Trouble in Paradise


"What is the last thing you remember?" I asked Evelyn. She was looking around the room, and he realized where she was.

"Our wedding day," Evelyn said. "We were attacked, weren't we? Oh god, is Ezra okay?"

"Ezra was not hurt, Pheonix got him out of there straight away," I smiled.

"I shot you get shot before I blacked out. Are you alright," Evelyn looked at me.

"I've been through worse. Evelyn, Sofia is dead," I said.

"What did you just say?" Evelyn gasped.

"I'm sorry, Evelyn, but Sofia was shot too and she died," I said.

Evelyn was in tears to lose a friend she had made during the years she left. "I need to go to LA for the funeral," Evelyn said.

"The funeral is over, Evelyn. You have been sleeping for two weeks," I explained.

"What?!" Evelyn sat back down on the bed. "I missed the funeral of my best friend?!"

"Evelyn," I tried to touch her hand, but she pulled away.

"Just go, Damian, I want to be alone," Evelyn cried.

"I'm not leaving you alone like this," I said.

"Don't start acting like you care about me, Damian. Get out, Damian, get out! This is all your fault and I hate you," Evelyn yelled.

I left the hospital room feeling hurt. I knew Evelyn wouldn't like the news, but the words hurt. Evelyn needs time, and I will give her that. "Mr. Halliwell, how did your talk with Evelyn go?" the nurse asked me.

"Not good. I haven't gotten to tell Evelyn about the pregnancy yet. She's very upset about her friends death," I explained.

"I understand. But you need to tell your wife about the pregnancy sooner rather than later," the nurse said.

"Easier said than done," I hissed. "Evelyn kicked me out of the room,"

"Would you like me to tell her," the nurse offered.

"Yeah, it's probably for the best," I nodded.


I can't believe that Sofia is dead; she didn't deserve to die, but what hurts the most is that I didn't even get to say goodbye to her during her funeral. I was asleep the entire time. "Mrs. Halliwell, could I have a word with you for a moment?" the nurse said, walking in.

"Sure, what is it?" I said, wiping off the tears.

"I wanted to speak to you alone while your husband isn't here," the nurse said.

It's more like Damian is a fake husband.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush, so I'm going to say it. You're pregnant," the nurse exclaimed.

"What?! Pregnant?! Are you sure?" I said.

"I'm sure," the nurse nodded.

"How could I have been so stupid?" I groaned. "Again! Damn that man. How the hell am I soppose to tell Damian?" I said.

"Your husband is already aware of the pregnancy," she said.

"You told him?" I was shocked and pissed.

"You had absolutely no right to tell him anything!" I yelled at the nurse. "Have you never heard of patient confidentiality?"

"With all due respect, Mr. Halliwell is your husband, and you were in a coma," the nurse said.

"Damian might divorce after this," I sighed.

"Your husband looked excited about the pregancy," she smiled.

Yeah, that's what Damian wants you to believe. She left me alone in my room after telling me what she wanted to say. Another baby? Seriously? I want to see Ezra. I should ask Damian to bring Ezra in when he decides to come back here.

Damian returned to see if I was okay, but I felt a slight cramp in my abdomen. Damian saw me place a hand on my stomach and heard me breathing heavily. I felt something wet between my legs; oh god, no. "Damian, get the doctor, I'm bleeding,"

Damian wasted no time getting the doctor. I was quickly examined. "Do you have any pain?" the doctor said while doing an ultrasound.

"The pain is gone, all I'm feeling is the cold gel," I said. When the doctor was done examining me, he brought Damian to tell us what happened.

"You were not having a miscarriage, Mrs. Halliwell; you were going through what we call spotting, which is very common in the early stages of pregnancy," the doctor explained.

"Thank you, I want to bring Evelyn home today," Damian said.

"Home?" the doctor was taken aback by Damian's response. I want to see Ezra again.

"I highly advise against, Mr. Halliwell, it's much too soon to bring her home," the doctor said.

"Please, I want to go home to Ezra," I said.

"I'm sorry, Evelyn, but you need to stay here and rest," the doctor said.

"I have a private doctor on the grounds at home, my wife will be well looked after," Damian said.

"If you take Evelyn home now then you are doing it against medical advice," the doctor warned. "I will need you to sign papers conferming you were advised of the risks,"

"As I said, we have a doctor at home that will do the job better. Get me the papers," I said.

"Mr. Halliwell, you are making a big mistake," the doctor growled.

"I don't give a damn what you think. Now get me the fucking papers so we can get home to our son," Damian ordered.

The doctor scoffed and left the room. "You didn't need to be rude," I said.

"Just get dressed so we can get out of this shit hole," Damian huffed and left the room.

Wow! I dressed and waited for Damian to say I was free to leave. We returned home in silence, and I immediately sought out Ezra to hug him. When I found him, he began to cry in my arms. "I missed you so much, Ezra," I said. "Were you a good boy when I was at the hospital?"

"Yes, mommy," Ezra smiled.

"Everything okay over here?" Damian said, and I gave him a look of contempt.

"Daddy!" Ezra ran to his father.

"Everything is okay. Did you want something?" I asked.

"I have a few things to do now, but we can have dinner later when Ezra is in bed," Damian said.

"Alright, I'm sure we have some things to," I said.

"Can I come with you daddy?" Ezra asked.

"No, Ezra, stay home with mommy and we'll watch a movie," I smiled.

"No, I want daddy," Ezra clung harder to Damian's pants.

My heart broke when Ezra said he wanted to stay with his father. "We won't be long," Damian left with Ezra in his arms.

I'm gone for two weeks, and Daddy's the bomb all of a sudden? I think about the child growing inside me. I hope I'm not gone long enough to see my second child love Damian more than me.

I was reading a book in the living room for most of the day, and a random thought popped into my head: Damian had never mentioned Robert. Is he okay after the attack at the wedding? I should call him.

I got my phone and called Robert, but it went straight to voicemail. "Hi, Robert, it's Evelyn. I'm leaving a quick message letting you know I'm out of the hospital. Maybe we can meet soon for coffee? Call me so I can make sure you are okay," I hung up.

I got ready for dinner that Damian was planning for us. Ezra and Damian should be home by now. I left the living room, entered the halls, and saw Damian. "I was just looking for you. Where is Ezra?"

"Ezra is in bed," Damian answered.

"What do you mean by that?" I scoffed. "I wanted to do that, I've barely seen him all-day,"

"How about you calm the fuck down and stop poking me. I thought you were asleep," Damian growled.

"Stop trying to come between me and my son!" I yelled.

"OUR son, Evelyn. Now after you have calmed down, come and find me, we need to talk," Damian walked off.

Since we were not getting dinner as I had hoped, I switched to wearing my regular everyday clothes. I entered Damian's office and saw that we were talking to Pheonix. "Evelyn, you're looking well," Pheonix smiled.

"Thanks, Pheonix. Can you please leave? Damian and I need to talk," I asked.

"Of course, Damian informed me that you two need to discuss something important. I'll take my leave," Pheonix smiled and left the study.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"We are flying to Russia tomorrow," Damian said.

"That soon, but I just got home? Why so soon?" I asked.

"After the attack at our wedding, I need to get you and Ezra out of New York for a while. You two will be staying in Russia until I'm convinced it's safe for you guys to return," Damian explained.

"Alright," I nodded. "Have you spoken with Robert since the wedding? I tried calling him, but it went to voicemail,"

"You called Robert?" Damian said.

"I tried, but he didn't answer. I hope he got out away when we were attacked.

"Give me your phone, Evelyn," Damian said.

"What?!" This request took me aback. Why did Damian get angry when I mentioned Robert? What is he not telling me?

"Now!" Damian yelled

I gave him my phone. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I'll get you a new phone in Russia. This needs to be destroyed, so it can't be traced. We're done here," Damian pointed to the door.

What the hell? "Damian, I'm giving you one chance to tell me what's going on!" my teeth clenched.

"I don't want you talking to Robert anymore," Damian said.

"Are you jealous of Robert?" I yelled.

"Am I jealous of Robert? No! Am Igoing to kill him? Yes!" Damian said.

"Kill him?!" I gasped. "Damian, what did he do? What do I not know? I want you to tell me the truth. What happened while I was out? What do you know that I don't?"

"Very well, but you will not like what you will hear. Are you sure you want me to tell you?" Damian asked me, this question being the last chance to back out.

"Yes, tell me, what happened after the shooting on our wedding day?" I asked.

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