3: To Catch the Talon

A/N: HAPPY LATE CHRISTMAS! A reminder that the month has been switched from February to September and the year is 2010
September 14 09:45 EDT

There were several things Superboy expected to happen that were according to his internalized "schedule", one of them being M'gann attempting to make breakfast. What he did not expect was the sight of two kryptonians waiting for him in the recreational area; otherwise, called the "living room" in a traditional home. Both had their arms crossed, but one of the was glaring at the one that was glaring at him. They were so alike that Connor couldn't tell who was who, if he had actually known both of their names. At least until his DNA donor (as Nightclaw so eloquently put it) pointed at him and said, "There's my clone." The one who was glaring at Superman turned his gaze to the youngest kryptonian and smiled.

Connor was stunned at the expression of joy, surprised at the sudden act of kindness granted to him from somebody who looked so much like Superman. The twin of his father slowly walked over until they were standing face-to-face, with a foot between them.

"Hello Connor. My name is Korin, and I am the brother of your father. It's nice to meet you, nephew." A hand was held out to him, which the slightly stunned kryptonian shook after a receiving nod of assurance and encouragement from M'gann.

"Um...it's nice to meet you too. Uh—uncle?" Connor said/asked unsurely, easily amusing his newfound family member. "Don't worry Connor. I don't bite."
This caused Connor to become annoyed, mainly directed to Superman. "This is how a family was supposed to act? So nice and comforting? Why couldn't he be like this?"
"Well your brother sure does." Was Connor's final response. An awkward silence emerged in the room, and M'gann imagined the temperature in the room dropping several degrees. But Korin remained unaffected as he replied, "I know. I'm sorry about my brother, it just takes time to fully take in that you've been cloned. He'll get used to it eventually."

Connor humphed and crossed his arms, a frown forming on his handsome face. "So where were you all this time? How come you're just now appearing?" Korin raised an eyebrow at his nephew's antics but still answered, "I've been off-world for two months. I left with my league the day the second original protégés of the leaguers were supposedly going to be inducted into the league."

"Your league? You're not part of the Justice League?" Connor asked with a confused expression. M'gann answered this time, floating over with another alien who looked like a gender-bent clone of hers. He just noticed that Martian Manhunter was standing next to Superman, who was still glaring at him.  "Oh no! Connor, this is my half-brother, R'ann R'anzz. He and Korin are members of the first league of protégés called the Justice Corps." R'ann nodded to Connor as a greeting when M'gann motioned to him, and Connor nodded back hesitantly.

"So who are the other members of your...League?"

R'ann spoke for the first time since he was introduced, his voice much like Martian Manhunter's, "You'll have to meet them personally. We've so many that it'd be a little complicated to introduce them without you seeing them face to face. What I can tell you is that the Young Justice League is receiving a new female member; a lantern who is the daughter of John Stewart."

"The Corps will be arriving later tonight with the Justice League. The Justice Leaguers wanted to throw a surprise welcome back-slash-meet and greet party for them here and asked us to help them while they kept the Justice Corps busy." M'gann whispered, although it was pretty worthless since Korin had super-hearing. Still, he didn't mention any of it and when they turned to him, he made a zipping motion across his smiling lips and threw away the imaginary zipping mechanism.

"Recognized: Batboy-B01; Aqualad-B02; Speedy-B06; Artemis-B07; Star Sapphire-08; Green Lantern-14; Batman-02; Green Arrow-08; Flash-04."

"Oh! What are they doing here?" M'gann asked at the time as Connor asked, "Who is Star Sapphire?" His question was quickly answered as a fuchsia-skinned, pink wearing girl floated into the room with John Stewart beside her.

"Of course Baywatch isn't here yet." Artemis was the first to speak, her voice full of exasperation as she went to sit down. She was wearing her civvies, as were the three boys/teenagers. "M'gann, Connor, meet Janet Stewart. Janet, this is M'gann M'orzz and Connor Kent."

The Star Sapphire flew over to the two aliens and deactivated her levitation. "Hello! It's nice to meet you two!" M'gann jumped in the air, clasping her hands together and squealed. Connor simply responded, "Likewise."

Artemis walked back over, joining the forming circle as the three boys gathered. "Word of warning, Kid Flash will flirt with you. Are you able to shift your suit?" The blonde asked, thankfully reminding John Stewart of Wally West's crazy hormonal problems. "Oh! Of course." Janet answered, and then shifted her rather revealing uniform into a skintight, full bodysuit with a cape that cloaked her body.

"Is this better?" She asked worriedly. Artemis gave a quiet noise of approval. "He'll still flirt with you due to our gender but to a lesser degree. The guy is a total idiot, in fact he tripped over his own feet on our last mission!"

Janet giggled and responded, "Noted. I'll make sure not to lead Kid Flash on but I'm pretty sure my dad will threaten him before he has the chance to talk to me, right papa?"

John Stewart nodded fiercely. "Of course I will. I have to keep my only daughter safe somehow." Janet smiled appreciatively, and then smirked evilly. "And if he doesn't listen, I'll just hit him with a makeshift Harley Hammer."
"A harley what-now?"

Said hammer appeared as a glowing pink construct that caused the team to slightly back away from the lantern. Just then, the computer announced Wally's presence. The speedster rushed in, unaware of their new teammate and tripped over his own feet when he saw the natural beauty of the half-alien. He face-planted onto the ground with a loud "oof!"

Janet laughed and lost her focus, the pink construct disappearing. Artemis snorted and bent down with a hand outstretched. "Need a hand there, ladykiller?" Wally glowered at the archer before taking her hand and pushing himself off the ground.

"And what shall I call you, beautiful?" He asked, his eyes already looking over the star sapphire in a dreamy gaze. John quickly stepped in his line of sight and grabbed the speedster's collar, lifting him slightly off the ground. Wally whimpered and called for his uncle's aid, which he didn't receive since the older speedster knew what the Green Lantern was doing.

"Now listen to me, Mr. Ladykiller. You don't flirt with my daughter. You don't stare at my daughter for unnecessary durations of time. You don't even think of laying one dirty finger on her unless she deems you worthy or in a case you are in a dire situation where personal space is required to be broken. Do you understand me?" The speedster whimpered again and nodded frantically, inwardly begging the lantern to let go of him. When he did, Wally fell on his behind and stayed there, stunned at what just happened.

When Janet went to help him up, he cowered away from her until he was able to hide behind Barry. "Geez, I think you broke him, GL." The blonde said worriedly, poking at his nephew. The redhead made no move to swat his hand away from him, which was a sign that Wally was currently unresponsive.


September 14 10:20 EDT

It was a stereotypical good morning at the Wayne Manor. Sun shining through the window with open curtains. A twenty-one year old man was sleeping eagle-spread on his bed, his sheets all mussed up around him. A pillow had been haphazardly thrown across the room. Light snores were all the noise that filled the room.

Alfred Pennyworth sighed at the messy room that had been tidy for two months, but he was inwardly jovial that the eldest son of Master Bruce had returned in safe and sound condition.

The sheets made a quiet rustling sound as Draco shifted around, his naked chest facing the ceiling and one leg now hanging over the side of the bed. "Knowing Master Draco, it would be best to leave his tea on the desk beside the door. I hope masters Jason and Tim do not burst in and spill it." He thought and then left the tray of tea on top of said desk that resided close to the door. Draco had a habit of spreading out and knocking things over, much like his phone that was on the ground still charging.

Only after the butler left the room did a lithe figure sneak into the room through the window. Cold yellow eyes stared at Draco and a clawed talon raised over the prone figure who was still unaware of the presence in his room.

Nightclaw smirked at the sight of his target, but as he made his way to lay a killing blow to the sleeping hero, a shout erupted from behind him and he was tackled to the ground by a ninja holding a katana. At the same time, Draco Wayne was awakened and Alfred Pennyworth burst into the room.

"What the hell is going on here!?"
"My word!"

Director: CUT! Break time! Put on the commercials!

Barry: "Runnin' runnin' runnin'."
*runs through a wall*

Wally: "runnin' n' runnin'."
*winks* *runs into the fourth wall*
"Owth! Math beaphifal fathe!"

Barry: "You didn't say it right"

Wally: "Whath tha thaphothe tho mean!?"

Nathan: "Means you're a snail"

Shazam: "The Super Seven"

Green Lantern: "Oh boy. This kid is a nutcase if he thinks I'm going to be buddy buddy on a team called the Super Seven"

Flash: "Wait. Didn't I come up with that name? And wasn't Aquaman supposed to be here instead of Shazam?"

Cyborg: "Eh...no comments or complaints except what if new members join?"

Wonder Woman: "By Hera, this new Zeus has no creativity at all! I must fix his brain!"

Batman: *silence* "Oh hell no. I'm not into this cute crap. I work alone"

Superman: "What's the problem with that name?"

Green Lantern: "IT'S TOO F***ING CHILDISH!"

Batman and Green Lantern: *Sees camera*

Batman: "Here, let me frown and show you my annoyed face because the idiot behind me won't shut up about his huge ego"

Green Lantern: *poses and smiles* "Batman may be an ass kicker but I've handle way bigger guys than him. Here, let me levitate and show you just how awesome I am!"

Batman: "How many more scenes do I have to share with this narcissistic bitch?"

Green Lantern: "How long do I have to be around this creepy a**hole?"


Cast (Young Justice and Justice League): *silence and cricket chirps*

Wally: "Dude, I love your confidence! Keep it up!"

Diana: "Wally...I was using my lasso on him."

Wally: "And that means?"

Barry: "It's a lasso of truth."

Wally: "That totally makes sense. Lassoing the truth out of someone. Like roping the truth but in the form of a lasso."

Cast: *awkward silence*

Director: "Oh my god..." *Cups face is hands and tries to fade into the corner*

Hal: "Um...did anybody understand what he just said or are you as confused as I am?"

Cast except for Wally: *agrees with being confused*

Wally: "It was supposed to be a joke"

Dick: "Dude that joke sucks dick"

Wally: "So do you. That's why it's your name"


Dick: "I'm gonna kick some ass during training duels." *Looks pointedly at the team*

Artemis and Wally: "Oh shit."

Bruce: "Are Superman and Flash okay?"

Director: "Do they look okay? They just witnessed Darkseid pull off a crazy exploding stunt."

Diana: "Oh poor Flash. He looks so traumatized. He's shaking so much!"

Nathan: "He'll get over it."

Colton: "I think you're being a little too harsh on your silent treatment, babe. Lighten up a little."
Director: "So have you guessed who I am with this wild pack of wolves, dogs, and mutts? Take three guesses.

As a bonus: Name these handsome men and anime characters! For fun!

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