Chapter 5: Escape from the Facility/Welcome to the Future

Meanwhile back in the facility.

Buggy groaned waking up. He sat up, blinking due to the bright light, and looked around. Where was he? He didn't like the look of this place. He looked down and realized he was wearing some type of strange surgical gown. Where were his clothes and his hat? He looked around, panicking. Then he noticed a familiar figure lay beside him on another bed.

The straw hat, Luffy. Funnily enough, without his hat. He was also wearing a strange gown also.

Buggy stood and noticed wires stuck to him. He frowned and pulled them off, then went to Luffy and roughly shook him.

"Wake up, kid! We gotta get out of here!"

"Yes, Nami, I could go for another meal," he said sleepily.

"HEY!!" Buggy slapped his face hard and pulled him up by the shoulders, "this is no time to think about your damn stomach!! We're being held prisoner!! I know a brig when I see one!"

"Huh? Oh hey, Buggy, I just woke up from a nice nap. Where is everyone?" Suddenly he looked around seeing he wasn't in a normal room so he screamed, "AHHH! DID DAVY JONES DID THIS?"

Buggy slapped him again, "get a hold of yourself! Stop screaming! Let's look for our clothes, and then get out of here. I'm going without you if you don't come now!" Buggy pushed him away lightly and went to the door. He then snuck out and began searching for his clothes. It didn't take long to find them. He grabbed the clear plastic bag that was marked "evidence" and then also grabbed the one with Luffy's belongings in. He carefully snuck out and then bumped right into Luffy.

"Idiot!! You made me jump!!!" Buggy hissed. He shoved the bag into Luffy's hands, "there. I'm leaving now. Later, loser"

"Hey!" Luffy then chased after him, "we can't separate. What if we are the only survivors!?"

"Ugghhh whatever," Buggy growled. He then grabbed Luffy and pulled him down, ducking behind a corner, "there are people round there....," Buggy whispered, "we need to take them out. Then we can find a way of busting outta here."

"They could be friendly," Luffy whispered.

Buggy looked at him incredulously, "seriously? Do you actually have a brain in that big fat head of yours?" he knocked on his forehead with his knuckles, "they imprisoned us! They were holding us here. They UNDRESSED us!! And you think they're friendly," he sighed and shook his head, "well I'm not taking any chances," he detached both of his fists and they flew around the corner, punching the scientists and knocking them out.

Once they were knocked out they ran past an open room and Luffy noticed it. Luffy walked and saw the black Pearl in a glass case, "Buggy. I think I know why we are here..."

Buggy came back and looked, "oh shit!" he shivered, "I don't want to be anywhere near that thing!" He then grabbed Luffy and continued to run towards a door that was marked emergency exit.

They found themselves in a city and some of the undead were around on the streets.

"B-Buggy? There's more...," Luffy panicked.

"F*ck them, straw hat. Where the hell are we?! Look at this place?!" Buggy stared as he looked around, "look, if you grab my legs I can split myself up and hang onto you, and we can float out of here past these losers. And look for somewhere safe to hideout."

They got away and went to a neighborhood town. The one house that looked nice enough they rushed to the door, but it was locked, it was Mr Gold's house.

Suddenly the door next door broke down and three corpses came running outside.


Gold heard the noise and went to the door "who is it? I can't let you might be sick!" he yelled through the door

"We're not sick!! We're not one of them!! But they're coming for us!!" Buggy yelled back as they both pounded the door with their fists.

Gold opened the door slightly and Buggy pushed his way in and Luffy followed. They both then quickly locked the door.

The three corpses ran to the door and pounded making Sarah jumped and screamed.

Buggy opened the bag with his belongings in and rummaged through until he found his knives, "Luffy....crack open a window and I'll get right on them...," Buggy then detatched his hand.

Gold staggered back seeing him do this and held onto Sarah. Suddenly Gold and Sarah heard a familiar voice. It sounded like Billie, "sissy, come on out, mommy and daddy and I won't hurt you..."

"No, but I'll hurt you, shithead!!" Buggy growled, as Luffy prepared to open the window enough to fit Buggy's hand through.

"No! Don't! It's the girl's brother," Gold begged, "they'll go away once they realize they can't get inside."

Buggy and Luffy didn't listen and they let them in and the three zombies came in to attack.

Sarah whimped gripping on Gold.

Buggy used his knives with both hands to slash at the necks of the three, but their skin seemed tougher some how.

"Luffy.....something isn't right...we need to get them back outside somehow."

Gold took Sarah's hand and rushed to his den grabbed his revolver and bullets.

Luffy stood by the door, "hey come this way!"

Buggy then ran outside and one of them chased him. He dodged it and kept trying to fight. He then had an idea. He used his knives to cut his hand. The scent of blood drove the zombies crazy and they ran outside. Buggy then panicked.

"Gold! Do something!" Sarah screamed.

Gold then shot the zombie chasing Buggy in the head and it fell to the ground.

Buggy ran back inside and dragged Gold with him. They then locked the door securely, panting.

"You're dripping blood all over my floor," was all that Gold could say.

Buggy remembered his hand, "sorry pops, d'you have somewhere I can clean up....maybe get dressed," he gestured to his hospital gown.

"...upstairs, there's a rest room."

Luffy and Buggy rushed upstairs.

Gold then turned to Sarah and hugged her, "I don't know who they are, but they need to leave."

"Why? We can't kick them out," she then remembered the news paper and grabbed it. After rereading she realized they were the two frozen people.

"What are you looking for?" Gold asked.

"It's saw them right?'s the clown and the teen boy..."

"Sarah....just because he was wearing a clown nose and a little eye make up....they were wearing hospital gowns."

Just then Buggy came back down the stairs in his pirate outfit. Luffy was behind him and wearing his clothes again too.

"...well? They are also wearing 16th century clothes." Sarah pointed out.

"Sarah....thay could've been to a costume party," Gold tried to reason with her.

"What year do you think it is, guys?" She asked Buggy and Luffy.

Buggy frowned, "well, duh, it's 1786. Everyone in the East blue knows that," Buggy answered, "I'm Buggy the clown. Captain of the Buggy pirates, you would've heard of me...," he said proudly. He grabbed Gold's hand and shook it. Then he grabbed Sarah's and kissed the back of it, "what's your name, sweet cheeks?"

"...Sarah Thomas...and the East Blue? Buggy the Clown? I have heard about you, but in my history books. And the year is 2024."

Buggy dropped her hand in shock, "that isn't possible. We'd be dead! If it's 2024 then.... prove it to me."

Luffy was curious and played with a light switch.

"Did you guys had electricity back then?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah it was called lighting and if it hit your sails, you'd be in trouble," Buggy replied, watching Luffy as he flicked the light switch on and off.

"Look, where did you come from?" Gold demanded.

"The East Blue," Buggy replied, "I'm from Orange town. He's from Shells town. And we need to get back there. Do you have a map?"

"Those towns don't exist anymore...," Sarah told him. She typed them in Goggle maps on her phone and showed him.

Buggy stared in fascination at the screen, "what kind of magic is this?" he squinted to see on the map, "what's the Caribbean? Cuba! That's where Shells town should be....and....," he traced it with his finger, "Puerto where Orange town should be?! What happened??"

"'s a iPhone..."

"An iPhone?" Luffy asked, "can I see?"

"Uh sure." Sarah hands it to him.

He opened one eye and looked at the screen, "Hello? Hello?" He then handed it to her confused, "it's not working."

"You don't use it like that," Sarah giggled. "You call, send messages in a heartbeat, and even look up news, listen to music, a lot of things. And I guess they changed the names of your home towns over the years because the pirates died off pretty much since the great Pirate War. The war of all the Pirates fought against one evil pirate."

Buggy and Luffy realized it had to be the war they were in. Fighting against Davy Jones.

"I think we were in that war," Luffy, "we were fighting against Davy Jones."

"You must be Luffy." Sarah smiled.

"Yes I am. The king of the pirates someday...well hopefully in this timeline." Luffy awkwardly smiled.

Buggy gripped the back of his neck, "you will never be king of the pirates. Not while I'm still breathing," Buggy then went and sat on a chair in the corner. He felt like he was freaking out, "I just want to go home. And now we can't."

"I mean no one has made a Time"

"They make Artificial Intelligence robots and not a Time Machine," Mr Gold sighed.

"It doesn't seem so bad," Luffy told Buggy, "these two seem so nice and not sick."

Sarah then coughed. She hadn't coughed since this morning. She was getting over a head cold before the virus was announced.

Mr Gold was concerned.

"I-I guess I'm still getting over my head cold," she blushed when he checked her forehead. He then used his magic to check if it was still the head cold. "Yes. That's what it looks like. I just had to be sure."

She coughed again and he rushed to get her some water. Buggy was still being quiet. Which wasn't like him. He was struggling to process everything. Gold came back in and gave Sarah the glass of water.

"So...what happened. I'm guessing we feel asleep for centuries," Luffy finally spoke.

Gold sighed, "I can't answer that question. All I know is that you were found frozen. In blocks of ice. There were three of you."

Buggy looked up and then at Luffy, "I didn't see anyone else in that prison."

"But there's a virus going on also. It's...making people sick." Sarah added.

"It's the curse," Buggy said, looking down, "the black pearl. Davy Jones was the cause. And it's here.....I saw it in that prison we escaped from."

"...prison? You must've been at the government facility." Sarah said, "you are the frozen pirates!"

"Wahoo," Buggy said sarcastically, "I feel so much better knowing that."

"And the government will be looking for you," Gold said, "which means you're in even more danger than you are just from the infected."

"But we aren't infected!" Luffy said, "we also tried to prevent it. Please don't send us back out there."

Sarah looked at Mr Gold with pleading eyes. She knew they would not cause any problems. She knew Buggy and Luffy would behave.

Gold sighed, "you can stay a while, until we can sort out alternative arrangements for you both."

"thanks," Buggy said, "believe me, I don't want to stay any longer than we have to, either. I mean, you folks seem nice and all, but.... I'd like another ship. I assume they do still have ships these days."

"Not like the ships you would remember, they are faster and stronger, most run on a motor." Sarah explained.

"Oh cool!" Luffy smiled, "I could get one of those."

" soon as it's safe to go out, I'll commandeer myself a ship. If straw hat wants to stick around you're welcome to him," Buggy said.

"We can't just leave them, what if they need help?" Luffy asked.

"and you think we can help? We don't know any of the crap they've got in this century," Buggy frowned, "but we're not going anywhere yet. So pipe down, pencil neck."

Gold sensed these two weren't exactly best friends. But he was also hoping they wouldn't stick around too long. He wasn't entirely comfortable with having pirates in his home.

"Sarah, will.....take you upstairs to show you the rooms you can sleep in," Gold said. But when Buggy stood, he stopped him, "except you....lets me and you have a chat, pirate."

Luffy sensed this old man didn't like Buggy. Not many people like Buggy he knew. Shanks was one of them, Mihawk, and even Arlong. Not to mention the marines also. Sarah then led Luffy upstairs as Mr Gold talked to Buggy.

"I'm going to be honest with you, as you've been made it plain also that you don't want to be here any longer than necessary...," Gold said once Luffy and Sarah had gone, ".....I don't particularly want you here either. So for as long as you're in my house, you behave. No snooping, no stealing, and no funny business with my daughter."

Buggy felt offended. Luffy was a pirate too, but of course Gold didn't see him as a threat. Everyone saw Buggy as a freak, so what did he expect?

"Yes sir. I will behave you have my word."

"And when the time comes when you can leave. I don't want your little friend trying to persuade you to stay. You take him and go, as soon as it is possible for you to both leave safely."

Buggh sighed, "he's not really my friend. But yes, okay, fine. We will go as soon as we can."

Gold then nodded, "good. I'm glad we got that cleared."

"Ooh this is a comfy bed!" Luffy smiled.

Buggy then came upstairs, he noticed Luffy in one of the rooms and rolled his eyes as he kept walking, "so, where's my room?"

" can take mine...," Sarah blushes.

Buggy then smiled a fake sweet smile, "that's kind of you, honey bunches. But I won't take your bed from you. Just because I'm a pirate doesn't mean I'm not a gentleman. So thanks but....I'll be fine on the couch."

"No really...I rather be close to Mr Gold...he is now my adoptive father. I use to call him Uncle's just now I can't believe my folks and brother are gone. And I just want to be safe than sorry."

"So you're sharing a room with him, well he'll be happy with that," Buggy smiled to himself, "I'm sorry to hear about your folks. I know how much it hurts. I lost my crew.....they were my family too," he looked down, feeling bad for her.

"I'm sorry," she looked down at him.

Buggy shrugged, "thanks. I'll find a new crew when this is finished and start over. And at least you'll have your adoptive father. He's very protective of you. He'll be all you need to keep you safe."

"Thank you..."

"For what?" Buggy was confused.

"Well you seem nice and for saying sorry for my family..."

"Thanks. Nobody ever said I was nice before," he said, feeling quite shocked, "uh....maybe when you're not busy you could show me the history books you talked about. I'd like to see what was written about me," he grinned, "the genius jester....the flashy fool..."

"Or the Pirate Clown we usually known you by...I'm also sorry, but is your nose your real nose? I'm guessing you get ask that a lot and it upsets you, it's just...we have rare deformities like noses around this time...," she felt bad to ask, but wanted to know, since this was the real Buggy. She was fascinated with him in her school work learning about him in high school, especially Luffy, Mihawk and the Sharkmen, but Buggy the most.

Buggy checked to see if Luffy was distracted...he was. So he took her by the hand and pulled her into her room which she'd offered him.

"Sorry I just....never talk about the nose in front of anyone. In fact....I've never spoken to anyone about my nose. Yes it is real, which is why I became a clown. I figured I belonged in a freak show. but I also really wanted to be a pirate. So I made my own crew of outcasts and misfits. Had my own circus. Uh...but yeah... my parents were royalty and they abandoned me because of my nose being deformed," he sighed.

"I'm really sorry about that. I think it looks cute."

"Cute?!" Buggy laughed, "it's.....never gotten that reaction before. Most people think it's ugly or freaky."

"Well I don't think so. And I'm sorry if Mr Gold is a little judgy towards you...he's just very protective since what's going on..."

"I kinda noticed," he chuckled and listed the things Gold had said to him on his fingers, "let me snooping, no stealing, no sticking around for longer than I have to....oh and no funny business with you."

"...he just thinks you would be a pervert and try to make me sleep with you."

"oh shucks. Now my plans are ruined," he joked, ".....even if I tried to convince you to sleep with me you'd say no, and I'd respect that because I'm not a pervert."

"I can tell," she giggles, "I'm sure you had plenty of fun with Miss Alvida your lady."

"....Alvida? She wasn't my lady. Please tell me the history books didn't say she was."

"I guess they just assumed?" she shrugged awkwardly.

"Yeah...I guess they did," he sighed, "oh well, I had plenty of fun with women that weren't Alvida."

"....oh...," she nodded.

".....," Buggy then bit his lip. He did not know why he told her that. Because he always felt he had to be flashy. But he was in a different world now. Did his image matter quite so much? And for some reason he found this girl easy to talk to. So he found himself opening up.

" you want to know something the history books don't know?"

"...what's that?" She asked.

He lowered his voice, "you promise not to tell anyone, like ever ever...?"

"...I promise," she blushed.

"I've.....never actually had a girlfriend.....So I prefer for everyone to think I've had lots."

"...oh. I guess to get attention," she asked.

"No guy likes to be labeled the loser who's too weird or ugly to get a girlfriend," he shrugged, "any girl I ever liked just wasn't interested in dating me."

"I'm sorry," she didn't know what to do so she hugged him.

Buggy was surprised by that, so he awkwardly hugged her back, "it's okay. Just remember, it's our little secret," he then removed his coat, pulled off his hat and shook his hair loose, "I.... don't suppose you have something I can tie my hair up with?"

Sarah blushed and took a hair band off her wrist and handed it to him. Buggy looked at it and smiled, "thank you," he then pulled his hair up into a messy man bun.

"You have a cool hair color. I like blue."

"Yhanks. I like your hair color too. It's pretty."

"It's just brown, but thanks...," she blushed more.

"It isn't just brown. It's a nice shade of brown," he held a few strands between his fingers and looked at it closely, "makes me think of chocolate..."

She blushed, "you like chocolate?"

He let go of her hair and smiled, "I love chocolate."

"I love chocolate too. Especially hot cocoa."

"I've never had hot cocoa. But I know cocoa beans are worth a lot of money," he plopped down onto the bed, "but I guess they're not worth so much in this era."

"Sadly not..."

Just then Gold called out to her, "Sarah?...."

"I guess you'd better go," Buggy gave her a little wave, "goodnight, cupcake."

"Night...," she patted his arm and went to Mr Gold's room.

"Are our guests comfortable?" Gold asked. He was wearing his pajamas and had some pjs for Sarah to wear, which he handed to her so she could change in the bathroom.

"Yes..." she took them to the restroom and changed. Once she finished she came back in.

Mr Gold was in the bed, he pulled the sheets back for her to get in. He figured she'd want to be comforted after the trauma of the day.

"Gold? You don't think they are bad? Right?

Gold sighed, "they are pirates. The boy I'm sure is harmless though."

"But you were a pirate...remember?"

Gold paused. He had flashbacks of his old life back in his home world, "yes and I met a lot of I know there's lots of them you can't trust. That's why I'm cautious. The clown is trouble. I sense it."

"He seems nice though..."

"Sarah, you don't know him. He's probably only acting nice so you'll wind up being sweet on him."

She sighed and laid on her side. She then stayed quiet the whole night.Gold sighed and finally fell asleep.

Luffy was sleeping too. Buggy saw that as he looked in on him. So he then went back to his room and tried to sleep. He felt homesick though and missed his ship.

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