over a cup with your telekinetic abilities. He gave you a nod in thanks and gave you his full attention.

(Y/n): Well first things first, I know you worried about Midoriya Yagi I just checked up on him he's fine and is sleeping it off as we speak.

Yagi: That's great to hear

(Y/n): Now that brings me onto my second piece of news, my ancestors spoke to me earlier today after Midoriya's and Bakugo's fight. They told me that some one is harboring hatred towards other people and to only trust the people I know that I can. While I do trust some of my classmates. I can't help shake what they told me it could be a sign of bad things to come maybe a warning. 

Nezu: Yes this is concerning news that your ancestors speak of. How many people know the truth of quirk and what your sword can do. 

(Y/n): Well as of right now you three, Dad, Kuai, and Tomas, I think Toru has I inkling of something but she hasn't been told.

Aizawa: Keeping it played close to your chest huh. You may have actually learned something from me finally. 

(Y/n): Oh hardy har har Aizawa, but what do you think about my ancestors warning?

Aizawa: I have to agree with Nezu here, we have to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. We can only trust a select few people, knowing you are a telepath may help us discover the person. 

(Y/n): I've already check out a few people and they check out alright but still if we tell more people it may slip and they find out we are suspicious of them, and that wouldn't be good. 

Nezu: Ok everyone keep and looking out I'll go through the files of students and faculty and see if anything pop out.

(Y/n): Well that's all I have so I'll go check on our classmates that's in the infirmary. 

Yagi: I'll go with you I want to see if Midoriya woke up yet.

As you and All might walked out of the teachers lounge you decide to ask him about telling Bakugo of the existence of OFA.

(Y/n): "Hey Yagi I have a question for you?"

Yagi: "and what's that young (Y/n)"

(Y/n): "I know you only want a select few to know about OFA due to AFO, but I wanted to ask your permission to tell Bakugo about it due to him helping train Midoriya"

Yagi: "Did he actually agree to help train Midoriya? I thought he hated him"

(Y/n): "Nope doesn't hate him, he tried in his own special way to stop Midoriya from becoming a hero due to fearing he will get hurt without a quirk, and now that he has one he's willing to help him"

Yagi: "Well that's good to hear, ok you have my permission to tell Bakugo about OFA. Who's all helping train Midoriya." 

(Y/n): "Well as of right now, just me, Bakugo, and Tomas, I may invite Toru but that to be decided."
Yagi: "You are getting awfully close to Toru there (Y/n), When are you going to ask the girl out hmmmm"

(Y/n): "since when do you care about my love life Yagi, and I don't know I have a feeling she likes me but I don't want to ruin our friendship on the small chance I'm wrong"

Yagi: "Well truthfully me, Hanzo, Kuai, and Aizawa have a bet going but you didn't hear that from me"

(Y/n): "Seriously, you guys act like children and Aizawa surprises me the most  that's truthfully sad"

Yagi: "Well we all care for you we've watch you grow up and trained you, and also I can tell she likes you so just need to have a leap of faith"

(Y/n): "Thanks Yagi lets go check up on my classmates, and your successor."

As you both walked into the infirmary recovery girl went on Yagi for Midoriya injury, all you did was chuckle at his misfortune. You went over to check up on Ashido, Tomas, and Toru. Surprise to say they way all awake with a smile on their faces joking around with each other. You walked up to the three and took a seat at one of the visitation chairs.

(Y/n): So what has you three dying of laughter. 

Toru: The class is scared of you and also named you the MVP of our match. 

Ashido: Yeah, I'm also surprised to say the least I did even get a punch off.

(Y/n): Well don't feel bad I been training to fight since I was 8 years old.

Toru: Really that early.

Tomas: Yeah, it was hilarious watching him running a mile everyday to up his stamina. 

(Y/n): It was just as funny watching Kuai make you join me in training. 

You started to have a small telepathic conversation with Tomas while the girls started to have their own conversation. 

(Y/n): "So I'm curious what did you want me to do for you if you won our little fight."

Tomas: "Well I was going to ask you if Mina was single and if she was help me get a date with her"

(Y/n): "Well One yes I think she's single and for two I haven't ask anyone out ever so what makes you think I could help you"

Tomas: " Well we all know that you like Hagakure, so I thought you already had a plan"

(Y/n): "What do you mean everyone knows, Who all Knows"

Tomas: "Well there's Me, Mina, Tsu, Yaoyorozu, Midoriya, Bakugo, and Tokoyami,. We all have a bet going around to see how long it take you to ask her out."

(Y/n): "First the teachers now my classmates, why does everyone care about my love life"

Tomas: "The Teachers even see it HAHAHHAHA. That's Amazing"

(Y/n): "Ok I'm done with this conversation now"

You got up and walked over to Toru. 

(Y/n): Hey Toru, me and a few classmates are going over to my Dad's dojo to help Midoriya train his quirk, I was wonder if you like to join us?

Toru (small smile): I would love to join you guys

(Y/n): That's great to hear, I'll message you the address later we are planning on meeting out 4-5 after school if that works for you 

Toru: That work perfectly, I'll see you guys there

(Y/n): Ok guys I'm going to go get a shower and get change I'll see you all later, Also Tomas can you tell Midoriya when he wakes up about the training and the details about it. 

Tomas gave you a thumbs up before you got up and left. You went to take a shower and change into your casual clothes due to School ending soon.

You was planning on heading to the Dojo and make sure everything was ready. As soon as you started to walk to the dojo you felt your phone goes off.

Text Message:

Tomas: Hey I was wondering if you care if Mina joins the training?

(Y/n): Not at all, we have plenty of room. If you trust her then so do I.

Tomas: Thanks bro I owe you

Text Message Ends

You message All might about everyone's that's joining you and the chances of them finding out about OFA. He said that it looks like a trust worthy bunch of kids and trusts your judgement. 

You started to head to the Dojo, soon coming up on it. 

(A/n: But Day Time)

Everything looks like it is in great shape, you knew that your dad keep his dojos in great shape. As you inspected every thing everyone started to show up. The one that surprises you was Aizawa showed up.

Aizawa: Your dad told me the plan for tonight I'm just here incase someone tries to show up and cause trouble.

You gave him a nod of approvement and soon everyone showed up. Midoriya was surprise that Bakugo showed up but was happy none the less. 

(Y/n): Ok everyone gather around  I have a few piece of information to give to all of you.....


Next Chapter: Midoriya's Training 

(A/n: Wow 3000 words, I'm kind of proud of how this Chapter came out, if there's any place I can improve please let me know.)

(A/n: Moves used in this Chapter)

Mind warp: Kenshi teleports himself closer to his opponent. Kenshi uses this attack during his X-Ray in MK 2011 but never in the actual game.

Spirit Charge: Kenshi telekinetically shoulders the opponent, knocking them away.

Tele-Flurry: Kenshi performs two punches and a kick to his opponent from a far distance.

Telekinetic Slam: Kenshi picks the opponent up with telekinesis and slams them against the ground in front of him.

Telekinetic Push: Kenshi holds his hand in front of his opponent and telekinetically pushes them backwards.

Telekinetic Toss: Kenshi picks the opponent up with telekinesis and slams them against the ground in the opposite direction.

Tele-Suspend: The enhanced version is called Tele-Suspend, in which Kenshi does not slam the opponent on the ground but rather suspend them in the air before dropping them in front of himself, stunning the opponent and setting them up for a free hit.

Tele-Flurry: Kenshi performs two punches and a kick to his opponent from a far distance. In MKX, Kenshi summons his telekinetic projection to slice the opponent three times, with the third one knocking them away. 

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