
Wipes tears! The epilogue. The endiong of it all..... I am gonna miss them.... :( and my lovely readers. 

So------ this is the end.... depends on youif you want bonus chapters or not, or ifyou want others point of views on the book or not- so comment or PM me your suggestions! 

Here's the end of all  of it 


I set on the chair as I stared out in the beautiful sea in front of me. I was at home. My new home, with ammi, abba, Ahaya and my 2 lovely sons. Yes I have two grown up sons today. 

I remember this day i was engaged to the love of my life! 

I smiled at the thoughts of that day. 

I can remember each and every single detail of my life now. I remeber when I met her, when I fell hard for her, when I cried to sleep, the day I bought her the bracelet of two A's. I smiled at these thoughts. Hack I have been smiling on these thought over 21 years of my marrige! Yes it has been 21 years and today.. it is our 20th anniversary. 

Masha Allah, my family is still growing strong. Both my sons are gentlemen like me but they inherit the sense of humor of their mother. 

My eldest son, Nauman who is 20, an engineer and definately like me. Shy, quite and sensible. (I was like that before marrige!) but my second and younest son, Zulfiqar, He is the total opposite of his brother. He is 18, 2 years younger then the eldest. He is well.... a little spoilt, not by the parents but by the elder brother! 

You see my kids have the indefiante love in between them that i am grateful to Allah for. 

"Abba, Ammi is calling you downstairs!" said Nauman coming in my room. 

"Wel, Naumaan, tell your ammi, your abba is on his way!" I said as I got up and hugged my son. 

You have no idea of te feeling to be a proud father! Well maybe you do and you get my feelings now. 

"Naumaan?" I said to him as we walked downstairs. 

"yes Abba?" he replied looking at me with his grey eyes. 

"Since when did you start body buliding?" I aksed him and he laughed 

"Abba, you had us to train all the way since childhood so its natural!" he said to me

I laughed and then hugged him once again. 

"Go look for your Highness while I go meet Ahaya!" I said to him and he nodded. 

Your Highness was my ammi and King sir was my abba as my kids called them. 

"Whats up lovely lady!?" I whispered in Ahaya's ear gripping her waist from the back and putting my head on her shoulders. 

She giggled and replied "You will never improve!" 

"Hmmm... not likely!" I said as I turned he around. 

"Happy anniversary!" I said to her as I kissed her forehead. 

"same to you too!" she said kissing my cheeks. 

"I was hoping for a real kiss?" I said to her and she blushed. same old blush she had 20 years ago! 

"You are a father of a 20 year old child and-" she said and I laughed 

"That should not mean, I forget mylove for you!" I said to her and pecked her on the cheeks. 

"Masha Allah, may Allah keep both of you so happy!" that was my ammi 

Ammi and abba walked to us and hugged both of us. 

"Happy anniversary!" they said to us 

Naumaan and Zulfi smiled at us from behind them.

"Thank you!" we both replied

"so when am I going to see my great grandchildren, prince's?" asked ammi to my kids. 

See, I told you, nothing has changed over the years! 

"Highness, I am just 18! Naumaan bhai has to go first!" that was the sneaky Zulfi. I swear he takes advantage of my eldest son. 

Naumaan blushed and looked down. 

That was.... ohkkkaaayy... 

I smirked at Naumaan. There was something up. 

"Sir there is a skype conference call for you both!" said my assisstant, Kulsoom. 

"Thank you dear!" I replied as I took the laptop. 

There was Rehaan bhai, Ruhi bhabhi, Madiha bhabhi, talha bhai with their lovely kids. Talha bhai had one son, eldest of the family, Kaif, Rehaan bhai had a son about Zulfi's age, Nadeer and one daughter the youngest about the age of 15, Nadirah. 

"Happy anniversary!" the screamed 

I laughed and so did Ahaya. 

"Bhaiiii!! 21 years of marrige!!! Congrats yall!!!" said Rehaan bhai 

"Yes chachu, we expect alot of urprises today!" said nadirah. 

"Chachu, you look greattt!! and chachi i doubt you have been eating well, you are so... dried out!" said Kaif. Defintely like Madiha bhabhi.

We chatted for several minutes beforehtey hung up. 

"Bhaiiii!!!' that was Fawaad. 

He hugged me and congratulated me and Ahaya. 

He had only one daughter who was dearest to ua all along with Nadirah. But she was the youngest, Nadirah was 17 and she was 15. 

"Happy anniversary chachu, chachi!" said the lovely Cyra meaning moon. 

We hugged her and she smiled. 

Soon there were calls and skype and twitter and what not from people congratulating us on the anniversary. 

The whole day we had visitors or calls. By the afternoon we were dried out! 

"Get ready, Arshad, ahaya, we going to visit Mrs. Fella!" said ammi 

We nodded and headed to our rooms to get ready. My sons were gone somewhere so it was just us and ammi and abba. 

When I walked into my room, our clothes were already let out with a note saying, "Happy anniversary dears! Wear this today... I wanna see you both!"

It was signed by Mrs. Fella

I smiled. She had unique tastes. 

In half an hour we were ready. I was wearing a black suit that had sea green shirt with black tie and waist coat. 

I smiled to myself. 

My jaw almost hit the ground when I saw Ahaya coming out of the bathroom. 

She was wearing a long sea green dress with blackand white beats decorating the whole dress. She was wearingthe same kind of scarf and she looked breathtakingl beautiful, masha allah. 

After the Magib salah we left to see Mrs. Fella. Who was a client of mine. She was like family. 

We reached the place in an hour. It was 7pm and the stars made the night bright. 

"As salamu alaikum! said a tall built guy who came to get us at the gates. 

Why dd we have to gt off at the gates? 

I instinctively pulled Ahaya closer to me as I wraped a protective arm around her. 

We walked inside the mansion. It was huge! 

When we rang te door bell, the butler, he seemed like it, opened the doo. The lights were all out and ammi and abba were not there. Guess its justus. 

We walked into the hall and Ahaya gripped the hem of my caot. 

"I do not like this place!" she whispered. 

Then sudeenly the hwole effing lights came out, scaring the life out of us with people screaming Surprise on thop of their voices. 


I turned to see Ammi and Abba at the door grinning at us. 

Naumaan and Zulfi came up to us and hugged us congratulating us. 

Then the whole family came up and congratulated us. But amongst this, Naumaan seemed off..... He was shy and quiet but not this shy and quiet. Something was up... 

I smiled as everyone came upa nd gave their gifts to us. 

Then we got to know this whole thing was the idea of Naumaan. Woah! 

"Ahh... Ahaya, canI please be excused, I need to attend something urgent!" i whispered to her and she pouted

"Oh don't worry, this whole night and tomorrow is yours to keep!" i siad as I wiggled my eyebrows. she blushed and pushed me away. 

I wlaked past people greeting them and thanking them for their congratulations and gifts until I found my eldest son. 

Naumaan was..... self closed. He did not speak until you ask him too and best thing about him, he cannot lie. If he lies, you can tell by his tone and gesture. 

"Zulfi?" I said to Zulfi who was walking past me

"Yes abba?" he said looking at me

"What is wrong with Naumaan?" I aksed him 

No matter what, my sons are too close to keep any secrets from each other. 

"Ahh... abba, to be honest, I don't know, I tried asking but he would avoid the topic and get buzy with things!" he replied 

"Ohokay! Have funa nd please stay near ammi incase she needs things!" I said to him as he smirked

"Abba, she won't need anything untill you are here and yes...  if she needs somethings..... I will just call you!" he said wiggling his eyebrows. 

I bet he got all my playfulness and cheekyness. 

i smacked his arm playfully and he laughed and hugged me

"Love you abb!" he said as he went away in the crowd 

I walked out to the balcony as the cold air hit my face. 

Naumaan was standing there looking out in the sky. 

I wlaked to hima nd from his posture he seemed not to know that i was beside him. 

His eyes had water, tears that threatened to fall any minute. 

I put my hand on his shoulder and he blinked all the tears away. I wonder how many times did that happen? 

"Naumaan, i saw the tears-" I siad to him but he denied smiling at me

"What tears abba? I was lookingin the sky and thanking allah for a lovely family like mine!" he said but i knew him better. 

"What happened?" I asked him but he shrugged 

"Nothing abba! I am fine!" he said 

"Naumaan! Please?" I said to him bu he still shrugged

"Nothing abba! I am fine! Its your day! Enjoy!" he said to me smiling. 

"Naumaan, how many times did you cry without letting people know?" I aksed him seriously

"abba-" he said but i put my hand up giving him a truth-be-told glare. 

He sighed and replied "Alot" 

"Reason?" I aksed him as tears came back in his eyes. 

"I am not as confident and perfect as other children, esp boys!" he said looking at me

I was surprised my son who achieved what he wanted without my help is saying that!

"And why such a question suddenly?" I asked

"She-" he siad as he looked at the stars. 

"A girl and my son is crying! Did I not teach you anything dear?!" I siad in a dramatic way and he laughed

"Abba, she wants a confident, great and good guy, everything i am not!" he said 

I stared at him in disbelief. 

"You are confident, great and a good guy! What else?" I asked him 

He shook his head. 

"abba she is......" he said and looked up to the stars again. I knew that mode. I used to go to that mode when I was dreaming about Ahaya. 

"How long?" I asked him flicking my fingers infront of him. 

"Amm.... 4 years!" he replied 

My mouth hung open. 4 years and this scoundrel did not bother to tell his abba that! 

"4 effing years and you did not tell me!" I said in disbelief. 

"Abba that time i was just,....." he said 

"A guy with a degree?" I siad and he nodded. 

"Whois she? I want to meet her! How can she make my son feel so inferior!? I mean she can't be be-" I started ranting

"Kulsum!" he replied looking down. 

My eyes were about to pop out. Kulsum was my assisstant, marketing manager a my company. But se starte doff 2 years ago so how did he know her? 

"How dd you meet her?" I asked him

"She was in the same collage as me, studying business management and marketing" he replied still looking down

I kept silent. 

"You angry?" he asked me

 i let out a small chuckle. 

"You liked a girl for 4 years!" I said as I laughed uncontrolably

"so what abba, you loved mom for 21 years!" he said 

"21 and a half!"i said to him

"Come on!" i said tugging him into the hall where the party/ function was held. 

"Abba where?" he asked me but i dragged him, or more like walked with him to Ahaya who was standing with Kulsum and Zulfi.

"Salaam sir! Happy annivesary!" she said as soon as she saw me. 

I smiled at her. 

"Ahaya, I need you to speak with your lovely son Zulfi for a minute" I said to ahaya and she nodded, taking Zulfi away with her. 

I knew she would ask questions later but i will answer them.

That left us, Naumaan, Kulsum and I. 

"So Kulsum, hows studies going?" I asked her

"Good Alhamdulilah sir... I just need one more month and its over, I can be a full marketing manager" she said beaming. 

I looked at Naumaan and he was staring at her like she was something too beautiful 

"Naumaan, there was this girl.. ah Kulsum" I siad to Kulsum while taking to Naumaan. She looked up to me. 

"Ah.. who was that girl, the tall muslim one who called intoday?" I aksed her

She gave me a puzzled look and then answered. "Raisha?" 

"Ah yes Raisha, Naumaan, Raisha is a pretty young girl, smart telanted and just like you! Wanna see her as your match?" I asked Naumaan waiting for Kulsum's reaction. 

Bam, she had on the shokc and surprised look. 

"Abba-" said Naumaan and I smirked. 

"But sir, she is the total opposite of Naumaan, he is quite, she is loud, he loves books, she hates them, he loved air crafts, she loves planes, they have absulotely nothing in common!" siad Kulsom giving me a worried look. 

I in return, gave her an amused look about  knowing so much about Naumaan and when she realized, she blushed. 

"Ah..I- we- I have  to go- ah" she stammered and Naumaan smiled. 

she turned to leave but I stopped her. 

"Won't you like to know his feelings?" I asked her and she blushed looking down. 

"No!" she whispered

"And why is that?" I asked her 

"He has no feelings for me or anyone i guess, the girl he likes will be perfect, i am not" she replied 

i smiled. She was something else. 

"Well newsflash, Naumaan liked you for the past 4 years!" Isaid to her and she looked at me with wide eyed. Her eyes travelled to Naumaan and he nodded blushing. 

Yup, my son! 

"I will leave you both to talka nd tell me the wedding date!" I said to them and walked away. 

I smiled to myself. 

"Ahem Ahem!" said Ahaya standing with Zulfi. 

"Ah..." I said 

"What was going on?" they both asked together. 

"You see, Naumaan had feelings for Kulsum for the past 4 years and now since its out, I left them to talk and sort things out." i said rubbing my neck, a habit that did not go all these years later when I am nervous. 

"So.. you know this feeling is such a- goat thingi!" siad Zulfi making different faces then he stopped. 

"People should write a book, "Feelings and how to get rid of them!" he said making a banner with hishand while saying the title. 

I puched his stomach playfully. 

"Oww!" he said 

"One day when you fall in love, then you can write that book!" i said to him as i hugged Ahaya. 

Naumaan was back and he and Zulfi were strangling each other. 

I hugged Both of them with Ahaya and it was a family bear hug. 

Alhadulilah for my lovely family. 

I kissed Ahaya's forehead and she smiled. 

"Where is ours?" asked my two sons as i gave them a kiss on their foreheads. 

"ALHAMDULILLAH FOR MY FAMILY!" screamed both my sons on top of their voices. 

I lughed at them as we hugged once more. 

The Billionaire is in love, and Insha Allah will be in love today, tomorrow and insha Allah in Jannah. 

My happy loving family. 

So?? how was it?? 

Thank you to all the readers who read and supported me from the first chapter. Lov eyou all...


1) Do you people want to now others point of views through the book, like Ahaya's or maybe Fawaad's? 

Reply in comments or PM me... ;) 


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