6: Party at the Mountain; Part I
September 14 19:00 EDT
The Mountain was decorated with streamliners and balloons, along with an out of place disco ball and a DJ booth that was manned by Jason and Wally. The Justice Leaguers were tasked with spending time with their kids all day and then bringing them to Mount Justice, which was trivial for most of them (the latter part of course).
Of course, every Young Justice member was there also. M'gann had a cake ready that was made with the help of Black Canary and Wonder Woman, and iced by the Flash.
Draco and Damian were the first invitees to arrive, as expected due to Alfred's need for his wards to always have impeccable timing. "It's rude to keep your hosts waiting." Both of them were wearing sleek black tuxedos and trousers, and their hair was gelled back. "Lookin' good boys!" Artemis wolf-whistled, causing the younger to scowl while Draco blushed.
"Recognized Flash-04; Godspeed-A01; Green Lantern-05; Prism-A02."
Four men stood on top of the platform, all in their civvies which consisted of Hal and Colton wearing black skinny jeans (Colton's were more form fitting) and white button ups; and the speedsters were more elegant with black trousers and white button ups covered by sleek black vests and bow-ties. Their costumes/uniforms were in their rings, which all of them were wearing in case an emergency came up.
"Wow, you guys really put everything into this." Nathan said, looking around at the painted walls that had the Justice League symbols and the Justice Corps' with them. Artemis laughed-scoffed and retorted, "Says the guy wearing a vest!"
"It's classy!" Nathan lashed back, posing beside his dad. Behind the pair, Hal and Colton chuckled at their antics.
Beat music was already playing, kudos to Jason. It was a simple beat song called Tsunami by whoever.
"Recognized Kryptonite-A04; Martian Manhunter II-A05; Superman-01; Martian Manhunter-07."
"Recognized Green Arrow-08; Ranger-A08; Aquaman-06; Titus-A11; Zatara-11; Magi-A10; Hawkman-09; Hawkwoman-10; Hawkboy-A07; Cyborg-G03; Captain Marvel-15; Red Tornado-16."
"Recognized Wonder Woman-03; Nike-A06; Black Canary-13; Osprey-A09; Mera-G01; Tempest-A12; Starfire-G04; John Constantine-G02; Carman-A14."
"Are we sure having Constantine and Hal in the same room is the best idea?" Someone asked, causing the two mentioned to meet glances. Constantine winked at Hal, who blushed and hid behind Barry's shoulder. The speedster himself caught the movement and felt a hint of jealousy rise in his stomach.
"They'll be fine! It's a party! Let's parté!" Corvus shouted, bringing out a pair of neon sunglasses. His limbs starting letting lose and soon he was all over the place, dancing like there was nothing to it.
The lights were turned on and Jason cut the music as Clark Kent stepped up onto the platform and grabbed a mic. "Attention. Attention." Ravena slapped her brother out his daze when she and everyone else noticed that he was still dancing. "Thank you Ravena. Now, I'd like to formally welcome all of the occupants in the room. This party is thrown in honor of the Justice Corps, the original successors of the Justice League that rose to be worthy of their own league. Not only are we celebrating their return, but also the anniversary of the birth of the Corps. To the Justice Corps!" He raised a glass of sprite in praise, other Justice League members doing the same with their own beverages and shouting the same cry. "Now before I let our DJ take over the party again, I would like to announce that after the party there will be a massive sleepover here, so try not to spill or drop anything on the floor. That is all." The lights were cut off again—except for the multiple strobe lights that illuminated the room—and Jason put on his headphones and pressed a button on his concole.
Self-Control by Bebe Rexha played loudly through the surrounding boom boxes and the party started again. Colton had his arms around Nathan's neck and was swaying his hips to the beat, whilst the blonde had his hands on the bare-skinned waist. Draco and Damian seemed to be adamant in moving as little as possible but still dancing. Meanwhile Dike was twerking on Korin, who was grinding his hips to match her twerks. Their parents were bashful and ran away to dance somewhere far away. R'ann was dancing in a cluster with Percy and Corvus, the two former males keeping out of the way from the latter's flailing limbs. Ravena was grinding her body with Nerida; Carman was nearby with Koriand'r, the two dancing normally. Wally was at the buffet bar stuffing his mouth full, while Artemis and M'gann were dancing around Connor. The kryptonian clone was staring awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Janet was dancing with Cyborg. Zachariah and Ben were throwing lighting spells all over the room to add flare.
Most of the parents were standing at the food table, especially Barry; who had been gulping down most of the food until Hal slapped and reprimanded him. "Sorry Bear, but we're at a party remember? The food is for everyone."
"But it's so good! Here try!" Hal was about to protest when a chocolate cupcake with orange frosting and sprinkles was forced into his mouth. He grunted and forced himself to eat it, grumbling afterwards about going to the gym the next day. "Hm hm hm. See? Wasn't that delicious?" Barry asked, smiling happily. Hal sighed and was about to lecture Barry again when he noticed the adorable speedster before him.
"Grrgh! Yeah, I guess it was good." Barry laughed and clapped a hand on Hal's left shoulder.
After a few minutes, his laughed died down. He was looking elsewhere; and when Hal followed his gaze, he found himself looking at his son and Nathan. The two were dancing closely, as they had for years; both had affectionate expressions on their faces.
"Makes you wish you could find love like that." Barry said, his blue eyes staring at the two sadly. Hal turned to his best friend and asked curiously, "What do you mean?"
"We all know that love is something rare for us heroes to find. This life...it seems like it's everything but really, the only benefits of the job are meeting new people, expanding our knowledge and understanding of the world, and going home every day knowing we've stopped a criminal only to have another take their place. Sometimes I wonder if my life would have been easier if I had never gotten struck by that bolt." He sighed and leaned against the buffet table behind him. "Look at me. Here I am eating nearly 4,000 calories. I eat so much, and yet I still want more. It would be nice to...for one day at least...experience having to worry about everyday things. Leaving the TV on, having to run back to the apartment for misplaced keys or your wallet and actually be late without having to be."
Hal chuckled at this and said, "Barry. You once told me you were born late into this life. You've been late for everything, even before you got your powers. It's just who you are."
Barry huffed and said, "You don't understand Hal. You're nothing like me."
"True. I don't have powers like you. Instead, I have a power ring that can make anything I can imagine. But that's far from the point. You started talking to me about relationships. What's up? I thought you and Iris were on the steady."
"We are. It's just, lately everything's felt so wrong. As if I'm living a lie. You know I always dreamed of being with Iris, ever since I laid eyes on her. Now that I have had her, it feels like I'm losing the want for her." He looked down at his hands sadly and balled them into fists.
"Barry. You know the saying, you don't realize what you've got until it's gone. You and Iris, you're a couple made in heaven. Two peas in a pod, floating to a paradise."
Barry gave him a skeptical look and asked, "Oh yeah? And what happened to you and Carol Ferris? Seems like you had a child and then forgot about each other."
Hal gulped down his drink and then sighed. "Carol ended it when she told me that she was pregnant with Colton. You know she was going to abort him? I had to beg her not to and nearly lost my neck to one of her constructs."
"Nine months later and I was in the hospital, holding our beautiful son. And then she gave me a mansion, upped my pay grade, and told me to take care of him."
"So she really did love him."
"Does." Barry made a sound expressing his curiosity. "Carol does love him. She visits for Thanksgiving and Hanukah, and Colton's birthday."
"Dad." Nathan materialized in front of them holding to cups in his hands. "Are you and Hal going to keep moping around all party long!? You're killing the mood!"
"Kid! There's nobody near us!" Barry exclaimed and then waved his arms around, narrowly missing Hal. "Colton and I noticed! Now come on!" Barry cried out in surprise as Nathan grabbed his hand and pulled him away. Hal was chuckling when a white construct tapped his shoulder and pointed at Colton, who was staring at him with a waiting expression. Cotton Eye Joe by Rednex was currently playing and most of the Corps were dancing at the moment.
Jason was nodding and bouncing around on the platform, while Draco was teaching Damian how to dance to the song. "Front heel twice. Back toes twice. Side up front. Side up back. Walk to the side clap. Spin spin clap." He said as he made the motions. Damian was a quick learner and got it his second try, much to Draco's approval. The small boy basked in it.
The dancing part of the party went on for another hour. Most of the attendants were talking in clusters; Allens, Jordans, and Queens; Princes, Waynes, Kents, and Martians; Zataras, Nabu, and Constantines; Hols, Currys, and the outliers. As soon as the lights were turned on, they began to clean the room up, leaving just the DJ platform because they were going to do some karaoke later on.
Once the food was all put away and the floor was clean, somebody asked, "What should we do know?" The speedsters had piled several blankets and pillows from the Watchtower rooms—and every home they were allowed access to—on to the clean floor. Several blankets had the Justice League's logos on it, and you could tell whose was whose by the colors and symbols.
"I found an empty bottle!" Oliver said, holding up the mentioned object which was a beer bottle. "Let's play spin the bottle!"
"Oli, are you drunk?" Dinah asked, raising a hand to place on her husband's shoulder. He turned to her with a stupid smile and that told her all she needed to know. "No, I'm Oliver."
Everyone sat in a circle and Dinah placed the bottle in the center. "I guess I'll go first since I'm already here." She said and went to spin it when she was stopped by Nathan. "How are we playing this? We have kids here and I don't think anybody here wants to be marked as a pedophile just for playing a game. Besides, some of us may be possessive." He wrapped an arm around Colton as he said this, causing the lantern to roll his eyes. "Let's just play truth or dare. Whoever the bottle points to is the receiver."
"All right! Spin it, honey!" Oliver shouted, causing Corvus and Ravena to sigh in embarrassment. Dinah span the bottle and went to sit back down and wait for the bottle to stop. The bottle pointed to Diana.
"Truth." Was all the ebony haired woman said. "Is it true you and Bruce had a night of fun time last Thanksgiving?" Diana's cheeks went pink and she answered yes, causing some of the Justice Leaguers to ooh and aw at it. Meanwhile, the kids and teenagers made gagging noises and covered their ears obnoxiously.
Diana quickly span the bottle and it landed on Jason. Being the fan of the Amazonian warrior, Jason struggled to hold in his excitement. "Truth or dare, Jason?"
"Truth." The lasso of truth was thrown around his body and tightened, making him fangirl squeal in anticipation.
"Tell me, is it true you were stealing the bat-mobile tires when you met Batman?"
"Absolutely!" The lasso tingle against his skin, making the boy blush at the feeling. Diana removed the lasso from his body and then sat down. Jason spun the bottle and it landed on Barry, who gulped as the boy's grin became viscous.
"I dare you to go to the Manor and eat all of the food, wait for Alfred and tell him sorry." Barry made a pathetic noise of fright and ran out of the room to the Zeta-beams.
"Recognized Flash-04." Jason pressed a few button of his holo-glove and pulled up a cam of the Manor kitchen. Barry had just finished eating all of the food and was waiting for Alfred to arrive. Five minutes later, the butler showed up and waited for an explanation. The bat siblings snickered as Alfred grabbed the speedster by his ear and lectured him on the treatment of hosts and food. After 3 minutes, Alfred banished Barry away from the kitchen. "Recognized Flash-04."
"Did you have fun?" Hal asked, smirking at the blonde speedster. "Shut it."
The bottle was spun and landed on John Constantine. Barry grinned like he was the Cheshire Cat and then said, "I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Hal." And that was the moment Hal knew...he had fucked up. "Oh shit."
"Come along, dear." Constantine said, using his magic to grab the back of Hal's collar and drag him to the nearby closest. A couple of loud bangs came from the closet after Constantine shut the door. Hal's shouts of protest could be heard, though they were muffled in seconds. "Oh come on dear. You know you want this." Constantine said, his voice as clear as day with his heavy british accent.
Inside the closest, Hal was lying on the floor with a ball gag in his mouth and his hands tied behind his back. Constantine had ripped his shirt open, exposing tan skin and well-built muscles. "You've grown since our last play session."
He knelt down and put a finger to Hal's open lips as the man began to whimper through the ball.
"Hey now. I'm not going to hurt you, love." The ball gag was removed as were the restraints. Hal made a move to back away but Constantine pinned him to the ground and caught his lips in a rough kiss. Hal caught the taste of cigarettes and beer on the man's tongue and before he knew it, he and Constantine were full on making out. One of his hands were gripping onto the blonde's tie, pulling him close. The trench coat he had been wearing was thrown behind him and Hal's shirt was hanging off his forearms. One of John's hands weaved its way through the dark brown hair and kept his head still. The other was exploring Hal's chest, running over the defined muscle and brushing over a soft dark nipple. Hal whimpered as Constantine removed his mouth from his, but gasped as soon as the man started running his tongue down his neck to the nipple he had fondled. His body rose off the cold stone floor as Constantine continued to suck the hard nipple. His moans turned filthy and the front of his pants were wet with pre-cum from his hard cock.
"Sounds like their getting it on." Oliver commented nonchalantly, causing Barry to side-glare at him. "Awww, Barry. Are you jealous Constantine's getting what you can't?" The speedster growled lowly and sent a warning glare at the archer. "I'm not sure this is entirely appropriate for the children." Dinah commented, turning most of the leaguers' attention to their kids; mainly the Young Justice team and Damian.
Kaldur, M'gann, Connor, and Janet were all flushed, their cheeks burning red and eyes staring at the ground. Artemis and Wally were busy bickering while Damian was listening to loud music with earphones that Draco had given him. "Ahh, they're around the age where they have to get used to it. After all, they're not exactly kids anymore." Oliver said, raising a hand as if that would help clarify his point.
"Shouldn't we be...doing the same thing other parents are doing? You know, talking to our kids about this and try to keep them from this kind of...grown up behavior?" Diana asked. Oliver scoffed and replied, "Yeah and look how well that's going for those parents. Half the time you tell your kid no or try to protect them, they go and do the thing you were trying to keep them from doing."
"What?" Clark asked confused. "He means if you tell a kid not to do something, they'll do it anyway. Like reverse psychology." Dinah explained. A loud moan froze all the conversation between the adults. The women became as flustered as the team whilst some of the men were trying to hide the tents in their pants. Colton and Carman had went outside to get a breath of fresh air before their parents had started, and some of the guys were wishing they had enough sense to follow them. Still, they heard the moan even though they were outside. Colton blushed furiously, causing Carman to laugh boisterously. "I'm guessing that was your father." Colton sighed and said, "What gave it away?"
The two were sitting on the edge of the mountain that was overlooking the Atlantic Ocean.
"Do you think our dad's would be good for each other?" Carman asked, seriousness coating her soft voice. She looked across the small town that stretched over the land below them. "Mm, maybe. Though, Sinestro interested in my father too."
"So is Barry." Colton flinched and looked down at his hands. "I'm not sure that would work." Carman sighed and asked, "And why not?"
"Because if those two were to get married, that would legally make Nathan and I step-brothers. Thereby, we'd be violating the incest law."
"Oh really? Which incest law?" Carman asked, challenging his words. Colton glared at her and then explained, "Sure California is rather lenient over incest. But most of the United States is not. In Missouri, if you're a stepchild in the relationship created, you cannot be with your step-sibling. Other states have persons with degrees of consanguinity like California, but the Justice League represents all of the states. It wouldn't work." Carman scoffed. "Why don't you all just live in California then? Seems like it's a good option."
"Barry won't abandon his city. Wally isn't old enough or mature enough to handle Central by himself. Nathan won't leave me. And if the Flash and Godspeed both move to Coast City, how long will it take before somebody connects Barry Allen's presence with the Flash's?"
"Oh...right. I guess there is no way that anything can work. So...what about my dad?" Carman asked, looking up at the stars and thinking of Nathan and Colton's bonding.
"What about him, Constantine?" Colton asked, his eyes focused on the wide ocean in front of him. The moonlight and stars reflected against the surface misshapen but nonetheless beautiful. He knew it was nothing compared to the astral bodies outside the Earth's atmosphere, but this was everything to him. His home on the big blue and green planet.
"Do you think our dads are compatible?"
"Perhaps. Yes." He answered and then caught the mischievous expression on Carman's face. "Don't try playing matchmaker. You do remember what happened the last time you tried to?"
"I thought John was in love with Wally, and he felt the same way. I didn't expect the kid to punch his lights out and then run into a wall."
"Wait, when did you try that pairing!?"
Party playlist:
Like I Do – David Guetta
I'm a Mess – Bebe Rexha
Done for Me (Loud Luxury Remix) – Charlie Puth
Cotton Eye Joe – Rednex
Watch Me – Silento
Rolex – Ayo & Tyo
Solo (Yxng Remix) – Clean Bandit
Monaco – MKTO
5 In The Morning – Charli XCX
Cupid Shuffle – Cupid
Anything else you think of...
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