5: Cats & Bats
A/N: Thank you Hannahbear2004 for the constant likes! ❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎
Guess who's about to be kicked out of the villain world!
September 14 14:35 EDT
"Selina Kyle! What on earth is that?" Poison Ivy exclaimed, poking curiously at the little nine-year old cuddled in Selina's arms. The short-haired woman swatted the redhead's finger away and then announced, "This is Tim Kyle-Drake. My new son."
An audible sigh of disbelief came from the green skinned woman as she shook her head. "So you're rejected by Nico and replace him with another kid? What did you have to do to get him? Kill the parents?" Selina rolled her eyes and walked down the hall to her room. "Hey! I'm speaking to you!" Ivy called and then rushed to follow her, pulling a by-standing Harley Quinn with her. The henchtress of the crown King of crime allowed herself to be dragged along only because she had nothing better to do.
"You know I don't kill, Ivy. This boy's parents were already dead when I arrived." The woman laid Tim down on her bed and then went over to her dresser where she kept jewelry in the top three drawers and snacks in the last two. "Ugh, you sound just like him. What's next? Are you going to drop him off at Wayne's Manor?"
Catwoman nudged Tim's shoulder and roused him, then waited until he was fully conscious to take a bag of chips from her. "Perhaps I will. But think, wouldn't it be great to raise another child here? It'd be like raising Nico, only easier."
"And I thought you banging Batman was the worst. Now you're acting like him. Just our luck, huh Harls." The blonde nodded, agreeing with Pamela's statement as the woman elbowed her. "Um..." All the women looked to the boy on the bed, who was looking back at them with a confused expression.
"Wha-who are you?"
"Oh! He's adorable!" Harley exclaimed, rushing toward the boy to pick him up. "Mista J will be delighted ta see such a youngin'." Tim's eyed widened comically when he finally realized who these women were. "Y-your Harley Quinn!"
"Oh! He's smart. He will definitely do well as Mista J's henchman." Tim began to panic and exclaimed in fright, "I don't want to meet your Mister J! The Joker's crazy! He's kill me the second you take me to him! I just want to go home! Or Batman! Take me to Batman!"
Two of the three women's moods changed to agitated as it seemed they couldn't go anywhere without somebody mentioning Batman, not even in their own home. "Silence pest!" Pamela lashed out, her vines cutting through the air. One managed to cut a deep wound across Tim's forehead and knock the boy unconscious, horrifying Selina.
She rushed over and grabbed her blanket to cover Tim's forehead, applying pressure to the wound while staring at Ivy in disbelief. "How could you sink so low to strike a CHILD!?" The woman exclaimed, though the redhead wasn't fazed by her anger. Harley was somewhat stunned, but she had no worry for the child.
"Red? I'm crazy but that was a little far." Pamela brought a finger to the blonde woman's lips to silence the yapper. "Selina, you know villains don't have much patience, especially when it comes to choosing sides. So I'm going to give you one last chance to show where your loyalties lie." She bent down and grabbed Tim's left wrist in a hard grip, causing him to whimper at the contact.
"Tomorrow he will be gone, I don't care where. You either leave with him and stay gone, or you'll be here sleeping soundly, no more contact with the big bad bat. Either way, it's your choice." She let go of Tim's wrist and watched as he cuddled further into Selina's bosom.
"This boy does not belong here. He will never survive. Come on Harls. Let's go plan a raid on a Christmas store or something."
"Comin' Red!" Selina watched with wide eyes as both women left her room, feeling something break within her soul as they did so. She looked down at the boy in her arms and realized Ivy was right. He was skinny and frail, and obviously had no experience in acrobats or combat, making him virtually useless.
The two were silent as the afternoon dragged on. Tim had fallen asleep, leaving Selina to dwell in her mind.
Finally, she decided what she was going to do. Getting off the bed, she made her way over to the dresser where her jewelry lay and grabbed a nearby sack.
September 14 15:34 EDT
The typical blood dropped into a pool already underneath the chair Nico was tied to. Another punch landed, and Draco was suddenly regretting telling Alfred to call for his father. Damian was beside him keeping a stoic face, but Draco knew his brother enough to know he was feeling somewhat the same.
Nico's usually perfect face was swollen around his left eye, his cheeks, and his lips. Bruce was really laying into the boy after telling him, "When I get out of this chair, I'm going to kill those two. Perhaps tie you up and have you watch as I drag my talons through their necks."
And this was the result of a very angry and severely protective father.
"Should we stop him?" Jason asks as if he had been there the whole time.
Alfred had called him to collect the cookies that he had made for the party, and instead found Batman beating on the criminal he had run into with his team on their latest mission.
"Probably." Draco answered, though his body only shifted into a new position as he leaned against the bat computer.
"I guess I should've asked should I stop him." Jason muttered and then walked over to where Batman was still pounding on his victim. "Batman! Bats stop it! At this rate, you'll kill him! I think he's had enough!" He was about to grab his father's wrist when the dark knight whipped around and clocked him in the nose. This caused Jason to grunt and cup his hands over his broken nose as he stumbled away. Draco and Damian were moving, the younger attacking their father while the other checked on Jason.
"Move your hands, Jace." He ordered. Blood was oozing out and trailing down his face, staining his lips and chin red. "Alfred! I need your help for a bloody nose! S'not mine!" The butler came running in shortly after carrying a medical kit. He saw the whole scene: Damian and Bruce fighting, Nico coughing and wheezing through swollen lips for breath, and Draco on the floor holding a bloody-nosed Jason.
"My word! What happened?"
"Batman." Alfred sighed and responded, "I shall repair Master Jason. Could you untie that poor boy? I do believe he has had enough." Draco nodded and got up, leaving the treasured butler to take care of Jason.
"All right, let's get you fixed. Bruce did a number on you." Nico didn't respond, he couldn't. All his focus was on trying to breath, which was a tiring task itself. Draco undid his bonds and then picked up the villain in a bridal carry to carry him to the actual medical cave. Once they got there, Draco laid the smaller figure onto the pristine bed and then strapped an oxygen mask onto the boy's face.
"God. He's just a kid. How could father do this to a child?" Draco asked, a scowl appearing on his face as he used his powers to heal to a minimal amount; but, too much and he'll cause Nico to go insane. Wondering who Draco was speaking to, his eyes wandered and found that it was the butler and Jason Todd-Wayne, who had bandages across his purple and black nose. "I have never seen Bruce go that out of whack before. Is Damian going to be—" Jason was cut off as the smallest of them suddenly entered the medical bay featuring a swollen cheek and bleeding lip. He was dragging their unconscious father with him, not caring if his head hit a couple of ledges and such in the ground.
"Dami? Are you okay?" Draco asked worriedly, eyeing the boy's bloody face. "I am fine. Father on the other hand." Mustering all the strength he had left, he threw their father in front of him then fell down, where Draco caught him.
"Come on, let's get you fixed up." Unlike normal mortals, Draco didn't have to limit himself when healing Damian since the boy exhibited a small portion of the powers his brother had.
He motioned for the kid to sit on the bed Nico was lying on and take off his shirt; then winced as he saw ugly bruises covering the majority of Damian's mid-section. Nico was staring at Jason, but he too noticed the bruises and his eyes widened as he saw the extent of Batman's cruelty. How could a man be so heartless to beat his own children? He felt fear again and realized his earlier assumption of fear was wrong. Batman was somebody to be feared. A mortal man yet the damage he could cause was so high, that Nico feared what the man could do if he was given powers.
Draco laid both hands on the bruises and tapped into his powers. The tips of his finger glowed the eerie green of the Lazarus pit as he healed the boy. Bruises seemed to melt away at his touch and damaged skin repaired itself until it was unmarked and smooth. "There we go, all fixed. Jason you're next." Draco said as he stepped away from the bed and walked over to the second one that Jason was sitting on. "You set it right?"
"Of course, Master Draco. Now I must go and collect the cookies from the oven. Your party is in 4 hours." Jason grumbled about spoiled surprises, but Draco laughed it off and told him that he already knew. "Of course he knew, friggin' peeping Bats knew everything," was Jason's response which caused Draco to laugh some more.
"Am I allowed to go to this...party?" Damian asked, jumping off the bed. Jason made silent motions with his hands, signaling Draco to say no, but he was ignored. "Only if you leave your weapons home and promise me you will not threaten any of my friends." Draco's back was facing the boy, so he didn't see Damian smiling smugly at a scowling Jason; who in protest stuck up his middle finger when his older brother wasn't looking. "What are we going to do with Nightclaw?" Damian asked and three pairs of eyes turned their attention to the boy who was still sporting a split lip and one swollen cheek.
"Let him go. He's had enough of a punishment." Draco said on his way to the door. He left before either of his brothers could question him, leaving them dumbfounded. "Let him go!? Didn't you try to kill him!?" Jason exclaimed, asking Nico the second question. The boy nodded slowly as he stared at the dangerously beautiful aqua eyes that glared at him.
"Unbelievable!" The black haired boy exclaimed again and kicked a nearby cabinet. He sighed and then turned to Damian, saying, "You take him out of here. I have to take care of Bruce."
"You think you can tell me what to do, Todd!?" Damian hissed but a firm look from Jason solidified his order. Huffing and muttering about interloping sidekicks, Damian ripped the oxygen mask off Nico's face and forcefully dragged the boy out of the med bay.
"Ow! Hey hey! Watch the hands! Your dragging precious cargo, you know!" Damian let go of Nico's hands, letting the teenager drop to the floor. Nico looked up from his place on the floor and flashed the frowning child a pitiful face. "Tt. I don't care."
"You heroes disgust me. Thinking that you can do whatever you want because you have the power." The kids kept walking until they arrived at the Bat-mobile. "You're assumption is valid. We do whatever the fuck we want because we have the toys that can get it done."
A platter whacked the smaller kid on the head and both looked up to find Alfred towering over them.
"Master Damian, please watch how you speak in this house. Who on earth taught you how to curse is going to be in very much trouble once I find them."
"Shall I give you a hint?"
Alfred sighed and held up a hand to halt the boy from protesting. "No need master Damian. I believe our resident 'bad boy' is the culprit to your corruption." He walked away briskly to find Jason while Damian snickered. After a few minutes of looking around the cave awkwardly, Nico felt Damian shove him forward past the bat-mobile to stop in front of a motorcycle.
"Get on." Damian ordered and then grabbed a helmet off the nearby rack to throw it at Nico, who caught it and put it on. "Don't you need one too?" He asked when Damian got on without putting any protection on. "Not required."
"Not requ—whoa!" The motorcycle roared through the bat-tunnel, causing some bats to screech and flutter around the top of the ceiling.
Jason looked down the tunnel with Alfred and asked, "Are you going to lecture him about the helmet?"
Alfred sighed for the fourth time that afternoon.
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