1: Case of the Joker

September 13 16:04 EDT
"Quotes/normal action text"

Baaaa-ba-ba-ba-bum! Ba-bum! Ba-ba-bumm. Bum-bum-ba-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum. You have got to love the classics. Most kids these days are into those ear-throbbing rap songs and repetitive-versed dance/party music they call "party hits." But, if you're a special snowflake like myself, you'll learn that the classics are the best kind of music to put on repeat (just don't listen too long or you'll go InSAnE!)

Now if you're curious as to what is currently going on, I'll be happy to inform you that some action is about to happen. Those pesky delusional kids are making a move again, and guess who is being sent to stop them?

Me and a group henchmen.

Which reminds me...I should be going by now.
Third PoV:
A group of five to six men with guns are standing about 20 feet below the lithe brunette; preparing for their encounter with the sidekicks of the leaguers. None of them spoke a word because they had said everything that they needed to in the 'banzai'-farewell party held for the goons last night. It was a common tradition that had been created by none other than Nightclaw; to honor the brave henchmen who risked their bones and bodies, so that others may avenge them and carry on with their deeds.

Nightclaw was a beautiful pearl in the midst of spoiled oysters and clams; though, he may not see himself like that. Not with the pale blue lines that ran from his sparkling blue eyes, which morphed into burning suns when he was furious or challenging. Or the small black cat ears that he gained from being a Cadmus experiment, where he had seen them working on an interesting formula for something called, "Project Kr."

In his eyes, he was nothing but a circus freak who became an immortal-owl-experiment freak.

But he was beautiful to his family. Catwoman often took him on her jewelry raids, suggesting sapphire and topaz crafts that accentuated his radiating aura.
Joker was careful not to push him into vats of dangerous, skin-changing chemicals; or any vats unless they had cotton candy in them (which he had yet to find.)
Poison Ivy invited him over for tea and soothing balms/creams made from the natural environment.
Deathstroke and Shiva tended to give him vigorous training, often resorting to threats whenever he messed up. They quickly learned not to raise a hand to Nightclaw after spending a long day with the Joker, the Riddler, and Harley Quinn.
The Riddler loved to play 'Riddle me this, Riddle me that.' Sometimes, his game would end in everyone rhyming until one of them asked why they were doing so.
Cheshire and Artemis were two of his favorite honorary sisters to hang out with, but he has not seen them lately. One henchman could've sworn he had seen the blonde assassin-in-training fighting alongside Green Arrow two nights ago, but Nightclaw denied it mostly out of fear. Fear that Artemis was no longer one of them. And she wasn't.
Blackfire, the notoriously 'evil' sister of Starfire, was one of the most amusing princesses to be around. She neither spouted of continuous, impossible peace, nor proceeded to get in between men to sooth them of their vices. Those things were some of the most annoying subjects that all villains hated; it seemed that was all Wonder Woman ever called for when facing her adversaries, or the two egotistical boneheads who led the Justice League.

In summary, most of the population living in the crime-world knew of and adored Nightclaw. They trusted him fully and treated him like the true prince of crime, making the Joker the King of Crime.

"I swear I'll bring most, if not all, of you back with me. I won't let those pigs take more of my family." This was the promise—no—this was the vow; Nightclaw took as the task-force boarded a copter for Metropolis. And unlike Batman, he would keep it.


September 13 18:15 EDT

"Let's get these crates onto the copter! By now, those brats could be waiting around the corner. Stay close; keep all lines open and eyes sharp." Nightclaw ordered, jumping to the ground before the rest of his men. Three of the six men hurried over to the decent stock of unopened crates that were only 2 feet away from the copter; the others kept a lookout at the positions Nightclaw assigned them to.

Over eighty-five percent of the crates were loaded on the copter when the first sign of the kiddy league appeared.

An imbecile dressed in mainly yellow with red hair tripped over his own feet and crashed into the remaining stock of crates. Nightclaw shouted for his men to back away after shielding his eyes from any stray splitters of wood or the glowing green rocks that flew through the air.

To his luck, the next idiot that came barreling into the room was a kryptonian with anger-issues.

While his men quickly regrouped into the hovercraft, Nightclaw snapped his whip out and grabbed onto a chunk of the kryptonite from the decimated crates. He then proceeded to hold it out in front of him; thereby, it's bright aura quickly withdrew much of the superhuman strength and stamina of the kid. Nightclaw waited until the kryptonian was fully immobilized to approach him.

"It's pathetic really. You kryptonians think you're all that, rushing into battle without a moments thought of your enemies having your soul weakness. A green rock from the planet you were born on. And I was hoping for a challenge." He sighed and plopped the kryptonite onto the boy's back, causing the brute to groan weakly. He stepped away from him and grabbed onto the tail-end of his whip.

A groan behind him caught his attention and he noticed that the speedster who had alerted them of his team's presence was starting to get up. Smirking, the cat villain swayed his hips and slowly waltzed away from the downed kryptonian, all the while saying, "Enjoy your playtime with agony; and don't worry, Superboy, I'll make sure your DNA donor gets a full dose of kryptonite when I see him again."

"Good news, my friend. That time may come sooner than you believe," An authoritative voice said. Nightclaw snarled softly and his grip on his whip tightened. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the rotten fish." Behind white lenses, his eyes glowed a fiery gold; showing his anger.

"Now is that anyway to act to an old
fr—" Nightclaw hissed in seething anger, "How dare you refer yourself to being my friend, traitor!" Kaldur's eyebrow furrowed and his arms began to glow a bright hologram-blue. Silver eyes watched his adversary closely for any suddens moves, but then flicked over to where M'gann was invisibly attempting to help Superboy get up. Nightclaw, being the very observant person he was, noticed the small gesture and snapped his whip at the girl before Aqualad could react.

It hit the martian on her back and left a searing pain to her skin. She cried out and fell on top of Superboy, her arms moving to covers her head in case anymore blows were to be delivered. None came however, as Nightclaw screeched loudly seconds after he had whipped Miss Martian. An arrow, one he immediately recognized, had impaled his left forearm, narrowly missing his waist/hips.

He looked up to the shadows, bright eyes mirroring betrayal. He saw what no one else could see; the girl he once called sister. Having Kaldur leave him was one thing, but Artemis...Nightclaw never wanted it to be true. Yet, here she was in plain sight, her eyes ablaze and an arrow notched in bow, aimed at him. 'I can't believe it. Artemis. Why would you side with these people? Why would you betray us?'

Whimpering at the slightest movement of his arm, Nightclaw called a retreat and the copter left the warehouse with all seven men aboard, and a good amount of the kryptonite that the team was supposed to protect.

Shortly after the goons left, Batboy stormed into the warehouse and stopped at Wally's prone form. An ugly sneer was etched across his face as he looked down upon the older-by-three-years old.
"You call that subtle? Maybe next time we should just bring a cowbell and have you run with it on." M'gann stood up, her face a mash of emotions from worry to sadness. She held out a hand and attempted to soothe Jason's temper, but he immediately lashed out at her too.

"Unbelievable! Now guess who has to report to Batman about what went wrong. I can't believe I wasted my breath talking Batman into letting us start a Young Justice League." He ranted more so, furiously typing on his wrist-computer. Kaldur helped M'gann support Superboy and then turned his attention to the youngest of their team.

"Batboy, please do not forget that we are not all as experienced at this as you are. We are trying to work together as a team, meaning all of us must put in work to see an acceptable result." The boy scowled and then muttered quietly; and though he could not hear most of it, Kaldur was sure that he was still cursing them all.

The shadow in the rafts continued to watch the team with grey-blue eyes, a smile crossing her lips as she confirmed that yes, this is the team I want to be with.

Still, Nightclaw's menacing gold eyes burned into her vision and she looked down at the floor below her in remorse, suddenly remembering who she was leaving. A brother. A sister. Those two were the only ones she cared about, and she just attacked one of them to avenge someone she didn't even know.

"Guess there's no turning back now."

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