Returning to New York
Damian knows the truth that I have tried to keep buried for the last two years, and now I can feel the rage emanating from him. "Is this some sort of sick joke?" Damian growled.
"I already told you, he's not yours!" I huffed.
"ANYONE with eyes can see that he's my damn son," Damian roared.
"You made it perfectly clear that you didn't want a relationship with me," I said.
"Yes, with you, Evelyn, not with my son! You kept him from me out of spite. You have really done it this time, Evelyn," Damian's teeth clenched.
"I have to go, we're going away for a few days," I said, readjusting my bag.
"I don't fucking think so. If you want to go? Then go? But you're not taking my son anywhere!" Damian said.
"How dare you. You didn't even know my son existed 10 minutes ago and now you want him?" I gave a frustrated sigh.
"And who's fault is that, Evelyn?" Damian smiled mensisningly.
We gave each other a long stare-down until Robert appeared out of nowhere. "Evelyn! Everything okay over here?" Robert said.
"Everything is fine, Robert," I grunted.
"Keep on walking, ROBERT!" Damian hissed. "This doesn't concern you,"
I scoffed. "Don't speak to Robert like that,"
"I will speak to him however I damn well please," Damian said.
"Evelyn, want me to take Ezra inside while you handle this?" Robert asks me.
"Put your hands on my son and I'll break both of your arms," Damian threatened.
"What! Is this Ezra's father, Evelyn?" Robert gasped.
"Yeah, Evelyn, am I his father?" Damian crossed his arms.
I breathed deeply. "You should go, Robert; I'll call you tomorrow. I'll be fine," Robert nodded, scowled at Damian and walked off.
"I need to feed Ezra breakfast, he hasn't had anything to eat yet," I said.
"Fine, we'll go to breakfast," Damian said.
"No, Ezra doesn't know you," I shook my head.
"He's going to get to know me," Damian said.
"Please don't do this; let me call Sofia to come and get Ezra, and we'll go somewhere to talk," I said.
"Not happening, and who the fuck is Sofia?" Damian growled.
"Sofia's my best friend and she takes care of Ezra while I'm working. Please, Damian," I said.
Damian sighed and combed his hair with his fingers. "Fine, but after we talk. You're going to tell Ezra that I'm his father,"
I called Sofia, and she came to pick up Ezra. She was worried about Damian, but I reassured her I would be okay. She told me to call her if things go south.
We sat in my office in the bakery. "Start talking!"
"Why? You know everything," I shrugged.
"WHAT?! I know nothing! Why the hell didn't you tell me that I have a son?" Damian said.
"I didn't know I was pregnant when I left the Black Dragons," I said.
"You still could've called when you found out, Evelyn. Even sent a damn text!" Damian scoffed.
"I was scared back then, Damian. Scared of you, scared of the dragons, scared of everything! I didn't want Ezra to be a part of that life," I said.
"That's not your call to make," Damian pounded my desk.
"I'm his mother, Damian!" I yelled.
"And I, Evelyn, am Ezra's father, and whether you like it or not, The Black Dragons is in his blood," Damian said.
"No, Ezra is not getting caught up in your lifestyle," I growled.
"You don't get to decided what he is or isn't doing," Damian said.
Oh, yes, I do, you bastard," I hissed.
"Really, Evelyn? Do you have the money to fight me through the courts for custody of Ezra?" Damian smirked.
My air left my lungs when he made that threat. "You wouldn't,"
"Wouldn't what? Fight for custody of my son? Damn straight I would," Damian yelled.
"You're a criminal, a killer, a mafia leader. Any court with a brain and common sense will never grant you custody of my son," I smiled.
"Prove it! I have the best family law barrister working for the Black Dragons. What have you got? Do you want to take this to court and see who will win? The cards are in my hands, Evelyn, you have nothing!"
I sighed silently in frustration. "What do you want?"
"Simple, I want my son," Damian said calmly.
"You're not getting Ezra," I shook my head.
"Ezra is my son and he'll take over the Black Dragons when I step down," Damian said.
"NO!" I screamed. "No, Damian, he won't. Ezra's not like you, Damian; he's not a fighter. He's a sweet, innocent child,"
"He'll be trained to fight, just like I was," Damian said proudly.
"I won't allow this to happen," I declared. "No way, Damian, I hate you, I hate you! You can go and burn in hell!" I ran past him. Thank god I didn't open the bakery. Ugh, I could kill Damian. There's no way he's getting my son. I could take Ezra and run again, but I know I'm being watched so I won't get far. If Damian wants a fight, then he will get a fight. But the realization came crashing down. Who am I kidding? He's going to take Ezra; I know it.
I should go home. I can't lose my son; I just can't. I called Sofia to bring Ezra home and arrived a half hour later. I thanked Sofia and sent Ezra to play in his room. I sat in my living room, trying to plan my next move. I'm sure Damian knows where I live now, so I must think fast. I heard a knock on my door, and when I opened it, Damian and Phoenix were there.
I gasped. "What do you want?" But Damian just walked in while Pheonix stayed outside. "How dare you barge your way in here,"
"I want to see my son, take me to him," Damian ordered.
"He's not here," I lied.
"Don't test my patience, Evelyn; where is Ezra?" Damian growled.
"I told you already, he's not here?" I said.
"Fine, finding my child in this dump won't be hard. Is there even two bedrooms in this shoebox you call a house?" Damian said.
"Fuck you, Damian. Tell me again how much child support you paid," I growled.
"How the fuck could I support a child I knew nothing about?" Damian countered.
I rolled my eyes, and Damian walked away. "Where are you going? Leave my son alone!" I chased after him.
"Don't make a scene, Evelyn. You don't want OUR son getting upset," Damian said.
I saw Damian standing over Ezra, who was sleeping in his bed. "Don't wake him, Damian," I threatened softly.
Damian turned to face me. "If I want to wake him then I will," Damian walked out of the room. My face contorted in rage, and I followed after him. We returned to the living room.
"Damian, what exactly do you want?" I asked.
"You know damn well what I want. My son," Damian crossed his arms.
"You're not getting my son," I hissed.
"OUR fucking son, Evelyn!" Damian yelled.
"You can see Ezra here every other weekend," I said.
"Not good enough; I want our child in New York," Damian said.
"New York? Have you lost your damn mind?! Our life in here, this is all he knows," I said.
"Well, my life is in New York," Damian said.
A knock on the door stopped us from fighting, and Phoenix walked in with a worried look. "Boss, we have a problem! Someone found out you have an heir, and a 10 million dollar bounty is on his head," Pheonix explained.
"WHAT?!" Damian roared.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"Dead or alive, Damian, it doesn't matter," Pheonix said.
Someone wants my son dead? "Damian, what's going to happen now?" I asked.
"Pheonix, tell Bellamy to get the jet ready. We're taking Ezra to New York tonight!" Damian said. Pheonix nodded.
"NO! You can't take him from me!" tears started welling up in my eyes.
Damian grabbed me by my shoulders. "Do you want Ezra to die?"
"Of course not," I said.
"Then, as Ezra's mother, do what is best for him. I can protect him better in New York," Damian said, letting go of my shoulders. "All my best men are there, and my house has the best security system,"
"But Ezra will wonder where I am. Will I ever see him again?" I cried. "He doesn't know you,"
"You're his mother, Evelyn. If you want to come with him, you can. But right now, my priority is keeping him alive," Damian said.
I nodded. "Okay. I'll go get Ezra ready and get our things. But what about the bakery?"
"I'll sort it out," Damian grunted.
I quickly got Ezra ready and packed everything essential and irreplaceable. We quickly rushed to the airport, got on Damian's jet, and flew off. Goodbye, Los Angeles. Ezra was sitting on my lap while Damian was watching me.
"Mommy, I'm hungry," Ezra said.
"I know sweetie, we'll get something soon," I kissed his cheek. Ezra looked at Damian, got off my lap, and approached him.
"What's up, little man?" Damian smiled at him. I observed Damian; I don't know how he will act around Ezra.
"Who are you?" Ezra tilted his head
"I'm your dad," Damian said.
Ezra shook his head. "No, daddy's gone,"
"Well, I'm back now," Damian said, and Ezra smiled at him.
"Ezra, come over here right now, please," I said, and Ezra returned to my lap.
The jet landed in New York, and Damian guided us to a car that led us to his house. I was in awe at the mansion he lived in, and when I stepped inside, I was in awe. "Wow! This place is something else," I said.
Damian gave me a light 'hmph' and turned his attention to Ezra. "Ezra, what kind of bedroom would you like?"
"Cars and planes," Ezra said excitedly.
Damian looked at me for an explanation. "It's a Disney movie about talking cars and one about planes,"
"Very well," Damian said, and Ezra smiled happily.
"Ezra, go find the kitchen and I'll come find you in a minute," I said. Ezra nodded and ran off.
Now, it was just me and Damian. "Make yourself at home and pick a bedroom. Ezra will sleep with you until I get his room done," Damian said. "Cathrine is around somewhere; she'll fix you some food,"
"Cathrine? Is she a maid or something?" I asked.
"My housekeeper," Damian corrected me.
"I've been fixing Ezra's meals for two years; I'm very capable of getting my son some food," I said.
"Fair enough," Damian said. I rolled my eyes at him and walked to find the kitchen.
Nighttime arrived a few hours later, and I just finished putting Ezra to sleep. I took some time to collect my thoughts on the situation about a bounty on my son's head; Ezra and I can't leave this mansion without protection of any sort and other things that I might not be aware of yet.
A small part of me is relieved that Damian knows the truth and that Ezra doesn't have to wonder who his father is. It feels like a bandaid was ripped off. I chose to return to New York because I would never see Ezra again if I had stayed in LA. Now, what will the future hold?
"Is Ezra sleeping okay," Damian whispered in my ear, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, he was tired after the flight," I said. "Still as the sands now,"
"I'm sorry I was away for a bit; the meeting took longer than I wanted," Damian said. "I have something to discuss with you. It's probably best to tell you if Ezra is not here. We will discuss it tomarrow, for now, get some rest. Goodnight, Evelyn,"
I would like to know what he wants to talk to me about. He probably wants to ask me to marry him. HA, marry Damian Halliwell; that's the greatest joke in the world. I chuckle to myself, and I fell asleep caressing Ezra's hair.
Ezra woke me early the following morning for breakfast, and we traveled to the kitchen. Ezra always throws the usuals I don't know, which frustrates me a little. "Morning," Damian leans his arm on the wall,"
"Morning, do you want breakfast?" I asked.
"No, just coffee if there's any made," Damian said.
"Coming up," I smiled.
Damian sat next to Ezra and tried to talk to him, but he was focused on playing on my phone. "Morning, buddy, did you sleep well?"
"Yeah," Ezra said quickly.
"What are playing on that phone?" Damian said.
"Just some games," Ezra replies.
"Nice. I have your new room in the works, soon it will be ready for you. I called a few people they will have it ready by tomorrow," Damian said. "I got a sneak peak, and it looks pretty cool,"
Damn, I wonder how much Damian paid them to rush an order for a simple kids room.
I handed Ezra a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon and handed Damian a cup of coffee. "Thanks," Damian smiled. "Evelyn, we're going out to dinner later, I need to talk to you,"
"What about Ezra?" I said.
"My men will watch him," Damian said.
"I don't know, Damian; after hearing about people that will kill a two-year old for ten million, I want to be near him so I can protect him. That is my duty as a mother, to protect him till my last breath," I said stoically.
Damian smiled at me. "What happened to the scared women I met those years ago, becoming a mother changed you, Ezra changed you,"
I looked away from him. I scoffed to hide my blushed cheeks. "I have no idea what you're talking about. I saw Gregory, Parker, and Pheonix here yesterday; I'm guessing they are living here under your orders for now?"
"Yes," Damian nodded. "There's new clothes in your room for you and Ezra. I had them brought this morning,"
I smiled. "Thank you,"
"I have some calls to make, be ready by four o'clock, yeah?" Damian said.
"I'll be ready," I said.
(Later that Day)
I reluctantly put on a red dress from the selection of dresses provided by Damian. I ensured I was ready and met with Damian in the living room. He was talking to Parker, with Gregory and Pheonix sitting on the couch with Ezra on Pheonix's lap. "Damian, I'm ready,"
"About time," Damian grunted.
"Looking good, Evelyn," Parker winked
"Thanks Parker," I looked away.
"You're living here one day and your wife has slipped your mind already?" Damian scoffed at Parker.
"He's right, Evelyn, you look good," Pheonix nodded.
"Oh fire, baby girl," Gregory giggled.
"Call me baby girl and you'll be picking your teeth off the floor," I threatened. "Moron. But thanks for the compliment,"
I got in the limousine with Damian and arrived in a high-class restaurant. We were alone, so Damian rented this place out for us. What did he want to talk to me about? "Last night, you said we needed to talk about something, what is it?" I asked.
"It's like this, Evelyn. We're getting married," Damian said bluntly.
I looked at him, puzzled, but busted out laughing soon after. "Damian, stop, that's the best joke I've heard all my life," But I soon saw that Damian wasn't kidding. "You're serious!?"
"I am," Damian said.
"Have you lost your goddamn mind? I will never marry you; it's never going to happen," I said vehemently. "We're not even dating,"
"It will be a marriage purely on paper. We will not be together. As of now, Ezra is not my legitimate son, and unless I marry you, he is not my true heir," Damian explained.
"Good, I don't want Ezra to be your heir. I don't want him to take over The Black Dragons," I said. "Impregnate another woman and marry her, then you have your true heir,"
"Are you stupid? If Ezra is not my true heir, it makes him more at risk of an attack," Damian said.
"No, Damian, I'm putting my foot down on this. I'm not marrying you in this life or the next!" I yelled.
"We are getting married, Evelyn, whether you like it or not!" Damian growled.
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