Chapter 1

Chapter 1:

I perked on top of the highest tree in the forest, my eyes scanning over the road below, frost escaped my lips with each breath I exhaled, I lifted up my fingers and pressed it against the earpiece that rested inside of my ear. "Hey, are you sure I'm in the right place? I'm freezing my ass off out here." I called, sarcasm dripped off my tone as my eyes scanned the snowy forest around me, the snow fell down heavily, covering the once green grass with a blanket of white snow. "Yes, you should see the headlights soon," A soft voice echoed through my ear, I nodded as the headlights of the target's vehicle shined through the snowy storm, "Show time." I smirked as I slipped my mask over my mouth and flipped my hood over my head, I stood up straight, I lifted one foot off the branch and slipped off of it, snowflakes hit my body like needles as I fell through the air. Just as the truck passed under me, I slammed onto the roof of the trailer of the truck, I rolled into a stop at the edge of the trailer, "That was a loud landing, you might have drawn attention to yourself," The voice spoke into my ear, "I am highly aware of that, thanks Echo." I replied bitterly as I crouched down so I wouldn't get knocked off by any unwanted tree branches, I glanced around before I slipped my glove off my hand, my hand soon glowed red as I traced my fingers around the roof of the truck, melting the metal. Soon once the lines I traced connected, the part of the roof in the middle of the circle I created dropped, landing roughly. I grinned as I slipped my glove back on and hopped inside, landing quietly inside.

"Alright, I'm in, what am I looking for?" I asked as I looked around, black crates and barrels scattered around the trailer, sliding slightly from the motion of the moving truck, "It's not something, it's someone. And she is right behind you," I froze, slowly turning around. I groaned loudly as I spotted the young girl, she was trapped inside a cage, dirt covered her clothes and skin, along with blood stain. Her jet black hair was matted with dirt as well, she has been through hell it seemed like, her bright green eyes stared at me, fear and anger floated around in her eyes, "You gotta be kidding me," I thought to myself as I took my hood off and pulled my mask down. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you," I whispered softly as I stepped up and snapped the lock off the door of the cage. As soon as I reached my hand out I felt my body jerk to the left roughly, slamming my body into the side of the trailer, "Shit," I went to stand as the trailer caused my body to jerk to the right, causing me to land in front of her cage, I looked up at her as she stared at me with fear, "Two agents inbound," I shot up as I threw a kunai into the light, shattering it and filling the trailer with shadows. I rolled to the side and pressed my back against the wall as I slipped my mask up and flipped my hood back on, the two men busted through the door, turning the flashlights on that was attached to their rifles, "Shit," I mumbled as I lunged at one, kicking the gun upwards just as he fired it, I kicked his knee in, the sound of the bone breaking echoed in the trailer as I flipped over him and snapped his neck. The other guy fired at me, I flipped over the collapsing body behind me and held it up, using the body as a human meat shield, the bullets soon dimmed down, indicating that he had to reload. I pushed the body against him then I jumped over him, I placed my hand on his back and soon he went flying, the bodies crashing through the back doors of the trailer, once the light shined through the trailer, the pressure of the wind pushed me down, causing me to slide towards the opening. "Damn it," I cursed out as I soon heard the screams of the girl, she was heading for the opening of the trailer, rolling and sliding towards it. "Catch her!" Echo screamed in my ear, "I got it," I pushed off the floor and launched at her, I caught her and slammed a kunai into the floor, jerking us to a stop, my grip slipped on her but I quickly regained it, "I got you." I yelled out as I held onto her, "Look out!" She screamed out, pointing up, I looked up just as a crate slammed into us, causing me to lose my grip on my kunai.

We launched out of the trailer and slammed onto the moving road, the impact caused us to roll roughly, skidding and bouncing off the road, I threw a rope and it wrapped around a tree. It jerked us off the road and we skidded to a stop into the snow, pain stung around my body as the open wounds were exposed to the cold bristy air, I slowly stood up, "That went well," I whispered as I walked over to the female, she pushed me off as she stood up, "Well? You almost got us killed!" She snapped as she brushed the snow off, "Oh you can talk? I thought all you knew how to do is scream in my ear." I replied back bitterly, she pushed her hair out of her face, "How did you knock those guys out of the trailer?" She asked as she stepped towards me, I raised a brow, "I punched him really hard," I commented as I gave a smug shrug, she shook her head and grabbed my arm and yanking it towards her, "Easy." I winced as she pulled my sleeve up, revealing the tribal markings around my forearm. She gasped as she stepped back, "You're one of u-" She froze and whipped around, "Back up is there." Echo commented in my ear just as men appeared out of the shadows, covered in the same gear I am in, "Delta, Razor, stand down, she is the target we are suppose to bring back." I stated bravely, Delta nodded as he grabbed her arm just as Razor grabbed the other, "Good job, Shadow." He nodded as they started walking, dragging the girl away as her green eyes never left mine as she disappeared into the trees, I looked around then left the scene.

I walked into the headquarters of the Ninja pack, Realmkillers, I looked around as I spotted ninja walking around, busy with whatever work they was commanded to do, I pushed past them as I headed to the Headmaster's office, I passed a room that caused me to freeze as I glanced into the room. The girl was located in the middle of the room, she was cuffed to the chair she was sitting on as Ninja surrounded her. I brushed past and continued walking towards the Headmaster's office. Just as my hand wrapped around the door knob, "Shadow, enter." The Master's voice rumbled through the door, I pushed the door open and slammed it behind me, I spotted Delta and Razor standing there, "Leave, I wish to speak to my father." I growled as I stepped up, my dad's grey eyes never leaving mine, "Well, you can always make me," Delta replied, his voice filled with venom, I stepped closer to him, "Remember what happened last time you challenged me, Delta." I shot back coldly, staring daggers into him, "Enough! Delta, Razor, leave at once!" Dad's commanding voice echoed around the room, causing us to freeze. Delta glared at me as he exited the room, followed closely by Razor, once the door came to a shut, I turned to my father, "What the hell is going on? Is she like me?" I asked, anger filled my voice, Dad nodded as he stood up, "Indeed she is." He replied, "Okay, then why the hell is she being treated like she is a monster?" I asked, slamming my fists onto the desk, Dad slowly stood up and rested his hands behind his back as he walked around the desk to stand in front of me, "Because she is." He simply replied, anger boiling inside me, "You can't just label her a monster because she's different." I stated boldly, "Watch your tone boy," He said with a slight warning to his voice. I threw my hands up and looked around, "To hell with that, I'm talking to my father, not my master." I growled, he stepped closer to me, "You must remember that your father is your master." He replied, shaking his head as he walked back to behind his desk and sat down, "She is dangerous because we aren't aware of her powers," He explained, I crossed my arms, "And what do you label me? Do you label your own son a monster?" I asked, anger swam in my eyes as I waited for my father's response. Dad folded his hands together and rested them on the desk, "Step out of line again and find out."

I froze, his words slammed into me like a train, I opened my mouth to respond but the door sliding open, I whipped around and realized it was Echo, my dad turned towards my computer companion, "Yes?" He asked, Echo looked at me, "She refused to talk to anyone but him," She pointed to me, I blinked, "Me?" I asked, she responded with a nod, I shot a glare at my father before following my friend. I caught up to her side and leaned closely, "I need you to shut the cameras off when I get in there," I whispered, he shot me a look, "You can't be serious, your dad is already pissed" She warned as she sighed, knowing there was no sense in trying to stop me. "You got about fifteen minutes, that's all you get." She then added, "I owe you one," I patted her back as I turned the corner, "You owe me more than one!" She called out, I chuckled and kept walking. I walked into the small dim lighted room where the girl was located, I closed the door, I could feel her eyes on me as I waited till Echo's signal, "Fifteen minutes, starts now." Echo spoke up after a few minutes of silence. I turned around and faced the girl, "What am I?" I asked, taking a seat in the chair across from her, she crossed her arms, "I'm pretty sure that's not a way to start a conversation with someone you don't even know their names." She stated boldly, I sighed as I leaned back in the chair, "Fine, what is your name?" I asked, annoyance filled my voice, she nodded as she leaned back at well. "Ezra," She replied with a small nod, "And yours?" She finished with a question of her own. "Shadow." I replied, giving her the name I was given when I joined the Order. She raised a brow, "You can't be serious, that's your name?" She asked, I nodded, "The only name I remember." I shrugged, "Now, what am I?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest, "You're a Caster, someone who is born with certain forms of power." She replied with a calm tone. I nodded as I stood up, "What type of powers?" I asked as I paced slightly, "It depends on what form of the element you were gifted with; Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Light or Dark." She named them with her fingers. "And? That doesn't tell me anything." I groaned as I leaned my hands on the chair, she sighed, "God, do I have to hand draw everything," She stood up and walked over to me. "Hold your hand out like this," She held her hand out with her palm facing up, soon a small light danced around her palm, forming into a small ball, "Just concentrate on forming the energy into the center of your hand." She explained, I nodded, curious on what my element is, I held my hand up and closed my eyes, "Oh my God," I heard her whisper, I looked down just as a black mist formed around my hand, forming into a black and purple ball. "You're a Dark Caster." She whispered as she stepped back, I opened my mouth to figure out what she meant by that but Echo stopped my words, "Time's up, cameras are rolling," I quickly dropped my hand, the ball disappearing into a black mist. My dad and Delta busted through the door, "Shadow, you are dismissed to your Quarters," I nodded as I walked out just as Delta grabbed Ezra's arm.

A night of sleep did not come to me, I laid in my bed, staring up at the ceiling, my thoughts went back to her words, Dark Caster is what she called me, I lifted up my hand and watched as the dark mist wrapped around my fingers, "Dark Caster," I whispered, I closed my fist and the mist disappeared, I needed to get more answers, but first there is something I had to do. I jumped out of my bed and dressed into my Ninja gear, I slowly opened the door and poke my head out the door, once I didn't see anyone I pushed open my door and headed to Echo's room. "Echo, you up?" I whispered as I slowly opened her door, I gagged, the smell of stale food slammed into my nose, I looked around, clothes and gadgets scattered across his floor, computer screens spread across her desk, her room looks like a teenager lives here. I shook my head and shut the door behind me, I shuffled through the disgusting junk on the floor, walking over to her bed. "Echo, wake up," I said in a hush tone as I pushed her, she mumbled, "Mama, I don't want to wear that bowtie to school," She protested as she rolled to her side, I sighed as I grabbed the fabric of her shirt and tugged hard, rolling her off the bed. She landed on the floor with a loud thud, she shot up, "Whoa, what the hell!?" She swung her fist towards me and I caught it with ease, she rubbed her eyes with her free hand and her features softened, "Oh, Shadow, it's just you. Wait, it's just you right?" She poked her head around my shoulder to look behind me then her brown eyes darted back to mine, "What the hell are you doing here?" She asked as she jerked her hand from my grip, "What? I can't just randomly visit my best friend?" I asked, trying to sound offended, she glanced at the clock on the wall, "Not at 2 in the morning, I get that you're serious about your job as a Ninja but come on, even Ninja need sleep." She groaned as she sat in her computer chair. I sighed, I could tell I could not outsmart her, "Are your computers linked to the cameras?" I asked as I sat on her bed across from her, she turned around in her chair to face me, "Yeah, why?" She asked, confusion filled her sleepy tone, "I need you to find out where they are keeping Ezra." I finally said, waiting for her to explode, she rubbed her face, trying to get rid of the sleep out of her eyes. "For?" She asked, I sighed, trying to word it without her flipping. "Because, I'm breaking her out of here." I said slowly, 'Probably not the best way to word that,' I thought to myself as I waited for her response. She held her hand up, "Wait, I think I hit my head when you pushed me off the bed, let me see if I heard you right; you want me to find where they are keeping the girl just so you can break her out?" She asked as she leaned up in her chair. I slowly nodded and waited, soon I felt the palm of her hand connect with my cheek, my head whipped to the side from the force, she jumped up, "Shadow, have you completely lost it?! Do you realize what your dad will do to you if he finds out you broke her out?! He will freaking kill you!" She yelled, 'Yep, there's the Echo I know, man she got a mean swing.' I groaned as I rubbed my cheek, "He isn't going to do anything because by the time he realizes that I will be gone," I replied as I stood up, she slumped back to his chair, "Wait, you're leaving too?" Her voice got quiet, I sighed, "I have to, I need to know more about my powers and she is the only person that can help me." I explained, Echo was silent for a few moments before she looked at me and crossed her arms, "Fine, I will only help if I can come," She stated boldly, my eyes widened then I shook my head. "No, Echo, you're my best friend but I can't let you come with me. That will be a death sentence for the both of us if we get caught." I stood my ground, "Shadow, you won't be able to find her without my help and I'm not helping unless I come too." She protested, I groaned, "Echo, you're not even skilled in hand to hand combat." I tried to reason with her, she sighed, "Do you remember our days back in the Academy before we graduated?" She asked, I sat on the bed and nodded as the memory flooded back into my thoughts. "Yeah, what about it?" I asked as I crossed my arms, she sighed as she leaned back in her chair, "Well, right before we graduated, we swore that no matter what, we would stay best friends and watch each other backs, how can I do that if I won't be able to know where you are?" She asked as she crossed her arms, I sighed, she was right, I can't leave without her, nor will I be able to find Erza on my own. I nodded, "Alright, get dressed and find her then we can get out of here." I said as I stood up from the bed, she nodded as she turned around and flicked on her computer screens, she typed a few keys into the keyboard and the screen flashed through different cameras views, the screen finally stopped, showing a live feed of where Ezra was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

"Where is that?" I asked as I leaned on the desk to get a better view. "She is located in Section R, holding cell #167." Echo read the words on the screen, I nodded. The sound of knocking on the door caused us both to freeze in our place, "Shit," I mumbled as I had Echo close the screen, she got up and opened the door, the ninja pushed past Echo, "Can I help you?" She asked the rude Ninja, "Master Rin suspected something was off so he had me check, what's going on?" The Ninja asked, looking at Echo then at me, I shrugged, "Just friends hanging out," I stated, the Ninja walked over to me, "The Master requested me to escort you back to your room," He placed his hand on my shoulder, I grabbed his arm and twisted it, I then kicked him in the stomach and turned him around, quickly locking him in a headlock, he struggled as I tightened my grip, soon he became limp in my arm then I tossed him on the floor, "Are you nuts!? Why did you do that?" Echo freaked out as she watched, "We don't have much time, let's go," I said as I darted out of the room, Echo ran her hand through her hair before grabbing the bag off of her floor and following after me.

A/N: This is my first attempt of writing my own story, with my own idea and plot, hope you guys enjoy it and thanks for all the ones that supported me, I know I've been slow with updates to my other books, between writer's block and my daily working life its been hard.

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