Renewing Vows and the Future
It took Evelyn and me a month to prepare everything we needed to renew our vows. We flew to Hawaii to get married and spend our Honeymoon with our children. "On this blessed day, we are here today to celebrate the renewal of Evelyn and Damian's vows. I believe you have both prepared your own vows," the priest said.
I spoke first. "Evelyn, in the past, I have taken you for granted. I have put others before you and done things I'm not proud of. On the other hand, I have always loved you and stood beside you, and I am here today with a renewed commitment to you, our love, and our lives together. It's because of you that I'm here today, and I vow to give you and our children all that I am and all that I have for the rest of our lives,"
Evelyn smiled at me. "Damian, once before, I stood with you in front of friends and family, and once again, I stand with you before our children. You've changed since then, and so I have, and so has our world. But one thing that has never changed is my love for you. I take you this day, always and forever, as my husband. 7 years ago, I promised to love you, cherish you, and keep you no matter what happens, and I still promise to love you, cherish you, and keep you. I vow to continue to love you and want you, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, whatever the future may hold. I love you, Damian,"
"I love you too, baby," Evelyn and I held hands.
"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife, again," the priest smiled. "You may kiss your bride,"
Ezra and Aerith clapped as Evelyn, and I kissed under the altar. I will never leave her.
(8 Years Later)
It's been eight years since that day, and I still love waking up next to Damian to open my eyes and see the love of my life. A few years ago, I tattooed her name on my right pec.
"No, Aerith, you're not coming with me," I heard Ezra yell.
"Yes I am, Ezra and you can't stop me," Aerith said.
Ezra scoffed. "No, you're not!"
Aerith giggled. "I am!"
I was about to say something after drinking my coffee, but Damian beat me. They have been bickering about various topics and events for the past few days.
"Alright, that's enough! What are you two arguing about now?" Damian said.
"Ezra won't let me walk to school with him," Aerith said.
"Why can she walk with you, Ezra?" I asked.
"Because I have thing to do," Ezra grunted.
"What what are these things that you have planned?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, Ezra, what things?" Aerith stuck her tongue out.
Ezra rolled his eyes. "I'm meeting somebody, a girl, and taking Aerith will ruin the mood and make things awkward,"
"Hmph, well, I have to meet a boy," I turned to look at Aerith, my eyebrows furrowed. I heard Ezra laughing softly.
"Are you trying to make my lose my shit right now, Aerith?" I said.
"Relax, daddy, I was only joking," Aerith said.
"You better be, and are you wearing make-up?" I asked.
"No," Aertih looked away. She's lying to me.
"Aerith is lying, Dad," Ezra said.
"Shut up, Ezra," Aerith shouted.
"Get that shit off your face before school right now. I don't care if all the girls are wearing it; you are better and prettier than those floozy's; you are a Halliwell, Aerith, you don't need make-up to feel and look pretty," I said.
"Dad, please," Aerith begged.
"Just do what I tell you, Aerith, I have a damn headache already," I said.
"Calm down, honey," Evelyn said.
"Evelyn, have you seen what is on our daughter's face?!" I said to Evelyn, pointing at our daughter. "She's 13, for Christ's sake. Sort this out please, it's too early to be dealing with this crap," I walked off. "Aerith, you better have that shit off your face in ten minutes. I'll be dropping you off at school," I said by the front door.
Aerith was in my with two minutes left on the clock. She has this look on her face that Evelyn has whenever she is angry or annoyed. "Are you still sulking about the make-up, sweetheart?" Aerith turned her head away from me, grunting. "Look, princess, you're too young to wear make-up or be thinking about boys. You are too young for boys, Aerith,"
"How come Ezra is allowed to have a girlfriend, Dad? Why can't I have someone to love like he loves Georgia," Aeirth said.
"Because Ezra is 16, you're only 13," I said.
"Ezra had a girlfriend when he was 13," Aerith said.
"It's differnt for boys, princess," I said.
"That's sexist, Dad. How in God's name is it different for boys?" Aerith asked for an explanation.
"It just is," I shrugged.
"That's not acceptable. Give me a valid reason or your argument is useless," Aerith smiled.
"Well, Ezra's not going to come back to me pregnant for starters," I hissed.
"Ugh, ew, that's gross!" Aerith gagged.
"Is that a valid reason for you?" I said.
"Whatever, I don't want to talk about this anymore," Aerith grunted.
"If I see you anywhere near a boy, I'll shoot him. I'm serious about this princess, don't test me," I growled.
I dropped Aerith off at school; she didn't say have a good day or goodbye. She will get over it. After I left the school, I met with Parker at the warehouse. "Parker, please tell me it gets easier with daughter."
Parker laughed. "To be completely honest with you, boss, it's only going to get worse,"
I scoffed. "Wonderful. How old is Freya now?"
"17, and she has a boyfriend. And the reason why I can't shoot the guy is because maybe Greta would shoot me. Speaking of women, here comes the Halliwell Matriarch," Parker said.
I turned around. "Eveyln, what bring you down here?"
"A word, now!" Evelyn said.
"Shoot, what is it?" I asked.
"Shoot? I'm about to shoot you in the head. Office NOW!" Evelyn said, grabbing my hand.
Evelyn closed the door. "Evelyn, what's this all about?"
"It's about this morning with Aerith. You have to stop acting like a caveman and let Aerith grow up and let her grow into the women she is meant to be," Evelyn said.
"She's 13, Evelyn,"
"That's the point, she's a teenager and she's going to start experimenting with make-up and boys," Evelyn said.
"No, absolutely not. No man will be good enough for my little girl," I said.
"You're not the first man to say that, and you won't be the last. It's a fact of life, Damian, so accept it," Evelyn said, taking my hand.
"No," I shook my head. "I'll see back at the house, love you,"
(That Night)
I returned home late at night. Evelyn was waiting for me. "I thought you were staying at the warehouse tonight. I was just about to go to bed,"
"I finished everything I needed to do for today," I smiled.
"I talked with Aerith when I brought her home from school. She has been invited to a birthday party next week, Hunter invited her,"
"I don't think so," I shook my head.
"Damian, Aerith has been to all of Hunter's parties, and Parker will be there, for God's sake," Evelyn said.
"I said no, Evelyn," I said.
"Well, I said yes," Evelyn folded her arms.
"Excuse me?" I was shocked. "You think you can overrule me?"
"Oh, I know I can overrule you, Damian Halliwell," Evelyn smiled and went to the bathroom. "Don't even think of following me,"
I rolled my eyes as I got ready for bed. I heard a knock at the door. "Come in," Ezra entered. "Ezra,"
"You got a minute?" Ezra said.
I smiled. "Yeah, what's wrong?"
"I need some advice about a girl. Her name is Georgia, and we're been dating for a few months. The problem is that she's not answering my calls or texts because she jumped to the wrong conclusion, slapped me and then ran off crying,"
I laughed.
"It's not funny, Dad. She slapped me because she was ready to have sex on prom night, but I wasn't. I tried to tell her that, but she took it way out of proportion,"
"Welcome to my world, son. Where women are always right, and men are always assholes. Let me guess, you said it wasn't a good idea,"
Ezra groaned. "Yeah,"
"Oh, Ezra, you have so much to learn. I'm guessing it's your first time?"
"No, dad," Ezra said.
"Is it Georgia's?" I folded my arms.
"Yes, but that's not the problem. I meant that it wasn't a good idea to do it on prom night because I'm not going to prom,"
"Who's not going to prom?" Evelyn said, coming out of the bathroom in her nightclothes.
Oh boy, here we go. "I'm not going to prom, Mom," Ezra said.
"Oh yes you are, Ezra Halliwell," Evelyn said. "Who's going to take Georgia if you don't go?"
Ezra gasped. "How do you know about Georgia?"
"And how come you didn't tell me?" I growled.
Evelyn rolled her eyes. "When are you boys going to realize that I know everything that goes on around here? Ezra you cannot expect Georgia to find another date so close to prom. You're going to prom and that's final,"
"Look, son, go and see her tomorrow and explain the misunderstanding," I said.
"Alright," Ezra nodded and left.
I closed the door and waited a few seconds. "That was a bit harsh,"
"Shut up. Ezra needed that, and you know it," Evelyn said, getting into bed and turning off the light.
I scoffed at her and left the bedroom. I needed to talk to Aerith about the party. "Aerith, can we talk?"
"I guess," Aerith said when she opened the door for me.
"Listen, your mother told me about Hunter's party and I have decided that you can go," I said.
"I can?" Aerith smiled as her voice cracked a little.
"I forgot that I trust you, Aerith; it's the boys I don't trust. Plus, I'll kill Parker if anything happens to you," I said. "Enjoy the party,"
"Thanks, Daddy," Aerith hugged me.
"Your welcome, now go to bed, or I will change my mind," I lied, but she was not about to test me. "Mom will take you shopping for a new outfit tomarrow,"
(The Next Day)
I woke up to see Evelyn getting ready to go somewhere. Then I remembered that I had told her that I had allowed Aerith to go to the party. She's going to take Aerith to get an outfit for the party.
"Getting ready to take Aerith to the Mall?" I asked.
"Yep, she'll be very happy about this party," Evelyn smiled.
I chuckled. "I'm sure she will. I'll be heading to the warehouse, I'm meeting with Parker,"
"Promise me you will not give him a hard time about this party," Evelyn groaned.
"I won't, I wouldn't dream of embarressing our little girl," I laughed, but Evelyn glared at me. "I'm not going to say anything,"
Evelyn rolled her eyes and left the bedroom. I slumped back in bed and breathed deeply. I got up, dressed, and drove to the warehouse, waiting for Parker to arrive.
I heard the door, and Parker walked through. "You looked stressed, boss, what happened?"
"This party you having for Hunter is stressing me the fuck out. I'm warning you, Parker, if anything happens to my daughter, I will hold you responsible," I warned.
Parker laughed. "Evelyn warned Greta you would do this,"
"I'm serious, Parker," I growled.
"Relax, it's a teenage party. What's the worst that can happen?" Parker shrugged.
"Are you kidding me? My daughter with hormonal teenage boys! Tell me, old friend, what were you doing at that age?" I glared.
"Okay, I see your point. I will keep my eye on Aerith and make sure she doesn't get into trouble," Parker said.
"You fucking better," I said.
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