20. The Turning Point.
Friday had flown by, probably because all Louis could think about was tonight. The party at Nialls place, and as weird as it was to admit, he was anxious to see Harry. He was at his house getting ready for the night ahead, he put on his black skinny jeans, a loose black shirt and his maroon high-top chuck taylor converse shoes. It was only 6:30 and the party started at 8:00, but he was going to walk to Nialls and help set up.
So by the time he was finished and had walked to Niall's house, it was 7:00, Niall had opened the door with a slur of “Hey! Its Louis!” drawn out and Louis knew his beta friend had already been pre-drinking.
“Hi there Niall” the omega chuckled. “C’mon, we’ve gotta finish putting mums vases away!” Niall spoke slowly and Louis was laughing hard on the inside at his friend.
The two boys hid the vases in the attic, knowing there was no way they’d be touched. No one would go up there, so they deemed it a success and went back down stairs. People had already began to show up and when louis pulled out his phone he saw it was 8:03. He thought it was about time he got himself a drink, he walked to the kitchen, Niall trailing behind. He grabbed a red cup and went to the keg, filling it with the cheap beer, and began socialising.
_ _ _
Liam was the first to jump out of the car with Zayn and Harry following, “Fuck, Liam. Why are you so excited to get in there?” Zayn asked, tucking his lighter back into the pocket of his leather jacket. “I just am, Z. And I don’t need to explain myself.” Liam rolled his eyes, pouting only slightly. “Don’t listen to him, Li-li. Zayn just doesn’t know how to have fun” Harry teased, turning to smirk at Zayn who just flipped him off.
They opened the door, ‘Valentine’ by 5sos was booming through the house, which full of teenagers dancing and grinding on one another. The place smelt of sweat and alcohol. “Let’s get some drinks” Zayn gestured to the kitchen, Harry and Liam nodded, following the alpha. They filled their red cups with concoctions of different liquids they found in the kitchen. Liam and Harry were satisfied with the contents of their cups, Liam looked around the room, and saw Zayn talking to a group of girls.
He chuckled and turned to Harry, “Lets go find someone to dance with, or something.” Harry smiled at the beta, “That sounds great, Li.” He could tell the beta was nervous, he couldn’t tell why, but he wasn’t going to question him; not just yet. Harry got to the edge of the dancefloor looked around to see if he could find anyone familiar in the crowd.
Louis was standing on the lounge so he was taller than anyone else, (barely). He watched as the heads jumped up and down to the beat of the music and the coloured lights flash. Louis just stood and let his fingers tap his cup to the beat. Usually he'd be out there, dancing with an alpha, maybe making out a little, but he feels like he's turned a new leaf.
He's opened up about his past and he has the support of some new friends who want to help and protect him. He doesn't feel the need to defend himself the way he has been. He wants to stop living that lifestyle and try something new.
He feels his body stiffen when he spots Harry. He carefully climbs down from the lounge, and pushed his way through the crowd. He was almost at the edge of the crowd when he locked eyes with Harry. Louis took in Harry's outfit, an orange button up with horizontal black and white zigzag stripes. He had the first few buttons undone, showing off his chest, with a thin black scarf tied around his neck.
Louis swallowed and continued walking toward the alpha, he stopped right in front of him.
“Hi.” Harry gave him a small shy smile.
“Hey. How have you been?” Louis asked, feeling nervous standing so short next to the tall alpha.
“I've been better” Harry smirked. “I-i've been kinda worried… about you…” he spoke, looking at the ground, hoping Harry didn't hear, but knowing he would have.
“Hey…” Harry spoke softly, grabbing Louis’ chin and pulling it up to look in his eyes, Louis felt his skin get hot. “Can I get you a drink?” the alpha asked, whilst shamelessly looking over Louis' facial features. “Yes please” Louis barely whispered. He didn't know why Harry was touching him and staring at him, it was a new feeling, and for some reason, Louis didn't want it to stop.
Harry let go and reached for the omegas hand instead. Louis left the warm touch of the alpha again and it sent shivers down his spine. He followed the man to kitchen, Harry let Louis’ hand go when they got to the dining table, where stacks of cups and bottles of spirits littered the table. “I'll make you something sweet” Harry smiled and Louis smiled back.
Louis watched Harry search through all the bottles, he chuckled to himself but then felt a presence behind him, he turned and rolled his eyes. Logan stood in front of him, varsity jacket still on, “Really? Logan? Do you not own normal clothes?” The omega crossed his arms. “Missed you out on the dancefloor tonight.” The alpha ignored Louis’ comment, “I bet you did. But I'm not fucking around with you anymore, Logan. None of you.” Louis stood his ground, even when he could see the alphas nostrils flair.
“That's the thing, Louis, we're not done with you yet.” he took a step closer, Louis stumbled back into a body, he turned and saw Harry. “I think it'd be wise if you left. Now.” Harry growled, pulling Louis behind his back. Logan threw his hands in the air and walked back to the dancefloor. Louis felt relieved that Logan left without a fight. But standing in between Harry and the wall, all he could smell, besides the alcohol, was the pheromones oozing off Harry.
When an alpha feels threatened, it's common to let out their scent, to intimidate their enemy. Louis breathed it in and almost moaned out at the delicious scent. He wanted to bury his face in Harry's neck and lick up the scent, he wanted his own personal bottle of cologne of the smell. He felt sweat form on his forehead, and his knees felt as if they'd give out. Fuck.
Harry turned around “Louis are you oka-” he cut himself off to smell the air, “O-oh, god. L-louis, is that-, is that you?” He asked, hesitantly leaning closer to sniff the omega. Louis watched as Harry's pupils expanded, before they practically rolled into the back of his head. “H-har-ry” Louis dragged out, not sure what he was asking of the alpha. “Fuck, Louis.” Harry snarled.
“Harry, I-” Louis tried, but he was cut off. And suddenly the whole room was spinning because Harry was kissing him. Hot and needy, Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck, pulling him down as he reached up on the balls of his feet. Harry's hands cupped the omegas jaw, and Louis felt dizzy. He was sweaty and could feel the slick forming at his hole.
Harry removed his hands from Louis jaw and inches them down to his waist. He grabbed and squeezed at his hips, Louis detached their lips and threw his head back. “Fuck. You smell fucking amazing” Harry whispered hotly in his ear, moving down to suck at his neck. Louis felt tingly all over, Harry's touch was doing things to him, things he'd never felt before.
“H-harry” Louis moaned and pulled at Harry's scarf so he could reconnect his lips with the alphas. Harry cupped behind Louis thighs and hoisted the omega up, who wrapped his legs around Harry's waist. Harry hand one hand holding Louis up, the other cupping his chin. He prodded at the boys lips, who let him in with haste. Their tongues slid together and fought for dominance. Louis was tugging at Harry's hair, making the alpha groan.
At the other side of the kitchen, Niall was wondering around in search of Louis, and when he spotted his compromising position against the wall, his eyes widened and he walked over, though he wasn't even that close, and he could smell the omega was in early stages of his heat. He felt a wave of panic for his friend, and he ran back through the crowd, finding Liam.
He tugged on the betas arm, and when Liam saw the look in Niall's eyes, he immediately followed. As soon as they entered the kitchen, Niall pointed to their friends, “Louis’ going into heat!”
“Shit” Liam mumbled before running towards the two. He reached his hand out and was about to grab Harry's arm, but the alpha started growling.
“Go. Away.” He rumbled through clenched teeth. All the while, Louis is sweating at withering in Harry's arms. “Harry. You need to let him go.” Liam told, treading very carefully. “Harry” Louis moaned out, “Louis, we need to get you away” Niall spoke, making Harry tighten his grip around the omega. “Niall” Louis nodded, reaching for the beta.
Harry growled and snapped at the betas hands that we're reaching for Louis. “Harry.” Liam gave a warning tone. Harry looked back at the omega, he felt a pang of guilt, and dropped him to the floor. The omega almost let himself fall down to the ground, but Harry caught him just in time. Louis looked up into Harry's eyes, he yearned for the alpha's touch, he craved the taste of his tongue, he longed for Harry's fingers to dig into his hip bones, he wished for Harry.
“Come on Louis, let's get you home” Niall leant forward to grab Louis' hand, he glanced up Harry, who was glaring at him as if warning him to not to touch Louis. “Harry, you know this isn't how you want to do this. Let him go, Niall will take him home, where he'll be safe.” Liam spoke, and Harry let go of Louis’ arms. Niall wrapped his arm around the omegas waist and they walked away together, Harry let out a whine, an actually whine, when he could not longer smell Louis.
Hey guys. Long chapter for you, hope you like it, I really enjoyed imagining and writing this one. We're coming to a new part of the story, I'm sure you guys will love it.
I don't really like to bring up negative things, but, there's been some comments in the book, and they're quite negative. Now, very beginning of the book i asked for no bad comments. The book is only in early stages, and if you don't like what you're reading, stop reading, simple.
There are so many plot twists and character changes, so you'll just have to trust me and have faith. x
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