Christmas in Russia
I wore a suit for Christmas Dinner when Parker called me. "Boss, we have a location on Robert, he is in LA,"
"It's a fucking Christmas mericle, do not lose sight of him. I'll be back as soon as I can," I said.
"Will do boss," Parker said before I hung up.
I have you now, Robert Blossom, and you are not getting away from me.
I got to the car, where Ezra and Evelyn were waiting for me. Evelyn gave me her warm smile as she wore that fantastic red dress. God, I missed her. "Ready to go, love?"
Evelyn looked at me and noticed that something was wrong. "Damian, is something wrong?"
"Nothing, why?" I lied. Today is Christmas; she shouldn't be worried about what's going on with Robert.
"I noticed that you are on edge, and I wanted to know if you were okay," Evelyn smiled.
"It's Christmas, Evelyn, I couldn't be more happier to be with you, our son, and our future daughter," I smiled.
"What makes you think our unborn child is a girl?" Evelyn cocked her head to the side.
"Call it a father's intuition mixed with a bit of hope that it's a girl," I said.
Evelyn snickered. "Is that so? Well, you do have a 50/50 shot at being right. Also was that Parker on the phone?"
"It was Parker. I wanted to tell you everything after Christmas, but I don't want to shut you out again. We have a location on Robert; he is in LA, and I have to return as soon as possible," I explained.
"So you will be leaving us again?" Evelyn asked
"I have to, babe, but I won't be leaving until tomorrow; I'm going to spend today with you and Ezra," I embraced Evelyn. We're nearly there, Evie. It will all be over soon. Let's enjoy Christmas for Ezra's sake, and we'll worry about everything else tomorrow,"
"Okay," Evelyn nodded.
"That's my girl," I gently connected my lips to her before we got in the car and drove to my aunt's house for dinner.
When we arrived, Vera had finished setting the table with food and plates. We sat in our seats as everyone welcomed us. "Evelyn, how do you like Russia?" Aunt Vera asked.
"I love it, and Ezra loves the snow. It's a true winter wonderland," I said.
"You can say that again," Artem laughed. "I must've made a thousand snowmen with the little man,"
"Evelyn, how is married life treating you?" Viktoriya asked. She cast a wicked smile at her. I swear she had better not do anything funny to Evelyn.
"It's amazing," Evelyn said with a bit of attitude.
"Daddy kiss Mommy," Ezra giggled.
"Damian happily married? I'll never believe it. Ezra, your Daddy kisses alot of women," Viktoriya giggled.
"Vik, back off," I threatened."
"Sorry, cuz, but it's the truth," Viktoriya shrugged.
"That's enough, Viktoriya, what you are doing is rude and unprofessional in front of a young child," Aunt Vera said.
"So, Damian, how's things going in New York?" Nikolai asked me.
"Just got word eariler that we have what we want in our sights, and I will be returning to New York tomorrow to handle the rest," I answered.
"Excellent. How ling will it take to wrap things up?" Nikolai asked.
"Not long, myself, Pheonix, and Artem will fly to LA tomorrow," I said.
After dinner ended, Evelyn took Ezra to another room. At the same time, I went to Artem's bedroom to talk about our next move.
Do you have Robert? Artem started talking.
"Almost, Parker and Gregory are ready to close in when the time is right," I smiled.
"As long as they don't lose sight of Robert, then I believe everything will turn out just fine," Artem nodded.
"My men won't lose sight of him, they are good at what they do," I said.
"Where was Pheonix, I thought he was coming for dinner?" Artem questioned.
"Pheonix hooked up; he met her the last time we were here. Some woman named Anna. The Pheonix I know doesn't go back for seconds, he must really like her, or that he has a thing for Russian women," I snickered.
Artem laughed with me. "Let's have a scotch to celebrate finding Robert,"
"I have to call my pilot to ensure the jet is ready for tomorrow. I'll meet you in the lounge when I'm done," I said. Artem left his room, and I pulled out my phone, followed him, and went in another direction. "It's me, make sure the jet is ready in the morning, we're flying to LA,"
I hung up the phone. "Damian, I want to look for you," Mikhail said.
"What do you want, Boris?" I grunted.
"So you're leaving again tomorrow?" Mikhail asked.
"What's that got to do with you," I growled.
"Nothing at all. I'm just surprised you're leaving you're beautiful wife and son again so soon," Mikhail smiled.
"Evelyn is no concern of yours, Mikhail. Worry about your own woman; Viktoriya is the only reason you're still alive," I growled.
"Well if you need someone to look after your wife wile your gone, I'm up for the job," Mikhail smiled.
"Evelyn is more than capable of handling herself, and this is your only warning: stay away from my wife, and if I EVER hear that you've so much as said hello to her, I will put a bullet between your eyes and not even Vik will save you this time," I pushed Mikhail out of my way. I heard him laughing as I moved further from him.
(Later that Night)
After drinking with Artem, I returned home with Evelyn. Ezra wouldn't stop talking the entire drive home. He thankfully went to sleep when I tucked him in bed. "Damn, that kid can talk," I said as I entered the bedroom with Evelyn.
"It's silent now so I'm gussing he's asleep?" Evelyn laughed.
"He is now, I'm lucky that I didn't have to read 100 books to him," I said.
Evelyn rubbed her arms. "You're a good dad,"
I was stunned by her words. "I'm good to the people I care about; you, Ezra, and our unborn baby are the most important people to me. Turn around; I got you a gift,"
Evelyn turned around. "I never got you anything," Evelyn said.
"I have everything I need right here," I said, pushing Evelyn's hair to the side and kissing her neck. You smell so good," I whispered. I hoped my hot breath on her skin was making her head spin. I placed a ruby necklace around her neck, and she shuddered from the sudden cold.
Evelyn touched the necklace and gasped when she saw the gem. "Oh my god, Damian, I love it!"
I smiled when she was in awe of the beautiful necklace I placed around her neck. I hope she's not imagining how much it cost; I want her to treasure it forever. "Thank you, Damian, it's beautiful,"
"Evelyn, I had a great day today," I smiled. "I don't want to say a big goodbye to Ezra in the morning. I'd instead slip out before he wakes. The last time was rough,"
"I know how hard it must be for you to leave our son. It's okay," Evelyn nodded. "What do you want to do now?
"I want to take my wife to bed and ravish her body and say goodbye, Halliwell style," I cooed.
Evelyn chuckled as I swept her off her feet. "That I have got to experiance!"
(The Next Morning)
"I don't want you to go," Evelyn said as I dressed for the plane ride home.
"I don't want to go either, but I'm the boss, and I want to deal with Robert personally. He threatened you and our son, and I'll make sure he will pay for it. I'll miss you," I kissed her.
"I'll miss you too, I'll expalin everything to Ezra when he wakes up," Evelyn said. "I love you,"
"I love you too, Evelyn. I'll be back for you and Ezra, I promise," I winked.
Artem, Phoenix, and I drove to the airport and got on the jet, which took us to LA, where Robert was hiding. It was time for Robert and me to meet face-to-face finally.
(The Next Day)
I haven't heard from Damian since he left. I'm curious what's happening with Robert over in LA. Damian never switches his phone off. Ezra is out with Vera for the day. I'll speak to Nikolai and see if he heard from Damian.
I got a ride to Nikolai's house, and Nikolai answered the front door. Viktoriya was with him. "Evelyn, what brings you here?"
"I wanted to speak to you about Damian, have you heard from him?"
"No, I haven't, Evelyn, but I just got a tip that breaking news is covering him right now. Let's see what we're watching here," Nakilai said as he guided me to the TV.
"Breaking News!" I gasped.
"That boy better not have been caught by the damn feds. Those fuckers are a pain in the ass," Nikolai growled. "Smug bastards are arrogent in real life and in every damn TV show,"
"They're not that stupid, dad," Viktoriya said.
"Could it be something to do with Robert?" I asked.
"Who knows? We can only find out just by watching the news. We are about to find out," Nikolai grunted.
"Welcome to Fox News. Today, we bring news about the American Billionaire Damian Halliwell. While we have no information on how Mr. Halliwell made his fortune, we suspect it's from illegal activities," the host said.
"What a dick," I spat.
"But we are not here to talk about that. Atlantic Air Traffic Control has confirmed that the plane that went down last night over the Atlantic Ocean was Mr Halliwell's private jet.
My blood froze. "What the hell?!" I screamed.
"Good god, no!" Nikolai breathed out.
"People working during that time said they received a mayday call from Mr. Halliwell's pilot shortly after 3AM. Air rescue has confirmed they had been searching a vast area of the Atlantic Ocean for the last 12 hours, but no trace of the jet has been found. Russian officials confirmed that the place left Russia yesterday morning at roughly 7AM and that Mr. Halliwell himself was on board. However, it's unconfirmed who else was on board apart from Mr Halliwell and the Pilot, and everyone is presumed dead, but the search will continue. We will bring you more as we receive it," the host finished.
"No! NOOOO!" I fell to my knees, crying as Nikolai embraced me.
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