Chapter 24

Days rolled into weeks and the snow hadn't stopped falling at any point whatsoever. The morale amongst the demons had significantly shifted over the course of weeks due to seemingly upcoming doom. It was interesting watching the demons suddenly losing confidence in our leader. With the imminent apocalypse, it was like even the Devil was flailing and was just doing whatever seemed like a good idea at the moment without much thought.

Meanwhile, I had spent most of my time without moving from a chair in the casino and just consuming alcohol. Bereft of allies save for Belial, whose whereabouts still remained unknown, I reveled in solitude amidst the gathering storm. Everything was falling apart before our very eyes - Astaroth was dead and the snows of Asgard were blanketing Hell.

For the past few days, I had began finding joy into making parties every day and practicing in only taking in human alcohol. The parties grew more extravagant overtime, fueled by copious amounts of human alcohol and an atmosphere of unbridled abandon. The demons who frequented my parties, drawn to the allure of fleeting pleasure in the face of impending oblivion, reveled alongside me. Lustful encounters with fellow demons served as a welcome distraction, further obscuring the specter of the end that loomed ever closer on the horizon. To those around me, I became a beacon of optimism amidst the darkness, a symbol of defiance in the face of inevitable destruction.

There was a good side to it all though. The more I had sunk into the full despair and fun-riddled part of me, the more Babylonian the world itself had become. The cheap thrills and vices had encircled the humanity as well and in turn making my power grow. But as the snow was falling here, the ice caps began to melt on Earth and the parts of the world that had never seen snow, saw it too.

As I sat in the dimly lit casino, contemplating the unraveling of all I had known with music blaring, a glimmer of hope flickered within me. Perhaps, against all odds, I would be reunited with Loki once more, at the precipice of the apocalypse. That seemed to be the only thing keeping me going. The only thing that mattered.

And while I was lost in thought and seemingly hopeless optimism, I noticed someone taking a seat across from me on the poker table. I turned my attention to the newcomer and was actually surprised that it was Beelzebub. We hadn't spoken ever since the argument about Mammon's possible future. It was the longest we'd ever spent without talking and I thought it would go on until the end of time but it seemed it wasn't going to be the case.

I didn't say anything, allowing him to be the first one to speak. And so he did.

"I know we haven't spoken in a while. And you'd think I am crazy for saying this but... I think you're right." His eyes locked on me firmly, as if waiting for my expression to soften but frankly, I was far too tired. So, I kept my stoic face, waiting for further explanation. "About Mammon, I mean. I shouldn't have left you to do all this by yourself. I promised I'd be there through it all and I wasn't... and for that I'm sorry."

I did not expect to hear that and I was positively surprised. He definitely got my attention in that moment so I leaned slightly forward.
"Well, I'm glad to hear you say that." I said, still keeping my reservations.

Beelzebub smiled lightly before he continued, "In recent days, I've been rather busy, earning Mammon's trust. And let's just say... you should come with me to my realm."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his words. A small smirk began to play on my lips as I mused, "Is that so?"

"Well, there's only one way to find out." Beelzebub shrugged before standing up. I hesitated for a moment, but my curiosity always seemed to win out, so I rose from my chair too.

We made our way through the corridors of the casino, the sounds of revelry fading into the background. The weight of Beelzebub's words lingered in my mind, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and unease. As we exited the castle, the cold air bit at my skin, a stark contrast to the warmth and chaos inside.

"I still can't get used to this weather." I commented as short laughter erupted from me. "Shit, I sound like a human."

Beelzebub snorted in the response before opening a portal. "It's poetic, really." He remarked as he stepped through it and I followed after him. Within moments, we were enveloped in the distinct atmosphere of Beelzebub's realm. The air was thick with the rich, tantalizing aromas of various foods, an intoxicating blend that was both alluring and overwhelming.

"Welcome back," he said with a flourish and a smile.

"Where is he?" I cut to the chase as I didn't have any more patience for banter. There was a slight surprise on Beelzebub's face however he didn't question it as he began leading the way. He led me to the secluded alcove where a smaller, more intimate room waited for us. On the plush, velvet couch sat the demon of greed. His eyes were closed, and a small, contented smile played on his lips. He seemed unnaturally relaxed, a stark contrast to the anxiety that had been brewing in me.

"He's had a very heavy dose of truth serum." Beelzebub explained in a hushed tone in case Mammon would hear him. I couldn't believe Beelzebub actually kept his word. "I may not agree with outright eliminating him, I feel like we can at least use him."

I raised an eyebrow in curiosity, considering his words. "I'm impressed. I didn't think you had it in you, honestly."

"I figured I owed you one. You've been fighting this fight all alone and... to be honest, I can't watch you allying up with Belial." He sneered at the mention of his name which was when I remembered he didn't know what transpired between us two in the meantime.
"Yeah," I cleared my throat, "Never Belial." Before he could add more to the subject, I moved away from my spot and approached Mammon on the couch. "Is it safe to interrogate him? Will he even remember any of it?" I asked.

"He should remember which is why I think we can use his words against him." I was about to ask him to elaborate before he pulled out what looked like a camera from inside his coat pocket. It was rather a small thing, seemingly made from darkest materials."You may not have seen this before but it's quite useful to have so many connections and leverage," Beelzebub explained, his tone laced with satisfaction. "This little, but powerful, object will help us capture the very essence of this moment. We can extract a chip from inside the camera, and if Mammon decides to act up again, we'll have something to keep him in check."

I nodded, impressed by Beelzebub's foresight. "Clever," I remarked. "Where'd you get it?"
"It's insane what these newbie demons can come up with." He laughed and I realized while I was being busy celebrating the end, Beelzebub actually got his hands dirty. And for a moment, I experienced a renowned sense of hope and thought that maybe, just maybe, this time around we'd get somewhere with less casualties.

With a click on the camera, Beelzebub set it down on a small stand nearby, positioning it to face the couch. Then, with a flick of his wrist, he made the camera invisible to the naked eye. It was a well-thought-out plan, showcasing Beelzebub's strategic prowess.

As I averted my eyes towards Mammon, who appeared completely lost in a daze, I couldn't help but wonder how much of the truth serum he had ingested. Sitting next to him, I reached out my hand and lightly patted him on the cheek. His eyes fluttered open, but only partially, before locking onto mine.

"Hi, Mammon," I greeted softly, but to my surprise, Mammon smiled seemingly out of nowhere. My frown deepened, and I immediately looked over at Beelzebub. "Are you sure he had the truth serum?"

"I personally gave it to him, so yes, I'm sure," Beelzebub replied, a hint of jest in his tone. He chuckled immediately after, adding, "Seems like he still has some leftover sympathies for you."

"Who knows how far we could've come if I had any still." I sighed. His betrayal still hung heavy on my heart and it was going to be a while until I learned how to laugh about it. "So, Mammon, tell me how have you been doing?" I began, trying to force the fakest smile possible.

Mammon's smile faltered slightly, his eyes betraying a hint of confusion. "I've been... fine," he replied, his voice lacking its usual confidence. Usually, I would be worried about what he meant but I couldn't afford to care about his true state of being.

"So... when Loki was first here, were you the sole responsible party of letting him in?" I inquired, avoiding all possible ways of diversion from the subject.

Mammon's face showed a hint of confusion before he said weakly, "you know the answer, though?"

"I do not know the full story." I shrugged, wondering why was Mammon even capable of rational thinking. I looked over at Beelzebub once again, "get us some alcohol, I need him to be less...critical."

Beelzebub chuckled at that and without further questions, he left the area in search for what I asked. I shifted my focus back on the demon on the couch whose eyes were still ever-fixated on me.

"I am responsible, yes. He came in shapeshifted into a raven and I was surprised to see the likes of him coming into Hell. But due to the nature of his being, I was curious what it could turn into so I let him through the gate." His speech was becoming more coherent and direct as if the truth serum completely took over his decision-making.

"Have you ever tried reporting him to the Devil?" I continued my interrogation.

"No," came his instant reply. That was when Beelzebub came back, carrying a bottle of some pink liquid and two glasses. I quickly poured each of us a drink and gave one glass to him. He gave it a quick glance before grabbing it and instantly taking a sip.

"Why not?" I smiled with a tilt of my head.

"Well you know why... I was collaborating with you to bring down the Devil." That was when I frowned a little bit, realizing that a big piece of puzzle was missing. His stories did not match what he was doing.

"How long have you known that the Devil was split from Lucifer?"

"From the beginning." I swallowed a large lump in my throat the moment I heard his response and quickly downed the entire shot. So, he was hiding far greater things than I had ever anticipated. This conversation was taking a very weird turn and I didn't know how much I'd enjoy the ride.

"So you were present during the split?"

"Yes..." he said, insecurity evident in his voice, as if leaving out a good portion of the whole story. I raised an eyebrow and then proceeded,
"Elaborate on the split, what happened?"

"Well... We were incredibly close for a long time, especially after the Fall. But as time went on, I found myself drawn more to the Lucifer side of him. The Devil side of him began surfacing more often, and I couldn't stand it. I thought that if there was a way to separate them, things would be simpler. He agreed. I would have Lucifer back, and he could be rid of the angelic remnants that still lingered within him. It reminds me too much of my past, he once said."

He paused to take a sip, though the story was far from over.

"So, he sought out the only deity he believed could help—Abaddon. But what we didn't realize was just how far-reaching the consequences would be. Abaddon never warned us of what would happen, or maybe he chose not to. At first, it seemed like it had worked. But over time, Lucifer started to deteriorate—physically, mentally—until, eventually, there was nothing left of him. And as it turned out, the Devil and Abaddon both knew what would happen from the very beginning. That's why the Devil remained intact. He was always going to come out of this unscathed. But Lucifer... was never meant to survive."

The silence was heavy when he finished the story. I couldn't even fathom what I had just heard, or what Mammon went through all this time without telling anyone. At once, I looked at him in different light. The hatred that I held for him was waning as I had realized that he, too, suffered at the hands of Devil just like the rest of us.

"But... if you knew how the betrayal felt like, why did you do it to me?" I asked, desperate for answers.

"I... thought you were in on it. And I was already slighted by the Devil and I thought you were part of it. Because you were obviously collaborating with Abaddon too."

"Collaborating with Abaddon?" I echoed, my frustration mounting. "I was trying to find a way to stop all this madness, not perpetuate it."

Mammon sighed deeply, rubbing his temples. "I realize that now, but at the time, everything was so convoluted. Loyalties were shifting, and trust was scarce. I couldn't see clearly."

"What about Belial then? You betrayed him too."

"He was just a means to an end..." Mammon said, almost matter-of-factly.

I leaned forward, burying my face in my hands, struggling to comprehend the extent of his cold calculation. The weight of his words pressed heavily on me, and finally, I stood up from the couch, feeling utterly defeated by this new revelation.

"I... can't believe you. Not again. You really shot yourself in the foot with this one. You single-handedly destroyed the only chance against the Devil just because you were suspicious. You are a liability, I can't have you around me anymore." I said, dryly as I looked at Beelzebub indicating to him that he could stop the camera.

Mammon's expression shifted from indifference to a mix of shock and regret. "I didn't realize—"

"Didn't realize?" I cut him off, my voice rising. "You didn't think. You let paranoia guide you and now look where we are. We've lost our best shot at stopping the Devil."

He didn't say anything after that, just continued looking at me, as if begging me to give him a second chance. But I couldn't do it. As much as I wanted to give him a benefit of the doubt, what I said was also something I stood firmly by. He was too much of a liability - he had far more shifting loyalties than I had anticipated and I'd rather have him far away from me.

"I don't think I even want to blackmail him anymore," I admitted as I turned my attention back to Beelzebub who was showing genuine surprise on his face. He came closer to me before saying in a hushed tone,

"You were so close to murdering him before and now that's gone too?"

"Yes. I pity him too much and... it's just painful to watch him. I don't want to associate with him ever again." I admitted and took one last glance at the demon of greed sprawled out on the couch. The once proud and self-assured demon was now gone and all that he ended up to be was spineless and weak. It was a stark reminder of how quickly things can change even when you'd swear they never would. In this grit of life, everything was possible and all seemed permissible. I was aware of the unpredictable nature of Astral laws when it came to karma but it never seemed to strike the meek. So I was sure that over time Mammon would be fine. However, I sincerely hoped that one day he'd have the taste of his own medicine.

I sighed at the sight before me and then just turned away, walking away from the demon I used to call a friend. I heard footsteps behind me and knowing it was Beelzebub, I stopped in my tracks again.

"I know that you don't want to associate with him but we should seriously talk about what we have just discovered." He said, urgency clear in his voice. "It's true that Mammon is the one to blame but what about Abaddon? He's the one who also created the whole mess in the first place."

I breathed out in annoyance, almost feeling a nerve pop in my head, "Why does everyone expect from Abaddon to have a sense of empathy? I'm aware that he had something to do with this but it wasn't his idea. The Devil knew what he was doing. Maybe Abaddon did it for power, maybe he had reasons to accept it. Doesn't matter. What matters is that the Devil, who's supposed to be our trusted leader, betrayed the entire legion of demons. Abaddon did not betray anybody, he was always doing whatever was in his interest."

The silence took over when I was done with my speech, Beelzebub being rather taken aback by my sudden rant. Then, he exhaled in resignation, "well, you know him better than all of us after all."

"It takes two to tango, two for love and two to wage war. If Mammon didn't have the brilliant idea and the Devil didn't accept it, none of this would've happened." I explained further. "At least Abaddon had enough decency to actually keep Lucifer in life and not run like a coward like someone we know."

Beelzebub was quiet for a few moments before nodding. "You're right. Mammon should be held accountable, and so should the Devil." His words brought a wave of relief. It was reassuring to have someone finally see reason. I understood it was difficult to accept that one of our own could act so treacherously, but I had learned that everyone was capable of anything, no matter how vile.

"If we manage to destroy him," I continued with a casual shrug, "one of us can be next on the throne, and we can finally restore balance to this place." The idea of wielding such power was never appealing to me, but with no one else stepping up, it seemed like the only viable option.

Beelzebub's eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and determination. "So, what do you suggest we do next?"

"There are others who are just as disillusioned with the Devil's rule as we are." I made a small pause, before adding, "like Belial..."

Beelzebub raised an eyebrow at my suggestion and crossed his arms. "Belial?"

"He's currently the closest to the Devil, and we've... established quite a bond lately," I said, rubbing my jaw thoughtfully.

"You always find the oddest of allies," he remarked, shaking his head lightly with a hint of amusement.

"I figured if we don't spread ourselves too thin, it's less likely for any betrayals to happen. We keep it just three of us, adding anybody else so late would be too risky." I added.

"Fair," Beelzebub nodded. "I'll get rid of Mammon and you go find Belial. We need to regroup and figure out our next step." The one thing he didn't know was that I needed to wait for Belial to find me. In order to keep it believable, Belial needed to be around the Devil most of the time. He needed to assist him in all matters, almost on the same rank as Paimon as he was promoted because of his risky endeavor to Asgard.

"I'll try to find him but I don't know where he is at the moment." I responded.

"Well, when you do, tell me as soon as possible." Beelzebub was surprisingly understanding as he didn't ask any further questions regarding Belial's whereabouts.

With a quick nod, we said our goodbyes and I left his realm quickly after. Instantly, the cold air hit my face and I rushed into the castle. I scanned the hall as I entered, seeing no sight of Belial yet. I hadn't seen him at all since our rather explicit encounter. It was amusing, really, given that he was the one who had insisted we do it again. And yet, here I was, the only one wondering why it hadn't happened yet. Surely, he must have noticed my lustful escapades and reacted in some way by now. But there was only a suspicious silence from his end.

With decisive steps, I made my way toward his quarters, which were located on the same floor as the hall. I turned to the right and navigated through the corridors, passing by the many rooms that belonged to the lower ranks. Several demons passed by, each wearing a look of shock at my sudden appearance in that part of the castle. I didn't know if I was even able to find him there but I needed to start somewhere. After a long while, I finally arrived to his door and then taking a deep breath, I reluctantly knocked.


I waited, the silence growing heavier with each passing second. Then, I quickly grew impatient so I pushed the door open, revealing an empty room. The dim lighting cast eerie shadows on the walls, and the air was thick with the scent of ancient books and dark artifacts. It was as if Belial had vanished, leaving no trace behind.

Feeling a mix of frustration and determination, I stepped inside, hoping to find some clue as to his whereabouts. The room was meticulously organized, every item in its place, yet there was an unsettling emptiness about it. I scanned the room, my eyes landing on a desk littered with scrolls and a few open books. Sighing, I sat down on the edge of the bed, frustrated that I had come to find nothing of value. Maybe I was foolish to hope it would be easier to ally up with him. Having someone on the inside ended up being much more strenuous than I had anticipated. Especially in these complicated times. I guess I couldn't blame him. But I decided not to leave just yet.

I stood up from the bed and came closer to the desk littered with books. At once, I took a glimpse to a semi-open scroll and raised an eyebrow as I opened it. Huh, never deemed Belial as a geometrist, was the first thought that crossed my mind as I saw a rather meticulously drawn seal and some incantation next to it. Then, with a gasp, I dropped the scroll as I realized what it was. It was the Seal of Solomon, the one and only sigil that could trap any being of Hell, including the Devil himself. However, the Seal of Solomon was one thing that was rather taboo around here. It was like bringing an inverted pentagram to a church.

The realization hit me hard. Even for me, the Seal was a sensitive topic, a powerful and forbidden artifact that could alter the very balance of our world. Yet, as the initial shock wore off, another thought dawned on me: Belial was serious about defeating the Devil. This wasn't just idle talk or empty rebellion. He had a plan, a real, tangible plan, and he was willing to take extreme measures to see it through.

A small smile tugged at my lips. Despite the gravity of the situation, it was almost heartening to know that Belial was this committed. He was willing to risk everything, to defy the unspoken rules of Hell, to bring about a change we desperately needed. It gave me a strange sense of camaraderie and hope.

At once, I heard someone entering the room. Instantly, I turned around to see a familiar face, his facial expression turning into a frown as he asked, "Asmodeus, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I've been wondering where you've been all this time and then..." I reached behind me and grabbed the scroll, unrolling it and bringing it up to his eye level, grinning, "and then, I saw this."

"Oh, that's not-" Belial began, his voice tinged with panic.

"What's going on, Belial?" interrupted a second voice, rich and commanding. Soon, I was face to face with Paimon as he stepped through the door. Instantly, I put the scroll down and glanced at Belial nervously. Paimon grimaced upon seeing me and then also turned his attention to Belial.
"I don't know what Asmodeus is doing here..." Belial mumbled as his eyes darted between the two of us. The other demon's eyes darkened as he stared at Belial, his demeanor showing he didn't believe him for one second.

"Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't jail you both right now," Paimon's usual nonchalant attitude suddenly shifted into a much more commanding one. It was unsettling seeing him like this and I cursed myself for even attempting to go look for Belial.

"Hold on, Paimon," I interrupted, thinking that if there was ever a time to use the charms of a lust demon, it was now. Despite being the Devil's right hand, Paimon was, in fact, of the same rank as me. I stepped closer to him, letting my hand lightly grab his forearm.

He flinched at the contact, his eyes narrowing as he looked down at me. "What are you doing, Asmodeus?" he asked, his voice carrying a warning edge.

I leaned in closer, letting my voice drop to a more intimate tone. "Just hear me out," I said, a seductive lilt in my words. "We're not your enemies here. We're trying to prevent something catastrophic. The Devil's actions are leading us all toward ruin, and you know it as well as we do."

Paimon's eyes softened slightly, but his posture remained rigid. "And what makes you think you can change anything?" he asked, his voice now tinged with curiosity rather than hostility.

I moved my hand slowly up his arm, my touch light and teasing. "Because we have something that can turn the tide," I whispered, leaning in just enough so he could feel the warmth of my breath. "The Seal of Solomon. We can use it to trap the Devil, to put an end to his reckless behavior."

In that moment, Paimon harshly pulled out of my grasp and looked at Belial with such intense fury, I dropped my act immediately. "IS THAT WHY YOU'VE ASKED ME TO COME WITH YOU TO THE ABYSS?" His voice thundered through the hallways to the point I was convinced every resident of Hell heard him.

Belial flinched, his eyes widening with a mix of fear and surprise. "Paimon, please, lower your voice. We need discretion—"

"Discretion?" Paimon interrupted, his voice still echoing. "You've involved me in a conspiracy against the Devil, and you want discretion?" He took a step closer to Belial, his fists clenched at his sides. "Do you realize the risk you've put me in?"

Belial swallowed hard, but stood his ground. "I had no choice. You're the only one who knows the location of the abyss. It was the only way to get the Seal."

The moment I heard Belial's words, my eyes widened in shock as I looked at him. Was that true? It seemed like it. My head was pulsating from so much information at once but at least now it was clear where Belial had been all this time.

Paimon clenched his jaw in fury as he looked at Belial one last time then without a word, attempted to leave the room. However, I could not let him do that. Instinctively, I lunged forward, grabbing the hold of his arm and dragging him down with me. We hit the ground hard, the impact sending a jolt of pain through my body. Paimon struggled beneath me, his strength surprising for his lean frame.

"Let go of me, Asmodeus!" he snarled, his voice a mix of anger and desperation. He bucked and twisted, trying to throw me off, but I held on, using all my strength to keep him pinned down.

Belial, seeing the commotion, quickly stepped forward, his eyes filled with determination. "Hold him down!" he shouted, reaching towards the table and grabbed the scroll. I tightened my grip on Paimon, using my weight to keep him restrained.

Paimon's eyes blazed with fury as he thrashed beneath me. He managed to land a punch to my side, causing me to grunt in pain, but I didn't let go. "You're not going anywhere," I hissed through gritted teeth, my voice low and filled with resolve.

Paimon's eyes widened as he realized what Belial was about to do. "You can't use that on me!" he shouted, his voice filled with panic. "The Seal of Solomon is forbidden!"

Ignoring Paimon's protests, Belial began to chant the incantation, his voice resonating with a strange, otherworldly power. "By the power vested in me, I bind thee, Paimon, to the Seal of Solomon. Thy power is now contained, thy will subdued."

The symbols on the scroll began to glow brighter, casting an eerie light across the room. Paimon's struggles grew more frantic, his movements wild and desperate. With a burst of energy, he managed to throw me off, and I slammed into a nearby table, scattering papers and books everywhere.

Before Paimon could make another move, Belial rushed forward, wrapping his arms around Paimon from behind in a bear hug. Paimon's strength was formidable, and he thrashed violently, trying to break free. With a growl, he elbowed Belial in the ribs, causing him to grunt in pain but not release his grip.

I scrambled to my feet and lunged at Paimon again, this time grabbing his legs and pulling them out from under him. He fell to the ground with a thud, and Belial and I quickly pinned him down. "Hold him steady!" Belial shouted, continuing the incantation despite Paimon's frantic struggles.

"Asmodeus, we need to finish this!" Belial's voice was strained as he fought to keep Paimon restrained.

I tightened my grip on Paimon's legs, using my full weight to keep him immobilized. "I've got him!" I shouted back, my own voice strained with effort.

Belial continued the incantation, his voice unwavering. "By this seal, I command thee to obey. Thy power is now mine to wield."

The light from the scroll intensified, wrapping around Paimon like invisible chains. He let out a cry of anguish as the magic took hold, his body going rigid beneath us. The light slowly faded, leaving Paimon lying still and silent on the floor.

We got up, and for a few seconds, we just stared at Paimon's body, both of us equally shocked by what we had just managed to pull off. Belial quickly rushed to the door, closing it with a sharp click before locking eyes with me. For the first time since I had known him, his face showed clear concern.

"Well... this was quite the turn of events," I said with a nervous chuckle, trying to ease the palpable tension in the room. "How... did you even convince him to bring you to the Abyss?" I frowned lightly, though deep down, I was quite impressed by Belial's sheer dedication to the cause.

Belial took a deep breath, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "It wasn't easy," he admitted, his voice strained. "I had to play on his ambitions, make him think there was something in the Abyss that could give him an edge over the other demons. Paimon's always been power-hungry, so it wasn't too hard to manipulate his desires."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "And he just bought it? Just like that?"

Belial shook his head. "Not entirely. There were... complications. I had to show him some ancient texts and hint at secrets hidden within the Abyss. He was skeptical at first, but his greed got the better of him. Plus, he trusts me to some extent." He glanced at Paimon's still form. "Or at least, he used to." He made a small pause before letting out a deep breath and taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Now you know why I've been away."

I nodded slowly, absorbing the information. I had my eyes locked on him for a bit, taking in every detail of his face and once again, new appreciation lit up within me. So, I dared to smile, "I can't believe you've actually been this dedicated."

"What I did to Loki wasn't fair so I... had to do something to make you trust me again." My gaze softened as I was looking at him. His blond hair was falling over his face as his red eyes were piercing through me and my knees almost buckled under the weight of his emotions for me.

"Belial," I murmured, stepping closer. The air between us crackled with unspoken feelings and the gravity of our shared mission. "You've more than made up for it. We're in this together now, and I trust you completely." His eyes flickered with relief and something deeper, a bond that had grown stronger through our trials. Then, out of nowhere, Belial stood up from the bed and stepped towards me, his hands grabbing my face and a lump slid down my throat.

"I've missed your face," he smirked, his voice husky with emotion. "I'm glad you came to see me." And before I could say anything, he pulled me into a kiss, his lips meeting mine with a fervor that ignited a fire within me. This time, I let him do it, without budging or protests. Because I, too, wanted to kiss him. So, I wrapped my arms around him as I pulled him into a deeper kiss. Gently, he pulled away as his eyes pierced right through me.

"Who knew after all this we'd be this close, huh," I laughed as I was gazing at him. He was a truly attractive demon, I couldn't deny it. The pull was there and going on strong.

Belial's smirk widened, a playful glint in his eyes. "I've always had a keen eye for trouble," he admitted, his tone teasing yet genuine, "And you, my dear, Asmodeus, seem to attract it wherever you go."

I chuckled, feeling a warmth spread through me at his words. "You're not wrong about that," I conceded, knowing all too well the chaos that seemed to follow me like a shadow. Then, I cleared my throat as I realized the familiar warmth was the last thing I wanted to feel right now. "We should figure out what to do with Paimon though." I switched the topic before Belial could add anything else that could make my knees buckle. Belial let go of my face before he looked down at the still figure on the floor.

"You're right," he said with a deep frown as he walked a circle around the body before looking up at me as he pulled out a ring from his pocket. "Well I have Solomon's ring, so I don't think he's going anywhere soon," he declared with such nonchalance that it was almost alluring.

"It still baffles me how you managed to obtain all of it," I laughed in disbelief as I came closer to him and scanned the object in his palm. "Isn't the Abyss dangerous?"

"Well..." Belial hummed, "it is. But Paimon knowing the location of it meant that he also had a way to get us out." He walked over the table littered with books. "Turns out ever since the Devil defeated Solomon, he threw him into the Abyss and bound him for eternity there. So, all I needed to was do some convincing." He made a little pause before grinning wickedly, "he thought by killing Solomon and obtaining some of his artifacts will make every demon loyal to him. But he didn't know I secured a piece of Solomon's jewelry beforehand."

I listened intently to as Belial recounted his daring exploits a mixture of admiration and amusement coloring my expression. "Impressive," I remarked, nodding in approval.

"Thank you, kind sir," he said, chuckling as he bowed jokingly. I sincerely didn't think I would've been able to do this without him. If anything, knowing Mammon had brought me Belial. And now with Loki gone, Belial was the best option I had.

"By the way, Mammon is off the table. We are no longer doing anything to him," I decided to let him know in case he also had something planned for Mammon too. Belial's eyes widened in surprise.


"His own spinelessness will be the end of him anyway. I can't waste my time on someone like him." I didn't want to disclose any other details. Belial didn't need to know on how Mammon truly screwed him over in the end. If he knew, he could've not agreed with my decision.

Belial nodded thoughtfully, his expression unreadable. "Understood," he replied, his tone neutral. "I'll make sure our focus remains on the bigger picture." I could sense a hint of disappointment in his demeanor, but he quickly masked it with a determined look. It was clear that he understood the importance of our mission, even if it meant setting aside personal vendettas.

"However, we must act fast on dealing with the Devil though. It's only a matter of time before he starts wondering where Paimon is." I said and he nodded again. "Beelzebub is back in the game too."

"It's about time he came to his senses." Belial grumbled and rolled his eyes.

"True," I chuckled softly, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. It had been quite a push and pull with Beelzebub, but I was grateful that everything had worked out in the end. I hoped he wouldn't have any last-minute changes of heart.

With a mischievous smirk playing on my lips, I sauntered over to Belial and gently took hold of his collar. "But... before we proceed with our mission, I think we deserve to celebrate our success," I murmured, my voice low and suggestive. "And give you my thanks properly."

I leaned in, planting a lingering kiss on his neck, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my lips. As I knelt down, my fingers deftly worked to unbuckle his pants, anticipation coursing through my veins.

As I began to work on his belt, a soft chuckle escaped Belial's lips, his eyes alight with amusement and desire. "Always the charmer, aren't you?" he teased, his voice tinged with anticipation.

With practiced ease, I undid his belt and slowly lowered his pants, revealing the outline of his muscular thighs. My heart raced with excitement as I leaned in, trailing soft kisses along his skin, savoring the taste of him.

Belial let out a low sigh, his fingers tangling in my hair as he leaned back against the edge of the bed. His touch sent shivers down my spine, igniting a fire within me that burned hotter with each passing moment.

As I continued to explore his body with eager lips and roaming hands, I felt a sense of contentment wash over me. Despite the chaos and uncertainty that surrounded us, in this moment, everything felt right and possibilities endless.

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