chapter 2
Aayats pov
It's unpleasantly cold winter night; dark and mystifying the moon was sheltered by the murky looming clouds. The average winter here in Istanbul is the type of winter that everyone contradicted with a love hate relationship. It is the type that force you to breath into your hands making it clammy and cold.Which brings shivers to the body. The cold weather seems uneasy which disturbs me to sleep I picked up the alarm which placed beside the bed saw it was 2:00am mid night,sleep was far away from my sight so, I decided to pray tahajjud. Offering tahajjud brings peace and gives answer to all my questions. It is the bestest time to pray where allah (swt) is closed to his believers and showers his tremendous blessings. So, I headed to washroom to make wudhu after few minutes I walk out from the washroom set pray mat and offered namaz after completing namaz I raised up my hands for supplication while silently make dua as to shower his blessings upon my little brother and save him from every difficulties also keep my family happy and safe. Guide them to the straight path. provide my parents better place in jannah (heaven) aameen.
I finally finished dua and decided to read Qur'an and recited my favourite surah-al-rahman after recitation of qur'an the azaan for fajr was being heard I closed the holy book and kept in it's respective shelf. Later when azaan was done I completed my salah.
After when I was done with my prayer, I sat down thinking about my life those horrible memories of past years was still hauting me deep down suddenly I felt something wet down my cheeks only to realise tears were streaming from my eyes. As I remember those incidents of my past.
I saw two lifeless body completely covered with blood their bodies were being carried on a stretcher. I was completely shattered and heartbroken and shocked at the same time, I lost my balance and stumbled back a little my eyes couldn't believe when I saw those two people were my parents. I didn't wanted to believe my eyes, hoping what I saw before a minute was a horrible nightmare. Unfortunately deep down I knew was not.
I was crying harder as I was being told that my parents met with an car accident. I had my brother crying in my arms I was in hospital not exactly knowing what was happening arround. I was completely unaware of the things going arround me or may be pretending to be unknown. My parents were admitted to ICU while me and my uncle stood there outside the ward, I slowly sat on the ground my back resting against the wall. I sat there silently. my eyes were bloodshot by the tears that were continously streaming down. while my uncle had a dull face he seems to be broken as well but was controlling his tears may be to act strong infront of us as he stood there consoling me everytime I cry.
Later after few hours of waiting patiently the doctor allowed me and my uncle to visit my parents as I forced him to let me in. When I was in there, I saw my father was laying on a hospital bed lifelessly all the equipments inserted in his body. While my mother was laying there unconsciously. I slowly moved towards her gently took her hands Suddenly my hands started shaking hot tears started rolling down my cheeks my eyes were swollen and bloodshot due to the tears that were continuously streaming I stood there for a minute completely frozen at my place. As I realised she who gave me birth left me forever. My life Suddenly stops after knowing the fact the one who saves me from every danger was no more my mother was dead realising it my world crushed into pieces.
Later I saw my father laying there with those machines and equipments for a moment I wanted to remove all those things from his body but restricted myself to do so. As now I was crying even more. After few minutes my dad gestures something to me to which I was confused but realise to what he was saying as he was asking me to come near him. I moved towards him slowly as my father ask me to complete the gap leaving no space near the bed. I frighteningly moves towards him tears where continously rolling down my cheeks I slightly bend to him and sat down near the bed after I got near him. My father ask for my hand while I slowly placed my tiny hands in his crying harder every passing minute. His breathing where uneven and was bound arround with numerous medical equipments he had oxygen pumping machine which covered half of his mouth. He slowly started pull to remove the thing off his mouth. But it was making me worried at the same time. I tried to stop him from doing so but he indicates that he was being uncomfortable with that thing on him later he tries to whispers something to which I bend little more towards him to hear exactly what he try was now audible to me to hear him. As he began saying
'Remember beta, when I'll be not here arround you anymore. promise me you you will always take care of your little brother no matter what you face but always look after him, and by your uncle everytime you'll always treat them as your family. promise me aayat, you'll never leave them no matter what you'll be with our aunt and uncle always". Promise me.
I started crying harder while pleading
to my dad.
"No dad.. you can't leave us please dad... We both needs you" I was pleading to my dad not leave us alone.
Aayat beta try to understand this I know that I don't have much and some day everybody we have to leave this world. Please don't cry be happy and keep everyone happy.. I know my daughter is strong and can keep everyone happy. I cried harder as my uncle tried comforting me gesturing me to have sabr. I promise my dad to be happy. Later he called my uncle gesturing him to come near him my uncle moves forward to his brother silently who was standing behind me holding abdullah in his arms that's when he ask my uncle to look after me and abdullah. he said that his kids were his Responsiblity after him. Even my uncle promised him to take care of us till his life. My uncle tearfully smiled at my father promised him not to worry about us anymore. suddenly I felt my father's grip was being lossen from my hands his breathing goes uneven than before and slowly his vision becomes blurry his eyes started closing making him unconscious while his face turned onto blue he finally closed his eyes forever.
End of flashback..
I stood up wiping my tears which was spelling down. I walked towards washroom to freshup and to have a quick shower before changing into new clothes after having a quick shower and changing I headed downstairs to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. I was tried of being their torturing kit everyday so, decided to work as soon as possible before endup having another punishment I also I didn't want abdii to be the victim of my punishments. You probably have been thinking why they tortures me this much??? Well let me explain that to you Aunt sana never likes me since childhood. as she always have some bitter relationship towards me and thinks I was being liked by every people. though suhana was more than me in every aspect.
If you people are also thinking about suhana then let me tell you she is more like her mother rudeness was being gifted to her by her mother unlike Safa dii who is like her father kindhearted and supportive. she recently got married to Ahmed jiju he is loving and supportive towards her. Alhamdulilah. may allah always keep them happy (aameen) she is super friendly and bestest sister that everyone would wish for, as in my uncle mijaaz he is kind hearted and supportive as well. As of Sarah she plays the role of puppet in the hands of suhana and her mother.
After preparing their breakfast I started to clean the house. Before aunt sana wake up she needs everything to be perfect. After finishing my household chores. abdullah left for school. Finally suhana and Sarah comes and have their breakfast and was about to demand something but stops after watching uncle mijaaz walks to the table both sisters walk towards their father and greets him by saying their salam and left to school.
"Asalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu". I greeted my uncle while smiling at him
"Wa'alaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu" replied uncle smiling brightly at me.
So, why did my beautiful nephew is
Working all alone? Asked uncle mijaaz being suspicious. he didn't know about his wife and children behaviour as they act all sweet to me arround him.
If you Probably didn't understand what I meant then watch the scene. As Aunt sana will tell you..
Yes... Mijaaz.. I said aayat not work this much but she doesn't listen to me but works whole day. Said sana to my uncle while her eyes showed me different expression
I faked a smile at her and continued the act as she comes near me and stands beside me only to squeeze my hands from my back indicating me not open my mouth.
Yeah... Uncle it's okay aunt sana works all days so, why shouldn't I help her besides Iam all free...
"Aayat beta" Uncle mijaaz call out my name. I turned towards him while smiling at him.
Yeah? I looked at him confused
"Jazakallahukhair for the breakfast daughter you make my day he stood up kissed my forehead smiling at me"..
"Wa antum fa jazakallahukhair I smiled at him weakly as his sweet fatherly gestures reminds me of my father.
Mijaaz..... I think your getting late for office as said aunt sana as she reminded him. Breaking us apart from our father-daughter moment.
Although she couldn't tolerate us being closed with each other as she probably thinks I would tell all those betrayals of her but to be honest I didn't liked the idea of doing so, however they are my family I didn't want to create drift between my uncle and his family.
Aunt sana called me breaking me from my thoughts.
Huh?... Yeah? I replied.
I want to you to go to grocery shop right now. There are some special guest visiting us today so, I want everything should be perfect
Aunt sana ordered me in her usual commanding tone.
Bb..ut..ho..ww... I....?..
I was about speak up but she cut me off at once saying that I was having no choice..
I finally decided to give up as I wasn't in a mood to deal with her anymore...
I fixed my hijab properly. Later after receiving the list from my aunt I headed towards the main door closing it behind and started walking outside.
The streets seems busy as usual. There were many people walking, some were chatting, laughing and gossiping and some walking silently. I took right turn heading to the direction were the shop is exactly located. Suddenly group of men passed by the street they all wore dark business suit who seemed to be body guards. One of them hurriedly instructed to move everybody aside as their so called boss was arriving with his car.. Everybody obeyed his instructions and left the side. But I was stiff at my place, he now particularly again asked me to move aside for the last time, but I was too stubborn to listen his commands. Later
at the end he was about to push me aside. I decided to give up as i didn't want to be touched by him however, he was non mahram to me. I moved aside and waited patiently to pass the crowd of men in black, only to see a black Mercedes passed by the mall. The car was now parked outside the mall exactly opposite to the grocery shop were I was about leave. Later after the show was done, I saw a tall man approximately with the height of 6'ft having muscular figure appears out from his car. Howver everybody started gawking at him as he was some kind of entertainment for them. I furiously moved to the opposite side pushing some girls who were blocking my way while continuously gawking at that man. I finally reached the other side were the shop was located. While I felt someones glance on me but choose to ignore it walking silently to the shop...
Asalamualaikum, hi lovely readers
Pardon me for the late update..
Hope your enjoying..
What do you guys think about the guy why did he stole a glance on aayat?
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jazakallahukhair for providing your precious time...
Stay blessed ###
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