
((Hey guys sorry this is so late, I was gone all day. But here it is :) ))

Mark sighs, his head resting in his hands as his body shook gently. He sat in the same cabin he'd slept in. The bloody clothes were nowhere to be found, someone had moved them, and thankfully not asked questions.

Jack had dragged the red haired man back to camp, despite how much he tried to pull away, afraid of hurting anyone else.

Once they had arrived at camp Mark had freaked out, shoving people out of the way until they finally forced him into the empty building, forcing him to calm down.

About an hour had passed before the door opened again, though instead of it being Jack who walked in like the red haired man expected, Robin entered, shutting the door behind him gently.

Mark looks up for merely a second before lowering his eyes once more, leg bouncing up and down anxiously. The thoughts had not left him alone, the thought of killing innocent people scared him. It scared him even more that he had enjoyed it, that he longed for another taste of that coppery blood.

"Mark? Are you listening?"

The voice interupts Mark's thoughts. He blinks a few times, the world coming into focus around him once more. He raises his eyes, staring at the brown haired man who had pulled up a wooden chair and looked at him curiously.


The red haired man asks shyly, honestly embarrassed he hadn't been listening. Robin sighs, but thankfully doesn't look angry as he repeats himself.

"I asked if you were alright... What happened?"

Mark chews on the inside of his cheek, unsure how to answer. Of course he wasn't okay, however he didn't want to tell anyone about what he had done. Even if they would be accepting, which they most likely would, he still felt ashamed about it. He wasn't used to killing innocent people, only monsters. Which he was now...

"I... I'm fine..."

The red haired man finally responds, his voice quiet and weak. Robin raises an eyebrow at him, clearly catching the lie. He says nothing, silently prompting Mark to tell the truth. He sucks in a small breath, before finally speaking, finally telling the truth.

"I... I did something... Something I'm not proud of..."

Mark finally admits, brown eyes lowering once more, looking at his hands in his lap, a part of him expecting to see his skin covered in blood once again.

Robin looks at him for a few seconds before leaning back in his chair, studying the man in front of him.

"I know..."

He states simply. Mark raises his head, narrowing his eyes slightly at the man, he knew?

"I saw the blood... I heard the news."

Robin explains, seeing the confusion on the red haired man's face. Mark lowers his head once more at hearing that, clenching his eyes shut for a few seconds.

"Why do you feel bad? We all hunt, it's just a part of life."

The brown haired man tries to console him, though it only makes Mark feel worse. This was something that was supposed to be natural to him.

"I just... I've never killed an innocent person before..."

The red haired man explains softly, unsure why he was opening up to this man who he hardly knew, but simply went with it. Strangely enough he trusted this man. Robin stays silent for a little while, seeming to think on his statement.

"So all those monsters you've killed... None of them were innocent?"

The brown haired man questions, not sounding angry, but genuinely curious. Mark sucks in a small breath, opening his mouth to say the word 'no' but it catches in his throat. He truly wasn't sure. He thought back, most of the ones he'd killed were bad, however, a few of them could have been innocent.

"That... it's different."

Mark finally manages to say, his voice nearly inaudible as he thought on it. He can feel Robin's eyes on him, studying each of his movements.

"How is it different? They all had lives, families, friends... Just because they were different from you, they deserved to die?"

The brown haired man speaks quietly, his voice gentle, though a bit of anger did manage to break his calm demeanor. Mark keeps his mouth shut, not knowing how to answer. Robin had a point.

The red haired man looks up as Robin stands from his chair, simply walking to the door without another word, leaving Mark to his thoughts. Thoughts that made tears sting the corners of his eyes.

Eventually he had laid down, staring up at the ceiling with confused brown eyes. Was he a killer even before he was turned?

His thoughts are interuppted as the door opens once again, about five minutes later.. Mark doesn't bother looking over, expecting it to be Robin once again, he didn't want to talk to him... not yet.

However he realizes it's not Robin as a small figure crawls into the bed with him, snuggling into the man. Mark looks down, seeing a familiar head of green hair, realizing who it was he wraps his arms around the small man protectively.

Jack nuzzles into him even more, laying his head against the man's chest gently, just listening to his heartbeat. His gentle movements showing that Robin had explained things to him.

"I love you Mark..."

The Irish man murmurs tiredly, his breathing slowly steadying. Mark hardly hears him, lost in his own dreadful thoughts. Thoughts about all those he'd killed, before and after he'd been turned.

I'm a killer....

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