Chapter 50, Epilogue: The End of an Adventure
Gyalzen POV
I honestly didn't believe it when I was first told. But deep down, I knew it wasn't a lie Jotaro had DEFEATED DIO! He'd bested him with his own time-stopping trick. Due to the similar nature of their Stands, he managed to discover his own time-stop ability.
We had won, but not without cost. Avdol, Iggy, Kakyoin and even Raymond had all died to get us this far. When I awoke from my injuries, I was told everything that had happened, it even seems Jotaro had found a way to save Joseph!
He told me of how Raymond died, impaled by his own blades. He would be mourned, as would Kakyoin who allowed us to find out The World's secret. Avdol and Iggy both gave their lives so that Polnareff and Raymond could survive. Because of that, at least Polnareff lived to see the end.
DIO was finally GONE! Which brought us to now...
"So, you're going back to France, eh Polnareff?" Joseph asked before adding "But your family is dead. Why don't you come stay with us in New York?" Polnareff fastened the lace on his back before turning and replying.
"Mr Joestar, they may be gone, but France is my home. It's filled with my memories. It's a place I must always return to. If you ever need me, just call. I'll find you, wherever you may be." Joseph spoke "We'll miss you." I nodded, saying "Yes, I wish you the best of luck on your journey Polnareff"
Polnareff said "It sure wasn't easy. But I had one hell of a time. Thanks to you guys." Joseph quietly said "We're a team. We always will be." As soon as these words were spoken, a voice announced over the speakers.
"Calling passengers of France International Airlines. Flight 92 to Paris, please proceed to Gate 18."
Without a word, Polnareff pulled all three of us into a hug. "A bienot, you old idiot, I wish you a long life!" Polnareff remarked to Joseph, before turning to Jotaro, saying "And you, his stingy old grandson, you'd better not forget about me!"
Lastly he turned to me. "Hey sage guy! Don't forget what you said in Aswan, I might show up at your temple for lessons on your Hamon thingy." I couldn't help but smile and say "I'd gladly train you Polnareff."
Joseph declared "We'll meet again. That is, if you don't hate me by then, you stubborn jackass!" Jotaro added "We couldn't forget if we tried. Take care of yourself." With that, Polnareff bid us farewell and we went our separate ways.
I decided to go back to Japan with them, for one simple reason...
Arriving at Jotaro's home, we were greeted by a very-much recovered and healthy Holy! She greeted Jotaro and Joseph as you'd expect, but then she noticed me. Her eyes lit up like fireworks as she cried out. "Uncle Gyalzen!"
Image of Holy Kujo:
It was like when she was a child all over again, she tackled me into a hug which I returned and said "Hello little Holy." For a moment, we remained silent before she asked "Did you help my father and Jotaro with their little adventure?"
I simply nodded, she gave a wide smile before saying "Come in, come in! Mother is here and I'm sure she'd love to see you again!" She began practically dragging me into the house, making Joseph laugh and even getting a smile out of Jotaro.
As embarrassing as this was, it made me happy. I was just pleased to see her well again. I would stay a few days before returning to Tibet.
I just hope my students had managed not to burn the place down without me...
Jotaro POV
I didn't stay home for long. There was one final thing I needed to do. Raymond's dying words were cryptic, but with the Speedwagon Foundation's help, I was able to narrow down my search. I'll admit, I expected a bigger place.
I stood outside the humble house before looking down. In one hand, I held the diary, the other was a photo. It was the photo the old man took of Raymond outside the hotel in Luxor, I had the Speedwagon Foundation copy it so that while I kept one in the diary, the other would remain with me, just like my picture of the others. Raymond deserved to be remembered.
With a grunt, I muttered "Good grief." Before going up and knocking on the door.
It didn't take long for a woman, definitely Raymond's age, to answer. She looked tired and annoyed as she asked "Yes, can I help you?" I wasted no time getting to the point. "I'm a friend of Raymond Baltimore, does his son live here?"
Her expression instantly hardened. "Who the hell are you? What's stopping me from slamming the door in your face and calling the police?" I repeated "Didn't you hear me? I'm a friend of Raymond's. My name is Jotaro Kujo. He told me to bring this to his son."
I held up the diary and right away I knew I'd found the right place. She just stared, prompting me to ask "Can I come in or not?" I could care less if I was being rude, I was growing inpatient. The woman stammered "Y-yes, come in."
She stood aside, allowing me to enter the house. Gesturing me to follow and saying "This way." She took me into the living room where I instantly noticed the baby sat on the floor playing with toys. He had Raymond's black hair, this had to be him.
The woman explained "My name's Sylvia, a friend of Raymond's and the mother of Sylvester. Raymond told me that if he died, then his diary would make its way here. Tell me, how did he die?"
I didn't know if she was aware of Stands. So I left out all that, instead, I kept my explanation as simple as possible. "He died helping me and my friends take down an evil person. That's all that matters."
I honestly expected her to pry, but instead she just sighed. "Fine. I expected as much, he always was a secretive man. I never knew how he was so good at his job." She looked down and smiled, following her gaze, I saw the baby crawling over.
Sylvia picked him up, it was honestly like looking at a baby version of Raymond. Sylvia spoke "I appreciate you bringing this to us Jotaro." She opened up the diary and out of it dropped the picture along with a slip of paper. She placed Sylvester down and opened it up.
I glanced over her shoulder, getting a look at what was said.
'Dear Sylvester,
My name is Raymond, your father. If you are reading this, then my life has likely caught up with me and I am dead. If I was giving you this diary myself, I'd have ripped the letter up.
I'm sorry. I really wish I could be there for you. However I made mistakes in my younger years that set me on this path, I cannot go back. Inside my diary, I have explained more of what I mean. Please read that for reference.
It is a family heirloom passed down for a century and it's now yours. And please, do not make the same mistakes I made. Live a healthy life and know that I will be proud of you.
Love you always,
Your father, Raymond'.
Sylvia's hands trembled reading it, even I was surprised. When did he write this? Likely before all this went down. I spoke "I'm going to go now. I can't stay long." Sylvia didn't even look at me at first, instead she remained silent, looking over the letter.
I repeated "Hey, did you hear me?" This snapped her out of her trance, she muttered "Huh? Yeah, sure. You should go." I grunted in annoyance before turning to leave. As I was about to go out of the door, I heard "Hey!"
Giving her a sideways glance, I saw her once again holding Sylvester who just stared at me, chewing on his fist. Sylvia spoke "Thank you for what you've done. It's what Raymond wanted."
I just grunted and left without a word...
Narrator POV
And with that, the story of Raymond Baltimore ended.
However, this wouldn't be the last time the Joestar and Baltimore bloodlines would cross paths. You see, twenty three years later Sylvester would be all grown up, and he'd have his own life, his own job.
That job would be as a guard at GREEN DOLPHIN STREET PRISON!
But before that, there were still many more mysteries out there. And one would unfold only eleven years after the defeat of DIO...
Timeskip (A few days before the start of Diamond is Unbreakable)...
??? POV
I looked down at the arrow in my hand and then at the house in front of me. My informant had tailed my latest target. The informant's Stand wasn't what I wanted, but he was good at scrounging information. So I knew who my new target was.
Shinnosuke Tsuji, his mother ran the Cinderella Beauty Salon right here in Morioh. It's believed his dad died when he was a child. He attended Budogaoka High School. He was known in school for his smarts but didn't interact with many people. He wasn't an isolationist, but his social circle was limited. Yet, the arrow seemed drawn to him.
I approached his house in the night, finding a way onto his roof and to the window I knew to be his. I peered through the window, seeing him sat at his desk presumably doing his homework. His mother wasn't back from work yet.
Due to the warm weather, the window was open, I reached around and readied the bow and arrow. I stepped into his room, causing him to turn and face me, his eyes widened in shock as he exclaimed "Who the hell are you?!"
I didn't answer, instead, I raised the bow and arrow in his direction. He seemed confused, but before he could react, I pulled back the string...
Author's Note: And that's it, for both this chapter and this story as a whole! I'll be uploading an author's note to close out this story. But here I'd like to give a big thank you to everyone who's been reading, voting and commenting! I really hope you've enjoyed and as always, thanks for reading.
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