The Kiss
((Hey guys, sorry this chapter is short... Hope you enjoy it regardless))
Mark's eyes open to the smell of coffee, drifting pleasantly through the house. He groans as he sits up, brown eyes scanning the living room. He cusses under his breath realizing he fell asleep and slowly stands up, running a hand through the mess of red on top his head.
Making his way to the kitchen the coffee's strong aroma simply grows stronger. The red haired man walks into the kitchen and smiles slightly seeing the smaller Irish man pouring two cups of coffee. He looks up once Mark enters and smiles.
"Hey Mark, I was just about to wake you up."
He smiles gently setting a cup in front of the red haired man, who happily takes it. Mark's brown eyes roam to the clock, 1pm already. He sighs and sips his coffee, ignoring the burning it left in his mouth, and letting his chocolate colored eyes travel to the Irish man who stood happily drinking his own hot coffee, the scolding temperature hardly fazing him.
Jack looked much better than he did the previous night. Any signs that he was once injured had faded completely, not even leaving a scar. He had changed into a simple pair of blue jeans and a black t-shirt that hugged his slightly muscled torso. His skin, that had been sickly pale from loss of blood, had regained most of its color, and his blue eyes were alive once again, shining in the light. Not looking wolf-like, but instead like a normal human's once again. Jack must have fed.
Mark opens his mouth to ask but shuts it again instantly, he knew Jack had to feed, however he didn't like to think about the Irish man killing an innocent person. So, he simply decides to brush it off.
"How'd you sleep?"
The green haired man asks snapping Mark from his thoughts. The red haired man blinks a few times, clearing the rest of the thoughts from his mind and simply smiles a bit.
"Fine I suppose... How about you? How much sleep did you get?"
The red haired man asks with a slight tilt of his head. Jack shrugs his shoulders and looks at the clock, as though counting how many hours he'd been asleep.
"I got home around five... so... 7 hours?"
He responds simply, letting his ocean blue eyes travel back to the red haired man who simply nodded. The two men sit in silence for another few minutes, each thinking to themselves.
"Mark... What are we going to do...?"
The Irish man finally breaks the silence, a small hint of worry entering his voice as he spoke softly. Mark chews on his lip, casting his gaze downward in thought. He wasn't sure.
"I'm not sure... We can't stay here, that's for sure. I don't know of anywhere else we can go that Felix doesn't know about..."
Mark admits quietly, brown eyes drifting upwards to meet the baby blue ones of Jack, shining with a bit of worry. The red haired man sighs, wanting to rid the man of worry, but frankly not knowing how. They were basically screwed. Jack's blue eyes scan the dark liquid in his cup as he thinks to himself silently.
"I know where we can go..."
The Irish man finally speaks after a few minutes. Mark looks up at him, curiously trying to meet his gaze, though he kept it downward.
"It's an old cabin... I've gone there a few times when I had to avoid you and Felix... It's pretty deep in the forest, Felix wouldn't look there."
Jack finishes, his voice growing slightly softer with each word. Mark studies him skeptically, he didn't want to be distrustful of the man, however he couldn't help it. finally simply nods, giving up on trying to catch his gaze, and deciding to just go along with it.
"Right... Well, pack your stuff, we should leave soon."
The green haired man nods and stands up after Mark speaks, walking past him and to the stairs, with the red haired man close behind. Before he walks up the stairs however the Irish man stops, sucking in a breath, hesitantly turning around.
He keeps his blue eyes down, avoiding the red haired man's inquisitive brown eyes. Jack's pale face flushed a deep red as he finally raises his head, meeting those chocolate colored eyes for merely a second before he leans forward, pressing his lips against Mark's before he could react.
The red haired man's eyes widen, and he feels his cheeks heat, however doesn't pull away. A part of him actually enjoying it as he slowly kisses back.
The kiss lasted no more than a couple seconds before Jack pulls himself away, instantly missing the sweetness of Mark's lips. With his cheeks a deep red the Irish man turns on his heel and quickly makes his way up the stairs, leaving Mark at the base of the staircase, brown eyes watching after him with interest, and his tan cheeks a deep red.
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