Past 17
Part 17
“Get a room.” Dante grumbled as he slammed the door open, sluggishly forcing his body across the room as if it took all of him to move. “Unless you want to invite me to a three-way.”
“That is unnecessary, and I wouldn’t want to degrade Leah in such a manner.” Vergil pronounced, and I giggled a little at the implied connotation as I cuddled against him. I had moved back to Trish’s place and reclaimed my usual life quickly –except for the fact that Vergil was officially my lover.
Sometimes, I really needed to slap myself to remind myself that the gorgeous, marvelous and awesome man was all mine. I know I sound super territorial, but Vergil is totally worth being territorial over.
“Yeah, I’m sure she wouldn’t want to have you after she’s had me.” Dante challenged, though he was already settling down on the chair, ready to fall back to sleep.
“The problem, Dante, is that you cannot even get her to your bed. I have succeeded where you have failed, and you will do well to remember that she is mine.” Vergil reminded, and I hid a secret smile. Seems like I wasn’t the only territorial one in our relationship.
The front door slams open before any reply could be made, and a gunshot rings aloud in the entire office. By now, I am too used to such sudden happenings to even scream. I watch calmly as Dante jerks awake with explosive curses, picking the bullet from his bleeding forehead while a second click sounds.
“You’re late.” Vergil greets, and I suddenly got the feeling that perhaps I wasn’t the only one he asked to come to the office. What a waste. I was totally thinking of the things we could do while I spent my day off…
“Had to deal with a shitload of government administration. Doesn’t help that Dante’s being a lazy ass here.” Lady grumbled as she unbuckled Kalina Ann from her back, resting it at the side before she wandered over where Vergil and I were, completely ignoring Dante’s swears. “So what’s up?”
Vergil gives an inkling of a frown, but I see that it doesn’t really bother him as he gestures for her to take a seat. “You’re not the only one who is late. Trish isn’t here yet.”
My eyes widened in surprise as I turned to him after exchanging quick greetings with Lady.
“You asked Trish here? She didn’t tell me.”
Vergil looked down at me with an apologetic look, which I would never have expected from him –except for the fact that he was my lover now.
“I didn’t think about but I heard this morning of the problems she was recently going through. I decided it would be the best if we included her in the next task.” He explained, and though he was being vague about what ‘task’ he planned for everyone, it was obvious that he was sorry for not telling me beforehand.
“What exactly is today’s gathering about? If it’s for me to witness how the two of you are cuddling up each other, I’d rather pass.” Lady asked, but Vergil gave her the sharp stare.
“You are aware of the recent amount of restrictions put in place particularly for people of our profession. We now have to register every firearm that we purchase, get licenses for every weapon we own, and remove every ‘weapon of magical trace’. Every mission we take up must be screened, and we must submit reports. This red tape and bureaucracy is no place for a dirty industry like ours.” Vergil started, and both Lady and I nodded. Dante tried to pretend not to be interested, but I knew better by the way he was adamantly looking away while it was obvious that he was training his hearing on his twin’s content.
“I figured that out when I picked up the newspaper a week ago.” Lady replied with a sigh, still not getting what Vergil was trying to approach.
“It is obvious that the government is running against us. They are squashing out people with power to fight against them. Those who don’t know better are following the orders, but they don’t understand that once they stop, they can never regain their fighting back.” Vergil explained, and I sat up straighter in my seat.
“Surely things are not that extreme?”
Vergil shook his head, back in business mode. “It is that extreme. Many out there do not understand it yet, but when they report in to submit their reports and license and such, they are being brainwashed by a demonic controller. It is not reported yet, but the number of demon killings have dropped exponentially.”
Lady’s jaw dropped. “You’re kidding. I just came back from there! Okay, everyone there looked pretty dead, but I would know if someone was trying to control me with demonic sense!”
“Calm down.” Vergil didn’t need to ask twice. “You have a little of Dante’s blood in you. They cannot control a woman with the blood of Sparda. This is precisely why I have asked you along. You cannot be controlled, and they are against you.”
Lady crossed her arms, disbelieving. I didn’t understand how Lady had Dante’s blood, but no one was going to explain things word for word to me, so I just accepted things as they were.
“Why would the government want to have demons on the street? Why would they want demons at all? Why against people they cannot control? I mean, I understand if they don’t appreciate rebel, but other than splattering a few walls with demon blood, I’ve paid all my taxes and haven’t committed any real crimes.” Lady said, a curious look to her eyes.
By now, Dante had given up pretending to be asleep, sitting upright with curiosity as he leaned forwards against the desk, eager to know more. I never knew Dante cared, but I had a suspicion that the government must have pissed the man off. Occasionally, I would hear grumbles from the man about how the government had threatened to put him to jail or bring him to court.
“Because the real demons, Lady, are the government.” It was Trish who answered the woman this time, and we turned to see the newcomer strut in, dusting imaginary dust from her tight shirt. Without invitation, she took the seat beside me and hooked an arm around my shoulder, as if to insist to Vergil that I belonged to her as much as I did him.
Wisely, he backed off and let me be dragged to Trish’s territorial arms.
“Yes, Trish is right.” He agreed, not bothering to return Trish’s challenging glare. “The problem with Limbo and everyone in it is that this place is run by a government that is demonic in nature.”
“Wait.” Lady draws back in shock. “You’re telling me that the government has demons? Not metaphorical demons, but literally real demons?”
Vergil nods, but I see that her question gets on his nerve. Still, his restraint as gotten better –and I’d like to think that it’s because of me.
“They have always been there. I don’t know who is leading them all, but I am willing to say that either it is the demon king himself, or someone close to his level. They have been giving us the blind eye all this while, and in turn, I don’t try to revolt against them. But with this new move, it is obvious that they want us out. They are targeting specifically anyone related to Sparda and Sparda's sons -us all.” Vergil explained, and a bitter taste of fear settled on my tongue.
“You’re saying we got a demon government after us? I’d guessed something bad when the new regulations came out, but I wasn’t aware of them targeting us specifically.” Trish contributed, no longer trying to challenge my lover as she took him seriously.
“By normal rights, it wouldn’t bother Dante or me. We have been surviving thus far, and despite all red tape and bureaucracy, we can get by. What I am concerned for is everyone related to us. You and Lady. The young lady Patty.” Vergil listed, but a small smile draws across Dante’s face as he finally moves from the chair to where we were.
“We’re forgetting about your ‘family’, Vergil? The hot Sasha and that boy? You never told me I had a nephew, brother. Oh, the shock when I heard that boy pronounce you his ‘Papa’!” Dante mocked, and while a flicker of annoyance passes Vergil’s face, he keeps quiet, because what Dante said had been true.
If the government was aiming at everyone close to Vergil and Dante, then even innocents like Sasha, Leon and Patty would be implicated. Even Lady, who merely wanted to make a life for herself, and was simply Dante’s debtor.
“Most importantly, we need to keep Leah safe.” Vergil cut through Dante’s mocking suddenly, and I found all eyes on me all of a sudden. With a face that was quickly turning red at the newfound attention, I escaped the gazes by looking at Vergil.
“The government have stayed away from us for so long, but this movement from them to weed us out was implemented so suddenly. It is no coincidence that it is implemented shortly after I took you away from their capture. The demons who captured you were part of the government’s lackey. They know about Lily Sparda. They feel threatened by the rise of another half-spawn of Sparda residing within you. Before it is all too late, they want to get rid of all traces of Sparda in this world.” Vergil explained, taking a hand of mine between his two warm ones as if to tell me that he would be there for me no matter what.
“And start with Lily… I see. You’re planning solidarity and rebellion against the government to protect your sister?” Lady nodded, finally seeing the big picture.
“My sister, and my woman.” Vergil corrected, and I struggled not to beam at him. Oh, Vergil was so cute when he declared me his.
“That aside, it is also time for us to do something about the demonic government. We could be bringing political turmoil into Limbo, but anything will be better than genocide by demons on the street. If every trace of Sparda are gone, and no power of rebellion is left in the city, the government would turn this place into Living Hell.”
“What about Nero?” I piped up, unwilling to forget the strange relation the young man had with the Sparda family. “He has Sparda’s blood too.”
“Just because he lives in Fortuna isn’t going to help. If we’re gone from Limbo, their next target will be Nero. Fortuna will fall back into demonic hands.” Vergil cautioned, and a mental image of the invasion of demons spilling from the Hell Gates in DMC4 came forth. He wasn’t kidding –it would be Living Hell.
Dante yawned, and I turned surprised eyes on him. He hadn’t fallen asleep yet?
“Yeah, that’s great and all. So are you going to tell us what you plan to do? You’re in luck –because I’m feeling up to doing something about those assholes who keep turning up at the doorstep trying to take me to court. If I didn’t have to deal with them, I would have been done with Lady’s debt, so it’s time to kick some demon ass.” Dante cracked his knuckles, a fire of vengeance in his eyes that I wasn’t sure I admired. Vergil’s expression didn’t even bother to change.
“To take them down, we need to identify the top rung –the demon behind it all. Are you ready to deal with a possible Demon King, or something of that level?” Vergil ignored his brother, holding the serious gazes of my best friend and Dante’s debtor.
Trish shrugged first, holding me close to her like I was her teddy bear that had been stolen from her for too long. “For the records, I’m doing this for Leah.”
While the warmth bloomed in my heart, Lady nodded seriously. “It’s time we showed them the problems with pissing off demon hunters like us.”
Dante yawned loudly again, impatient.
“Can we get on with it already?”
Vergil sighed, and squeezed my hand once.
“Then I declare the start of Mission: Rebellion.”
“Don’t be afraid.” He says softly, and a hand appears out of the semi-darkness to take mine gently. Familiar warmth fills me, and I smile at the feeling of safety he gives me through a single touch.
“I’m not afraid when you’re here with me.” I whispered back in reply, but I wasn’t being entirely truthful.
Of course I would be a little afraid. I had never broken any laws before, I hadn’t tried to take on an entire government before. Even with a demon residing in my body, there were a million ways this could go wrong. But things were going on by schedule and according to planning, so it was some sort of consolation.
“Think happy thoughts. Their first step to breaking you is fear.” Vergil advised, and I nodded in reply.
I must have been too quiet for his liking, and his worry for me was obvious as he eventually shifts himself from the other side of the cell over to me, squeezing himself close to me. Our hands and legs were handcuffed, so he couldn’t put his arm around me, though his body warmth encouraged me enough.
“Are you alright?” He asks after a long while of silence, and I decide it was for the best to be truthful to him.
“Lily is trying to break free again. She’s afraid and angry. She knows something is going on.” I confessed, and though I didn’t like to worry Vergil, I guessed it was better that I tell him something before sh*t gets real.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let her do anything to you. Just try to keep her in. But if she breaks to the surface, I’ll have Virgil calm her down.” Vergil comforted, and while a warmth of hope filled my heart, I could only pray that everything would go to plan.
The plan was for Vergil and me to get caught by the government, and be recognized as the son and daughter of Sparda. Vergil would use his power to demand an audience with the mastermind of everything, and when we had a confirmed positive, we’d contact the back-up crew for them to sweep in.
It didn’t sound great and complex and that was the entire idea of it all. Vergil had wanted to come up with an elaborate plan, but it had all ended up in one thing –we were overthinking things. The government wouldn’t expect for Sparda’s spawn to charge straight at them directly. But this type of rebellion was Dante’s style, and we were relying on Dante’s unpredictability to save us.
It wasn’t the best chip to put our stake on, but I was willing to trust Vergil’s judgment.
“Do you have constant connection with Virgil? Do you talk to him?” I asked, for talking about mindless things and getting my thoughts away from the plan would make me feel less nervous.
“When I was younger, I used to try to contact my inner demon. All I got was heavy growling and burning desire for power. But after awakening Virgil, I’ve been able to communicate with him. We’ve come to a consensus on what we want.” Vergil explained, and I rested my head on his shoulder, staring at the cold hard metal cell door, trying to look for something other than white-washed walls through the tiny window of the door.
“What do the both of you want? Lily wants revenge against Mundus, and I don’t think I have enough cause to come to the same idea as her.” I asked, just letting the time pass.
“Our concerns revolves around the same woman.” Vergil says after a short moment of hesitation. “I want to protect you and never let you go, and Virgil wants to protect Lily and never let her be harmed.”
More warmth fills my heart, and I snuggle closer to Vergil.
“Thank you.” I whisper, as the tears of gratitude fills my eyes. “I wouldn’t know what to do if not for you, Vergil.”
“No, thank you, Leah.” He replied, turning to give me a small kiss. “You were the one who showed me the importance of feeling. You’ve helped me feel something I never thought I would. You’ve completed me.”
Before anything more could be said, the door lock clicked open. Quickly, both of us jerked upright –not wanting to give away the fact that our relationship was more than simple sibling relations. Right now, we were gambling on dangerous chips, and there was no point trying to profess to the Demon World that I was the sweetheart in Vergil’s heart.
Someone –who I will very simply describe as an entire meathead –lumbered in and crossed his arms, standing beside the open doorway. There was no asking his role in our little charade, and his hard, emotionless eyes stared at his prisoners, without betraying a single emotion.
Naturally, our eyes were drawn to the next demon that walked in…
“Reece!” I exclaimed with surprise as he walked in, but the pain in his eyes was obvious as he fell to his knees before us. The demon whom I had not seen since the first and last time I talked to him kept his eyes focused on the floor, face almost as if carved in a hard, cold stone. The meathead-demon kicked at Reece once, and my poor friend sprawled forwards without a sound.
“Reece, what happened?” I asked as I did my best to scoot forwards to help him. Vergil tried to stop me, but he was as bound and tied as I was.
“Lily… I am sorry for failing you…” He moaned, struggling to come back up. Recognizing the futility of trying to help Reece up with my tied hands, I stayed close to him, watching him closely to spot for any major injuries. I didn’t know what could destroy a demon like Reece, but I sure didn’t see any physical damage on him.
“Nonsense. You’ve done nothing but tell me the truth. But tell me; what happened to you?”
“Your naïve friend though he could help you by amassing a demonic army to swear allegiance to Sparda. He seemed adamant in believing that you, Lily Sparda, will unite a world between demons and angels. Ironic, isn’t it? A demon with the faith of a priest!” The voice of my nightmare came echoing from the doorway, and suddenly, the screaming exploded from within me.
Laughter accompanied the screaming in my mind, and I curled up where I was, whimpers escaping me as I fought to control Lily.
“So you do remember me, don’t you? I’m honored to hold such a memorable position for both you and Lily.” The same horrifying voice from the demon who had captured me continued in his mocking tone, and the tears began streaming down my face with the effort of holding Lily back. Every pore of me hurt again, and I was suddenly reminded by the state of my broken mind that Lily had left in her wake.
Calm down, Lily. I promise I will protect you. I will never let you go, don’t you worry. Brother is here.
The cool, collected voice of someone I knew in the marrow of my bones pierced through the pain, leaving ripples of soothing tingling in its wake.
Virgil, promise to never leave my side. Promise we will have revenge against those who would rebel against Sparda.
Lily forced her words back explosively, but the cool, calm presence in my mind didn’t even shrink away. Virgil stayed in my mind without fear, without wavering. Like how Vergil was the shield and armor protecting me, Virgil was his sister’s protector. I wasn’t sure what had transpired such mutual trust between them –considering they had never met each other before –but I knew their sibling bond was extremely tight. On hindsight, it was quite funny how Dante’s demon, Etnad, was totally left out here.
Yes, I promise. You are safer contained, Sister. Keep safe inside Leah, and do not break free. Lend strength instead to Leah, and let her and Vergil’s love destroy Mundus in our stead.
Virgil was entirely the cold, detached voice in my head, plotting out things and planning to use Vergil and me as his pawns. But, for some reason, I didn’t feel as insulted as I should be. Virgil trusted me and Vergil to accomplish something. Even if the something meant killing a demon king, which I would never be able to accomplish in any sense though.
It is not enough. A new voice cut through the inner demonic monologue, and I recognized it as Reece’s voice. Both Lily and Virgil stirred at the invasion of a third party, but they did not try to push him out. You need Etnad’s help. Only all three children of Sparda will be able to fully destroy the power of Mundus on the Limbo plane and send him back to Hell.
There was a short moment of silence, and Virgil –true to his human side too –formed his plan with quick, precise efficiency.
Then we will do it. We will find Mundus, and we will destroy him with the combined power of Sparda. For now, Lily, bear with the anger. We will be together again, be patient.
Simply with that, Lily backed off quietly. The presence of Virgil and Reece slowly faded away from my head, and I returned back to reality to find myself tucked safely in Vergil’s embrace. The cuffs over my hands were broken, and so were Vergil’s as he held on to me, trying to protect me with his body while the meathead-demon and my nightmare-demon tried to fight his overwhelming power.
“Leah,” He whispered softly in my ear. “Are you alright?”
“Y-Yeah…” I replied unsurely, uncurling myself. The headache was fading away slowly, and I breathed a sigh of relief. “Virgil saved us.”
My lover nodded seriously before he extended a hand over our enemies. I could almost see the shimmering air as the sheer intensity of Vergil’s power barreled over to the two demons who were clearly far below Vergil’s level. Very suddenly, I was reminded by how strong a half-demon this man I called my lover was.
“I don’t want to ask twice. Bring us to your leader. It’s time we settled your differences with us children of Sparda face-to-face.” Vergil’s face offered no space for rejection, and I remembered how he used to talk to me –the exact same way. A small shiver made down my spine, but my lover held me closer, almost as if to tell me that everything was different now.
It wasn’t the enemy-demons who defied Vergil’s straight order. Instead, Reece threw himself forwards and clung on Vergil’s arm.
“No!” He exclaimed with a cry. “Sparda would never want his children destroy themselves attempting to rid Mundus! He did not sacrifice himself for his children to commit such reckless actions!”
Vergil did not spare a moment’s worth of compassion as he shook Reece off him with no problem. The low-leveled demon staggered back and fell on his butt.
“I might be raised by Sparda and Eva’s love, but both Dante and I have grown. If killing Mundus is what I see at the end of this road for a better life, I will do it.” Vergil’s voice was fierce with determination.
As if that had been the magic words, a dark presence fills the room. The very change in the air itself told me that something extremely evil and menacing was making towards us, and I could do nothing except shake right down to the marrow of my bones as my eyes registered a stirring of black cloud beginning at the floor close to the door.
With fear rising uncontrollably in my heart, my shaking being more obvious, I watched with a hummingbird heartbeat as the black mist made towards me. Vergil tried to hold me closer, but as the black mist wrapped around my ankles and waist, it suddenly seemed to have unspeakable strength within it. Before I knew what had happened, I was torn away from Vergil’s grasp, dangling in mid-air from my wrist. The black mist wrapped around my ankles, and seemed to hold them in place, as if pinning me to an invisible, intangible board.
A cold, echoing laughter filled the room, and my heart threatened to leap out of my throat. Blood rushed to my head, and I struggled to deal with the sensory overload. Somewhere in a dark corner, Reece began to moan and cry. Vergil made no voice, no reaction as he jumped to his feet, determined to get me back.
“I hear you, Vergil Sparda. I will see you try.” A deep, nightmarish voice boomed across the entire cell and echoed again and again in my ears. The black mist suddenly congregated into a humanoid figure beside me, and I began to recognize a little color filling to show a human-like silhouette.
“You have crossed me once and failed. Your brother saved you, but will this be the time where you save your sister?”
Within a single moment, any promise that my demonic side made with Virgil was gone. Lily burst forth, and this time, there was no redeeming me back.
I didn’t even have the time to scream. I was just gone with one shriek of madness.
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