((Hey guys, sorry about yesterday, some stuff happened and I couldn't update. Anyway, this chapter turned out longer than I'd first thought it'd be, so enjoy :) ))
About half an hour had passed until Mark was able to make himself human again. Once back in his human form, the exhaustion hit him, his breathing was quick and unsteady while his muscles ached.
Jack sat with him in the grassy area, letting him rest for a bit before they even thought about going back.
"Shit... Is that what you feel like every time you change?"
Mark finally speaks up, having caught his breath for the most part. He leans back on his hands, brown eyes moving curiously to the green haired man whose proud smile hadn't dropped.
"It gets easier. You'll get the hang of it."
Jack responds kindly, reaching out and grabbing the man's slightly larger hand as he scooted closer, their bodies nearly touching. Mark nods, letting his brown eyes travel to the gently moving water, a small smile twitching onto his face as he feels the green haired man lay his head against his shoulder.
A while passes of the two just relaxing before Jack sits up, stretching his sore back and standing up, Mark watching him with the raise of an eyebrow.
"Come on, we should get back, I want to introduce you to the pack."
Jack suggests with a grin, holding his hand out gently. Mark hesitantly grabs his hand and stands up, his legs instantly threatening to give way, though he forces himself to stand and follow the Irish man as they weave back through the forest back to the small campground.
Sean spent the next ten minutes introducing Mark to everyone in the pack. It wasn't a large one, however they all seemed very close to one another.
There were five girls, Emma, Signe, Amy, Lilly, and Rosanna. And six boys, excluding Jack and Robin, Dan, Phil, Greg, Ethan, Tyler, and Joey.
"I'm not going to remember everyone..."
Mark mutters as Jack leads him away from the final person he'd been introduced to. The Irish man simply laughs nudging the man gently.
"Don't worry about it, they won't get too offended if you forget their names a few times."
The red haired man nods and smiles gently, following Jack as he led him to a small bench that sat off to the side, gesturing for Mark to sit down, which he does.
"I have to go talk to Robin, you want to stay here for a bit, and I'll be back shortly."
Mark simply nods as he watches the green haired man walk off, and into one of the nearby buildings. The red haired man lets his brown eyes wander around the small camp, silently going through all the names as he saw people walk by. Ignoring the small grumble noise his stomach made.
"Hey, Mark right?"
A female voice interrupts his thoughts making him jump slightly on the bench. He looks over as the female laughs taking a seat next to him. The girl had short blonde hair, the curly strands messily framing her small face. The red haired man nods politely, struggling to remember her name.
She says as though reading his mind, taking a seat next to him on the bench. He smiles slightly and nods, silently cussing himself for already forgetting the names Jack had just told him.
He mutters softly, honestly still not very comfortable around all of the others. All of his prior hunter instincts continued to tell him to get away, but he did his best to push these away.
"Me and a few others are going to go on a hunt. Thought maybe you'd like to come? First hunt as a werewolf is a pretty big deal after all."
She asks with a gentle tilt of her head, her gentle brown eyes studying the taller man curiously. Mark looks away, silently hoping for Jack to come back and interrupt.
"Hunt... You mean for deer or something?"
Mark asks, though a part of him knew that isn't what she meant. The female laughs quietly, looking at the red haired man as though she thought he was adorable.
"Aw, your innocence is so cute!"
She exclaims softly, her voice enthusiastic.
"But no... I think you know what I mean."
She finishes, her smile merely growing. Mark stifles a gulp and quickly shakes his head, moving as far to the edge of the bench as was possible without falling off.
"N-No... I don't kill..."
He responds quietly, silently cussing himself out for his timidity. The girl narrows her brown eyes at the man, a small bit of anger entering them.
"That's a load of bull... You've killed plenty."
She growls quietly. Mark opens his mouth to speak but takes a few minutes before actually getting the words to form.
"That... That was different..."
He mutters timidly. As a hunter he had killed his fair share of beasts.
"Different how? Because they were monsters?"
She spats at the man, her voice dripping with venom. Mark's brown eyes widen slightly, honestly intimidated by this girl despite the fact she stood much shorter than him.
"News flash Mark, you're one of us now. You're no different than those monsters you've killed."
She finishes, her voice eerily calm despite the rage that flickered in her eyes. Mark gulps quietly and opens his mouth to respond but thankfully is cut off as another voice enters the conversation.
"Cool it Amy... If he doesn't want to hunt we can't force him."
Mark looks up as Robin walks up, silently thanking him for the interruption, though the brown haired man simply gives a scolding look at the blonde female. Amy huffs and stands, barely giving the brown haired man a passing glance as she saunters away, anger clear in her steps.
The red haired man releases a breath he didn't know he was holding and looks up as Robin gestures for him to follow and begins walking away. Mark hesitantly stands and speed walks to catch up, soon walking by his side.
"Where's Sean?"
The red haired man asks instantly, Robin chuckles quietly at his question, looking at him with gentle eyes.
"He went on a supply run... Now back to you, Sean tell me you shifted? How are you feeling?"
Robin questions quietly, keeping a slow pace through the small camp. Mark nods his head, silently questioning what was meant by 'supply run', but decides to just leave it be. Simply letting his brown eyes wander up to the slowly darkening sky.
"Well I don't feel sick anymore..."
Mark replies, his shoulders moving up and down in a slight shrug. Robin nods and looks to him again, stopping in his tracks and turning to look at the red haired man who stopped as well.
"That's physical... How do you feel?"
The red haired man opens his mouth to speak, but closes it again, realizing, he didn't know. On one hand, he was happy he got to be with Sean, on the other hand he became one of the things he despised most. He became a monster.
"I... I don't know..."
He finally admits, lowering his brown eyes softly, trying to figure out how he felt about the whole situation.
"It's.... It's just all so confusing..."
Robin looks at him kindly, nodding in understanding.
"I know it is... You'll figure it out, trust me. This was all for the best."
The brown haired man states matter-of-factly, turning and beginning to walk again, clearly expecting Mark to follow. The red haired man begins walking, matching the man's pace, though keeping his head down.
"But what if it wasn't..."
The red haired man mutters under his breath. Robin doesn't react, either having not heard him or just deciding to brush that comment off.
"Sean loves you... I've never seen him as happy as he is with you."
Robin speaks again after a short silence. Mark chews on his lip gently. Of course Jack made it clear that he loved him, but hearing it from Robin was strange.
"How long has he been one of you...?"
The red haired man blurts out the question after another minute or so of silence had passed. Robin smiles gently and leads Mark over to one of the small cabins, opening the door and leading him inside before even deciding to answer his question.
The cabin was plain, a small bed in the corner with pale red sheets, a wooden dresser across the room, and a small desk with a mirror above it. Robin gestures for Mark to take a seat on the bed, the red haired man obliges and sits, brown eyes watching the brown haired man curiously, still waiting for him to answer his question.
"Has been since he was about twelve, we found him when he was barely alive, took him in."
Robin explains gently walking over to the small dresser and digging through the drawers.
"But you didn't turn him? Doesn't the alpha who turned a person usually make them a part of their pack?"
Mark questions curiously. That usually seemed to be the case, at least with all of the other packs he'd faced in the past. Robin tenses slightly and nods his head, turning towards Mark once more holding a set of clean clothing.
"That's usually the case, yes. I'm not sure... honestly I think he was turned accidently. The alpha didn't make sure he was dead when he attacked."
Robin begins explaining, setting the clothes next to Mark on the pillow. The red haired man looks at them and then down to his own clothing, which was still torn and filthy, a mixture of dirt and dried blood staining the fabric.
"One of our old scouts was the one who found him, in an alleyway. He was barely breathing, so she brought him back here. We weren't sure if he'd die or become one of us, however he made a full recovery... more or less."
The brown haired man adds that last bit under his breath, earning a confused look from Mark. Robin sighs.
"He still has some of the scars... normally our kind heal without a trace of the wound... But his stayed, maybe it's because he took so long to heal, I'm not sure... All I know is when he became one of us he never truly became one of us... He'd always be off on his own no matter how many times me and the others tried to include him."
Robin finishes with a gentle sigh, eyes full of almost a sadness, though a small smile stretches onto his face.
"We were all fairly young though... I made it my goal to make him feel at home. You know how children are, always wanting to make people happy... I was no different."
Mark watches the brown haired man as he speaks, his eyes saddened, though happy at the same time as he thought back on the memory.
"Anyhow, you should get changed and then get some rest... you look exhausted."
Robin switches to his neutral voice quickly, as though the sadness was never there in the first place. Mark nods gently, he'd forgotten how tired he truly was. The brown haired man smiles gently and walks to the door, but stops as Mark calls out to him once more, wanting to ask just one more question.
"Wait, Robin.... What about you?... How'd you become an alpha?"
The brown haired man smiles kindly at this question and simply shrugs his shoulders.
"Just born into it."
He replies simply, before walking out of the door before the man could ask any more questions. Mark sighs, and looks to the fresh clothes, simply setting them on the floor at the moment, too tired to change. As he lays down his stomach makes a grumbling noise once again, he silently groans and rolls to his side, trying to ignore this sudden hunger.
Finally he gives into his exhaustion and lets a restless sleep overtake him.
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