The Aftermath


"Damian?" I hear Artem's voice. All I can remember is all hell breaking loose at the wedding. I got shot protecting Evelyn. Is Evelyn okay? Is Evelyn safe?

"Ugh, where am I?" I slowly sat up on the bed and opened my eyes.

"You're in the hospital, Damian," Artem said.

"Are Ezra and Evelyn safe? Please, I have to know if they are okay," my voice laced with fear and worry. "Artem, where the fuck is my wife and son?"

"Ezra's fine. Pheonix got him out of there just in time. Evelyn was hit; there's no news yet," Artem explained.

My chest tightened. "What do you mean there's no news? Find me a fucking doctor! Parker, get my fucking clothes,"

"Calm down, bro. I'll go and see what I can find out. You stay here and rest," Artem said, and I nodded.

I only nodded so Artem could leave, and when he walked out the door, Parker gave me clean clothes, and I got dressed. I saw Artem asking a nurse for information on my wife. "Excuse me, ma'am, do you have any information on Mrs. Halliwell?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but Mrs. Halliwell died an hour ago," the nurse said. "We have done everything we could, sir, I'm sorry,"

"She's dead?" I said, my fist clenched.

"Damian!" Artem turned around.

"FUCK!" I banged on the wall and walked off. My vision clouded with tears.

"Damian, WAIT!" Artem said, and I heard him chasing after me.

Artem arranged to discharge me from the hospital and drove me to the warehouse. Pheonix was drinking and choked on his drink when he saw me. "Damian, what are you doing here?" Pheonix with shock. "Is everyone okay?"

I took a deep breath. "Evelyn's dead,"

"What?!" Pheonix gasped.

"Where's Ezra?" I said.

"Ezra is here, sleeping in your room. The mansion is not safe as of now," Pheonix explained.

Artem ran into the room, loudly opening the doors. "Damian, what you heard at the hospital isn't what you think,"

"What do you mean? The nurse said she was dead, that she died an hour ago," I growled.

"The nurse was talking about Sofia. Sofia is dead, not Evelyn," Artem smiled.

"So Evelyn's alive?" I said.

"Yes," Artem nodded.

"I'll drive Damian back to the hospital; you stay here, Artem," Pheonix said, and Artem agreed.

Pheonix and I quickly got in Pheonix's car and drove. "Did you find anything out about Robert?" I asked.

"No, Robert got away, but guess who we have in lock up?" Pheonix smiled.

"Dylan Harmon?" I said, noticing the subtle hints. "How the hell did you catch him?"

"Dylan was one of the shooters at the wedding. He was shot, but unfortunately for him, he's still alive," Pheonix said.

"Make sure he is kept alive! By the time I'm finished with him, Dylan is going to wish he has never been born," I laughed.

We arrived at the hospital and found the nurse who told Artem about Sofia's death. "Ah, Mr. Halliwell, you decided to come back?"

"How's my wife?" I asked.

"I am glad to see that misunderstanding was cleared up. Give me a few minutes so I can get the surgeon to give me an update," the nurse said.

I nodded as she walked off. "I swear to god, Pheonix, I wanna know who Robert is working for and fast. Do whatever you have to do to make Dylan talk,"

Pheonix smiled, nodded, and left to get the information I wanted. This is war! I will kill every single person involved in the attack if it is the last thing I do. "Mr. Halliwell?" the nurse's voice snapped me back to reality.

"Yes, how is my wife?" I smiled.

"Mrs. Halliwell just got out of surgery, and the next 24 hours are critical. She was shot three time, and while we have managed to remove all the bullets, they have done a lot of damage. I would recommend calling her family," the nurse said.

"Are you saying she's going to die?" I could feel my skin turn pale.

"There's a strong possibility," the nurse said with sadness.

"She has no other family other than our young son; I'm the only family she has left," I explained. "He's only two and a half. I refuse to let him get exposed to this,"

"You should bring him in, maybe him being around might help her," She said. I gave it some thought, then I nodded. "Follow me, I will take you to your wife,"

The nurse led me to Evelyn's hospital room, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I'm thankful that she's not on a ventilator and breathing on her own. I told the nurse that getting the makeshift bed ready would not be necessary as I would be sleeping on the chair.

I was now alone with Evelyn. "What a wedding night eh, Evelyn?" I placed my lips near her ear. "Don't you even think of dying on me, you hear me," I whispered. "If you can hear me, I'm so sorry,"

(The Next Morning)

I woke the following morning, and I looked at Evelyn. There was no change; it was still the same as she was last night. I pulled out my phone, which still had a reasonable battery charge. I called Pheonix. "Pheonix, it's me. There is no change in Evelyn. Did you get any information from Dylan?" I asked.

"Not yet, he's still unconscious. We had to bring in Tyler to get the bullet out; otherwise, he would've died," Pheonix said.

"Keep that dog alive, you hear me! Dylan will die by my hand and mine alone," I growled. "Tell Artem to bring Ezra to the hospital," I hung up and sat on the bed. "Evelyn, wake up, Ezra is coming. We'll go to Russia as planned as soon as you wake up.

Ezra arrived a half hour later with Gregory and was saddened by the sight of his mother. I order Greg to guard the door and not leave it for any reason. "You okay, buddy?" I asked Ezra.

"Is mummy sick daddy?" Ezra leaned his head on my chest.

"Your mother is one of the strongest people I knew; your mother will get better soon, son," I wiped a tear off Ezra's cheek.

I left the hospital room to get some air and told Greg to enter the room and watch Ezra and Evelyn. The nurse called me over to her. "Mr. Halliwell, may I speak you for a moment?"

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Not exactly; we got some blood results back that we took yesterday. Are you aware that your wife is pregnant, sir?"

"Pregnant!?" I was stunned.

"I understand that this is quite a shock," the nurse said.

"Would Evelyn have known she was pregnant?" I asked.

"That's very unlikely; the pregnancy is roughly 1-2 weeks along. Due to the trauma your wife has suffered during the shooting, there is a high chance that Evelyn will miscarry in due course. Right now, her body is not strong enough to carry a baby," the nurse said.

I snarled. "Then why bother telling me about the pregnancy at all?"

"Sir, please calm down," she said, raising her hands.

"Don't tell me what to do! People have died for a lot less," I hissed.

"Excuse me?!" the nurse gasped.

"To hell with this; I'm out of here," I turned my back on the nurse and took Ezra back to the warehouse while telling Greg to watch over Evelyn. Now, it was time to deal with Dylan. "Where is he?"

"Boss, what are you doing here?" Pheoniox asked me.

"Where the fuck is Dylan?" I yelled.

"Damn, calm down. Dylan is not talking," Pheonix said softly.

I smiled. "We'll see about that," I walked into Dylan's prison cell. "Hello, Dylan, I see my men have roughed you up a bit,"

"Don't come near me!" Dylan was cowering in the corner.

I grabbed him by the hair, threw him across the cell, and proceeded to bash his head into the wall. "TALK!" I roared.

"Fuck. You," Dylan rasped.

"Wrong answer!" I punched him again and again and again until he stopped moving. I checked his pulse, and I felt his heart beating. I turned to face Parker and Phoenix. "Clean him up and then start with his fingers. I want answers today!"

It was clear that my home was safe, and I could safely return. Thankfully, my house remained intact, and no one got inside. I was getting ready to go to bed when I ran into Artem, standing outside Evelyn's room.

"Why are you standing outside Evelyn's room, Artem?" I asked.

"Ezra insisted on sleeping in his mother's room tonight. What's going on with you? Why aren't you at the hospital?" Artem asked.

"Long story, brother. You can go to bed, I'll sleep with Ezra tonight," I nodded.

"Okay," Artem left me alone, and I entered Evelyn's room to see Ezra sleeping peacefully. It could be just you and me soon, son.

"Greg, it's me, are you still at the hospital?" I said.

"Parker just arrived and took over, I was just about to leave," Greg said. "There is no change,"

"Thanks for the update, goodnight," I hung up and got in bed with Ezra.

I woke the following day with Pheonix's voice. "Damian?"

"What is it?" I whispered. "Speak softly, don't wake up my son,"

"We need to talk, boss; it's urgent," Pheonix said.

"Gods sake, I'll meet you in the office in a minute," I nodded.

I put on a shirt and kissed my son's forehead. He's sleeping soundly, just as I want him to be. I won't want to leave him, but Pheonix intends to speak with me. I went to my office where Pheonix was waiting. "This better be important, Pheonix," I said.

"What's going on, boss? First you tell us to keep Dylan alive, then you beat the living shit out of him. We weren't able to get any information because we had to wire his jaw shut. Damian, what happened at the hospital?" Pheonix said.

"I don't want to talk about the hospital or Evelyn for that matter," I growled.

"Damian, you are like a brother to me and I know when something is bothering you," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "Evelyn's pregnant," I groaned.

"Shit, I wasn't expecting that. You never heard of a condom?" Pheonix snickered, but I glared at him, and he quickly stopped. "Look, bro, you're married; what's the big deal?"

"The DEAL is that Evelyn might be carrying Robert's child, and it might not even be MINE," I was frustrated. "Her pregnancy is early, one to two weeks,"

"Are you hearing yourself right now? You were told that the pregnancy is that early, that baby is yours, you idiot! We have survallence on this place 24/7," Pheonix scoffed.

"Are you forgetting the night she slipped out to see Robert?" I grunted.

"Bro, that was a month ago. Evelyn was gone an hour tops before Parker was on her again. Evelyn is carrying your baby, Damian; you are the only man Evelyn has had sex with since she came to New York," Pheonix smiled. Pheonix then handed me a file, and I opened it. "Look, it's all written down here, we are very good at what we do. We know everything Evelyn does, and who Evelyn does," Pheonix playfully winked.

"You wrote down everything?!"I slammed the folder shut and threw it Pheonix. "You sick fucks," I walked out of my office.

"It's not like we watched!" Pheonix laughed.

(A Few Days Later)

I was lying on the couch, thinking about Evelyn and my baby. It's weird to think about, but this time, I'll see what I missed out on the first two years I missed with Ezra. I hope Evelyn pulls through and her body can keep the pregnancy. I hope it's a girl; I would love a princess.

I wanna see Mommy," Ezra said, snapping me from my thoughts.

"Not today, Ezra; Mommy needs to rest," I said. But my words made Ezra cry. "Hey, don't cry, I know you want your mother," But I quickly changed my mind. "Alright, let's go to the hospital,"

I got Ezra in his car seat and drove to the hospital. When I arrived, the nurse caring for Evelyn did not give me a kind look. "Mr. Halliwell, how good of you to grace us with your presence,"

"You gotta problem? I suggest you keep your grievance to yourself. Now my son is visting his mother, I hope you won't have a problem with that,"

"I will keep that in mind. As Evelyn's next kin, you need to sign some forms and give permission for things that need to be done. What I mean is that I want to try to bring Evelyn out of her coma tomorrow, and I need your permission to do it," the nurse explained. "Risks are obviously involved, whitch is why we need you to sign consent forms,"

"What are the risks," I asked.

"Evelyn is pregnant, so there's a more significant risk to the pregnancy once we bring her out of her coma. She might also die,"

"You don't have my consent if death is involved. Too many risks, leave her alone for now," I demanded.

"Mr. Halliwell, we can't leave her in a coma forever; there is a chance Evelyn will never wake up!" the nurse said.

"If you wake Evelyn up or disconnect her from any machine without my permission, I will burn this hospital to the fucking ground with everyone in it!" I threatened.

"My superiors will obtain a court order if they have to to allow me to do what needs to be done, Mr. Halliwell," she smiled.

I took a step towards her. "Go ahead, make my day. Do you think any judge in this city is stupid enough to go up against me? I am untouchable!" the nurse grunted when I was done talking and walked away.

"What's wrong with her?" Pheonix said, approaching me.

"A typical person who doesn't like hearing a few home truths," I scoffed.

"I see, well I have some news for you, Dylan wants to talk," Pheonix said. "But only to you,"

"Really? Very well, I will meet him tonight when I put Ezra to bed," I said. "I want you and Artem to be ready,"

That night, after I put Ezra to bed, I went with Artem and Phoenix to the prisons of the warehouse, and I entered Dylan's cell; he looked better than what I had done to him a few days ago. As soon as I have the information I need, Dylan will die.

"You wanted to speak with me?" I said.

"Yes, I will tell you everything," Dylan said, sitting on a chair.

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