As I was sitting in the chair, waiting for the booze to take a hold of me, the long arched window on the other side of the room was the only thing I had my eyes fixated on. The time seemed to stretch out until I noticed some white flakes falling. I thought that maybe some volcano erupted, sending the ashes towards the castle. However, the more I stared outside, I noticed that it was far too consistent and vertical to be ash. I frowned lightly as I slowly stood up from the chair and made my way towards the window.
I almost pressed my face against the glass just so I could take a closer look. I turned my gaze upwards and noticed that the flakes were falling directly from the sky. It was... snow. My eyes widened in shock as I took one step away, trying to wrap my mind around what I had just seen. Snow in Hell?! I had a really hard time grasping that notion as I just stumbled away from the window and pushed the door open. I leaned on the door frame as I was looking out at the crowd gathering. I hectically scanned them trying to see if enough of them were present.
"There's snow in Hell." I spoke somewhat loudly but my voice cracked as I noticed my mouth beginning to dry out at the sheer shock. Naturally nobody heard me, so I cleared my throat, and repeated much louder, "SNOW IS IN HELL!" My voice spread out through the hallway rapidly, making everyone stop in their tracks and turned their gazes at me. "YES, YOU HEARD ME. SNOW IS HERE." I continued and everyone started panicking and talking amongst themselves.
Mammon's eyes locked onto mine, a rare display of anxiety flickering across his face. I shrugged in response, scanning the crowd for Beelzebub, but he was nowhere to be found. Was this the leakage of Ragnarok the Devil had warned us about? Hell was truly about to freeze over. A whirlwind of thoughts raced through my mind as I observed the chaos unfolding around me, and then I spotted the Devil descending the stairs.
His frown deepened as he witnessed the frenzy, his gaze piercing through the crowd until it settled on me. I met his stare with a blank expression, refusing to succumb to the weight of his accusatory gaze. Without hesitation, he hastened towards the east wing, his voice booming with authority, "EVERYONE MOVE!"
Instantly, the demons scattered away from the windows, revealing the cause of the panic. The Devil's face muscles suddenly relaxed as he watched the scene outside. Like watching an exact moment when someone loses their last bit of hope. I slowly moved away from the door frame and made my way towards the boss as I stood right next to him, crossing my arms.
"Do you still think letting Loki leave was the best idea?" I asked with a small smirk despite knowing Loki was in Hell because of me to begin with. The Devil clenched his jaw as he looked towards me.
"You are just as doomed as I am, Asmodeus." He said.
"I know, it's just fun looking at your face." I snorted and then walked away from him as I noticed from the corner of my eye Beelzebub enter the room. His eyes were also fixated on the scene outside so I went over to him to share the misery.
"Is it... because of Ragnarok?" He asked as his eyes slowly locked on me.
"There's no other explanation." I quickly responded as I too began watching the snowfall along with everyone else. That made me wonder how Loki was holding up. I desperately wanted him to somehow give me a sign he was alive and well.
My hand went up to the chain around my neck as I yanked it. I held it up to eye level as I suddenly felt the overwhelming rage and sadness as I looked at it. I sighed in annoyance as I pushed it deep in my pocket, resolving to throw it away later. Maybe even burn it, destroy it. I couldn't have any resemblance of him. It was too painful and distracting.
At that moment the Devil decided it was enough of watching the scenery and he turned around, walked back to the top of the stairs. King Paimon soon joined him, taking a space right next to him like the good loyal dog that he was.
"That's enough everyone. We will have to deal with it later. For now, we must focus on saying goodbye to our dear and departed soldier." He spoke as loudly as ever. With a flick of the fingers, the curtains drew together, temporarily shielding us from the impending chaos that was forming outside. The lights then began dimming until it was barely visible except for the black candles on the walls and floor candelabras.
As more demons gathered around the altar, the crowd grew dense, forcing Beelzebub and me to be pushed out of the inner circle. I didn't resist, feeling as though I didn't deserve a place among those paying their respects. For the first time in ages, a solemn silence fell over the demons, each one absorbed in their own thoughts as they bid farewell to a fallen comrade.
In the midst of the solemn silence, memories of Astaroth flooded my mind like a torrential downpour. His voice echoed in the recesses of my memory, his fierce loyalty etched into the very fabric of my being.
Lost in my reverie, I barely noticed Mammon's presence beside me until he spoke in a hushed tone, his voice laced with an uncharacteristic vulnerability. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen, Asmodeus. I truly didn't."
His words stirred something within me, a flicker of empathy amidst the tumult of emotions raging inside. "I know, Mammon. But I'll never forgive you." I replied softly but sternly, my voice barely audible above the solemn murmurs of the gathering.
As the funeral rites continued, I found myself grappling with a myriad of conflicting emotions - grief, anger, regret. But amidst the chaos of my thoughts, one thing remained clear: Astaroth's loss had left a void in Hell that could never be filled. And as the candles flickered in the dim light, casting eerie shadows across the hall, I vowed to honor his memory in whatever way I could, for as long as I drew breath in the infernal realm.
As the funeral procession continued, the atmosphere thick with solemnity, a figure emerged from the crowd, striding purposefully towards the altar. It was Paimon, his typically stoic expression softened by a hint of sorrow.
Clearing his throat, Paimon's voice resonated through the hall, commanding the attention of all those present. "My fellow demons," he began, his words carrying the weight of his grief. "Today, we gather to bid farewell to a warrior, a comrade, and a friend. Astaroth may have fallen in battle, but his legacy will endure for eternity."
As he spoke, Paimon's eyes swept over the gathered demons, each one bearing witness to the loss they had suffered. "Astaroth was more than just a soldier," he continued, his voice steady despite the raw emotion in his words. "He was a beacon of strength and courage, a steadfast ally in our darkest hours."
Pausing for a moment, Paimon bowed his head in silent reverence, a gesture of respect for the fallen demon. "Though he may no longer walk among us, Astaroth's spirit lives on in each of us," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "Let us honor his memory not with tears, but with a renewed determination to carry on his legacy. Let us stand together, united in purpose, as we face whatever challenges lie ahead."
As Paimon concluded his speech, a sense of quiet reverence settled over the hall, each demon reflecting on the words spoken in tribute to their fallen comrade. On the other side of the hall, I noticed Belial's face in the dim light, his face completely still, expressing no emotion whatsoever. I thought he could've been the only demon who was not capable of experiencing grief. Either that or he was just a good at pushing it all down.
His eyes slowly found mine from across the hall. The expression on his face was indifferent for a moment when suddenly he raised an eyebrow as he noticed Mammon next to me. I shrugged and then focused my intention on him, attempting to send him a telepathic message.
I don't know. He just came to apologize in his weird way.
Soon enough, I got a reply back.
You talked to him?
Yes, it was quite heated. But now he's acting strange.
Is he ever not? Get away from him, don't let him rope you in.
I was rather surprised by Belial's determination in eliminating Mammon. I had never expected that I'd trust Belial over Mammon. But these times were not one of the more predictable ones. Given my less-than-stellar track record with trust, I decided to not to rush into another hope of friendship. I had decided to view Belial just as an ally and nothing more. I couldn't let him rope me in either. My ability to trust all the wrong people had lead me down a horrible downward spiral.
However, I listened to Belial this time when it came to Mammon as I, too, didn't want to trust Mammon again. I saw that the Devil was rather focused on paying respects to Astaroth as he had his eyes closed, seemingly in a meditative state. I took that as an opportunity to sneak through the crowd and go and join Belial's end. I sneaked behind him but he didn't flinch upon my sudden arrival.
"I don't understand your sudden interest in the cause." I spoke, barely audible over the whisper.
"You shouldn't be here," came his quick response.
"Yet here I am."
"Follow me. But wait until you do so." He said before he began breaking through the crowd and eventually disappearing into it. I rapidly started almost chasing after him as I tried to figure out where he went until I found him slowly entering the casino. I highly doubted I was very subtle with my franticness but other demons didn't seem to mind. I hastily walked over to the door of the casino before I, too, entered it. Inside of it was rather dark too, except for the dim lights from candles. All I could see was Belial standing a few feet away from the entrance with his arms crossed, waiting for me patiently but there was a bit of annoyance in his face.
"I've told you we need to be more cautious," he broke the silence, his voice tinged with apprehension.
"I would be if you actually explained what's going on," I retorted, crossing my arms in a defensive gesture mirroring his own.
"I said I will. But a funeral isn't the time for it," he replied.
"I'm not known for my patience," I smirked, and he raised an eyebrow skeptically.
"Is that so?" he scoffed. "Yet you seem to lack observation," he added, his tone laden with implication.
"I was preoccupied with delaying the apocalypse," I sighed, feigning regret. He chuckled at my response before shaking his head.
"Ever heard of Sisyphus?" he asked, to which I nodded. "You're very much like him. Pushing a boulder up a hill, never reaching the summit. But it's not the end that brings him fulfillment; it's the uncertainty of the journey. Despite the futility, you persist. It's rather admirable."
"Should I take this as a compliment?" I asked with a clear confusion in my voice.
"Take it as you will. It's a fact nonetheless." He sighed before he walked a few steps back and took a seat at the bar. He patted the seat next to him and I joined him quickly after. "I quite like you." He suddenly expressed and I almost flinched at his words. "But I quite liked Mammon too."
"Where's this going...?"
"You really aren't known for your patience," he sighed, reaching out to summon a bottle from the shelf, which flew into his hand. "Have a drink and relax," he offered, pouring me a shot. "After you escaped imprisonment, the Devil had... quite the time with me. Tortured me for hours until I confessed everything." I resisted the urge to gloat about Astral serving him his karma. Instead, I decided to take the high road, which felt strange.
"And... you ended up telling him about Loki?" I asked and he shot me a glare because I interrupted his storytelling again.
"Yes. I desperately didn't want to do it but the Devil's ways are immaculate. He forced me to go to Asgard and tell everything about Loki. I initially didn't want to do it so I ran to Mammon who was basically still bedridden at that time but fully awake. You see, Mammon and I... had an odd relationship. We were rather close but he didn't quite share the same feelings as me. Instead, he used me and what we had. He tried to convince me how horrible you were about what you did with Lucifer. That's why I tried to warn you about him initially, that we should strike while he was still in a coma. You didn't want to listen to me at all though. However, I didn't really try because I... still felt some sympathy for Mammon." He made a small pause before breathing in heavily. "However, what the Devil suggested didn't sit right with me so I ran to Mammon, hoping he'd convince me not to do it, that it was too far. But he... His eyes went completely dark when he heard about the plans that he also forced me into doing that otherwise he'd kill me... himself." He fell silent as he grabbed a glass too and poured himself a shot.
I stared at him, completely stunned by his honesty and vulnerability. I had no idea what exactly to think. It was a lot to take in before he suddenly spoke up again.
"I felt trapped, Asmodeus," Belial confessed, his voice laced with anguish. "I didn't know what to do. I couldn't defy the Devil, and Mammon's betrayal shattered whatever trust I had left. It was a choice between my life and my conscience, and I made the wrong one."
His admission hung heavy in the air, filling the space between us with tension and regret. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Belial, despite the betrayal. It was a reminder that even demons could be driven to desperate acts under the weight of their circumstances.
I fought my own conscience too, I didn't want to trust him. But I fully understood the position he was put in. He was made to have no choice.
"I'm glad you told me." I said as softly as I could. I slowly raised my hand and grasped his that was clutching the glass. "It's quite a ride you've been on. I'm so happy... you tried to fight for me."
"Asmodeus." He spoke in low voice as his eyes caught mine. I was taken aback by the intensity in them. "I know that what I did to you is unforgivable. Your ability to understand me means a lot." He said, sincerity laced in his voice. He let go of the glass as he instead caught my hand. "We might have a rather fucked up history but your resilience inspired me beyond the means. I hope you know this. Lucifer would be so proud of you."
The moment I heard the last sentence, I felt like my heart broke in two. It was so odd watching Belial be so open and vulnerable. Sometimes, I'd forget that me being the demon of deep desires and feelings would have even demons open up to me like this. In that moment, as Belial laid bare his vulnerabilities before me, I couldn't help but marvel at the depth of emotion that existed within even the darkest corners of Hell.
"I had no idea you thought of me this way. As you said, given our fucked up history."
"Asmodeus, I..." he stopped for a second as his eyes grew more intense under the dim lights. "I wish it was you, not Mammon. And I wish it was me, not Loki."
That very second, I felt like all of my thoughts just disappeared into the void. As a demon of lust, I was accustomed to being privy to the deepest desires of both demons and humans alike. It was an effortless exchange, an intimate dance of longing and fulfillment that unfolded with practiced ease. But Belial... He was the last demon I expected to succumb to the allure that surrounded me. What struck me most profoundly was the intensity that burned within his gaze, a multifaceted obsession that lay veiled beneath the surface. In the depths of his eyes, I glimpsed layers of longing and fervor that transcended mere lust, reaching into realms of desire that I had not encountered in eons.
In that shared moment of silent communion, a silent understanding passed between us, unspoken but palpable in the charged air. It was a recognition of the myriad intricacies that bound us together, weaving a tapestry of fate that defied explanation. And as I sat there, locked in the thrall of his unwavering gaze, I couldn't help but feel a stirring of something profound stirring within me—a primal longing that echoed the depths of Belial's obsession.
However, the moment I felt something stirring, I tried to fight hard against it. I couldn't allow this to happen again even though Belial's desire for me was somehow mesmerizing.
"I don't know what to say..." I spoke, completely baffled by this sudden unfolding of the events. "How can you say that after literally torturing me?" I asked with a slight frown. Despite the fervor emanating from his gaze, I remained wary, mindful of the duplicity inherent in demonkind. "It defies all reason."
Belial's lips curled into a smirk, his hand ascending to clasp the nape of my neck, fingers entwining with the strands of my hair. A surge of electricity coursed through me, igniting a cascade of goosebumps upon my skin. Never before had I experienced such an overwhelming tide of desire emanating from another being.
"Well, if anyone should understand it's you. Watching you kneel before me really sparked something in me," he whispered, his voice dripping with honeyed persuasion. His touch sent shivers down my spine, and for a fleeting moment, I found myself lost in the depths of his gaze. "Then I got to know you more and you are just... so captivating."
I tried to push away the conflicting emotions that threatened to engulf me. This was Belial, the demon who had betrayed me, tortured me, and now stood before me with an offer I knew I should refuse. But his proximity, his touch, stirred something deep within me, a longing I had thought long buried.
We stared at each other, while I was fighting every urge to do what Belial wanted me to do. After all, I was ruling lust, I shouldn't succumb to it so easily. His face was slowly coming closer to mine and I froze, wanting to escape but curiosity reached its peak in wondering how this would all turn out to be if I let it be.
Suddenly, the door swung open, and our attention snapped to the newcomer in an instant. It was Beelzebub, staring at us with a mixture of surprise and confusion.
"Uh, guys, you should come out. We're starting the offerings," he said hastily, his expression remaining stoic despite the peculiar scene unfolding before him. Then he quickly backed out of the room and closed the door behind him. Belial and I turned our attention towards each other. I breathed out nervously as I escaped his touch and stood up from the chair.
"We should go." I mumbled and I bolted out of the casino, desperately searching for Beelzebub in the crowd. I couldn't see him so I pushed myself through the maze of demons until I reached the altar. Everyone looked at me in confusion but I just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. With trembling hands, I sliced open my palm, allowing the blood to flow freely before placing my hand over the bowl. As the obsidian droplets dripped into the chalice, I felt a solemn sense of duty wash over me. This offering of blood would ensure that Astaroth's essence remained etched into the fabric of Astral, never to be forgotten or fully extinguished.
Eventually, I pulled my hand away and backed away from the altar as I began scanning the room again but I couldn't see any familiar faces. I felt my head pounding with just thinking of what had just transpired between Belial and me and yet I couldn't see Beelzebub anywhere. I needed to get out of here so badly.
I forced my way through the crowd, my sole focus on reaching the door. I didn't care if the Devil had granted me permission to leave yet; all I wanted was to escape. Battling newfound emotions was hard enough, let alone contending with a newfound lust for a demon I once despised. The anguish that had consumed me since Loki's departure now intertwined with Belial's unexpected desire for me and Mammon's betrayal. It was all too much to bear. I yearned for the days when Mammon harbored nothing but contempt for me, when Belial's indifference was a comfort, and Beelzebub was the only one I truly cared about. I longed for a reality where Loki and I had never crossed paths.
Pushing the door open, I sucked in a breath of cold air. The snow blanketing the surface of Hell felt oddly soothing, despite the chaos it heralded. As I surveyed the frozen landscape, I realized that nothing would ever be the same again. Hell was indeed freezing over, and with it, the fabric of my reality was irrevocably altered.
I was just standing at the entrance of the palace, looking out at the white blanket before me. The surreal coldness overwhelmed my whole being but it felt nice. I turned my head skyward as I watched the snow fall. I closed my eyes as I reveled in the cold. I wished it was capable of freezing my emotions as well.
"Hey, Asmo, are you okay?" Beelzebub's voice pierced through my thoughts, drawing my attention. I managed a small smile at the sound of his familiar voice and slowly opened my eyes to meet his gaze.
"Am I ever?" I sighed, my voice heavy with exhaustion. Turning my gaze back to the frozen landscape before us, I saw Beelzebub follow suit, his expression mirroring my own.
"Damn. It's truly the end times," he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.
"I find it oddly comforting," I mumbled, surprising even myself with the admission. Beelzebub arched an eyebrow, shooting me a curious glance.
"Maybe you just find comfort in the fact that it's almost over. You fought hard to delay it," he suggested, his words carrying a weight of understanding.
"Probably. I could only do so much."
"You never could do anything, Asmo," Beelzebub murmured softly, his hand resting comfortingly on my shoulder. Meeting his gaze, I felt a pang of realization wash over me. I truly was like Sisyphus. What was the point of all this? All I seemed to do was cause pain and destruction, not just to others but to myself as well.
Glancing back at the Devil, who stood stoically at the top of the staircase, I couldn't help but feel a sense of defeat wash over me. In the end, neither he nor I emerged victorious. We were both casualties of forces beyond our control. But amidst the chaos, there was one demon I couldn't simply let off the hook.
My gaze drifted towards Mammon, who lingered at the sidelines, a silent witness to the aftermath of his actions. He had single-handedly destroyed everything I had fought so hard to achieve, driven by a bitterness that defied reason. It was a betrayal I couldn't simply ignore.
Newfound emotion surfaced and it was hatred to the demon I once considered a friend. At least hatred was one emotion I was very comfortable with. Despite his explanations, there was not a part of me that could forgive him. And he even had the audacity to say he didn't mean it. Well, Mammon, it was too late now. You had already killed us.
Then, an idea sparked in me, as my eyes once again met Beelzebub's. "What if our plan includes Mammon along with the Devil?"
Beelzebub's face displayed instant shock with my suggestion as he quickly glanced at Mammon and then fixated them on me as he came closer, "You... want to kill Mammon?" He asked through a whisper.
"How's that more shocking than killing the Devil?" I frowned slightly.
"You really cared about Mammon..."
"I cared about the Devil too." I interrupted before he could finish his thought.
"You're just going to speed up the end now." Beelzebub explained, trying to make me see reason. But I had no reason left in me. It was the end so we may as well go out with a bang.
I shook my head, my decision made. "I'm tired of fighting against the inevitable," I said, my voice tinged with resignation. "Maybe it's time to let it all fall apart."
Beelzebub looked at me, his expression a mix of concern and disbelief. "You can't be serious, Asmo. This isn't like you."
I shrugged off his hand from my shoulder and took a step back. "Maybe it's time I stopped being who I was. Maybe it's time I embraced the chaos instead of fighting against it." I said firmly as I locked my eyes with Beelzebub's whose expression was showing certain level of concern for my mental health. "He put Loki in near death situation. I don't know if Loki is still alive and well and you expect me to just let him be."
Beelzebub clenched his jaw, struggling to understand my perspective. "All I'm saying is, I think you're going too far. I could back you up with the Devil but going after Mammon as well is too much. You know I don't like him at all but... are you sure?"
His attempts at reasoning with me just felt like words running off me like water. I couldn't let Mammon just be. It also annoyed me that Beelzebub was backing out and he struggled to understand me. Our perspectives were far too different and it hurt me sometimes.
"Beelzebub. If you don't understand why, then understand that... Loki has made me see things I've never seen before. He has opened my mind in a way no one has ever done. And I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just acted like Mammon did nothing to me. He took everything from me. And I feel like I'm dying inside every single minute that Loki is away from me." The words rolled off my tongue and I felt the familiar pressure in my throat. It hurt. It hurt so much. I never thought something not tangible could hurt in such real way.
Beelzebub's gaze softened and he stopped judging me as harshly. "It was a matter of time till you admitted it out loud. I'm proud of you." He smiled but then he added, "however, I can't help but think Loki himself would be against you doing this. He wants you to stay alive, right?"
"He does but he needs justice as well."
"You don't know what Loki needs. For all you know, Ragnarok was bound to happen one way or another. And going after Mammon would be huge mistake. Besides, he wasn't the one who threw Mjolnir's hammer in the void."
"He may not have directly caused it, but he set the stage. He betrayed me. They would have found Loki eventually, sealing him away again. And I can't bear the thought of never seeing him again." My voice trembled with longing, the ache for Loki piercing through me, consuming my every thought.
Beelzebub let out a heavy sigh, his expression a mix of frustration and resignation. "I've never been able to sway you, have I? I don't know why I thought I could now. Just remember, I warned you about this."
"There's no one else I'd rather die for." I said with decisiveness in my voice that even Beelzebub was taken aback by my confession. I stood in front of him for a few moments but he didn't seem to give in. "Whatever, Beelzebub. Have a nice life." I said dryly before I turned away from him, feeling a pang of disappointment. Never thought Belial would've been the last one standing in the cause. Although he seemed to go through similar things as me. A lot of betrayal was haunting his past.
The hall was now brighter, with the curtains drawn open but the altar remained in the same place. A lot of demons were gone by now, but scanning the room, I hadn't found Belial. I walked to the casino as I opened the door. It was still empty except for the familiar silhouette on the same chair like earlier. He turned his head towards me as we both locked gazes on each other.
"Back so soon?" Belial asked through a smirk, as he fully turned around in the bar stool and leaned back on the bar.
"I have a proposal for you." I said with seriousness in my voice which made Belial drop the smirk. I walked up to the stool next to him and his intense gaze had me again. It made me swallow a lump but I held fast onto my last remaining strand of sanity. "How about we include Mammon into our plan with the Devil?" I went straight to the point and I watched him raise his eyebrows in a surprise.
"Wow." he said, as he stared off into the distance as he tried to wrap his head around it as well. Why was it so surprising to everyone but me? "Okay," came his rather quick response and I frowned slightly.
"Okay?" I thought I would have to have another back and forth.
"Yeah. I get it. I want to kill him too. He was ready to kill me too, so why shouldn't I be ready?" He said nonchalantly, his eyes locked on mime. Once again, the last bit of hope sprung to life in me. At long last, someone understood.
"Are you sure? You're not going to back out at the last second?" I inquired, searching his eyes for any hint of uncertainty. Instead, they darkened with a different emotion, something primal and intense. He leaned closer, his gaze lingering on my lips before meeting my eyes again.
"I was honest about my desires. I wouldn't do anything to compromise your trust in me. I know it's hard for you to trust again. Besides, we've both been scarred by the same demon, haven't we?" He explained as he softly smiled.
There was an intensity that he carried with him that was irrefutable. Despite his chaotic self, he was a very vengeful demon as he was a demon of fury. So when he was angry, he was really angry. It wasn't expressive outwardly but I could sense a whole tide of emotions swirling in him the moment I gazed into his eyes. It was the type of anger that often drove me except his was much more intense and almost palpable. I felt like I could reach inside of him and instead of a gushing obsidian heart, I would discover coal with smoldering embers, brimming with sparks of fury.
In that moment, I realized that we were more alike than I had ever imagined. We were both haunted by our pasts, driven by a need for vengeance that ran deep within our souls. And as much as I tried to fight it, I couldn't deny the pull I felt toward him.
"Belial..." I began, my voice barely above a whisper as I reached out to touch his arm. But before I could say another word, he leaned in closer, his breath warm against my skin.
"I know you're hurting," he murmured, his gaze locked on mine with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. "But I'm here for you. We can get through this together."
His words felt like a lifeline as I felt like all life was flashing before my eyes. Everything was chaotic and so confusing and, it was true, it would've been better if none of this had happened. I desperately wanted to escape to be nowhere at all but slowly I had come to realize that I was going to be stranded in the unfolding chaos until the end. And if Belial was the one offering me only life boat in this ocean with an incoming hurricane hurling towards me, then I had no choice but to take it. I was far past being able to handle this alone.
I slowly leaned closer to him almost testing him if he was brave enough to go into the deep end with me. Belial's gaze grew in intensity, now lust being the only emotion he was emanating. I had felt next to nothing for Belial, it was true. My entire being stayed somewhere with Loki but Belial was going to be a good distraction. I was wrong for doing this but, as I was told once before, I was never the hero in this story.
With a smile, I reached out and pulled him closer, pressing my lips to his. Belial responded eagerly, deepening the kiss as he pulled me closer, his grip on the bar stool tightening. He bit my lower lip, giving a hint he wanted more. He smirked into the kiss as I slowly pulled away.
"Not yet. You're going to have to prove your loyalty." I spoke softly as my hand began stroking the back of his hair. He cocked his eyebrow in a taunting way.
"Is that so?" My breath hitched as he tugged at my hair, sending a thrill through my body. His lips trailed along my jawline, igniting a fire within me that I hadn't felt in ages. I couldn't deny the desire that coursed through my veins; it had been far too long since I'd felt this kind of pleasure. Despite the chaos surrounding us, in that moment, all that mattered was the heat of his touch against my skin.
With each kiss he left on my neck, the flames of desire grew hotter, consuming me entirely. As he tore away my shirt, exposing my bare chest, a surge of anticipation washed over me. I surrendered to the intensity of the moment, losing myself in the pleasure of his touch.
All of a sudden he stopped and pulled away. I opened my eyes and was about to ask him before he spoke in low voice, "Come with me."
Without hesitation, I followed after him as he made his way into my office. The moment we entered, he locked it behind us which was definitely a smart thing to do. He pulled me by the arm as he pushed everything off my desk as he pushed me to down on it. He instantly pulled me into another kiss as his hands began undoing my pants. Soon enough, he stripped them down and threw them beside the desk as he grabbed me by the thighs as he pulled me closer as he kissed me in such a passionate way. I didn't think it was possible to feel so on fire until this very moment. The desire he had felt more very well translated into his actions.
"You don't know for how long I wanted to do this." He said in a low voice as he pulled away from the kiss. His heavy breathing was almost intoxicating as he held nothing but raw lust for me. And it was rather liberating for me.
"Well, now you've got me." I smirked, planting a small kiss on his jawline.
"I just want you to belong to me, though," he whispered, caressing the side of my neck. I slowly pulled away, raising an eyebrow in caution.
"Easy now," I warned, well aware of how obsessive demons could become. His brows furrowed slightly in annoyance.
"Man, you are driving me crazy," he mumbled, pulling me into another kiss before starting to remove his shirt. Soon, I was faced with a chiseled statue of a chest. I never expected him to look so good with his shirt off. My eyes sparkled with newfound lust as I pulled him closer, continuing to kiss his neck and trailing down to his chest, caressing his naked body. It was so smooth but so hard and it felt so perfectly against my hands. A small, satisfying groan escaped his mouth as I lightly nibbled on his neck. Suddenly his hand wrapped around my neck as he forced me away from him. His eyes bore into my own, and it almost looked like he was trying to rein in his urges, whatever they were. Then he pulled me into a kiss as he began undoing his pants as well. Soon enough, he exposed his girth and my mouth almost fell open at the size of it. A lot of demons were blessed by the size but he was especially so.
"That is... a considerable length," I snickered as my eyes met his.
"You're not so bad yourself." He smirked.
It was a while since I was on the bottom but I couldn't say I minded it. He grabbed me by the thighs once again which, this time, forced me to lay flat on the desk underneath me. A wave of anticipation washed over me as I watched him, his movements sending sparks of desire coursing through my veins. With each stroke of his hand, the tension between us grew thicker, building to an inevitable climax that promised to leave us both breathless and spent.
I spread my legs wider, inviting him to take me, to claim me as his own in this moment of shared passion. He positioned himself between my thighs, his gaze locked with mine as he slowly entered me, inch by inch, until we were fully joined in a union of flesh and desire.
The sensation was electric, sending waves of pleasure radiating through every nerve ending in my body. I arched my back, offering myself up to him completely, surrendering to the overwhelming ecstasy that consumed us both.
As our bodies moved together in a primal dance of desire, I felt an overwhelming urge to explore every inch of his skin, to leave my mark on him as he left his mark on me. With trembling hands, I reached out and traced the contours of his body, my fingers leaving trails of fire in their wake.
I leaned in closer, my lips brushing against his neck as I trailed a line of soft kisses along his jawline. With each kiss, I felt the heat between us intensify, until it was all I could do to contain the fire that raged within me.
And then, unable to resist any longer, I sank my teeth into his skin, biting down with just enough force to elicit a sharp gasp from him. His hands tightened on my hips, pulling me closer as he let out a low growl of pleasure.
Emboldened by his response, I began to explore further, trailing kisses and nibbles down his chest and abdomen, reveling in the taste of his skin against my lips. I felt his muscles tense beneath my touch, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps as he surrendered to the pleasure of our shared intimacy.
In return, he reciprocated, his hands roaming my body with a feverish intensity, leaving trails of heat in their wake. I gasped as his nails dug into my skin, leaving behind a delicious sting that only served to heighten my arousal.
And then, in a sudden, dizzying rush of sensation, I felt his hand close around my throat, his grip firm yet gentle as he applied just enough pressure to send shivers of pleasure coursing through me. I gasped for breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I surrendered myself completely to the exquisite torment of his touch.
His hand around my neck tightened and the rush of ecstasy went through my body as he also sped up his pace as he pounded into me harder than before. He let out a small growl as I dug my nails into his chest and scratched it, leaving long red marks. Our eyes locked with each other and there was nothing there just pure lust eminating from them. It was like he wanted to possess me whole and I let him.
He let go of my neck as he let his hand rest next to my head and with the other one he grabbed my member too and he began stroking it.
Our bodies moved in perfect harmony, a symphony of desire and primal need. With each thrust, each touch, the intensity of our passion only grew stronger, spiraling us deeper into the abyss of ecstasy.
I surrendered myself completely to the pleasure, letting out primal moans and gasps as he took control of my body, driving me to the brink of madness with his relentless pace.
His hand on my neck tightened, sending a shiver of pleasure coursing through me as he increased the pressure, his movements becoming more urgent, more aggressive. I matched his intensity, digging my nails into his chest, leaving behind a trail of fiery marks that mirrored the burning desire coursing through my veins.
Our eyes locked in a primal dance of lust and longing, each gaze a silent vow of mutual surrender to the overwhelming passion that consumed us both.
And then, with a growl of pure ecstasy, he released his grip on my neck, his hand moving to stroke my throbbing member in perfect synchrony with his thrusts. The sensation was overwhelming, sending waves of pleasure crashing over me as I surrendered myself completely to the savage beauty of our shared desire.
And then, with a primal roar, we both reached the pinnacle of ecstasy, our bodies wracked with spasms of pleasure as waves of intense pleasure washed over us. It was a moment of pure abandon, a transcendent experience that left us both breathless and spent.
As the aftershocks of pleasure subsided, we collapsed against each other, our bodies entwined in a tangle of limbs and sweat, our hearts still racing with the intensity of our shared climax. It was a moment of perfect connection, a fleeting glimpse of paradise in the midst of a world consumed by chaos.
"Do you think others heard us?" I asked, breathlessly but through a chuckle.
"Possibly." He replied as he slowly pulled away and out of me. I sat up as I was watching him put on his clothes. "I have to go now. But as I told you, I'm with you till the end." He assured me as he put on his shirt with a small smile. He came closer to me as he planted a small kiss on my cheek.
"Great time though." I said with a grin.
"We have to repeat this." He whispered as he continued to stroke my face.
"Eventually." I responded and he clenched his jaw as a bit of annoyance flashed in his eyes. He let go of me and huffed out.
"I'll wait." He responded firmly.
"Come back soon so we can plan our next move." I said and he simply nodded.
"See you soon then." He smiled as he did a two-finger salute before rushing out of the office before anybody caught us together. I took a deep breath as I was watching him leave, having a bit of trouble grasping what had just happened but oddly I didn't regret it. I got up from the desk and picked up my pants from the floor and suddenly I saw something fall out as I put them on. My eyes turned their attention to it; it was the amulet Loki gave me.
As I picked it up, a wave of emotions washed over me, and I found myself taking a shaky breath. For a brief moment, I held the amulet in my hand, studying its intricate design, before deciding to tuck it away in a drawer behind my desk. It was a bittersweet gesture, but I couldn't bear to have it constantly remind me of his absence.
With a heavy heart, I closed the drawer, locking away the memories of Loki, at least for the time being. There was a part of me that twisted as I did it but I didn't want it to be constant reminder that he was gone. I didn't know when I was going to see him, if ever. But I decided to keep the memory of him locked in the drawer, somewhere away from others' eyes and mine as well.
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