"Honey You are a diamond, they can't break you!"
I was temporarily living in Edris mansion, in Shumayll Edris's room and I am not at all scared about it?
I felt giddy
it all felt new and exciting to me
I mean i have never lived anywhere on my own, let alone at someone's place and with the whole new job thing, i am hyper excited
"Iqra, dinner will be done in 10 minutes!"
That voice startled me
I looked around and finally found the mini screen on the wall left of the living space of this room
I walked to it and stared at it
This is Shumayll Edris we talking about
the falla is so physic, he can do anything!
"Okay, so how do i use this thing?" i asked myself
"Just touch it and I will be active!" something spoke and i jumped a feet away
what the hell is Shumayll planning?!
"Iqra, I am a computer program for Allah's sake!" it yelled at me
Okay, this is......... ABSURD!
"Look, honey, i am just a program, Shumayll made me and since then i have been a friend to him! Oh come on! Wait a minute- you are IQRAAR IBRAHIM!!" it decided to speak again
I rubbed my temples and stood up staring at the screen
"How do i know its not one of Shumayll's jokes?" i asked the... mini screen
"Because........ HOLY SHIEET! I am not suppose to be talking to you!" it snapped and i stared at the screen
"Okay so heres the deal- I never saw you, you never saw me!" i said and it laughed
"No, i dont want to lose such a good friend like you so we will keep it a secret-" it spoke and i sighed
"As you wish- and one more thing- what is the purpose of you being made?" i asked it
"He programmed me to know everything about this place- actually he made me for a friend which i have been since............... years" it said and i smiled
"Of course baboons also need friends" i replied but the thought struck me
why need a friend when he was so out going and friendly?
"I am Stan by the way" it said and i nodded
"Iqra" i replied smiling at the now bright screen
Stan looked like a pixel made cartoon, somewhat like wall-e but adorable
"I know all about you!" said Stan and i laughed
oh he knows nothing!
"I gotta go, dinners ready" i said and he smiled, a pixel smile
"K" he said before disappearing again
I took my dupatta and after securing it on my head, i walked out of the room
Shumayll's room was a dream
it was huge, had a huge walk-in closet, private living room and a bathroom that caters for a whole spa!
It was that good
the colors blended my mood, grey, black and white with specks of blue and dark purple
i loved it
except it was not mine
it was his and the one BIG question is that: WHY DID HE GIVE IT UP FOR ME?
"Oh Iqra, finally!" said Riza aunt and i smiled at her
"Daadi was just asking about you" she said as she added something to the chicken infront of her
"Umm........ yeah" i muttered and nervously played about with the ends of my hijab
"Honey whats wrong?" she asked dropping everything and walking to me over the counter
I smiled at her, blinking away my tears
i missed my family
i missed bhai
i missed everything
I felt her arms around me and a single tear slid down my cheeks
"Awwhh darling, you miss them?" she asked me and i nodded weakly
"Well, don't! We are also family and I am also your mother just as much as I am to Huma, Shaheer, Shumayll and Shumar!" she said hugging me tighter
"Except more for you than Shumayll" she whispered and this caused me to laugh
it felt nice and comforting to have someone like her with me
"Okay so I must make dinner!" she said and let me go
i laughed and took a seat on the high chairs near the counter
"So tell me something new!" she said as she went back to work on the chicken
"Well, nothings new..... except for me shifting here for a month and..........." my voice trailed off as i questioned myself of why he gave up his den for me
"And?" asked aunt as she placed the chicken in the oven
"And... masi, can i ask you something?" i asked her, suddenly confident to ask questions
"Yeah sure-" she said as she stood infront of the counter
"Why did I get-" i say but Huma bubu cuts me off
"AMMI!" She called as she ran into the kitchen
masi looked up, startled
"The clothes in the dryer, are done, can you check it- i needed to talk to Iqra and check on the kids" she said and Masi nodded
"I will be back" she whispered before walking away
Huma bubu stood by me and smirked
"So whats the thing you wanted to ask ammi?" she asked me and took a seat beside me
"Perhaps you know Shumayll better,!" i said and she stared at me for a moment, before breaking into fits of laughter
"What?" I asked her
after a moment or so, she sobered up
"Better? he is an open book, known him since he was 16-" she said and i got puzzled
"Yeah i knew him from that age- I was 21 that time, when Shaheer and I fell in love and all......" she explained and i smiled
"So what is it that you wanted to ask?" she asked me
"Why did he give up his room for me?" i asked her and she smiled to herself, just as if she knew something i didn't
"That, my love, will be answered by him......" she replied smiling at me
I huffed
"Sure" i muttered before retiring back to my slumped position
"Bhabhiii, wheres mom?" asked Shumayll walking casually into the kitchen
i silently stared at the counter
wow, who knew this thing would be so nice!?!
Two days, its been two days in this house and I am still awkward about things
"Sup Fluffy!" he smirked as he walked infront of me to the fridge and back
"You won't stop calling me that, will you?" i asked him smiling slightly
He gave me a goofish grin
"Nope, its like a thanngg of ours" he winked and i laughed
"Sure" I muttered
he peeled the apple and began chopping it into pieces
his flexes were so damned fine and the way he moved was flawless
if i moved that way, i would be tangled and falling head first on the floor within seconds
"Want some?" he asked me, breaking my chain of thoughts
"Ahem..... uh...... yeah" i managed to say
he grinned and passed me TWO pieces of it only while he took a whole bowl of it, started walking out of the kitchen, giving me a creepy "I-have_More" smile
like what the heck!?!
"Hey! I want more!!" i yelled and he grinned at me, walking painfully slow towards me
"Sure- catch me if you can, Fluffy!" he winked and before i could register what was going on, he took my other two pieces and sprinted
Sneaky falla!
without a second thought, i ran after him
Oh hell Shumayll, no one gets away with my FOOD!!
Salaam, my homies!!!!!
Nope, not using that language again.
Hey guys, how r u gang?
School's keeping me busy, My exams were good except for Chemistry, it was weird....... :/
I wrote bits and pieces during my free time but finally chap. 1 is done!!
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