7: Party at the Mountain; Part II

"What happens if villains and more friends crash the party?"

September 14 20:30 EDT

After Hal and John had finished their love session, the attendants decided to take a break so most of them could cool off. Most of the teens and men went to take cold showers, while the girls thought of revolting things to keep their hormones down. Hal was leaning on John, still flustered from their time in the closest and a bit exhausted. Colton and Carman were nearby, [Carman] giving the older Constantine supportive gestures. John was going to flick her off but two things stopped him: this was his daughter and Hal was currently occupying both of his hands.

Nathan wrapped his arms around Colton's waist and licked his chin, eliciting a cry of surprise and giggles from the brunette. Carman laughed at the adorable show of affection and backed away to stand near her father and Hal. "Daddy? Would you mind if I started dating Ben?" Constantine raised an eyebrow and thought for a minute, looking over to the white-eyed sorcerer. He was talking to Zachariah, as usual.

"No. As long as he does not break yer heart." Carman squealed and hugged her father excitedly before running over to her crush and pouncing on him. Constantine sighed and asked Hal, "Was it like this when yer boy fell in love with the Allen boy?" Hal opened his soft brown eyes and gazed up into the steel blue eyes. "Kind of, yes. Of course, my son didn't squeal. Nathan tripped over his banana peel and fell on top of Colton." His ring depicted the scene and caused Constantine to chuckle as the figures tripped over each other and landed face-to-face on the ground.
"Cliché love story then, eh?"
"Very cliché." Hal replied; then closed his eyes again and laid his head down in John's lap just as Barry walked in with Oliver and Dinah. Barry took one look in their direction and turned away with a sad expression on his face. "Sorry Barry. Happens to the best of us." Constantine thought, running a thumb over Hal's smooth tan cheek.

His mind wandered to the sex they had in the closet and when Hal told him that he loved him, and he returned the words. He thought of how Colton would react, after all the man seemed to all for Barry and Hal being a couple. How would his daughter react? She would be delighted, after spending years trying to match him with several women and teenagers including Giovanni's younger child, Zatanna. That was one headache he never wanted to deal with ever again.

By the time Constantine had sorted out his thoughts and been convinced not to get ahead of himself, all of the Justice Leaguers and Young Justice team had returned and were sitting in a circle again. Colton was sitting on Constantine's left while Ben and Carman were on his right. Nathan was on Colton's left and his father was sitting beside him, looking anywhere away from John and Hal.

"All right. I think we can all agree to stay away from the dirty dares." Clark said and received many sounds of agreement. "Now where were we. Hal?" The test pilot groaned and waved his hand, signaling somebody else could take his turn. "I'll do it!" Colton said and stood up to spin the bottle. It landed on Draco.
"Kiss me." Everyone felt a sudden shock tase their skin and looked at Nathan, all except for Colton. The man was staring at Draco with a mischievous gleam in his peridot eyes.
"Come on. You going to take my dare, or is there finally going to be fight tonight?"

Draco smirked and abruptly chose the second option. They had once played truth or dare when they were younger, and Batman was in the game. He had made the rule that stated, "Anybody who backed out of a dare had to fight the challenger." The team watched them with confused looks as both men got into fighting positions after Colton kicked the bottle to Nathan, who caught it without looking and dabbed. The mechanism on Colton's left hand glowed and a gear in the middle turned, releasing a bright aura around the lithe form. His body hovered an inch off the ground and his eyes were white, much like Ben's.

Air that seemed to have not been there whipped around fast and would've knocked out Draco if his boots had not been magnetized. "Nice trick but I've seen it a hundred times over." He took out an iridescent bat-a-rang and threw it into the spiral. The air that whipped around the lantern grabbed the bat-a-rang and whipped it around, sending it right back at Draco.

"I'm not the only one who has learned new tricks." Several different colored bat-a-rangs followed the original. Draco moved and dodged them, catching the first one that was his. He pressed a button on it and then sent it flying again just as a huge bat-a-rang that look like a snowflake hit him and threw him to the ground. The construct changed into a wolf that pinned Lazarus to the ground and snapped it's jaws at him.

Lazarus expected for Colton to scream as a huge electric shock erupted from the bat-a-rang he caught. But he didn't expect to be hit with his own medicine as the electricity somehow transferred to the wolf, zapping him as it surged through Colton. The wolf above him growled and bit down on his collarbone, threatening to pull it out. Knowing there was no way he could get rid of it without hurting himself, he yelled, "I yield!"

In an instant the lightning cut out and the wolf disappeared after Colton turned on the device on his hand. Draco was left on the ground, scowling at his defeat. Colton chuckled and helped him up. "That was...shocking. You've gotten better in defenses." Draco rolled his eyes at the stupid pun but smiled as he watched Colton walk back to his place and sit down. His father immediately checked over him and fingered a cut in his lip that Draco hadn't realized he had gotten.

Nathan rolled the bottle to Draco, who stopped it with his foot as soon as it reached the middle. Instead of spinning it, he kicked it. It went sailing and hit Wally square in the forehead, sending him sprawling on the ground with an aching head.

"What was that for!?" Draco raised his eyebrow and said, "Be more aware of your surroundings and broaden your mind. The energy that flows around us will help you once you are enlightened. Now Wally West. I dare you to eat all the hot dogs in Gotham."

Wally's eyes widened and glimmered excitedly. "Really!?" Draco nodded, keeping his face straight although he was smirking inside already.

"Recognized Kid Flash-B03."

Draco took out his phone and called a number. "Hey it's me. That 'friend' is coming. You have them ready?"
Somebody on the other line answered. "Great. Thank you. I'll make the transfer as soon as he returns."

He hung up and grin evilly. Dike noticed and sighed. "What did you do, Draco?" The bat clasped his hands behind him and stalked over. "I'm glad you asked Dike. At the moment, Wallace should be stuffing his face full of flaming hot hot dogs." He waited for her eyes to widen, signaling she understood what he just implied. "You did not!" He released a Joker laugh, creeping both Jason and Damian out so they hugged each other, which Damian will later deny that he ever placed a hand on his brother. "I did. Called several friends and told them to stuff all their batches of hot dogs full of the hottest peppers known to man."

"You are barbaric!" Corvus exclaimed but he was laughing through tears. "What is this revenge for?"

"He hit Jason. Now he gets my wrath. Nobody punishes my brothers except for myself and Agent A." Just then Colton exclaimed happily, his ring glowing all 7 colors. "What's wrong with the lamp?" He asked Nathan, who sighed. "He invited uncle Sinestro and the rest of the lantern leaders, except for the Guardians. And he invited Tomar-Re and Kilowog; and Dex-Star. They'll be here in five minutes."

Suddenly 7 different colored doors appeared, and out walked Atrocitus and Dex-Star; Larfleeze; Sinestro; Saint Walker; Kilowog and Tomar-Re; Indigo-1; and Carol Ferris.

"Where's the mic?" Was the first words out of Kilowog's mouth. Colton laughed and hugged the giant alien while Carol walked over to Hal and John Constantine. "Hello Hal. Who is this handsome fellow you appear to be infatuated with?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, love. My name is John Constantine." He held up a hand for the women clad in the shiny fuchsia, very exposing swimsuit to shake.
"Carol Ferris, Queen of the Star Sapphire Corps and mother of Colton." Their hands shook and departed.

The Zeta-beams glowed brightly and the three bats stood up abruptly as they announced,

"Recognized Nightclaw-B09."
1:05 ─────⊙───────── 2:42
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"Hello!" Nico said cheerfully, waving a hand at the stunned heroes and lanterns. A minute passed and then Jason asked, "What the fuck are you doing here!?" Damian pulled out his hidden katana, causing some of the nearby heroes to shrink far away from him and Draco to sigh. "I thought I told you to leave that at our home!"

"I wouldn't be caught dead without a weapon. Anything could happen. You once told me to expect the unexpected, so I expected this fool to intrude in on the party. Now, he shall pay!" Draco huffed out a breath of exasperation and covered his eyes with his left hand as Damian rushed toward Nico. The blade almost pierced the owl's throat when he slid to the side and stuck his foot out. The small assassin tripped over it and somersaulted with his katana, something very dangerous but not impossible when you've trained for years to perfect your skills. He flipped up and rushed to attack the talon who still had not drawn his own weapons. At least not until Damian's blade was a hair away from his right eye. A single dagger was unsheathed in a millisecond and a sharp clink! of metal on metal echoed through the cave. The still silent audience were once again stunned at the near-death act the new villain was showing.

"You fight remarkably well for a kid in a tuxedo." Nico commented, smirking as he pulled out another dagger with his right hand while his left hand was blocking the katana from cutting into his neck. With one quick swipe, he narrowly cut the boy had he not calculated the move beforehand. Only a small strip of the tuxedo was sliced off, but it was enough to cause Damian to scowl and snarl, "This suit costs more than you ever will. Be careful!"

"I was." Nico said and then threw three more daggers at the kid. Damian managed to dodge all three of them and swung his katana. The tip made another clink! as it hit one of Nightclaw's owl-shaped wristlets when he blocked his face. "Nice accessory, don't you think? All talons have them."

"The Court of owls is frozen; your fellow talons are comatose. We made sure of that." Draco declared, stepping in with Jason to help their brother. Nightclaw laughed unhumorously and then yelled, "You think I actually care about that!? About you freezing them! I had half the mind to thank you for what you did when I remembered that Batman knew of our weakness long before you went and froze them! He only stepped in when his own life was threatened! He knew I was in the court and did he try to save me!? Where was he when my grandmaster had me make my first kills!? Where was he when I expected him to come swooping in and save that man and his daughter!? When I was ready to kneel before him and ask for forgiveness, for HIM TO HELP ME!? He was fooling around with his bitch; CATWOMAN!" Draco's eyes went downcast and emotionless, contemplating what Nightclaw had just said while Jason and Damian's eyes widened.

"Father is fucking another woman!?"

A gloved hand hit Damian on the top of his head, causing him to grunt and nearly drop his sword. "Watch your language, lil' D." Draco chastised, yet he wasn't looking at him; instead, he was staring at Nico. When he opened his mouth, Nico spat, "Are you trying to defend your father now? Excuse his actions as mistakes? I guess that's what you pathetic 'heroes' do these days; destroy things and miss opportunities to save people, and then tell us you're sorry and think everything is okay after defeating another one of us. So naive...I'll tell you one thing. You best keep your loved ones close because we innovate the same as you do. And one day, one of you will lose your lives." He was staring right at the Waynes when he said this, and then exited through the zeta-beam just as Wally returned.

"Who was that?"
I found the perfect karaoke song for Sinestro to sing:
0:45 ─────⊙───────── 1:19
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Should karaoke be the next or do you guys want me to get to the part where Nico does kill someone?

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