Part 16

Part 16

Back in my world, I’d played around with this thing they call love.

When I was sixth grade, still a small young flower, a boy named Nathan with cute freckles dotting his cheeks and nose shyly asked me if I would be his girlfriend. I thought he was awfully brave, because at that time in life, no one really dared to ask anyone to be their boy/girlfriend.

So we were the school couple –the only tiny couple in elementary school. Parents thought we were being childish, and some teachers thought we were cute. We insisted that we sit together in classes, and we held hands. Our versions of kisses were innocent pecks on cheeks, either in saying hello to each other at the beginning of the day, or goodbye pecks at the end of the day.

Fast forward to eight grade, and boys began to answer to their rising hormones. More guys asked me out, but Nathan, my proud ‘boyfriend-for-two-years’ tried to scare them away. He eventually got ganged up on and bullied, and his mother came to my mother and demanded that I be his ‘girlfriend’ no more. My mother thought his mother was a bitch, and told me that I was better off without him and his nosy, bitchy mother. So that was the end of my first innocent relationship.

Afterwards, I acquainted myself with a few more boyfriends, loving each one more than the last. My parents trusted me to find my one true love, so they didn’t interfere as long as I didn’t give up my virginity to the wrong guy. I truly loved my boyfriends and thought every one of them were ‘the one’. I even went so far as to almost giving up my virginity to Collins.

But we broke up because of trust issues. He didn’t trust that I was going to stay faithful to him –considering the amount of proposals and ‘first dates’ that many other guys tried to take me on. I didn’t trust him to stay faithful to me –considering his raging desire to have sex, and my flat refusal to him, ending him up somehow satiated.

It is easy to say that my love life isn’t a successful canvas that I can brag about. Many of my boyfriends wanted me for the fame. Many of them wanted to feel good at having achieved me –the woman whom many hungered after. I loved them all, but none of them truly loved me for who I was. They loved who they thought I was, but they never got beneath the surface of Leah Katherine Cartlier, and saw an insecure woman who desperately wanted someone who could see the desperate bitch inside.

But this.

This is the first time anyone has seen anything past a pretty face and hot body. This is the first time someone has seen the crying bitch inside, and not shrank away from her neediness. This is the first time anyone as attempted to hug me –the true me –and make her feel loved.

This is the first time someone has loved me enough to try to keep me safe –by not loving me.

I know; it sounds complicated.

But what could possibly be in Vergil’s life that isn’t complicated?

A thousand thoughts swam through my mind as I sat on the couch downstairs, facing my best friend, Dante and Lady. Beside me is Vergil. And his arm is snaked around my shoulders, pulling me in close. This is the first time I’ve seen him make any territorial move on me, and I quivered just thinking about it. This is Vergil Sparda.

Vergil, who I used to think hated me like his life depended on it. Vergil, who I used to think wanted nothing more than to get rid of me from the surface of this world. Vergil, who I used to think hoped me dead and far away from his brother.

Dante must have blacked out for a moment there, because his face is still stuck in the disbelief stage, while the ladies have quickly moved on to denial.

“You’re kidding.” Trish declared. “You must be kidding. The demons must have broken you more than I thought, Leah. I need to do something…”

I smiled. It has been two days since I’ve gotten my wits back, and with Vergil’s careful teaching, I’ve learnt to squash Lily down. Ever since I helped him wake up his silent demonic side Virgil, he has having his own problems keeping it down. But there was nothing Vergil couldn’t overcome, and he knew enough to even teach me to keep my own demons down.

It turned out that it was my mind’s desperate attempt at trying to keep Lily away that I was kept in a ‘slightly retarded’ stage. By shutting my conscious mind and letting only the most basic of functions work, my brain managed to escape assault from Lily. But it made me retarded and slow, and basically a child with learning disorder.

But I was back, somehow. I still wasn’t sure, but I wasn’t going to spend precious time thinking about it, because the precious time was needed to understand exactly how much Vergil loved me. I felt like I’d only skimmed the surface off so far, and there was still so much about Vergil that I didn’t know.

“Trish, I love you, but you need to accept the fact that Vergil and I are together now.” I explained patiently again, and while there was slight irritancy in Vergil’s face, he didn’t put in his usual sarcastic or scathing comments, because they were my friends. Well, my friends and Vergil’s twin brother –who, right now, still seemed zoned out.

“But you can’t be! I mean, you can’t suddenly come back from a broken state and tell us that you guys are soul mates! How am I supposed to expect that; when all I’ve been hearing from you is ‘Oh Trish, I don’t know why Vergil’s so pissed off at me! Maybe I should just run away and never come back!’” Trish must be on a one-way road to Panic-Land, and while it struck quite a comical scene, Vergil was beginning to lose his patience.

From past experience, I figured that an impatient Vergil is not a Vergil you want to be with –no matter how much you are his first love.

“I told you; it’s complicated. But I really like Vergil, and it’s the same vice versa. Can you understand that, and try not to give me hell about it?” I asked gently, trying to calm her back down. The gentle option was beginning to work on my best friend, but Dante still seemed stuck in the stage of disbelief.

“Dante?” I asked, a little worried that maybe the shock was too much for him.

“How about you guys prove it? Kiss.” Dante challenged quickly, and I opened my mouth to protest that we weren’t toys for Dante to order around.

My words were stolen along with my breath when a hot mouth covered over mine, and a sweet tongue invaded my mouth. On pure instincts, I replied the kiss, melding my mouth with his and tasting him. His lips were soft and warm, every part of him gentle while we kissed passionately. Aware of the audience we had, Vergil broke off quickly afterwards, but not losing a smile at our shared passion.

“There. Do you have any more demands, Dante? Before you suggest anything else, I will not have sex with Leah while you watch to see us prove ourselves.” Vergil announced in a clear voice, looking around at the three pairs of stone-shocked eyes. I blushed a little at the suggestion, knowing that it would only be a matter of time when Vergil would propose that to me. Would I seriously consider giving him my virginity then?

“But how can you… You just told me not long ago that Lily is our sister. It’s like you’re going to fuck your own sister, Verge.” Dante tried to reason, but Vergil shook his head in his usual no-nonsense manner.

“Leah remains Leah Katherine Cartlier. She isn’t of the Sparda bloodline. It is Leah I am in love with, not Lily Sparda.” Vergil replied, giving me the impression as if we were celebrities answering a press conference.

“Oh god, I think I need a breather to think this through.” Lady stood up wobbly from her chair, staggering over to the window as if she were about to barf. I understood that it was extremely unlikely for Vergil to love anyone, that none of them had ever imagined the hard-hearted man to warm up to anyone, but was this level of response really necessary?

“I understand that I have not been the most sociable of men. I understand that I was never thought to love. But I am still half-human, and I am still capable of loving with my heart. It is only that I have not shown it to anyone, and I have not let it feel. But now I feel for Leah.” Vergil paused, giving me only a look I could melt at. “It would be, by natural rights, of no concerns to any of you. But Leah has explained that as friends and brother, it would be for the best that you understand.”

With his speech, Vergil stood up and pulled me up along with him. Without waiting for my protest or question, he led me upstairs to his room, where I’d been spending the past two days with him, simply catching up on whatever we lost. Ever since my arrival, poor Vergil had been made to sleep on the floor, but the macho man had assured me that it was alright, making me melt inside.

Truly, I felt 16 all over as I watched my hunk of a boyfriend and the love in his eyes.

Vergil sat down on the bed, and sat me down on his lap, pulling me close. Vergil had always struck me a gentle man when it came to relationship with women –especially when I saw how he treated Sasha when he was supposed to be her ‘husband’ –but it wasn’t always so. Vergil could be hard and demanding when he wanted to, but it was the right mix for me to be melting all over for.

Sitting literally on him (his lap, actually), I looped my arms around the back of his neck and leaned in close to breathe in his scent. He had the musky male scent that was super manly.

“Leah.” He said quietly after a short moment of nibbling my earlobe.

“Yes?” I asked, leaning against him, in pure heavenly bliss. I have never reached this level of soul-intimacy with anyone before. It feels like every part of me is splayed out for him to read like an open book, and it was the same likewise.

As he held me, sitting at the edge of his bed, it felt like this wasn’t the Vergil I knew on the screen of my favorite Devil May Cry game. This Vergil was real –not a 2D man. This Vergil had thoughts and feelings, and he had his own frustrations. He had his own painful pasts and his scars, but he’d braved through it all.

This Vergil is entirely another man than the one I initially thought. This is… my lover.

“Do you miss home?” He whispered quietly, carrying me and tucking me in under the covers of his bed, then climbing in, fully dressed, to cuddle behind me. The one thousand and one things I never thought Vergil would ever do –he was doing them all. I used to think Vergil would never cuddle. Well, now I knew better.

“At Trish’s? It’s alright. But if you want the bed back so badly, I can always go back to stay with Trish. I’m sure she misses the company.” I replied, snuggling close to him, leaning against his hard, strong chest. Vergil’s chest like literally like a washboard that smells of manliness. His arms are like two blocks of pure lean muscles wrapped around me, keeping me close to him.

Keeping me his.

“No, I meant your world. Your home away from Limbo.”

I thought about the time I’d locked myself up in Sasha’s bathroom and cried my eyes out at the thought of my family. I thought about how Vergil had come to get me, and what he’d said to me. If it’s about your family… you can talk to me about it.

That had been Vergil’s tiny attempt at the bridging the differences between us. He’d been worried about me, worried that I’d missed my home too much.

“Of course I miss my home, Vergil. I miss my mother and father. I miss Marielle, my sister. I miss my friends.” I answered honestly, but Vergil’s arms tightened more over me, as if trying to give me silent strength.

“Tell me about them.” He says softly, and I’m suddenly very glad that I have him for a lover. Vergil understands. He understands that no matter what, I still love my family, and I still miss them. He doesn’t demands that I forget them, because no one will ever forget their family. Especially after they’re gone.

“Marielle is the best little sister anyone can ask for. She loves me for who I am, no matter what. Even if I’m not considered part of the family sometimes, she made my heart melt when she told me that no matter the difference in blood that we shared in our veins, we shared the same heart.” I started, smiling at the remembrance of my five-years-younger sister. Everything about Marielle screamed an innocent child with a beautiful face of a woman, and that was also what made me worried about her –for she tended to be too naïve and trusting of even strangers.

“Not considered part of the family? Why?” Vergil asked softly, nudging his face in the cascade of my hair as if to breathe me in while I kept him close to me.

“I’m not actually my parent’s blood daughter. They picked me up from their doorstep when I was just an infant. There was just one note that came along with my basket that said, ‘Take care of my baby girl, you have been gifted.’”

Vergil was silent for a long moment, and I gathered he was using the precious silence to process his thoughts. I swear, I could almost imagine the gears in his mind spinning at top speed while I waited in anticipation for his next comment.

“It must be a note from Eva when she sent you into your world to live with your parents.” He finally said, and the remembrance of Dante’s previous question popped up in my mind.

“Vergil?” I asked softly, twisting in his embrace to face him. His body streamlines along mine, and I feel like we can fit together like pieces of the same mold, coming back together. I look up at his face, and in the soft lamplight, the 5 o’clock shadow amazes me. The gentleness in his eyes makes me go mushy inside, and I forcibly remind my brain that this is real. That this is the real Vergil that I’ve come to love.

“Yes, Leah?” He asks softly, as if my name was a soft candy he would turn over and over in his mouth.

“Does it feel weird for you? I mean… if Lily is really inside me, then it means I’m supposed to be your sister. Does it feel weird that you are falling in love with your… sister?” I asked softly. I had never truly considered either of the Sparda twins my brothers, but if Lily was truly inside me, then it locked the fact that I was supposed to the daughter of Sparda, sister to Vergil and Dante.

He looked down at me with a soft smile, one hand coming up to brush my fringe away from my face. It is such a gentle movement that I take a long moment to wonder why I even doubted his feelings.

“Does it feel weird for you, then? Does it disturb you that your demonic side is mine’s sister?” He asked back softly, and I turned over the question honestly in my head. Thinking about it initially had seemed weird, but the love in my heart for Vergil… it wasn’t sibling love. It wasn’t what I felt with Marielle. It was something else.

The feeling with Vergil, it was almost as if I finally belonged to some place I had been missing out all my life on, as if I finally have the one piece that is missing from my heart.

“No. To me, you’re just a man I love. Lily can be your sister, but I’m Leah, not Lily.” I answered, and his smile grew even kinder –as if it wasn’t already.

“Then I have the same answer to you as to Dante. You are Leah Katherine Cartlier, not Lily Sparda. I have fallen in love with Leah, and not Lily.” He declared for the second time of the day, and my heart is finally content to accepting his declaration.

“You seem to love Sasha more.” I teased with a small smile.

“Do not be jealous of her. I will admit that Sasha has a place in my heart, but she is not as important as you are to me.” Vergil tried to reassure, which would have worked wonders –save the fact that I was already confident of his heart’s strength to me.

“What about Leon? Surely you love your son?” I pursued a little further, and this must really be a new Vergil that I’m falling totally in love with, because instead of being irritated, he smiled softly.

“You understand my relationship with them, Leah. Leon and Sasha are important, but you have taken more than that in my heart.” He declared, and I reached out to stroke his cheek.

“You didn’t exactly tell me what happened. How did you meet them?”

He captured my hand in his and brought it down between us. “I was chasing a demon down right to her doorstep. I was a moment too late, and it killed Sasha’s husband. She was already pregnant with Leon then, and I couldn’t bear to see her so broken. I watched after her from afar, and she took my help as miracles from her late husband. It was all fine, but when she gave birth to Leon and discovered his condition, she sank into depression. I had to step out to save her from killing herself and Leon.”

“Oh my, she’s had such a sad life!” I exclaimed before I could help it, and somehow it makes him smile even more.

“I promised myself and her that I would watch after her and Leon in place of her husband. It was my fault that I didn’t get to the demon in time.”

“It’s not your fault, Vergil. No one could have predicted what it would do.”

It was his turn to put his hand on my cheek now, with his gentle smile. “I know. But I’m still responsible for them.”

There was nothing more to say, so we snuggled for a little while more in silence before I thought of something else.

“Vergil.” I say softly so as to not jar the quiet effect of the room. “Do you remember that day where Trish and I had our day off, and spent it here watching the office while Dante went off on his job?”

It did not take long for Vergil to nod, curiosity in his eyes as he wondered what about that day I was going to refer to. That day had been one day which I observed anomaly in Vergil’s behavior, and had thought it abnormal… until I found out about his feelings for me.

“Were you tapping on our conversation while we were downstairs? The part where Trish was teasing me about Dante putting the moves on me?” I ventured, unsure if any jealous demon (ha, the irony) was going to rise up to the surface.

Vergil’s expression remained unchanged. “In all honesty, yes.”

“Is that why you got so worked up? Because you thought Dante was trying to put the moves on me?” I tried to meet his eyes to find out the whole truth, but he escaped my gaze sheepishly. This must be the first time I’ve seen such a cute expression on his face, and I struggled to remain serious.

“Dante was putting the moves on you. I came down that day to find Dante hovering over you, breathing you in like he paid for you in a strip club. It was offensive and displeasing to the eye.” Vergil tried to justify himself in his usual rational and objective manner, but it didn’t work with the soft blush that was rising to his cheeks. Oh my god, Vergil was a jealous little devil (quite literally) hiding beneath the surface!

I reveled at the newfound power to push Vergil to places of his heart he had not opened up to before.

“Was that why you walked out when you heard Trish say that Dante was putting the moves on me?” I asked, and there was a strand of painful (in his point of view, no doubt) honesty through Vergil, for he answered every question honestly.

“I did not want to hang around hearing details of how Dante picks up women, but I was too curious as to how Dante ‘treated you differently’. I had to come back, but the topic of conversation moved quickly away.” He admitted, trying to hide his face behind my hair again, but this time I escaped out of his way, too amazed.

“Oh my god. That means you heard about… my virginity?” I squeaked a little at the last two words, and Vergil –for that hell of a man –looked unsure.

“It is still intact, from what I gathered from your conversation.” He stated, betraying no other emotion rather than insecurity while I tried not to freak out.

Oh my god, Vergil knew that I was a virgin.

“If it matters so much to you, I would not propose to push you towards a physical relationship before you are ready to commit.” Vergil offered quickly, as if trying to redeem himself, and while part of me freaked out, the other –larger –part of me melted in the care that he was trying to show for me.

Oh… that sweet, sweet man.

If it was Dante, the man would be fighting to tear of my clothes now, and yet his twin brother was here, offering to help me keep my virginity. Oh, this man was quite seriously a one in a million. Wherever in this world had I found this darling of a man?

I brought myself up to give him a deep kiss, feeling the underlying emotions running beneath the controlled walls of a half-devil whom I’d always known for self-restraint. Vergil, without a doubt, was a man with extreme control over himself, and even in his desire, he would hold back if he knew I was afraid or uncomfortable.

“Leah?” He spoke so softly and uncertainly that for a moment, I wondered if this was the son of Sparda I was sharing the bed with.

“Yes, Vergil?” I held on to his face close to me, feeling his breath on my face, and just reveling in the closeness of his face to me. Our eyes on each other, looking deeply into the depths of each other’s soul, I understood one important thing.

“It doesn’t matter what happens between us, I will still love you. I will let nothing get between us, and I won’t let it push us apart. Even if I have to take care of Sasha and Leon, even if you hold the demon that is my sister, even if you don’t want to bring our relationship into the physical level, it doesn’t matter. No matter the issues between us, we will solve it. I’m sorry for trying to push you away before we even tried. But now, if we’re trying, I won’t let you go.” Vergil spoke with so much resolve and determination that the words shot straight through to my heart.

It brought the tears to my eyes, and suddenly, everything is just so clear.

I don’t know what I’m so afraid of. I love Vergil more than anything. My heart screams that he is the one, that there won’t be anyone else if there isn’t him. I don’t know how long it takes to see this, but I’m sure now. Vergil is the one I’m going to pledge myself to. No man before him as been so tamed, so controlled. I can trust Vergil to protect me with the same –if not more –fire to protect Sasha and Leon.

I close my eyes, because I want to keep this memory forever branded in my mind. The sight of him, smiling softly at me, his blue eyes blazing with determination and love, his soul singing the same melody as me. The feel of him holding on to me like I was everything, like he would give his life to protect me.

His thumb softly brushed the stray tear from my cheek.

“I love you too, Vergil. I won’t let you go.”


(Sexy scene alert~)

“Are you sure?” He asks quietly, looking deep in my eyes as if trying to see any measure of uncertainty. I take in a deep breath, convince myself that I want this, and nod strongly in reply.

The measure of love that flashes across his eyes and face is enough to make me melt. I’m not going to regret this.

“J-Just… be g-gentle with m-me. I-I’ve never done it before…” I whispered, a little fear starting to rise, but he only smiled his gentle smile, pulling me in his embrace and pressing a kiss on the top of my head.

“Don’t be afraid.” He replied with his lips on my head, just holding me tightly to him like he was planning to keep me like that, protecting me from the rest of the world. I hoped he would hold true to his promise, that he would protect me forever and never leave my side.

“I will protect you from harm, Leah. No matter what, I won’t let you go.” He continued, his strong arms still wrapped around me tightly like I was his favorite teddy bear. A moment’s worth of mental image of a young boy Vergil clutching on tightly to his teddy bear flitted past my head before it cleared away to show me my lover, the one who was holding me like his stuffed toy.

“I know, but… I…” I began to say, but was cut off when his mouth closed over mine. I got the general idea that he was trying to make me less nervous, and it definitely worked well when his tongue slid over mine gently, stroking the inside of my mouth gently.

“Don’t be afraid.” He said as we parted, with me breathing heavily to take in enough air. “I’m here. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

This time, it was me who initiated the kiss, bringing it deeper as I demanded entrance to his mouth, biting his lower lip gently. The arms around me flexed, and I was barely aware that he’d swung me beneath him. His hands rubbed gentle circles on my back while my fingers tangled themselves in his silky white hair.

Like a beast unleashed, Vergil let his weight work for him as he pressed hard to the kiss, putting pressure on our lips that I’d never felt before. We broke after some time, both gasping for air. But being the natural half-demon he is, he regained his breath faster than me, and he dipped his face down for more.

Except he wasn’t aiming for my lips this time. Holding me down territorially, he kissed the nape of my neck and peppered the kisses along it until he reached my earlobe. The feel of soft lips on my sensitive made a moan escape my lips, arcing my back by purely womanly instincts. If he was even more turned on at my reaction, he didn’t show it as he focused on his quest –his conquest over me.

At my ear, he began to lick sensually, his moist tongue sliding over cold, sensitive skin. I tried to squirm away, a little embarrassed at the sounds that were escaping unchecked past my lips, but his strong hands held me down.

True to Dante’s words, Vergil was a man who had gotten very good at holding back. And now that he wasn’t holding back… he was a beast. The thought of Vergil losing control should have scared me, but it empowered me instead. Instead of worrying, I began to see the power I now held over the son of Sparda. I was the one who made him lose control. I, Leah Katherine Cartlier, could drive a son of Sparda crazy with desire.

He must have read my thoughts somehow, because he amped up his assault as he licked his way down my neck, and began his kissing conquest downwards this time. Trusting my arms to stay put, he used his hands for more efficient work now, and that was removing the straps of my tank top down my shoulders. My gasp was loud as he began to kiss down closer to my chest, his fingers till hooked on the strap as he pulled them down slowly.

Stopping at the top of my right breast, he finally came up again, looking deep into my eyes. There was a smile of dominance as his fingers left my straps, and slid underneath the hem of my shirt.

“Don’t be afraid.” He repeated, with his growing happy smile. “I’m here. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

I would have told him that I wasn’t afraid, but he pulled the tank top quickly over my head and threw it aside. His hands reached down on my flat stomach, as if feeling my smooth skin, and ventured upwards till he reached the bottom of my bra. I bit my lip to stop a moan from escaping. Why did he have to make every movement so sensual?

With the desire alight in his eyes, I was starting to get really hot and bothered, and it must have fuelled him on, because a torturous smirk came to his face as he reached around my sides, and found my bra clasp.

“Don’t be afraid.” He said for the third time. “I will make this memorable for you.”

I barely have the wondering thought of whether he was equally a virgin like me, before it was thrown out the window when my bra came off at Vergil’s deft fingers. A blush rose up my cheeks as he feasted his eyes on my mounds. This was unchartered territory.

“You’re beautiful, Leah. Don’t be embarrassed.” He reassured, giving me a quick kiss as if trying to erase my doubts.

“You probably say that to every woman you have sex with.” I did my best to scrape back my wits while his ocean blue eyes drank the top-naked me in.

“Don’t say that. I might have once been a rage-filled teenager, but I know myself now. I know a perfect woman when I see one, and you are the perfect one to me.” He replied, and didn’t give me leave for a rebuttal when he swooped down like a predator.

Immediately, his lips claimed over my right nipple, and I arced my back up on pure instincts to meet him. He took the chance to loop his arms around my back, and pushed me harder towards him, letting my breast fill his mouth. The gush of air escaped me in a loud gasp, but it turned into a long moan when his tongue flickered back and forth over the sensitive, blood-filled nub.

“Ahhh…” The heat was reaching to my nether regions, and I could feel exactly how sensitive my assaulted nipple was feeling. The crazy signals were rushing through me, and my womanly bodily instincts made restless noises as Vergil suckled and licked, forcing me to arc to him with his strong arms as he did so.

Quickly, he moved from one breast to another, and this time, he released one arm around me, coming up to tease and squeeze the already sensitive and wet nipple that he’d just assaulted. With a deft movement, he squeezed on one nipple while he sucked hard on the other.

“Uhnnn!” My moan must be loud enough to travel downstairs as more moisture pooled around between my legs. A million stars tried to revolve around my head with Vergil’s assault, but I forced straight thoughts in my head. I decided that it wasn’t fair for him to be torturing me while he was still fully dressed, so I reached down and unbuttoned the front of his shirt.

At the disturbance, he stopped his assault on the top half of my body and came back up.

He seemed to have seen some determination in my eyes, for he took a short moment to unbutton the rest of his shirt, and shrugged it off. Lo and behold, before me was the body of a beautifully carved man, and I reached forward to touch his washboard abs.

With another smile, he gently guided my hands away and reached down my body. Ignoring my dark-red nipples now, he slid his hands down from my stomach, and to the hem of my shorts. His hand stopped for a moment, and his eyes held on to mine, as if to ask for permission.

I bit my lip, and nodded. I’d made up my mind. Vergil was the one for me. Vergil was the one I would give my virginity to.

He unzipped and removed my pants and panties faster than I ever could, and suddenly, I was all bare in front of him. In the moment, heat flushed both between my legs and on my face, and my hands went instinctively to protect my womanhood from his wide-eyed view. Embarrassment must be written all over my face as I looked away, afraid of seeing Vergil’s reaction. No one had seen my below before…

The throbbing of my excitement could be felt even in the folds of my womanhood and I tried my best not to think about how embarrassed I was at being exposed so clearly to Vergil. His hand clasped over mine and I squeaked a little at the brush of his fingers so close to my vagina.

“Leah, you are truly the most beautiful woman I have seen. Please don’t shy away from me. Every inch of you is simply too beautiful. Don’t be embarrassed.” Vergil whispered, but damn it, even his voice was turning me on!

A little moisture seeped from my folds, and I gave a little whimper when he removed my hands from the precious area. Despite myself, I could not help but watch him enjoy the sight of my nether regions. He definitely looked like he’d found something beautiful, and for a moment there, my heart skipped with joy.

“You are gorgeous.” He whispered, but his eyes were fixated. I gave a squeak when his fingers reached down and stroked my sensitive sides. The heat pooled even more, and so did my face burn.

He brought his eyes up again, and this time, I saw the pure love that was written across his face. We were going to do it. Finally, we were going to make love. And I was finally going to submit myself to the right person. Vergil would be the one to take my virginity.

He made quick work of his own pants and undergarment, and I marveled silently at how large he was. He got even larger when I stroked it once, and with one just one stroke, Vergil moaned. It was the first time I’d heard such a sensual tone from his voice, and I marveled over again at my newfound power.

Quickly, he rolled on a condom, and poised himself close to me, holding on to me. By instincts, I wrapped my arms around his broad back and braced myself.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Leah, but it’s going to hurt a little bit.” He warned, and I nodded unsurely.

This was it. The moment of truth. The moment of love. The moment where Vergil and I would finally prove to each other that we love each other-

My thoughts were scrambled when Vergil kissed me deep. I didn’t have enough time to react, and he took the chance as he entered me. I gasped at the sharp pain, holding on tight to him. The tears came to my eyes, but he quickly kissed them away until I calmed down. He didn’t move much until I got used to him and his size inside me, and it began to feel good.

He must have known something, because he finally began to move. I wasn’t sure what to do, but my body instincts had me meeting him with every thrust he made. Our pace picked up, and so did our breaths. Our hips grinded, and he went even faster and harder, until all we could do was to pant out and moan our hearts out.

Together, we zoomed into a whole new world, and Vergil brought me closer and closer to the edge. With one final thrust and a combined loud cry of our names, he tipped me over the edge while he trembled within me. A million stars exploded in my mind, and my vagina trembled at the assault, still feeling him trembling inside me. He collapsed on me, face squashed on my breasts, while we regained our breaths.

When we’d calmed finally down, Vergil drew himself out and simply hugged me pressing against him, our hot bodies pressed up against each other. The sheen of sweat between us didn’t bother us a single bit, and the throbbing of our sexual organs only told us how much we’d enjoyed it.

He kissed me on my forehead, something extremely gentle in the way he was cradling my head to his chest and his tiny, hard nipples.

“You were great. We were incredible.” He said softly, and somehow, it made me really really happy.

The tears of pure bliss escaped the corner of my eyes and I cuddled tight to Vergil. He brushed my hair to one side, and kissed me lightly on the cheek.

“You shouldn’t ever be embarrassed by your body. You’re gorgeous, and someone must be blind if he can’t see your beauty. Even Leon knows how beautiful you are, and he can’t see.” Vergil cooed, rubbing my naked back softly.

“You’re beautiful too, Vergil. To me, and to Leon too.” I whispered in reply, and Vergil kissed me again on my cheek.

“I love you, Leah.” He promised as he pulled me tight to his chest.

“I won’t let you go.”

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