Mark paces his living room, occasionally letting his hand pull through his dyed red hair, and letting thoughts consume his attention. He loved Jack... But they were friends... and Jack was... not human.
The red haired man had spent most of his life hunting monsters like the one who now slept upstairs, the one he had feelings for.
One thing was for sure though, Mark could not let Felix kill Sean. No matter what he was, it wasn't right. His brown eyes move to the door and he walks over locking it. Though that wouldn't do much good. If the Swede really wanted to get in, he'd find a way, whether it be picking the lock or busting a window.
With a stressed sigh Mark makes his way up the stairs again, stopping in front of Jack's bedroom and creaking the door open quietly. His brown eyes scan the bed, Jack still laid bundled up underneath the comforter, his closed eyes twitching slightly, and his chest rising and falling gently. The sight nearly made Mark smile.
He closes the door again quietly, pushing a hand through his red hair.
A few minutes pass of Mark simply standing outside of the bedroom, not wanting to wake the sleeping man up, but also not wanting to leave him alone.
Mark stays tangled in his thoughts. Only to be interrupted when a floorboard creaks behind him. Before he can turn around something hard hits his head, making him fall to the ground.
The red haired man groans, his vision blurring, and unconsciousness threatening to overcome him. He looks up to see a pair of blue eyes looking at him. Felix.
The Swede says nothing, simply looks at Mark boredly before walking into the room, a needle with some kind of tranquilizer in his hand.
The red haired man manages to call out, his voice strained before blackness takes over his vision and he passes out on the floor.
Felix doesn't look back at him as he walks into the room, standing above the sleeping man. He looked innocent, no one would suspect someone as small as him was a monster, a killer.
"Such a shame..."
The Swede mutters under his breath as he raises the needle, sticking it into the sleeping forms neck and injecting the liquid inside. Jack shifts slightly before he relaxes into the mattress once more his breathing even.
Jack's eyes open slowly, his head aching slightly, and vision blurred. It felt like he'd been sleeping for days, though it couldn't have been for more than a couple hours.
As his vision focuses he realizes he no longer laid in his bed, but sat tied to a chair. Panic overtakes him and he tugs against the rope that bound him.
He cusses under his breath, letting his blue eyes scan the room around him. It was similar to the basement Mark had locked him in before, though this one was smaller, slight differences were noticeable. Even the smell of the room was different, this one smelled of rust, and smoke. The smokiness almost unbearable, as though there was a fire recently.
Realizing this Jack thinks back, he didn't know much about this place, being from Ireland, but he remembered the television talking about a factory that burned down. No one would look in a place like that, so at the moment Jack believed he was there. It made the most sense.
Letting his initial panic die down the green haired man thinks back to what happened. He remembered Mark, he was crying, and he must've fallen asleep. So then what the hell happened after that?
Another hunter perhaps?
Jack's question is answered as a door creaks open behind him, he tries to turn his head to look at who entered but cannot get a good view. However, once the man speaks, his Swedish accent was clearly recognizable.
"Hello Jack..."
~~~~~~~~~At Mark's House~~~~~~~~~
Mark groans as his eye flutter open, vision blurred and head pounding. His brown eyes blink a few times, clearing his vision before finally sitting up, wincing as his body ached.
His mind races, struggling to remember what happened before it hits him.
Standing up quickly the red haired man runs into Jack's room, ignoring when his head spun threatening him to fall.
The room was empty, the blankets on Jack's bed thrown off to the side and the tranquilizer's needle on the floor.
"Son of a bitch!"
Mark growls to the empty room before turning and walking out of it, holding onto the wall for support as he goes down the staircase, looking around his living room before spotting his phone which sat across the room on the floor, where he'd thrown it.
Walking over he notices the screen was cracked, however thankfully it still seemed to be in working order. He turns it on and scrolls through his contacts until finding the one he was looking for and clicking it angrily, breathing heavily and putting the phone to his ear.
~~~~~~~~At the Factory~~~~~~~~
Jack growls softly, his blue eyes glaring at the blonde Swede once he walked into sight. His face was void of emotion.
"I know what you are... "
He speaks again, his voice neutral. Jack says nothing but forces a small smirk to his lips, trying to seem fearless though truthfully his heart nearly beat out of his chest with terror.
"A very handsome Irishman?"
The green haired man retorts sarcastically, forcing his cocky façade to stay up. Felix scoffs and shakes his head, continuing to pace around Jack, occasionally going out of his sight, only to walk back in front of him.
"A monster..."
Felix responds after a few minutes of the dead silence. Jack says nothing, though his smirk drops slightly, and his blue eyes glare daggers at the Swede in front of him, who had stopped, simply examining Jack with his dull eyes.
"Alright... kill me then... that's your job isn't it, hunter?"
Jack finally forces himself to speak, though any cockiness had fled from his voice, leaving his voice mostly monotone. Felix smiles slightly and stops pacing, standing directly behind the tied up man.
"Of course... Beasts like you are a danger..."
He says with his little smile before it disappears.
"However, first I need you to tell me something..."
Jack raises an eyebrow, trying to turn his head to look at the man but soon giving up. Even though the man standing out of his sight made worry twist at his gut.
"Where is your pack...?"
The blonde finally asks, his voice dead serious. Jack says nothing, narrowing his eyes slightly and tugging against his restraints once again.
"I don't have one....
The green haired man finally responds, his voice a soft growl. Felix makes a slight 'tsk' sound with his tongue and Jack can feel his gaze boring into the back of his head.
"Every wolf has a pack... Now we can do this the easy way..."
He speaks in his neutral tone. After a second Jack can feel his hand on his head, tangling in his green hair and pulling his head backwards. Jack winces and stifles a whimper as his hair feels like it would be pulled from his head. His blue eyes filled with anger are forced to meet Felix's again, his blue orbs filled with what looked to be amusement as he speaks his next sentence.
"Or the hard way... the choice is yours."
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