The Billionaire's Housekeeper - Chapter 31 #WattpadBlockParty post
"What kind of hell is this?" Nick demanded, finally dragging his gaze from his laptop as the car pulled to a stop. He peered through the tinted glass and glared at the world outside.
Betsy pressed her lips together and offered a smile, fluttering her lashes as she said, "I don't know what you mean."
"You know exactly what I mean." Nick grunted. Slapping his laptop closed, he turned his gaze from the window to glare at her. "What are we doing here? And don't even try lying to me. Tommy's is more convincing at lying than you are."
A snort came from the front of the car causing Betsy's lips to twitch. She met the driver's gaze in the mirror. His eyes were crinkled at the corner and she could see his body shaking as he restrained his laughter.
Allowing her gaze to drift out of the window, she looked at the same scene Nicholas Davenport had but felt none of his horror. Instead she felt something in heart ache as she found herself transported to the last time she had been here. She felt the shadows of happiness envelop her. She could hear the echoes of laughter ringing in her ears and feel the ignorant bliss only a child could have as she remembered the last holiday she had taken with her parents.
Shaking her head, she forced her lips to pull up into a wide grin. "It's a holiday, of course. You, me, and the kids too."
"The kids?"
Betsy nodded her head just as sticky hands slapped against the car window. Nick winced, his lip curling up on instinct as he prepared to be face to face with some underage hooligan. He glanced at the tinted window and blinked when his daughter's face squinted back at him.
"My sister brought them. I knew you'd never come or allow the children to come if I told you beforehand. You can't even deny it." Nick opened his mouth, but a single blonde brow rose in response as her eyes pinned him in place. "Face it. You're bit of a snob." She smiled to soften the blow.
"Whatever," her grunted in response, his hands fussing about with his seat belt.
"You know, I'm surprised I managed to pull this off. It's not like you to allow anything to chance." Betsy folded her arms across her chest. "Normally you're the biggest control freak I have ever known."
"I'll allow that – this time." Nick fingers unknotted his tie and pulled it from his neck. "So I'm guessing the urgent meeting about the merger was just a farce."
"Guilty. You should give your lovely assistant flowers. She was very accommodating."
"And she's getting fired."
"Oh come on, it's not that bad. It's only Butlins." Betsy replied pushing a blonde curl out of her face before reaching for the door handle. "Now, there are two rules for this little holiday. No work for you. And you must have fun – or at least act like it. This trip is not about you. It's about the kids so you will enjoy it. Maybe if you pretend for long enough, you may just have fun."
Before he could choke out a reply, or worse choke her, Betsy threw open the door and climbed out of the car.
Salty sea air buffeted against her from all sides, threatening to pull her hair loose from its tie. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, the summer sun warming her skin. The children came barrelling around the side of the vehicle to greet her, crashing straight into her legs. She placed a hand on the back of the car to steady herself.
"We're on holiday!" Delilah squealed, bouncing up and down right on top of Betsy's sandal clad feet.
Despite the throbbing pain in her toes, she stroked her hand down the side of the young girl's face. "Yes, we are." Betsy replied, her other hand grabbing onto the back of Tommy's t-shirt to keep hold of the toddler at her knees. His little body was thrumming with pent up energy and she knew it would only be moments before he tried to make a mad dash for it. "Are you excited?"
As Delilah started a stream of excited babble, thankfully no longer standing on her toes, Betsy took her hand and led them to where her sister was waiting with her family.
"Hey, how's he taking it?" Claire asked, stretching out an arm and pulling her into a hug. She pulled back and waited while her husband did the same.
Betsy glanced back at the car but Nick had yet to emerge. "You'll see for yourself soon enough. Come on, I don't really want to be here when he finally gets out."
With a laugh, Claire nudged her sister before picking up her bags. "Let's go."
It was a sulking oversized man-child that found them an hour later standing before the indoor stage. Nick had managed to change, his overly priced suit replaced by an expensive crisp blue polo shirt and knee length tailored shorts. His face however could not have been more unimpressed if he tried.
Despite how much he tried to force his emotions behind his favourite mask, Betsy could tell that the man was pouting.
"Great, you're here." She greeted, walking over to meet him. "You're just in time."
Nick took a step back, his arms folding over his chest as he allowed his gaze to rove over her body. "Just in time for what?"
Betsy smiled wide, the muscles in her cheeks protesting as she flashed her teeth. "Angelina Ballerina is about to teach a dance class. Daddy would be good at dancing like a ballerina. Don't you think so, Lilah?"
Delilah was never one to shy away from mischief. She turned, her auburn coloured hair glinting in the artificial lighting as she stared up as her father. Her lips pulled up into that smile, the one which could wrap her father around her little finger. "Yes, Daddy you have to dance with me."
"Now Lilah, you don't want daddy to do this with you. You'll have more fun with Betsy."
The small girl stuck up her bottom lip and her eyes became shiny on command. "Daddy, please? I want to dance with you." When he didn't immediately respond, her bottom lip began to tremble.
If Betsy wasn't watching it for herself, she never would have imagined that the little girl would be such a good actress. Betsy pressed her lips together to stop the chuckle from escaping her lips. Nick's resolve crumbled under his daughter's distress.
"Why don't you go and find a really good spot and I'll be there in a moment. Okay?"
Delilah smiled wide, the trembling lips vanishing in an instant. She wrapped her arms around Nick's waist and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, daddy." With a little dance to her step, she skipped over and took her place before the stage where dozens of other children were already waiting.
With his daughter gone, Nick wrapped an arm around Betsy's waist. He pulled her close until her side was pressed against his. His aftershave filled her nose as he leaned down, his lips brushing her ear as he spoke. "Why are you doing this to me?"
Betsy turned her head, so that her nose was brushing against his. Being this close, breathing in his scent, made it so tempting to close the distance between them and press her lips to his. It had been weeks since they had kissed, since she had allowed herself to be so close that she could count each and every one of his eye lashes.
The blonde blinked and forced the urge away. She wasn't ready to let him off the hook just yet. It didn't matter than by punishing him she was also punishing herself.
"Call this payback. You tried to control my life and now I am taking control. I will call the shots." She pulled back, watching as a furrow formed between his brows. "Now go and dance. Be a normal goofy dad doing normal goofy dad things. Maybe you'll actually enjoy yourself."
Nick growled in response, his eyes hard as she glared at her. She was used to those looks by now, had seen him reduce grown men to tears with a single glance. Betsy held her ground, raising her brows in challenge. "That's what I thought. Now go and join in. Call this Family Fun 101. By the end of this weekend you'll be a pro."
Shaking his head, Nick shot her a glance that was equal parts heat and equal parts irritation. "You and I are going to have a talk later. Alone."
Betsy shooed him away with her hand and moved to stand at her sister's side. With a muttered cuss, the disgruntled head of the Davenport Empire stormed off to join his daughter. He was forced to slow his pace to tiptoe around all of the tiny human beings blocking the path between him and Delilah. Tommy was hot on his heels. The smaller boy paid no mind to who was in his path, he cut through in a straight line uncaring of how many people he had to push out of his way to do so.
With a chuckle, Betsy wrapped an arm around Claire's waist and sighed happily.
"You know, I never took you as a cruel woman." Claire commented, amusement lacing her tone. "I kind of like seeing this side of you. It's good to know that you can stand up for yourself when it comes to Nicholas. He is incredibly hard-headed."
"Tell me about it." Betsy murmured in response. "If he had his way, we would all live behind the walls of Davenport mansion and never leave unless it was under heavy guard. He needs to learn to loosen the reins a bit."
"He just wants you to be safe."
"I know. But it is one thing to try and protect me and his children. He takes it too far. Bubble wrap can be suffocating if you're wrapped in too much."
Claire turned her head and pressed a kiss to Betsy's blonde curls before resting her cheek against the top of her head. "I understand but I'm also glad he's been keeping you safe from the vultures. You've been through too much already. I couldn't deal with it if you got hurt again and I'm not sure if you could either."
"When did we become so serious?" Betsy laughed, her voice cracking over her words as her ghosts came back to haunt her. It didn't take much to bring them to the front of her mind so that they were almost close enough to touch. The secret was trying not to get buried beneath them. Betsy shook her head. "We're on holiday, and right now I want to enjoy Nick's misery."
With a choked laugh, Claire nodded her head. "You're right." She fell silent as they both attempted to gather themselves. "Nick does look particularly miserable. Doesn't he?"
It was impossible to miss Nick as he stood in the midst of the children. A few other parents has joined in with Angelina's dance class but none of them stood out quite like him. He was by far the tallest of the group, standing a few inches over the other parents. And where most parents were playing along with their kids, completely at ease with acting like a fool, Nick just looked uncomfortable.
Betsy pressed her lips together but a giggle escaped anyway. Nick's face was intense, his gaze focused on six foot tall tutu wearing mouse in front of him as he clumsily followed the moves. He raised his arms above his head as he spun around in circles on his tiptoes. Despite his discomfort, he kept pulling faces whenever Delilah glanced up at him. Each time she dissolved into laughter and shook her head at his antics. And yet her face was bright as if the light has been switched on from within. She was happy and carefree and it was all because of him.
Delilah wasn't the only one who had impressed by his efforts. Nick had earned himself a few admirers. Several little girls had gravitated towards him, their little eyes staring up at him with wide eyes.
"Thank you for giving me the letter." Betsy murmured to her sister, hugging her sister close with one arm as she watched Nick dance. "If I hadn't read the letter, I might have missed out on all of this. I don't ever want to miss out on these moments."
"I think you would have come to your senses at some point. You, little sister, are no fool. You love that man and you love those children. You never would have been able to stay away." Claire replied. The taller woman glanced down at the woman at her side. "Now, tell me, how long are you going to make that man suffer? I understand why you are doing it but you're making yourself miserable too."
Betsy watched as Nick scooped both of children up into his arms without breaking a sweat, the smile on his face genuine and unguarded as he spun with the two of them held tightly against his chest. She placed a hand over her heart. Her lashes fluttered as she fought back the tears. They were her heart and soul.
"I'll let him off the hook soon. It hurts to keep my distance from him but he needs to see that I do not need to be mollycoddled." Betsy paused and glanced over at her sister. "I want to be with him but I need to be my own person too. You were right about that. I will never be a kept woman or a trophy wife. I need to do something with my life that isn't just sitting at home waiting for him to return. But I love him. I love Nicholas Davenport and I will fight to keep that."
Claire sniffled and swiped at the tears which had formed on her cheeks. "I feel so proud. You're all grown up."
"Shut up. You're only a few years older than me."
"Enough with the older part. " Claire chastised, slapping Betsy on the arm. "When we lost mum and dad, it was just the both of us. I didn't know what the hell I was doing. Suddenly I was responsible for you, making sure you were fed and clothed. But I never had to worry. Even when your head was in the clouds, full of dreams I was jealous of, you were always the smart one." Claire said lowly, her voice thick with emotion. "I'm proud of you. I'm proud of the person you have become."
"I'm proud of you too." Betsy reached out and took her sister's hand, giving it a brief squeeze before, before stepping away. "Enough with the emotional talk. I think I need to go and save my family." She nodded her head towards the crowd.
The little girls had lost their shyness and were clinging on to Nick's legs. He glanced down with manic desperation as more kids joined in until he had four children hugging each leg. Tommy and Delilah were still in his arms, oblivious to their father's distress, as he teetered awkwardly from foot to foot.
"Go and get him." Claire urged, nudging her forwards. "If you don't do it now, you might lose him to bunch of five year olds."
Betsy snorted but she was already moving. She navigated around weaving and bobbing toddlers and flailing arms but her eyes were focused wholly on Nick. He caught her gaze as she moved closer, his eyes following her as she made her way closer and closer. She paused right next to him and offered him an unapologetic smile.
"Hey," Betsy said lamely before glancing down at his hangers on. "It looks like you've made some friends."
Nick glanced down before pleading, "Get them off me. I'm one dance move away from singing opera. Please."
Betsy blinked and forced herself not to stagger backwards. She wasn't sure if it was the shock of Nick pleading or the way that he spoke that word which hit her so hard. It was the way that it seemed to hold more meaning than rescuing him from the clingy arms wrapped around his body.
She held his stare for a few seconds longer, her lip pulled between her teeth. Then, stepping closer, she crouched down so that she was eye level with the little girls. "Hey," Betsy greeted, smiling wide as she drew the little girls' attention. "Do you think I could have Nick back now? He's not used to dancing and gets tired very quickly."
Most of the little girls nodded their heads and released their death grips. One stubborn little girl just held on tighter with defiance only a three year old could possess.
"Please?" Betsy asked, wondering how the hell she was going to get the toddler off without manhandling her.
"Sophie, come on sweetie? Let the man go." A female voice urged before a young mousy woman appeared beside them all. The little blonde, with her little blue eyes and curls, pouted at being forced away. Yet, upon seeing her mum, she released her hold and launched herself into her arms. "Sorry, she doesn't usually like strangers."
"Not a problem." Nick replied stiffly, nodding his head at the woman before he dropped his gaze down at his pixie still crouched at his feet.
Betsy pushed to her feet and then, stepping close, she wrapped her arms around the small family she had come to think of as her own. Nick tilted his head forwards and pressed his lips to her forehead lingering for just a few seconds. Her eyes fluttered shut at his touch and she drew in a deep breath. His scent, the one which was all him, wrapped around her. She took comfort in it, allowed it to soothe some of the parts of her which had been restless since she had told him she needed space.
"Thank you for saving me. Though technically this was all your fault."
"I take no responsibility. This is your penance." Betsy replied. "But are you enjoying yourself yet?"
"Enjoying myself? Not exactly my idea of fun." Nick stated before glancing down at the children between them. They were giggling and wriggling about in his arms, happiness radiating from them. "But you're right. We needed this. And don't even say-"
"I told you so." Betsy interrupted, laughing when Nick's features twisted into a scowl. "Some of my happiest memories were made here and I think you could make your own here."
"If you say so."
"I do."
Nick sighed and leant his forehead against hers. "Fine. I trust you."
"About damn time." Betsy replied, her heart leaping in her chest. She had been waiting for him to say those words longer than she had been waiting for him to say 'I love you' and it felt like something within her unknotted at those words. "You're still on probation though."
Nick laughed and pressed his lips to herforehead once more. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
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