Chapter 18: Devil's Gathering

Today was the day that Y/N and the others were to gather with the faction leaders as it was time for the meeting to discuss the topic of Khaos Brigade.

They weren't the only ones who were going to be there. Young Devils everywhere were to come as well. Y/N and Klein were already heading to the building for the meeting. Sugu had already left to help escort Lord Odin with Baraqiel. 

Klein: So who else is going to be there?

Y/N: Asuna and her cousin, Irina, are arriving with Lord Michael. Azazel and Sirzechs-sama should already be there as we are still setting up.

Klein: And Leafa-chan already left to escort Lord Odin, correct?

Y/N: Yep.

Agil: Oh, hey guys.

Y/N and Klein turn to see Sinon and Agil walking up to them. Agil was hauling some sort of bar set with Sinon holding some bags of ice.

Y/N: Hey guys. What's with the bar set, Agil?

Agil: I was asked to handle the drinks there while I was also on guard duty. I happen to run into Sinon here and she offered to carry the ice bags.

Sinon: Yep. Where's Suguha?

Y/N: She left much earlier to help escort Lord Odin. Asuna and Irina should be here soon though.

Sinon: Aren't we still setting up though?

Klein: Yup! Me and Y/N here were just heading on over to help set things up faster.

Agil: After you guys are done, think you can help me set up my bar? There's still a few more thing we need to get.

Y/N: Sure. Let's just get the rest of that stuff over on inside.

The four set off for the building and they entered into the main hall. Agil had set up a part of their bar in the corner and he left with Klein to get the other parts. Sinon and Y/N were setting up tables as snacks and other accommodations were to be set up there.

Sinon: So what happened yesterday?

Y/N: Hmm? What happened yesterday?

Sinon: You stopped for no reason when we were in the boss room. You alright?

Y/N stood there for a moment. He wasn't sure to answer or not. He wasn't really comfortable with sharing his grief with others other than his mother.

Y/N: I don't...feel like talking about for right now.

Sinon: Touchy subject?

Y/N: Yeah...

Sinon: Understandable. I'm going to get a drink for Agil's bar. Want anything?

Y/N: Just some oolong tea.

Sinon: Alright.

Sinon gets up and lays Hecate by the table and heads off for Agil's bar to fix some drinks for both her and Y/N.

A few seconds later, Sinon comes back and gives the cup of tea to Y/N. The black haired boy only stares down at the cup. His reflection of himself in the cup. As he stared into it, he could see his eyes start to flicker golden yellow. Then it flickered red. Y/N jumps a bit and Sinon sees this.

Sinon: Y/N, are you sure you're alright?

Y/N: I-I don't know...

Sinon: You sure you don't want to talk about it?

Y/N: Y-Yeah...its too much of a touchy subject to talk about. Thanks for offering though.

Sinon: Well, when you're ready to talk, I'm sure the others will be willing to lend their ears.

The black haired boy nods and Sinon gets up and grabs Hecate. She goes off and steps outside to guard the area. Y/N sat there and still stared at his tea. He then noticed a hooded figure with a purple tattoo that went down his face. He had a sadistic grin on and leaned down to his ear.

???: Kuro no kenshi...

Y/N turns around, getting out of his seat slightly and grasps the hilt of the Night Sky Sword. He turned around and saw that no one was there. Sirzechs and Azazel looked to Y/N, who was breathing really fast, sweat running down his face.

Y/N starts to relax and settles down back into his seat. He clasps his hands together and he starts to shake a little. Who was that man? Y/N knew he felt familiar. The question was...where did he meet him? Where did he see him? He wanted know who he was. What his goals were. He then remembered of the cloak he wore. It was black and ragged. He just couldn't remember his name. He knew of the guild he belonged to. The same murder guild. Y/N was shaken from his thoughts as his mother had put a hand on his shoulder, calming him down instantly.

Serafall: Y/N...honey, are you okay?

The boy doesn't respond and grasps his mother's hand. She was startled at first until she saw the look of horror and fear on his face. She wondered, what made him so afraid? Klein and Agil walk back in and saw the look on Y/N's face. Klein wasn't sure until he thought back to that day. He knew the raid had shaken Y/N.

Klein gestures to Agil to distract Serafall long enough. Agil nods and goes to distract her, leading her away to his bar.

Klein: Y/N, you alright?

Y/N: Klein...I don't know...

Klein: You thinking about that raid?

Y/N: I-I keep seeing him. He's coming for me...

Klein: Who?

Y/N: The leader...of Laughing Coffin. There's just one problem...I don't remember his name.

Y/N then grasps his head with both hands. He was stressed. Why was the leader of Laughing Coffin coming after him? Him specifically? Klein wasn't sure what to do and he made his way to Sinon who was standing guard outside the double doors.

Sinon: Hey, what's wrong with Y/N?

Klein: Remember when I told you Asuna, Y/N, and I went to raid that guild?

Sinon: Yeah...? Why?

Klein: I think the leader is coming after him. We just don't remember his name.

Sinon: Well...what does he look like?

Klein:, ragged cloak. His face had some sort of purple like scar that ran down his face except it was a tattoo. He was also tanned skin. That's...wait! His weapon was like a giant cleaver!

Sinon: You sure?

Klein: Yeah...I could never forget that weapon. It killed so many innocents. If that guy shows up or if any guy in a black ragged cloak shows up, eliminate them. They're too dangerous.

Sinon: (stern face) Roger that.

After awhile, the Devils and young Devils start to gather into the main hall. Y/N was leaning up against the wall, dawning a solemn look on his face. His mother was somewhere else, over by Agil's bar to be specific.

Issei and co. soon enter inside the hall, amazed at the sight of so many Devils in one area.

Issei: Whoa! Look at all the Devils here! Even Agil-san is here!

Rias: Agil? As in the Fallen Angel mercenary who sells paper mache items?

Kiba: Well I didn't know he sold paper mache items. Y/N just told us that he was the rip-off merchant.

Klein: Well, you aren't wrong about that.

Asia: Klein-san!

Klein: Yo!

Rias: Where's Y/N?

Klein: Over by the wall on the stage. He's on security detail for the leader class.

Issei: Who else is here?

Klein: Sinon is outside on the stairs.

Rias: Sinon!? The Ice-Cold Sniper!?

Klein: Yep! Being in the mercenary biz has its perks. Asuna-san is coming, Agil is over by his bar, and Leafa-chan is escorting Lord Odin.

Akeno: The Speedaholic of Yggdrasil?

Klein: Yeah. She's also Y/N's cousin.

Xenovia: Did I hear that Asuna-sama of the Knights of the Blood Oath is coming here as well?

Rias: The top mercenary guild in Heaven?

Klein: Yep. Y/N and I are very close friends with Sinon, Agil, and Asuna-chan. We all spent a good two years together on the front lines.

Lisbeth: And I hope you're not forgetting about me.

Issei: Oh, he Lisbeth.

Lisbeth: Red Dragon Emperor. Lady Rias's Peerage.

Kiba: But still, I've never seen Satan-class Devils gathered in one place like this.

Xenovia: It really is an incredible sight.

Rias: Make sure not to offend anyone. Especially you, Issei.

Issei: I-I know!

Y/N still stood on the stage, thinking about who that person was. The leader of Laughing Coffin. Just what was his name was what circled throughout his head.

Deciding it was enough thinking, he stopped leaning against the wall and made his way to Rias's group until the familiar chestnut haired beauty had leaped and hugged him from behind.

Irina: How are you doing boo?

Y/N: Alright I guess.

Asuna: Couldn't you at least be happy to see her?

Y/N: (sarcastically) Well good day to you, Senko-sama.

Asuna: (irritated) You know I hate it when you call me that.

Klein: Looks like the gang is all here!

Asuna: Hello Klein. At least someone has manners to properly greet someone.

Y/N: (rolls eyes) Whatever.

Irina: (kisses cheek) Don't be like that! At least I'm here, right?

Y/N: (smiles) Yeah. You are here.

Sinon: Well how about we get some drinks. Is that fine?

The group then looks to Sinon, as she has Hecate strapped to her back and was walking up to them.

Y/N: Aren't you still guarding the front?

Sinon: Some Devils are out there guarding. Besides. it's nice to let our hair down for once.

Y/N: Might as well. Since I'm not a Devil, I don't have to wait in the other room with the other young Devils. Lisbeth already has seats saved for us.

Irina: We're just waiting on Lord Odin.

Y/N: Yeah. Sugu should be helping with the escort.

Irina: And who is this Sugu?

Asuna: Don't worry. It's just Y/N's cousin. Come along now.

Y/N, Asuna. Klein, Sinon, and Irina then head on over to Agil's little bar set up that was in the corner. A few High-Class Devils were over by the bar.

High Class Devil: Ah, good day to you, Lord Y/N.

Y/N: Please, drop the formalities.

High Class Devil: Please, I insist. Come along now, make way for the son of the Leviathan.

High Class Devil 2: Of course.

They leave and Y/N sighs in annoyance. He was recognized as the son of the Leviathan, but he absolutely hated the title "Lord." He may have been adopted, but Y/N felt as he never earned the title of Lord.

He was just a simple swordsman and nothing more. They ordered some drinks, Y/N, Asuna, Irina, Lisbeth,  and Sinon getting oolong tea as they aren't the legal age of drinking while Klein had ordered a shot glass of gin.

Asuna: Y/N, you seem troubled. Do you need to talk about it?

Y/N: Just thinking about the leader of Laughing Coffin.

Klein: We never did catch that guy, did we?

Asuna: (nods) Yes. We never did encounter him in the raid I don't think.

Irina: Raid?

Asuna: Let's just say the raid wasn't something good.

Y/N: There were a lot of things that happened that we rather...not explain.

Irina: You sure you guys don't want to talk about it?

Klein: It's...complicated.

Lisbeth: Relax guys! We're here to have fun and have a good time while also making sure to keep the people here safe.

Agil: She's not wrong. Klein, make sure you don't drink too much. Wouldn't want you to be drunk.

Klein: Hey! I can hold my drink!

Y/N: I don't know. The after party in defeating Heathcliff shows differently.

Asuna: (sing song tone) He's not wrong you know.

Klein: I didn't have that much to drink!

Agil: (sigh) You had at least 10 cups that night.

Sinon: Sounds like you had a great night.

Asuna: Oh that's right! We didn't meet you yet, did we?

Sinon: Yeah. I was in the Battle of Bullets tournament at the time.

Irina: Isn't that where they put the contestants in an alternate space and they all fight using guns?

Sinon: Yeah. (points to Y/N) This guy ended up bring a laser sword to the arena and only a Five Seven.

Y/N: Don't blame me! I don't use guns that much and I am a swordsman!

Asuna: An edgy swordsman.

Y/N: At least I don't go berserk when someone gets hurt in battle.

Asuna: (slams hands on table) I'll have you know that the lives of my men are more important! And besides, we were stuck in that dungeon for two years!

Y/N: I only joined because I thought it was fun. I have no idea why you joined.

Asuna: I-I...well...

Agil: At least you all are having fun. I'm still mad that you wrote me a 800 word essay on how good that ragout rabbit was.

Y/N: I thought we agreed to never discuss that.

Agil: It must have been so good, wasn't it?

Asuna: It was pretty good.

Y/N: Now that you mention it, yeah. It was.

Agil: You could at least have given me a bite!

Lisbeth: Oh don't get me started on that! Y/N, you broke my prized sword!

Y/N: I was looking for something that could snap my primary sword in half. It's not my fault that your sword was that bad.

Lisbeth: That bad!? It was my prized sword!

Irina: I-I thought we were supposed to be having a good time?

Klein: I mean, Y/N and Asuna-chan were at each other's throats at one point.

Y/N: She wanted to lead a monster into a nearby village!

Asuna: Those villagers were going to come back! That floor was in an alternate space that allowed the villagers to come back!

Agil: And I thought we were done with that discussion.

Irina: (thoughts) What happened while I wasn't there...?

Klein: Well, at least I didn't do anything that bad.

Asuna: Don't get me started on you! You tried to hit on me!

Klein: I thought we forgot about that! You didn't have to bring it up!

Y/N: And don't forget the time when you told me that I was your type. I didn't know you swung that way.

Klein: I don't! It was a joke!

Agil: Doesn't sound like it to me.

Klein: You can't be serious...

Lisbeth: Now that I think about it...where's Silica-chan?

Y/N: I don't know. After the battle, we never really heard from her.

Asuna: Yeah, we never did, did we?

Irina, who was sitting next to Y/N, just sat there. She felt out of place. Y/N, Sinon, Lisbeth, Agil, Asuna, and Klein were all talking about their mercenary adventures they had together while she couldn't really talk about. She felt saddened a little until Y/N had wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer.

She blushed upon the contact, but smiled nonetheless and leaned her head on Y/N's shoulder. Asuna was watching from the corner of her eye and couldn't help but smile.

With the Faction Leaders

Soon enough, Lord Odin had arrived. Suguha was standing next to a silver haired maiden, who was standing behind Lord Odin.

Azazel: Oh. Good work, Baraqiel. It's been awhile, you old, Northern, countryside piece of shit.

Odin: It's been awhile, you cheeky Fallen Angel.

Sirzechs: It has been a long time, Odin-dono, God of the North.

Odin: Sirzechs, I am here in accordance with your invitation.

Serafall: Welcome, Odin-sama. (bows)

Odin: (strokes beard) Not good, Serafall.

Serafall: (confused) What do you mean?

Odin: A young lady such as yourself should not be dressed in such drab clothing at a party.

Serafall: (smiles) Well, then. Milky milky spiral!

Her clothing glowed and she changed into her magical girl outfit. Y/N and co. look to the commotion and he freezes. Irina and the others notice and tilt their heads.

Irina: What's wrong Y/N?

Y/N: It's just...does she have to wear that?

Odin: (intrigued) Oh? What's this?

Serafall: Oh, you don't know? This is a magical girl. You like? My son picked this out for me!

Odin: Hmm, it's not bad. You're son has good taste.

Irina: And what does he mean by good taste? Huh Y/N?

Y/N: P-Please don't look at me like that...

Sinon: I am curious to what he means.

Asuna: Yes. What does he mean Y/N?

Y/N starts to sweat bullets as he could feel the intense stares he was getting from Irina, Sinon, and Asuna.

Klein: Well...Lady Serafall has...unique taste in clothing.

Agil: Yes...indeed.

Lisbeth: Ehh...not bad. You do have good taste Y/N.

Back on the stage

???: Please remember why you're here, Odin-sama! You represent all of Valhalla!

Suguha: Oh come on, Rossweisse. Lighten up!

Rossweisse: This kind of behavior is unacceptable!

Odin: Goodness, you're always so serious. That's why you can't get a single boyfriend for yourself.

After hearing that, Rossweisse breaks down into tears and Suguha sweat drops. Sugu had met strange people, but none as weird as Rossweisse.

Rossweisse: I'm just an unattractive Valkyrie who's been single her whole life!

Odin: Sorry. As Suguha-chan said, this here is Rossweisse-chan. She's talented, but she's too serious. She can't even get one boyfriend.

Suguha: You didn't have to go that far though.

Michael: Sorry to make you wait. Odin-dono, I am glad to see you in good health.

Archangel Michael had shown up, so it was time for Y/N, Irina, and Asuna to go head up to the stage. Irina and Asuna stood behind Michael while Y/N stood behind Serafall.

Suguha: Good to see you cousin.

Y/N: (nods) Cousin.

Azazel: Alright then, let's get this meeting underway, shall we?

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