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A sport was mandatory at Chilton, which really sucked because Rosanna didn't want to pick a sport, especially since she wasn't all that athletic and she really didn't want to reveal any of her burns.ย 

Once she saw the length of the field hockey plaid athletic skirt, she was sold on field hockey. The plaid skirt was a match to the regular Chilton skirts, but just in athletic form. The skirts were at least knee length, so she was at least able to hide the burns on her thighs and no one would be the wiser. However, there was an issue with the light blue shirt which they had to wear as the uniform: it revealed the burns on her inner arms.

She figured that she could play off the burns on her arms as a mishap with a hot curling iron, even though her curls were natural, but no one had to know that.

So, Rosanna picked field hockey, but Rory was still unsure of what sport to pick. Rory wasn't as athletic as Rosanna, which was saying something. If reading was a sport, Rory would be the number one athlete.

"We have to pick a sport," Rory said, one day over dinner.

Rosanna was picking at her fries, "It's mandatory."

"Aw," Lorelai replied. "What did you two pick?"

"I picked field hockey," Rosanna said.

"And I haven't picked a sport yet," Rory told Lorelai, messing with her hamburger. "There's too many to choose from."

"You should try out for the debate team," Lorelai said.

"It's not a sport," Rory countered.

"It is the way the Gilmores play," Lorelai replied.

Rosanna sighed and the door to the diner opened. Out of habit, Rosanna looked. It was Brad and Becky, with Becky under Brad's arm. That gross jealous feeling came back, because that should've been Rosanna under his arm, not Becky.

Rosanna had to shove that feeling to the side and went back to picking at her fries.

Lorelai scoffed under her breath and whispered, "Talk about moving on so fast."

"You just noticed?" asked Rory.

"They got together on Monday after we broke up on Friday," Rosanna muttered and looked at the counter.

It looked like Luke and Luna were having a rather aggressive looking game of rock-paper-scissors, the loser having to go over to Brad and Becky, because none of them wanted to go near him.

Luke lost so he went over to Brad and Becky, though he didn't look happy about it.

After dinner on Friday Night, Richard wiped his mouth off with his napkin before saying, "Dinner was lovely, Emily."

"Mira does make a perfect cassoulet," Emily replied.

"Who's Mira?" asked Lorelai.

"Our cook," Emily replied.

Rosanna was confused, "I thought her name was Sarah." Then again, Emily never liked to learn the names of the help.

"Actually her name's Heidi," Lorelai told Rosanna.

Emily explained, "Oh, no, we let Heidi go months ago. She had a problem closing things โ€“ the door, the refrigeratorโ€”"

"The liquor bottle," Richard added.

Emily continued listing off cooks, "Then it was Trina, then Sophia."

"Oh, I liked Sophia," Richard replied.

Emily told him, "You did not"

"I didn't?" asked Richard.

"She was the one who sang," Emily told him.

"That's right," Richard said. "Terrible woman."

Emily continued listing, "And after Sophia we had Anton."

Richard said, "That's right. Anton was the one that I liked."

It sounds like Grandma needs to be nice to the help, Rosanna thought.

Lorelai said, "I'm sorry, Dad, how do you mix up Anton and Sophia?"

Richard seemed confused, "What do you mean?"

Lorelai said, "Well, one is a man and one is a woman."

Richard said, "And your point being?"

Lorelai repeated, "That one is a man and one is a woman."

Richard said, "I have a lot to do in a day, Lorelai, I don't have time to keep up with a multitude of people that your mother employs."

Lorelai said, "But one is a man and one is a woman."

Rosanna looked at Lorelai, "Mom, is their gender really the issue you're having a problem with?"ย 

The cook brought in a cake.

Lorelai spoke to the cook, "The dinner was so wonderful, Mira."

"It's Sarah," the cook not named Mira said.

Lorelai said, "Oh, I'm sorry."

Sarah went back into the kitchen.

"Ha!" replied Rosanna, "I knew that there was a Sarah. I'm not totally crazy!"

"I thought she said Mira," Emily said to Rosanna.

Lorelai groaned.

Rory said, "Hey, Grandma, these plates are really pretty."

"Thank you, Rory," Emily said. "They were your great-grandmother's."

Richard said, "Lorelai the first."

Rory said, "I thought Mom was the first."

Emily replied, "Not in the name."

"No, but in so many other things I was a regular trailblazer." Lorelai spoke to Emily, "Just finishing your thought, Mom."

"Lorelai the first is my mother," Richard said. "She's an extremely accomplished equestrian, a distinguished patron of the arts, and she's also world-famous for her masquerade balls. She's quite a woman, my mother,"

"Yes she is," Emily said, clearly not looking happy at the mention of her mother-in-law. She called out, "Mira, come cut the cake please."

Lorelai said, "Yes, and why don't you bring Sarah out here with you and prove to my daughter that she's not going crazy."

Emily said, "So, Lorelai, how are things at that charming little inn of yours?"

"Mm โ€“ they're still charming and little." Lorelai said, "We're just crossing our fingers it doesn't assert itself and become rude and large."

Rory added, "Mom's having a huge wedding there this week."

"Really?" asked Emily.

Lorelai said, "Yeah, actually there's people coming from all over the country."

Emily said, "Well, isn't that nice?"

Lorelai smiled, "Yeah."

Emily asked, "Rory, Roxie, how's Chilton?"

Lorelai said, "Okay, done with me now."

Emily said, "I'm sorry, was there more to the story?"

"Uh, Rory and Roxie have to pick a team sport to play," Lorelai said. "Roxie picked field hockey."

Emily seemed surprised as she spoke to Anna, "You picked field hockey?"

"Yeah," Rosanna replied.

Emily smiled, "You know, I played field hockey when I was in college."

Rosanna smiled back, "Really?"

"Yeah," Emily replied. "I can show you a few tricks I learned."

"That would be nice," Rosanna replied.

"Uh, Rory has to pick a sport too," Lorelai said, not liking the idea of Emily and Rosanna getting along.

Rory told Emily, "It's a requirement."

Richard said, "Physical fitness is as important as intellectual fitness. So says Plato and so say I."

Emily said, "Rory, what sport are you going to pick?"

"I'm not sure." Rory said, "I'm not really the athletic type."

Lorelai said, "I told her she should go out for the debating team."

"It's not a sport," Rory replied.

Lorelai said, "It is the way the Gilmores play."

Emily asked Rory, "So, what are your choices?"

Rory said, "God, there's like a thousand of them: basketball, lacrosse, swimming, track, golfโ€”"

"Golf?" interrupted Emily.

Rory said, "Yeah."

Emily pointed out, "Well, your grandfather is a golf player."

"Oops," replied Lorelai.

Emily said, "He plays every week at the club. He could teach you to play like a pro."

Richard started, "Emily." Apparently he didn't like the idea of spending time golfing with Rory.

Emily continued speaking, "Why, he could take you there on Sunday. It's perfect."

"It's not something you can teach in an afternoon," Richard tried.

"That's okay," Lorelai said. "Rory can pick something else."

Emily spoke to Lorelai, "Why should she pick something else? She needs to learn a sport and Richard can teach her a sport." She spoke to Rory, "You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential."

"Okay, Mom, can I maybe talk to you for a minute?" asked Lorelai.

Emily pointed out, "We're having dessert."

Lorelai said, "I know but I'd like to talk to you fast before the sugar sets in and makes me crazy."

"You are the oddest person," Emily stated, but set her napkin aside to stand up.

Lorelai replied, "Yeah, too easy." She got up too before she started heading for a different room.

Emily asked, "What is so important it can't wait for cake?"

"Keep moving," Lorelai told her.

"This is as far as I can go unless you'd like me to bore my way through the wall," Emily retorted.

After a moment of talking to Emily, Lorelai was ready to leave, so Rory and Rosanna had to say goodbye to the grandparents, while Emily looked smug as she said to Rory, "I'll see you at eight on Sunday." Rory seemed confused by that before they went outside to stand on the porch.

Lorelai sighed, "Oh, man, did you get blindsided? I'm so sorry."

"That's okay," replied Rory.

"I tried to stop it, I swear," Lorelai said.

"I know," Rory said. "Maybe it won't be that bad."

Lorelai said, "Maybe it won't."

Rory said, "Maybe I'll like it."

Lorelai said, "Maybe you will."

"Maybe you could come with me," Rory said.

"Oh, you have to join Roxie's 'you're crazy' team." Lorelai said, "'Cause I think they'd make you co-captain, 'cause Roxie is already captain."

"Please?" pleaded Rory.

"Rory, I love you. I would take a bullet for you. But I'd rather stick something sharp in my ear than go to the club with you," Lorelai said.

"Fine," replied Rory.

"I'd rather slide down a banister of razor blades and land in a pool of alcohol than go to the club with you," Lorelai continued.

"I got it," Rory replied.

Lorelai continued, "Don't stop me, I'm on a roll. I'd rather eat my own hand than go to the club with you. Ooh, I'd rather get my face surgically altered to look like that lunatic rich lady with the lion head than go to the club with you."

"Oh my god," Rosanna muttered, knowing that Lorelai was going to keep going all the way back to Stars Hollow.

Rory asked, "Would you like me to drive so you can continue your diatribe?"

"Would ya? Thanks," Lorelai said, handing over the car keys. "I'd rather cut off my head and use it as a punch bowl than go to the club with you."

Rory had gone to Emily and Richard's house for her golfing adventure with Richard. So it left Rosanna to write some memories down for her memory map.

When I was leaving my math class, back in Stars Hollow High, Brad was waiting for me there. For a brief moment, I was confused at the sight of him, but the happiness at seeing him again overpowered me.

Before I could ask him why he was lurking outside my class, he said, "I wanted to see you again."

Oh. I couldn't help but give a rather stupid grin at that because he wanted to see me! I didn't think I was anything remarkable really, with my curly auburn hair and light blue eyes. I figured that he would be more interested in Rory, but not me.

"Besides," Brad continued speaking. "You never got back to me on that coffee I asked you to get with me."

I was confused. I don't remember him asking me to get coffee with him. I started saying, "I don't rememberโ€”"

"You agreed to it," Brad interrupted.

(In hindsight, that was the biggest red flag ever. It was so huge and so red that it probably made the Soviet Union's Red Army jealous.)

I tried to think back to when he first talked to me after the play. I don't remember him mentioning coffee. But maybe I just forgot. "Oh, I guess I was busy with other things that I just forgot."

"So, coffee?" Brad repeated.

"Yeah, sure, after school," I replied.

After that was done, she did some more homework, before heading on over to the Inn.

She spotted Lorelai talking to a woman and went over to them.

"Do you have children?" asked the woman.

"Two daughters," Lorelai replied. "They're twins too."

The woman asked, "Do you hate them?"

"No," replied Lorelai.

"Not ever?" asked the woman.

"Well I wasn't wildly fond of them during labor," Lorelai replied.

Rosanna messed with the sleeves on her grey-and-black striped sweater.

"Speaking of daughters," Lorelai started. She spoke to the woman, "Mrs. Shales, this is one of my daughters, Rosanna. Roxie, this is Mrs. Shales, the mother of the twin brides."

Rosanna looked at Mrs. Shales, who was giving her a stunned look, like she was expecting a small child, not a teenager. Rosanna smiled at Mrs. Shales, "Hi, it's nice to meet you." She turned to Lorelai, "I'll be out back to help decorate."

Lorelai smiled and Rosanna went to the back of the inn to help decorate.

When evening fell, Lorelai and Rosanna walked to the diner together where they were supposed to meet Rory.ย 

When they walked in, Lorelai was saying, "My god โ€“ this day. The swans, the tulle, my head..." She said to Luke, "Luke, I need the largest cheeseburger in the world. Let's break a record here, mister. And Roxie requires some loaded nachos." They went to Lorelai's table and spoke to Rory, "So, the wedding is a nightmare. We got these ten boxes of creepy larvae that are supposed to swarm into beautiful butterflies on the wedding day. They swarmed a little early!" She noticed the golf hat, "What's with the hat?"

Rory said, "Grandma gave it to me."

Lorelai replied, "Oh, now, that's just mean."

Rory said, "It's not that bad."

Lorelai said, "Do you want a mirror?"

"I'm taking it off," Rory replied, taking off the hat.

"It's not that bad," Rosanna said. "It could've had different colors though."

"I kind of agree," Lorelai said. "So, Rory's golfing adventure. Tell me!"

Rory said, "It was fine. I kind of wished Roxie was there though."

"Oh, honey, I brought you some of Sookie's chocolate cake to make you feel better," Lorelai said, sliding the plate to Rory.

"It really wasn't that bad," Rory replied.

"You are the sweetest kid in the whole world. Where on earth did you get that from?" Lorelai said, not believing Rory on it not being that different. She spoke to Luke, "Luke, am I mistaken or did that sign on the door say 'open'?" She spoke to Rory, "So, where were we?"

Rory replied, "Me golfing."

Loreali said, "Right โ€“ go."

Rory said, "Okay, well, uh, by the end of the day I could even hit the ball. Sometimes it wasn't my ball but the intentions were good."

For a brief moment, Rosanna wondered if Rory somhow hit someone else's golf ball, but then figured that Rory meant she was hitting grass.

"Well, good intentions and no physical exertion whatsoever is what the game of golf was built on," Lorelai said. "So, um, did you order?"

Rory replied. "I'm not hungry. I had a big lunch at the club."

Luke came over and poured some coffee, "With all the other devastators of our land."

"Luke, I'm really sorry," Rory replied. "I didn't know."

Luke took off instead.

Lorelai seemed confused as she asked, "You had a big lunch at the club?"

"Yes, it was quite good," Rory replied, smiling.

"'Quite?'" Lorelai asked, "What's with the 'quite?'"

Rory said, "What do you mean?"

Lorelai, "You don't ever say quite."

Rory defended herself, "I've said quite plenty of times."

"I think I've heard her say quite before too," Rosanna replied.

"Whatever," Lorelai said. "So besides the 'quite good' lunch you had, what else happened?"

"Nothing," Rory said. "We played, I met his friends, I took a steam."

Lorelai said, "You took a steam?"

"Yeah," replied Rory. "I sweated out all my toxins and I stole a towel."

Rosanna smiled at Rory, "Baby's first crime. Next thing you know you're helping people cheat on a test and then you're robbing stores and banks."

Rory looked at her, "Geez, no thanks."

"Well, it sounds like she really had a good time," Lorelai said to Rosanna.

"I did," Rory replied.

Lorelai asked, "Really?"

"Really," replied Rory.

Lorelai asked, "Really?"

"Really," replied Rory.

Lorelai asked, "Really?"

"New word, because I'm getting motion sickness," Rosanna stated.

"Yeah, new word now," Rory said.

"Sorry โ€“ I just โ€“ I'm surprised," Lorelai said. "I thought you were gonna be bored."

"I was kind of surprised too," Rory said. "I don't know โ€“ it was pretty there and Grandpa and I talked a lot."

"You talked?" Lorelai asked, "Really?"

Rory gave her a look, "You're doing it again."

"Sorry," Lorelai said. "You talked?"

"We talked about Fez," Rory said.

"And he thought it was a hat," Lorelai said.

Rosanna had thought so too, but she chose not to bring that up.

Rory said, "I told him about our backpacking trip. He thought it was a great idea."

"Wow," Lorelai said. "So you really had fun."

"Yeah," replied Rory.

Lorelai said, "That's great."

Luke came over to serve Lorelai's cheeseburger and Rosanna's loaded nachos.

Lorelai said to Rory, "That is really, really great."

Luke handed over the check, "I thought you were starving."

"Things change. Move on," Lorelai told him.

Luke moved on.

Rory asked, "Does this hat really look bad on me?" She put the hat back on.

"No," replied Lorelai. "I think it looks kind of cute."

Rosanna grabbed a chip, "It just needs different colors though."

Rosanna sat outside on the porch with Lorelai and Rory. Rory was looking in a handheld mirror while Lorelai had her college schoolwork surrounding her.

Rosanna was painting her fingernails a blue color. Brad had hated when she painted her fingernails for reasons she didn't understand.

Lorelai asked Rory, "Should I leave you two alone?"

Rory said, "I think I want to change my hair."

"Really?" Lorleai said, "I think it looks quite good."

Rosanna looked at Lorelai and then at Rory, "What do you want to change too? Do you want to dye it or curl your hair or...?"

"I don't know yet," Rory replied. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Oh, yeah," Lorelai said, "Water."

"I'm fine," Rosanna told Rory.

Rory went inside the house, but left the door open.

It looked like Lorelai was thinking about something. Rosanna almost rolled her eyes, "Just spit it out, Mom."

Lorelai called to Rory, "So you talk to Grandpa today?"

"What?" called Rory back.

"Grandpa," Lorelai called back, "He called?"

"Yep," replied Rory.

Lorelai asked, "Anything wrong?"

Rory returned to the porch holding two water bottles. "No. He just found this book we were talking about."

"Oh." Lorelai asked, "And he just called to tell you?"

Rory said, "Yeah, why?"

"Nothing," Lorelai said. "It's just weird. He doesn't call the inn that much. Or ever, actually."

Rory started explaining, "Well he knew that I was looking for it, soโ€”"

"Oh, sure," Lorelai said. "What book was it?"

"Mencken's Chrestomathy," Rory replied.

Rosanna had no clue what Chrestomathy even was.

"Oh, that one," replied Lorelai.

"Yeah," Rory said.

Rosanna spotted Babette coming up to the porch, "Hey, Babette."

"Hey!" Babette stopped by Lorelai's side, "Cinnamon is stuck under the front porch again. Can I borrow some vegetable oil and a shoehorn?"

Rory said, "I'll get it." She went back inside the house.

Rosanna asked, "So what happened?"

"I'm callin' her and I'm callin' her and I go around the porch and this big orange tush is just starin' me in the face," Babette explained.

"I hate when that happens," Lorelai said. A few times, she had woken up to find Rosanna's cats Mocha and Macchiato on her bed. She was not a cat person.

"Yeah." Babette explained, "She must've been meowin' for an hour but Morey was playing some Thelonious on the Steinway and when Morey plays I go into this trance where all I can see is blue and moon and starsโ€”"

Rosanna was sure that drugs were the things that made Babette see blue, moon, and stars, not Morey's playing.

There was a thump and a very loud angry meow that made Rosanna jump.

"She's out Babs!" called Morey.

"Oh!" Babette said, "Never mind, Sugar." She turned to Rosanna, "Don't forget to bring Mocha and Machiatto over for a playdate with Cinnamon soon, Doll." She called to Morey, "Play me home, baby!"

Piano music started up and Rosanna went inside the house to called t Rory, "She doesn't need the vegetable oil anymore."

"Okay," Rory said, setting the vegetable oil aside, before going back outside.

Lorelai said, "So you know what I was thinking?"

Rory asked, "That Madonna and Sean Penn should get remarried?"

"Besides that," Lorelai said. "I was thinking that your golfing expedition should totally count as a dinner."

"What do you mean?" asked Rory.

"I mean I think I can get us out of dinner at the grandparents' on Friday. Maybe we could grab a movie," Lorelai said.

Rory replied, "Oh, well, that's okay."

Loreali said, "It's no big deal, really."

"I think that'll freak Grandma out," Rosanna said. "She's a bit of a control freak so if we wiggle out of going on Friday, she'll freak out on us."

"Yeah but I can handle those freakouts," Lorelai said. "I've done that."

Rosanna can handle freakouts too, because of Brad, who actually hit her during those. Most of those were because guys looked at her and Brad called her a whore.

Rory said, "You know, I have to get the book from Grandpa anyway. Let's just go."

"Oh. All right." Lorelai said, "If you and Roxie really want to."

"I do," Rory said. "I can't speak for Roxie though."

"Okay, fine," Lorelai said. She asked, "Is that my sweater?"

Rosanna looked at the sweater Rory was wearing. Then she looked at the black sweater she was wearing. "I don't think this is yours?"

"I meant Rory's sweater," Lorelai said. "She's wearing my sweater."

"So?" asked Rory.

Lorelai said, "No, it's okay. It's just I thought I asked you to at least ask, you know, before you borrow my stuff."

Rory said, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Lorelai said. "It's just not too much for a simple 'Can I borrow it, Mom?' is it?

Rosanna found herself oddly tensing up, feeling on the defense. It was something that happened when Brad yelled at her, she always fought back, but he always ended the arguments with violence. She dug her fingernails into her palms, feeling like a rubber-band being pulled back, ready to snap at any moment.

"No, it's not," Rory said. "Jeez, lighten up."

"It's my favorite sweater too," Lorelai continued.

Rosanna finally snapped, "What is your problem?"

"She always stretches out all my stuff that she borrows," Lorelai accused.

Rosanna asked, "Since when has her borrowing your stuff been an issue?"

"And I couldn't possibly stretch them out!" Rory said, "Your boobs are way bigger than mine."

"That is not true," Lorelai said.

"Yes it is," Rory replied.

"Your boobs are totally bigger than mine!" Lorelai replied.

"You're possessed," Rosanna told Lorelai, going inside.

"And you better not come back outside 'til you have Father Karras and Priest Merrin on the phone," Rory told her.

"You got it," Rosanna replied.

When Friday night rolled, they were back in Hartford.

"Oh, good, you're here," Emily said, when she opened the door.

"Hey," Lorelai said, holding a white box.

"Hi, Grandma," Rory and Rosanna said in unison.

Emily smiled, and noticed the white box, "My goodness, what is that?"

"We brought dessert," said Lorelai.

"Really? How thoughtful," Emily looked in the box, "What is it?"

"Blueberry shortcake," said Lorelai.

"I've never heard of blueberry shortcake," said Emily.

"It's a thing in Stars Hollow," said Rosanna.

"Why is it already cut?" asked Emily.

"It's left-over from the wedding," replied Rosanna.

Emily stared at them.

"It was at the inn," clarified Lorelai.

"Yes, I know where the wedding was," replied Emily, closing the lid and looking at Lorelai.

"Oh, sorry," replied Lorelai. "You were just doing that staring thing."

Emily asked, "You brought us used dessert?" asked Emily.

"Sometimes things come pre-cut," Rosanna replied, confused.

"Yeah," Lorelai agreed.

"How nice," replied Emily. "I'll just put it in the kitchen next to my half-empty box of Cheer." She started leading them to the living room, but she passed the box to a maid.

Lorelai whispered to the twins, "She's in a good mood tonight."

Rosanna nodded, glad because her mother and grandmother weren't arguing with each other.

"Can I get you a drink?" asked Emily.

"Uh, white wine would be nice," said Lorelai.

"Coke," said Rory.

"I'll take some water," Anna said, sitting down on a chair.

Emily poured a glass of water and asked, "So, Lorelai, did Rory tell you all about the wonderful time she had at the club?"

"She sure did," said Lorelai.

Then Lorelai got mad at Rory for having a great time and accused Rory of stretching out Lorelai's sweaters.

"Your father was simply flying all week," Emily said, putting ice in the glass of water. "She really charmed him."

"Ah, well, if anybody could, it would be her," replied Lorelai.

Emily continued bragging, "I mean, in this age of MTV and one hundred television channels, who would've imagined that a young girl could still get a thrill spending a simple afternoon with her grandfather?"

Now it seemed like she was simply rubbing it in Lorelai's face that Rory and Richard had a good day together, Rosanna noticed.

"That wine would be real good right now, Mom," said Lorelai.

Rosanna kind of agreed.

Emily said, "I think we should consider getting her a membership at the club, don't you?"

"If she wants, sure," said Lorelai.

"I mean, to have a place to go where she can socialize, that's very important to a young girl," said Emily.

"Well, now especially that the crack den is closed down on the corner, all her really good friends are gone," said Lorelai. Emily tilted her head to the side like she didn't understand the joke. "What do you think, Mom? Should I pursue the career in comedy?"

"It's just very interesting the way things turn out, isn't it?" asked Emily.

Rosanna guessed so.

Richard walked in, "Oh, you're here. Lorelai."

"Dad," replied Lorelai.

"Roxie," greeted Richard, looking at Anna.

Rosanna nodded slightly, "Grandpa."

Richard looked at Rory, "Rory, I have a surprise. Not only did I find that copy of Mencken's Chrestomathy we discussed, I also found a first edition of his memoirs as well."

"You're kidding?" said Rory.

"It's in my office if you'd like to see them," said Richard.

"Oh my God, I totally would," said Rory.

"I'd like to take a look at those myself," said Emily as she passed a wine glass to Lorelai, before they left the sitting room.

Lorelai took a drink of wine and looked at Rosanna. "You can go, if you want. You have no obligation to sit here with me."

Rosanna moved to sit next to Lorelai, "I'm good. I'd rather be here and talk to you because it seems a bit cruel to leave you alone."

Lorelai patted Rosanna on the shoulder, "Thanks for thinking of me."

"It's no problem," Rosanna replied. "I'm sorry for getting mad at you that other day over Rory's stretching out your sweaters."

"No, it's fine," Lorelai said. "It's good that you stood up for your sister." She took a drink of white wine, "You seem off. Like you're not yourself after you and Brad broke up."

Rosanna almost flinched at the name. "I'll be okay. I'll come back to myself." Eventually...she mentally added. "I'll be fine."

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