Countries Apart


I shouldn't have left without saying goodbye to Evelyn. I layed on my bed without my phone in hand. God damn it, Damian, just call Evelyn. I then got a call from Phoenix. "Any update?"

"Yes, we made some progress on the Setaros safe house," Pheonix said.

"Okay, meet me in the office in ten minutes," I said. I hung up the phone and got dressed. I arrived at my office just before Pheonix arrived. "Pheonix, what happened?" I said.

"We attacked the safe house like you wanted, and there was no sign of Robert," Pheonix told me.

"Where the fuck is he then?" I growled.

"What about a base in LA? Isn't that where he used to live when he met Evelyn?" Pheonix asked.

"Maybe, but this bastard is a snake; he could be anywhere. Was there many of his men in the safe house?" I asked.

"Around fifty men. All swore they had no idea of Robert's whereabouts," Pheonix said.

I rolled my eyes. "I hope you killed them all,"

"Blew the whole house with them inside it," Pheonix smiled.

"Good, keep killing his men. That rat will come out of hiding eventually," I smiled. Pheonix left my office, and I pulled out my phone to call Artem. "Artem, it's me, how's things on your end?"

"Everything is fine here on my end. Ezra's still a bit quiet, and Evelyn's morning sickness has started," Artem said.

"Is Evelyn okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, Evelyn is fine but still seriously pissed that you left without saying goodbye," Artem snickered.

"Yeah, I have no excuse to to leave like that, but I was angry," I said,

"Ezra is starting preschool after Christmas," Artem said.

"Isn't my son a bit young for that?" I asked.

"Ezra's nearly three, Damian, he needs to be around children around his age," Artem said.

"I know how old my own is, Artem, I still think he's too young for preschool," I said.

"Take it up with your wife, bro. Anyway, how things going with finding Robert?" Artem said.

"It's slow, very fucking slow. But we are taking a lot of his men along the way," I said.

"Well at least that's something. He can't do much without his men doing his dirty work for him, anyway I have to go, I will talk to you later," Artem said.

"Alright, take out somewhere later so I can call and talk to him," I said.

"Will do, bro, later, I think you should call Evelyn, clear the air and talk," Artme suggested.

"No, I'm the last person Evelyn wants to talk to. Anyway, I have to go as well, later," I hung up.

(One Week Later)

"Are you just going to lie there all night?" Pheonix said as I lay on the couch.

"What do you want me to do?" I groaned.

"Let's go for a drink, you look like you need it," Pheonix said. "Tomorrow's Christmas Eve. There's not going to be any jobs around the holidays,"

"I don't want to go for a drink," I scoffed.

"Snap out of it, boss. I know you're pissed about being here while Ezra's in Russia. But there's nothing you can do about that now. What you can do and focus on making this country safe enough by getting rid of Robert Blossom," Phoenix said.

I sat up and glared at Pheonix. "Fine, let's go for a drink, anything to shut you up,"

Pheonix and I drove to a balcony bar where women sang and danced to Christmas songs. "Damn, she's hot!" Pheonix's eyes glared at the women.

"Who, the singer?" I said. "Can't say I've noticed,"

"You're married, bro, you have sex on tab," Pheonix snickered.

"You would think," I gulped another round of scotch.

"Evelyn's not putting out?" Pheonix said.

"Evelyn doesn't stop putting out long enough to do anything," I growled.

Pheonix laughed. "Well, I'm going to work my charm on that singer; it's been way too long,"

"Tell me about it," I said.

"I hope you're not thinking what I think you're thinking, my friend," Pheonix said.

"Why not? A man has needs," I shrugged.

"Dude, the fuck?! Didn't Evelyn tell you that she'd divorce your ass if you cheated?" Pheonix asked.

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her," I said.

"I'm not having any part in this, Evelyn will cut your damn balls off, man," Pheonix facepalmed himself.

"She could try," I said.

"You're on your own, big man," Pheonix walked off to meet with the singer.

"Hey, boss, I haven't heard from you in a while," Shantel said behind me.

"Shantel," I said her name.

"So how have you been?" Shantel was swaying her hips back and forth. "I hear you got married,"

"Can't complain and I did get married," I said.

"Does that mean that you're a one-woman man now?" Shantel cooed.

"I wouldn't go that far," I said.

"Do you want to take this somewhere a little more private?" Shantel whispered.

"Can I trust you to be discrete?" I crossed my arms.

"Discretion is my middle name, love," Shantel winked.

As Shantel looked at me with lustful eyes, my thoughts flooded with images of Evelyn, her smile, her body, and her voice. Evelyn would never know, so where's the harm?

No, what the hell are you doing, Damian? Are you going to risk losing your son and your unborn baby for a quick fuck with this idiot? "Like I said earlier, I'm married," I said.

"And like I said that doesn't bother me," Shantel shrugged. "I know you want me,"

I laughed. "I really don't, goodnight, Shantel." I walked off and returned to the car. I called Phoenix, but it went to voicemail. I left him a message telling him that I had gone home. I'm sure he's giving that singer a good time.

The next day was Christmas Eve. I wanted to wake up next to Evelyn today, with Ezra barging into our room and jumping on our bed, yelling at us to get up so we could open presents. But Robert stole that from me, a memory that could have been. Ezra is in Russia while I'm in America. I bet he's excited about Santa coming. I called Pheonix to see if he had returned home from last night, and he responded that he was in the kitchen. I told him to meet me by the car because we were heading to the bar. I want to spend the whole day drinking.

I got in the car with Pheonix, and he started driving. "So, do you plan on drinking for the day or something?" Pheonix asked me.

"I plan on drinking until Christmas is over!" I scoffed.

"Were you talking to Evelyn?" Pheonix said.

"No, and I don't plan to either so change the damn subject," I snapped.

"I can see you're going to be a barrel of laughs today," Pheonix said sarcastically.

We arrived at the bar and sat at one of the high tables. "I'm guessing you hooked up with that singer last night. I left you a voicemail," I said.

"Yeah, she was on tour and made sure she'd remember me," Pheonix giggled. "I also saw you with Shantel. What was going on between you two?"

"I didn't sleep with her if that's what you're asking," I said.

"Why not?" Pheonix asked,

"Because I'm married, and I didn't want Evelyn finding out," I admitted.

"Holy shit, you love Evelyn, you don't want to lose her," Pheonix smiled.

"What?! Have you lost your damn mind, Pheonix?" I said.

"You didn't take Shantel home to your bed," Pheonix said.

"Shantel is a fucking slut!" I scoffed.

"Never stopped you from fucking her before," Pheonix raised an eyebrow.

I clenched my teeth. "Go and get someone, and I'll tap them right now. I'll prove to you that I'm don't have any feelings for Evelyn,"

"Chill, brother, I believe you. Wanna order a drink?" Pheonix said.

"Scotch. Double!" I grunted.


The last few days were rough; the morning sickness started a while ago. I ate dinner with Artem, who has been watching me for the past few days since Damian returned to New York.

"How are you feeling?" Artem asked.

"Aside from the morning sickness. Pretty good," I responded.

"Did Ezra go to bed okay?" Artem added.

"Ezra was exhausted. Where did you take him for the last couple hours?" I asked.

"Um, just for ice cream," Artem smiled.

"Well, he had a great time, thanks for taking him," I smiled back. "Have you heard from Damian?"

"Yeah, I was talking to him earlier, they still haven't found Robert," Artem said.

"Did Damian say when he will back to take Ezra and I back to America?" I said.

"No, well, I didn't talk to him for long. It's usually Pheonix I talk to," Artem said.

"What's the story with Pheonix, anyway? I don't know much about him," I said. I thought Parker and Gregory were Damian's right-hand men."

"Parker and Gregory are Damian's most trusted men, a trust built for years. But Pheonix and Damian have been together since they were in diapers. Pheonix has always been Damians' underboss, the true right-hand man,"

"Did Damian start the Black Dragons?" I asked.

Artem laughed. God no, Damian's father, Matthew, was the leader of the Black Dragons when he died. Damian had to take over earlier than expected. But he was trained for it all his life like Ezra will be," Artem said.

Not if I have anything to say about it.

One week Later, it was Christmas Eve, and the past week was agonizing. Ezra was sad and depressed the whole time since Damian went back to New York; I remember Artem telling me that he had to carry Ezra away, kicking and screaming for his father not to go. I've done everything possible to comfort him, but I don't know what else to do. Damian hasn't even called me, but I have a slight feeling that Ezra is having secret face-time meetings with his father; I'm sure Artem taking Ezra out for ice cream was complete bullshit. Still, I won't make a big fuss over it.

Today is Christmas Eve, and Ezra still has that sad look. Seeing him like this hurts. "What would like for breakfast Ezra?"

"No," Ezra said.

"Seeing as it's Christmas eve, you can have anything you want sweetie," I smiled.

"I want Daddy," Ezra frowned.

I sighed softly. "We can't see daddy, sweetie, he's in New York, remember. Daddy will be back as soon as he can, Ezra,"

Damn you, Damian!

(Later that Night)

For the last few nights, Ezra has been screaming for his father in the middle of the night that someone is out to get him. He has been sleeping in my bed, and it has stopped. At least with me, he feels safe. "When you wake up, Santa will have been here,"

"Will he bring Daddy here?" Ezra sniffled.

"No, baby, he can't bring Daddy. Now go to sleep, and sweet dreams,"

"Mommy! Wake up, it's Christmas!" I woke up to Ezra jumping on the bed.

"Ezra, please stop jumping on the bed. You know mommy feels sick in the mornings," Ezra ran out of my bedroom. I lay back in bed. Ugh, this will be a long day.

Ezra was staring at the Christmas Tree, and under it were many presents. "Wow, Ezra, you must have been so good to get so many gifts. You can open some of them," I smiled. "But then we have to get ready to go to Aunt Vera's,"

"Okay, Mommy," Ezra smiled.

It has been a while since I have seen Ezra smile since Damian left, and I'm glad to see him like this. But then I turned my head to see the one man I thought I would never see. "Damian?!"

"DADDY!" Ezra tacked his father as Damian lifted him to his arms.

"Merry Christmas, buddy," Damian smiled. "Did Santa come?"

"I got a new bike," Ezra cheered.

"Wow, a bike, you must have been very good," Damian smiled.

"Yep," Ezra giggled.

"Why don't you show it to Pheonix, I have to speak to your mother for a bit," Damian said. I'd like to know what he needs to speak to me about.

Pheonix and Ezra left the living room, leaving me alone with Damian to talk. "Evelyn, it's good to see you. Merry Christmas,"

"Merry Christmas," Damian claimed my lips with his before I knew it.

"I missed you," Damian whispered in my ear.

"You missed me?" I slightly gasped. Is what he's saying true?

"I did. Please believe me when I told you I never wanted to leave you and Ezra here," Damian said.

"I missed you too, Damian," I hugged him. His muscular chest was like a soft pillow, and I could hear his heartbeat, soft and warm.

"I'm sorry I left you here without saying goodbye," Damian apologized.

"I'm sorry I got jealous of your cousin. I feel like a total bitch," I chuckled with embarrassment.

Then Damian swept me off my feet and carried me to our bedroom. "Ezra could be back any moment," I said.

"I'll be quick. Santa is going to climb your chimney this morning and tonight," Damian said, giving me his cute, devilish smile.

"Shut the fuck up and fuck me," I forced myself off him and pushed him onto the bed. "I'm going to make you finish shamefully quick,"

Damian chuckled. "I like the way you think,"

Damian stripped me naked and commented on my baby bump. "Your bump is showing,"

"You saying I'm fat?" I joked, but I made it sound subtle.

"No, it's hot, so fucking hot," Damian licked my neck and claimed my mouth.

I'm so happy he came back for Christmas.

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