Chapter 10: Boyfriend
FYI Readers: The pictures above are not exactly what they look like. I altered some of their Physical attributes like Nicki's Lips. In my story, she has a pouted lips. So please don't bombard me as to why they don't fit together from the picture with the description in the story!!
Thank you!! I love you all.. sorry If it takes a while to update it especially chapter 7. I need to do some research as well. Just like the racing thing... I'm not a racer so I knew nothing about racing terms so I have to dig in through google.
All credits to Google!!
Valdepeñas Mansion
I woke up with a loud knock in my door. I glance on the bedside clock. It's 10:35 in the morning.
I groaned.
I still wanna sleep. It's Saturday for goodness sake. Please give me a break whoever the hell is knocking on my bedroom door at this time. I pulled the covers up and tried to muffle the noise but it's useless. The knock gets louder each second. I yank the covers away from me in frustrations and swung my legs out of the bed. Stomping to the door, I yanked the door open, revealing Carla with her widest grin plastered all over her face. Lilian and Mara were behind her giggling.
"What?" I snapped. Oh God, I just wish I have a magic wand where I could just vanish them in just one swing. It's not that I hate these girls. They just knew when to intrude.
Carla pushed me back inside my room and the three marched in.
"Start talking!" Carla said as she settled herself on the edge of my bed propping her back against the headboard. The two soon follows. Mara and Lilian climbed on my bed and sat cross-legged.
Oh God.... I thought Carla was the sweetest? How in the world did she change into an interrogator? Now, she's annoying to me.
The three glared at me giving me the warning look of not trying to deny it. I know what they are here for. I'm just not into it, not yet when I'm too groggy.
"Can't you wait until I woke up at least?" I frowned.
"Sorry Missy, we are too eager to know what is this rumors all about?" Lilian gave me her smug face. Rumors really spread like a virus. It was just yesterday. Well, who wouldn't speculate. That jerk was holding my waist and dropped me at my classroom. I had to stop him before the door or my classmates would see him.
I rolled my eyes in irritation and climbed in the middle of my bed.
"Come on, tell us!" Carla coaxed as she smiled amusingly.
"Is it true?" Mara inquired as she look at me in confusion.
With the look of their faces, I knew I couldn't get away. I'm like a mouse cornered with three tenacious cats.
I huffed. "Fine! Alexander and I are... da..ting.." I confessed softly dragging the last word. I suddenly felt embarrass, after showing them how much I hate him, which my heart says differently.
"Really?? How? When?" Carla squealed loudly as she grab my hand, her eyes are wide like a saucer.
"You are?" Lilian screamed in disbelief!
Mara just rolled her eyes with the reactions of the two. I chuckled as I winked at her. She chuckled.
Carla smacked my shoulder. "What??" I snapped scowling at her.
"I saw you two looking at each other. Are you hiding something?" Carla frowned.
"Of course not!" Mara exclaimed rolling her eyes again. "You two are just overacting!" Mara added.
"We are just excited ok?" Lilian stressed out raising her eyebrow at her. Carla nodded in agreement as she frowned at her. Mara Lift up her hands in silent surrender.
"The three of you, stopped." I chided coldly. Then they fell into silence.
"So what's the plan today?" I asked happily trying to break the growing tension. Lilian and Carla grinned widely.
"Sean is throwing a party tonight at their mansion." Carla proclaimed as she clapped her hand in excitement.
"And we are invited!" Lilian added cheerfully beaming at Carla. Their eyes were shining with joy.
"Who is Sean?" I asked curiously. I haven't heard about him. I may have met him but I forgot the name.
"Sean Aberquero. He is one of the soccer players!" Carla uttered looking at me in disbelief. "I have introduced him to you already," she whined frowning at me.
"Oooh... yeah.." I mumbled, nodding my head in conviction. But she looks at me baffled.
"Ok. If I'll see his face, for sure I will remember him!" I said reassuringly trying to console her.
"So are you coming?" Carla smiled sweetly. Mara and Lilian were waiting for my response.
"Please come.... please.." Lilian beg.
"Are you all attending the party?" I asked incredulously. Just by their looks, I knew they will all go. The three nodded their head in agreement.
"Fine!" I agreed, which made Lilian and Carla squealed in excitement as they stood up and made a funny dance. Mara and I laughed. They look cute together dancing the chicken dance.
Then I found out that Sean was courting Carla. And Peter was Sean's best friend, so he was there as well.
I was on the phone with my Dad. Mom is in the hospital after she fell from coming out of the bathtub. I wasn't really interested in anything related to her, but dad insists for me to go and see her. He's actually in the hospital right now. I don't understand why dad still lingering around her after what she did to him. I never saw hatred in his eyes for her, which baffles me all the time.
"I know you hated your mom with what she did son, but remember where you came from," my dad stated firmly, snapping me out of my trance.
"I'll go see her, dad," I agreed acquiesced.
"Great! I'll see you shortly," he replied and ended the call. I heaved a frustrated sigh and quickly walk to the shower room. I was just done drinking my coffee as I watch the morning news when he called. It's almost 12.
Before one, late afternoon, I'm on the road heading to Barcelona General Hospital (BGH). Not long, I pulled my car into the spacious parking lot. I parked close to the entrance door. Soon, I'm walking to the wide hallway. I approached the reception desk and asked for my Mom's room.
"Do you know which room is Mrs. Hailey Morrision Ms.?" I asked the receptionist.
She looked on the computer and quickly tap on the keyboard. After a few minutes. "It's on the second floor, room 105, Sir." The receptionist replied as she batted her fake lashes.
I smiled and thank her, ignoring that simple flirtation. Then, I quickly walked to the big elevator and punched 2nd floor. Not long, the elevator stops at my destination and slides open. I stepped out and walked along the wide hallway as I scanned each room number. The room starts 100 from the elevator to the right and it's increasing. After four doors, I found the room 105 on my left. I let out a loud breath before I decided to walk in. Dad was sitting in a stool beside Mom's bed. Mom looks pale and she looks like she aged 10 yrs older. My heart clenched at the sight of her.
"Come here son," Mom opened her hands implying a hug which I acquiescently given. I walked closer and let her hug me.
"Thank you for coming to see me," she croaked. She looks like she's gonna cry anytime.
"How do you feel?" I asked nonchalantly. Dad was staring at me. His eyes were pleading for me to be civil with her, which I grudgingly obliged.
Before mom could utter a word, dad interrupted. "I'll just get a coffee. Would you guys like anything?"
"I'm fine, dad," I replied as I stood beside mom's bed.
"I'll be back," dad left me a warning glare before he walk out the door.
"Come, sit beside me son," Mom said hoarsely as she patted the spot beside her.
I reluctantly complied. I felt a tug looking at her. She doesn't look like the tough Mom I know.
It pained me to see my son too reluctant to get closer to me. I was so happy to know he is coming to see. And for 10 years, just at this moment, I get to hug my son. I missed him terribly.
He does look like his dad when he was his age. I would have fallen for him if I didn't meet Tony. When he found out that Tony and I are dating seriously, he was very mad. I thought, at first, he was just acting like my big brother. Protecting me from any guys. But after two years, he admitted to me that he likes me as a girl, not a sister. That he had been dreaming of marrying me someday and having our own family together.
I still remember his words...
Two years ago...
"I have loved you since I first laid my eyes on you," Max confessed. His eyes were full of love and admiration as he stared deeply into my eyes. We were at their house. It was his mom's birthday. He asked me to walk in their garden and we sat on one of the benches beside the bushes along the pathway at their big front yard.
"You know I'm dating Tony Max and I love him. I love you but as a BROTHER," I stated flatly emphasizing the last word.
His eyes turned dark gray, I know he was hurt, but he had to know the truth. He stood up. "Let's go back inside," he said softly, then he marched back inside. The next days I avoided him and one day I just heard he's in London, where he continue his degree for two years.
"Mom, are you ok?" Alex asked me worriedly, snapping me out of my short reverie. "You were zoned out. Do you feel any pain?" my son asked again, his eyes was full of worries. I touched his cheeks. He squirmed for a bit, but then he relaxed as I stared deeply into his beautiful gray eyes.
"You do look like your dad when he was at your age. He was very cold but he has a very big heart, until now ... " I choked. "I love you both. I'm sorry If I hurt you two," as I dropped my hands on my lap.
I tried to hold the tears but it kept pouring ... I looked down as I tried to hold it back. Tony and I had agreed to stop seeing each other, three years ago. He finally learns to love his wife as I learn to love Max. It was hard, but it's only a matter of time. We may be happy together but knowing we are hurting the people we love is more painful. The happiness we may gain is not worth the pain we inflicted to our only family.
I talked to Gail three years ago about our infidelity and she was so nice which made me regretted more, cheating on her. I apologized deeply and she forgive me and she said she understand. But then, she was diagnosed with breast and colon cancer. Tony doesn't know about it until last year. She never told him but I did. As a good friend. Tony was hurt after knowing she's sick and soon he found her in his heart.
I found out Tony had Nicki moved here with him and he comes to see Gail often in the Philippines without her daughter knowing. We just wanted to keep it everything about our past and buried it to the ground.
"MOM!" Alex shake my shoulder lightly. I whipped my head to him and smiled.
"I'm fine, son," I exclaimed.
"Get some rest Mom. You look unwell. I'll watch you till dad comes back," he stated as he moved to the stool and stared at me.
I lay back on the bed because I felt my head was beginning to hurt. And soon darkness engulfed me.
I watched as mom snores softly. She looks troubled. The hatred I felt for her diminished. I want to hug her and tell her how much I missed her but my pride was too big to give up.
Dad came back. Then the nurse told us to leave, let the patient rest. Dad offered me to have a lunch which reminds me that I ate nothing since this morning.
We ended up to an Italian restaurant just across the hospital. We were greeted by a young brunette.
"Welcome to Ristorante Del fiasco, Sir," she smiled as she grab two menus on the reception table at the entrance foyer.
"Would you like a lounge or at the bar Sir?" she asked sensually as she smiled sexily to me. "Lounge," I replied flatly looking at her impassively. Dad was following us.
She led us to a lounge beside the window glass facing the hospital. Dad took the seat first and I sat across him.
We ordered pizza and chicken wings. Not long, we are both digging in. I just realized I was so famished that we both finished the whole family size pepperoni pizza and the 24 pieces buffalo chicken wings.
Dad was grinning like a fool and rubbing his tummy. "Your mom will be hysterical if she found out we ate chicken wings," dad exclaimed as he smiled genuinely.
He's right.
Mom is very health conscious. And she always checks what we eat.
After dad paid our food we walked back to the hospital. Mom was still sleeping. Dad was very attentive to her. He actually brought his laptop and work at the hospital, so to watch mom.
It was seven when I decided to go back to my penthouse since they only allowed one to watch.
I was about to hop in the shower when my phone rang. I made my way back to my bed and snatch the phone from the bed. It's Frederick.
"Are you coming?" he snapped before I could say hello. "Your girl is coming," he announced without ceremony which caught my interest.
"How do you know?" scowling at oblivion, mimicking his tone. Maybe, he's fooling me around. I was thinking to take her out tonight maybe watch a movie instead of going to that party. I want her all to myself tonight. If he's right then I have no choice but to go to the party. Thinking about those bastards ogling at her made my blood boil.
"Lilian told me, she agreed to come. Carla and Lilian," with Mara begged her.
Fuck!. That three vixens just ruined my plan. Just great!
"Fine. Where are you now? I snapped frowning.
"At Carla's Mansion. They are here. Man, your girl is so hot! I never knew Nicki was this stunning," he exclaimed which made me furious.
"Stop staring at her bastard," I hissed as I ended the call and threw the phone on the wall. I briskly walked back to the washroom and climbed in the shower. I quickly finish showering and stepped out of the shower and dried myself.
I'm going to strangle his neck. I thought.
After I dried my hair, I quickly pulled out gray jeans and a gray long sleeve cashmere since it's a bit chilly now at night. Fall had just arrived. I pulled up the sleeves and without any ceremony, I just brush my hair with my hands and then left my penthouse. Too eager to see my girlfriend.
We are at Carla's house. She decided to dress them up, Lilian and Mara, which the two delightedly agreed. She asked me, but I politely declined as I want to do it my own. I hate when someone pick the clothes for me.
I found out that Annabel was coming so I decided to wear my white backless dress that reach just mid thigh. With a green halter neck and accessorized with a golden chain around the fabric of the halter neckline. It looks simple but sassy especially the bareback, that showed my flawless slender back. And wore my simple gold dangling tear drop diamond and a thick gold bangle. I completed my outfit with my green suede pumps that match the color of the fabric of my halter neckline.
Lilian wore a red bandage v-neck with the hem reached her mid thigh and paired it with a red stiletto.
Mara looks stunning in her black short sleeveless dress and completed with a silver gray 5 inches stiletto.
Carla rocks her blue knee length strapless sweetheart dress that she paired with black Louboutin shoes.
Frederick, Jeremy, and Nicolas arrived and I'm glad Alexander wasn't with them. I'm not sure if he's gonna be happy with my dress.
They didn't mention if he's coming or not. Which is good.
Jeremy and Nicolas were openly assessing me. Jeremy flirts shamelessly to me which I just laughed at it. I guess he doesn't know that Alexander and I started dating. Frederick scowled at him when he asked me to be his partner tonight.
Then Frederick went out to the backyard and I saw him tapping on his phone from my peripheral vision. Not really paying attention to Jeremy's smooth words. He was really trying to hit on me.
I excused myself to the washroom to escape from him until Carla is done with Mara's hair. I saw Nicolas was staring at Mara intently. I smiled. I have this feeling that Nicolas likes Mara.
I heaved a relieved sigh as soon as I reached the washroom. I locked the door. I sat on the toilet bowl cover and stretched my foot. Then after like a few minutes I stood up in front of the big mirror above the water top. I looked on my face. I just put on a light makeup. I tied my hair up and curled the end of my hair, a few curly strands were framing my face.
I knew Alexander will be pissed if he found out I went partying with a backless dress.
I just realized he was a possessive boyfriend. We talked last night on the phone about other things. I was happy he never asked about my family because I'm not comfortable telling anyone about our complicated life.
After that confession, I felt so happy knowing he is my boyfriend. I don't know why. I hated him for being heartless and cold but I just found myself falling for him each day.
I sat back on the toilet bowl cover. I closed my eyes as I inhale and exhale deeply. That's what I always do when I felt uneasy. To relax. I know it's sounds crazy.
Then I heard a very loud knock on the washroom door. There's an urgency with the knock, which made me irritated.
I yanked the door thinking to smack the face of whoever he is!...
My hand hang in the air....
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