Chapter 11
(Felicia's POV)
"What the hell is she doing here?" Takuto yells, pointing to the pink haired hacker, Rosie.
It's two days before the mafia info trade, the mission we have been prepping for. Takuto was surprised to say the least, when he saw Rosie come into the lounge, we all are sitting in the lounge at the Tres Spades, trying to figure out all the details for the trade. The blonde hacker had nearly spit out his drink, something Kris and Scarlett seemed to find especially funny. I admit, the look on his face was priceless.
"She's working with us idiot." Kris smirked, rolling her hazel eyes at the blonde.
"The hell she is! I had to buy a new phone dammit.." He growls, glaring at Rosie, before returning his attention back to Kris. "Shut it. You're the idiot.." He grumbled, crossing his arms as he leans back on the couch. Kris merely laughed, shaking her head at him.
"Anyway..." Cecilia interrupts their bickering, clearing her throat. "We need to figure out who's doing what, and whom is partnering with whom..." She adds, glancing around at everyone.
"Alright. We want pairs of two, no hackers pairing together. No offense meant, just we need you all in different areas. That, and this way someone can keep people off your ass while you do your thing." I announce, looking between the foxes, bidders, and the girls. I could already tell the pairings were going to be interesting to say the least, not to mention some of them didn't get along with each other.
"Alright. So we have Takuto, Rosie, and Scarlett for our main hackers. We want to get you partnered first..." I trail off, looking at the large group in front of me. "Takuto, we want you in their main computer room, getting info.. Rosie and Scarlett, you are on getting into the secure areas, you'll have to hack your way in.." I add, looking at the three hackers.
All three nod, and I look to everyone else... The question is who to put with them? Or do we just let them pick... "Alright. You guys can pick your partner, or I can assign them... It'd be easier if you just pick your own though." I add, after thinking it over.
My eyes widen in surprise as I watch Soryu walk over to Scarlett. The mobster looked slightly nervous, a slight blush tinting his cheeks, his hand on the back of his neck, as he approached her. "Scarlett. I know you're not fond of me, but I'll need you're help getting into wherever they have Mei Ling, and I can handle anyone that may get in our way." He explains, his dark blue eyes darting from her, to the floor, and back.
"Holy shit I didn't see that coming..." I mutter, and Mamoru chuckles quietly from his spot, next to me.
"Really? I did... He argues with her to cover up the fact he can't take his eyes offa her. I'm surprised ya didn't notice. He's been staring at her the past couple times she's been here. Course every time I hint at it, he pulls his gun on me." The cop says, chuckling wryly, as he looks at Soryu.
Scarlett snorts, meeting Soryu's gaze. "I guess I can tolerate you this time Dragon." She says, smirking at him, a sly look in her brown eyes. Soryu nods, smiling slightly at the red head, satisfied with her answer.
"Alright. Scarlett and Soryu, on getting Mei Ling, and getting her out....Takuto?" I ask, looking at the blonde.
Takuto shrugs, not seeming to care. "Alright... How about.. Akio?" I ask, glancing at the girl in question.
She glances from me to the blonde, before nodding. "Fine with me." She agrees.
"You gave me the rookie? I don't want to have to babysit no rookie." He glares at me.
"Well aren't you rude. I'm not just some rookie there blondie." She snaps, as she glares at him.
"Ignore the blonde tusundere, he's in an idiot." Kris cuts in, ruffling Takuto's hair playfully, earning a glare from him.
"I am not a tusundere! Idiot." He adds, smirking at Kris, who rolls her eyes in response.
"Yea you are Takkun.. And I promise he's not as bad as he seems Akio." She adds, glancing over to the dark haired girl.
"Tch don't call me that idiot." He says, rolling his amber eyes at Kris.
"You're the idiot blondie. What the hell crawled up your ass and died today? Seriously, you're almost as bad as that one today." She adds, gesturing to Eisuke, who merely glares at her.
"Shut up kitten."Takuto sneers, as he smirks at Kris. "I'm not baby sitting no damn rookie either." He adds, returning his attention to Akio.
"Say that again blondie. I fucking dare you. I'll shove my foot so far up your ass you'll choke on it. And after, I'll lay you flat on your ass. So let's see it blondie.." Akio threatens, fire in her crystal blue eyes, as she looks at the grumpy hacker.
"Okay, so Akio and Takuto then... Rosie?" I interrupt, before Takuto can say anything. I notice Cecilia, Kris, and Scarlett stifling laughs, at Akio's words.
"I'd be happy to partner with her." Riki speaks up next, shooting Rosie a flirty wink, as he looks at her.
The pink haired hacker rolls her eyes at the raven haired leader, not looking thrilled. "You're ridiculously arrogant...that kinda shit may have worked on high school girls, but not for real women....someone needs to knock you down a few pegs....better yet... You need a reality check. Your looks only get you so far there pretty boy, and you ruin it once you open your egotistical mouth." Rosie says, smirking triumphantly at Riki, who looks dumbstruck, and is stunned speechless.
"Shot down again leader." Hiro sings, smiling.
"Shut it Hiro." Riki growls, glaring at the ginger.
"I'll put up with you for one day Yanase... Don't let it go to your head though." Rosie adds, looking at Riki, who smiles slightly.
"Okay. So, that leaves the rest of us... Oh okay, I need someone to participate in the race. I need someone who can street race, and pick a partner that's a decent shot. These assholes don't play fair, you'll need someone that can handle a gun who rides with you.." I announce, looking at everyone. I already knew Kris was the black foxes get away driver, and word was she knew the streets like the back of her hand.. But I didn't automatically want to volunteer her unless she wanted to. She was an illegal street racer, the drift queen of Tokyo, and I wanted her to race, but I wanted it to be her choice.
A smirk played the brunette's lips as her gaze met mine. "Is that a hint I hear?" She asks, looking at me, and I nod.
"Fucking hell yes. I'm up for a race." She exclaims, excitement in her hazel eyes.
"Alright. Whoever goes with Kris, you've gotta be a good shot. I'm serious. I'm sure the street races have assholes racing, but these guys are real pricks. They don't play fair. They will shoot at you, and you need someone who can shoot while you race." I add, looking at everyone.
"I've got ya Kim." Kenshi speaks up, as he ruffles her hair playfully. Kris swats his hand away, smiling slightly at him.
"How many times I gotta tell ya, stop calling me by my last name? How long have you known me?" Kris adds, shoving Kenshi playfully, as she teases him.
Kenshi blushes slightly at her words, looking sheepish. "Kris." He says quietly, nodding at the girl.
"Kenshi." She responds quietly, as they look at each other.
"Uh okay. Well.. The rest of you, everyone needs to pick someone.." I say, trailing off, not really knowing where to go from there.
"Jenna is my partner." Hiro says, glancing at the dark haired girl in question, who nods in agreement.
"It's easier that way, we already work together at school." Jenna adds, and I shrug. Works for me.
"I'd be happy to be Cecilia's partner, unless you have someone else in mind?" Atsumu cuts in, raising an eyebrow at Cecilia.
"I don't have anyone in mind. Why not?" She shrugs, taking him up on the offer.
"You sure you wanna go with beardy? He's kinda old." Takuto asks, snickering.
"Some people appreciate someone older, with more experience, you wouldn't understand that Takkun." Atsumu answers, laughing off Takuto's comment.
"You sound like a pervert boss. Poor Cecilia." Hiro chimes in, laughing.
"I didn't mean it that way.. Dammit Hiro.." Atsumu insists, blushing profusely as he looks over at Cecilia, who laughs.
"I know what you meant Atsumu..." She says, smiling kindly at the boss of the black foxes, who looks relieved at her words.
The black foxes all have partners, except Paris...that just leaves me, Paris, and the bidders... Well, Soryu had a partner... And a few other girls didn't...
"I'll take Koro!" Ota exclaims happily, looking at Melonie, who blushes immediately at his words.
"You alright with that Melonie?" I ask the blonde.
"Yea. I already work with him at the studio anyway." She answers confidently, and I nod.
"Whatever. If you can put up with him and the weird ass nickname and pet fetish, be my guest." I add, shrugging.
"Well Paris, I believe you still need a partner. What do you say to being mine pretty lady?" Baba winks playfully at the last black fox without a partner.
She rolls her eyes, smiling slightly. "Well, I suppose I can put up with you for one night. Hands to yourself though.." She agrees, narrowing her eyes at the flirty thief.
"And then there were four." Shara says, smirking.
"I love how Eisuke is one of the last to get a partner." Akio chimes in laughing.
"No one wants to put up with his arrogant ass." Rosie adds, laughing as well.
Everyone looks at me, Shara, Eisuke, and Mamoru, the last four.
"I'd rather go with the cop, and I fucking hate cops." I say, gesturing to Mamoru.
"Damn." Kris snickers and Eisuke glares at Kris, and me, coldly.
"I'll go with Eisuke. Besides, I'm pretty sure I can keep him in check." Shara announces confidently, giving Eisuke a sly grin.
Eisuke raises an eyebrow at her, intrigued. "You think you can keep the king in check? Really." He smirks, his usually cocky grin tugging his lips as he looks at Shara. "No one has been able to so far..." He adds, looking the actress up and down.
"Ah but I'm not everyone, or most women for that matter." Is her curt reply, a challenge in her blue eyes, as she meets Eisuke's gaze.
"Interesting..." He murmurs, not taking his eyes off of her.
"Well cop, looks like we're partners then." I say, glancing at Mamoru.
"Damn kid. Try not to be a pain in the ass for once then will ya?" He asks, smirking slightly at me.
"Try to keep up with me, old ass cop." Is my curt reply, as I roll my eyes at him.
"Okay that's everyone then. Those of us that don't have specific task, are going to mingle, blend in, and keep an eye out. Make sure they don't pick up on what we're really up to. Make it look like we're there to take part in the trade." Cecilia announces, summarizing the rest of the tasks efficiently.
"Alright. Everyone has their partners, and assignments, or a general idea of them. We can always go into more detail closer to the actual time. Anything else?" I ask, glancing at everyone, making sure I haven't forgotten anything.
"Oh I got that invite." Cecilia adds, producing a copy of the actual Los Lobos invite.
I raise an eyebrow at my friend. I wasn't sure how she got ahold of that.. Hell, I wasn't sure how she used to find me when I always got my ass kicked either.. She had some tricks up her sleeve that I had yet to figure out. "How did you get that Cece?" I ask curious.
"I have my ways." She answers evasively, and I can't help laughing at that.
"Of course you do..." I add, shaking my head, still laughing.
A/n: okay.. Sorry this took me so long, and I know not much action in this chapter.. But yea.. They were figuring out details here.. Next chapters will be infiltrating the mafia info trade though. ^_^. Alright, so some of you are familiar with how I do this, but to clarify.. Certain times like this next bit, I'll change point of views each chapter, doing the mission from one characters perspective and moving on... So basically, everyone gets their own chapter. Now, I can do this a few different ways. Let me know what you think. I can do it from the guys point of view, the girls, or do half the chapter from one, then swap to the boys that are with you the other half.... Whatcha think? Comment your opinions on that. There's not particular decided order for who goes in what order for the next chapters. But everyone is doing something different, sometimes your paths cross with another pair, sometimes it doesn't... Soo yea... Anyway... Thanks for reading.
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