
((Sorry, I forgot to update over the weekend... Warning btw, this chapter is a bit bloody.))

"Fuck off ya bastard!"

Jack snarls at the swede who stood in front of him, his knuckles covered in blood, some his own, some belonging to the green haired man, still bound to the chair.

The Irish man's breathing was heavy, his eye was swollen shut, bruises littered his face, lip cut, and nose spurting blood, possibly broken. Of course he'd still given the same answer every time Felix asked the question.

"Where is your damn pack!?"

The blonde questions again, leaning forward so his face was merely inches from the bloody, beaten, one of Jack. His hands rested against the arms of the chair, just barely touching the green haired man's arms.

The Irish man looks at him, his blue eyes filled with anger as he tugged against the ropes again, his arms and legs marked with deep red rope burns, though they had already begun healing, along with his other wounds.

Jack leans forward slightly, their faces only an inch apart. The green haired man's lip curls back into a silent snarl his blue eyes watching every movement of the Swede who was in front of him. It took every ounce of Jack's energy to stop himself from lunging forward and hurting the man.

Of course Felix was a hunter, but Sean still saw him as a friend. As much as he told himself to hate him, to despise him, he couldn't. He couldn't stop seeing this blonde man as his friend, who'd laughed with him, cried with him, helped him.

"I... Don't... Have... One..."

Jack finally snarls, forcing his voice to keep its angry tone. Felix sighs and pushes himself up, standing fully again. He walks around the chair, out of the green haired man's piercing gaze once again.

The green haired man simply lets himself relax slightly, though that was difficult being tied to a chair and at the mercy of a hunter. He feels his wounds beginning to heal, which was at least of some comfort to him, however now that the Swede was out of his sight, who knew what he was doing.

Before Jack can think anymore a sharp pain shoots up his shoulder, forcing his back to arch and a small yell to escape him. The pain intensifies, feeling as though the wound burned as he could feel blood soaking his shirt.

Once Felix walked in front of him again it was clear why the wound burned so much. In his hand he held a pure silver knife, shining in the light, and dripping with the deep red liquid. Jack's blue eyes wander the blade, his instincts instantly telling him to get away, though he could do nothing but tug against the ropes, silently pleading to wolf out, to do something, but his fear overpowered his instincts.

"Jack... I really don't want to hurt you...."

The Swede mutters softly, twirling the bloodied blade in his fingers. Jack looks up at him, forcing himself to breathe through the pain in his shoulder.

"But I need to know where your pack is..."

The blonde finishes, lifting the knife up again and pressing it gently against the green haired man's arm, the silver digging into his flesh slightly, and making every muscle in the Irish man's body tense up.

"Go screw yourself!"

Jack finally manages to growl, trying to keep his voice mostly neutral, though a small hint of fear shines through. With that response Felix sighs again and pushes the knife down, dragging it along his arm, from the shoulder to his elbow.

The green haired man can't help himself from screaming out, his voice becoming raw as he felt the burning pain, felt the warm blood flow heavily from his arm. It felt as though his arm was filled with fire, burning through his flesh, and threatening his eyes to flood with tears. The pain nearly unbearable.

Felix looks at him, his mouth twitching as though he struggled not to smile at the man's pain. Of course he wouldn't care about hurting Jack, to him he was just a monster, a monster who didn't deserve to live.

"Where is your pack Sean...."

The Swede asks, bending down so he sat face level with the Irish man who bit his lip tasting blood, forcing tears back as his arm and shoulder burned with excruciating pain. Jack forces his blue eyes up, trying to channel his anger, to shift to do something, but once again the pain forces him to stay in his human form, his vision blurring as blood gushed from the wound that would have killed a normal human by now.

"Go... to hell..."

The Irish man murmurs softly, his voice weakened. Though he no longer tried to keep his voice neutral, the small hint of defiance that stuck with him, was all he had to keep him going.

That answer clearly angered Felix as he reaches forward with the red-stained blade and slices across his small stomach. Jack groans and bites his tongue until he tastes blood, refusing to scream anymore. Though his eyes brimmed with tears, and his stomach bled heavily, the pain agonizing, he didn't want to cry, not now.

"You first...."

Felix finally speaks again, his voice cold and emotionless as he presses the blade against Sean's chest, right on his heart. Jack sucks in a shaky breath, a part of him happy he'd finally get to die, but the other part sad. He'd never get to see Mark again... He never even got to say goodbye.

A ringing interrupts the blonde, making him freeze as the blade barely pierced skin. He growls and stands moving the blade, and takes his phone from his pocket, answering it annoyedly, as Jack releases a breath he didn't know he was holding, trying once more to break the ropes, but of course nothing.


Felix speaks rudely into the phone. Inaudible mumbling can be heard from the other end, and a smile grows onto the Swedes face.

"Well hey Mark... How's that head of yours?"

The swede smirks. At the mention of Mark, Jack lifts his head, forcing his focus to hear the man on the other end of the phone, trying to ignore the pain that throbbed in his body.

"Felix! Where the hell are you!?"

Mark yells through the phone, pure anger lacing his deep voice.

"Just doing my job Markimoo.... The one you couldn't do."

The blonde responds simply, still twirling the bloodied blade in his hand as it dripped onto the floor steadily.

"I swear to god, if you kill him-"

"I haven't killed him Mark... not yet. Aren't you going to come save him? Be his prince charming?"

Felix interrupts with a small sigh, hand tightening on the blade as his blue eyes travelled over to Jack, who averted his gaze, but still listened to the conversation, eyes narrowing as he called Mark 'Prince Charming'. The thought would make him smile, if the scenario were different of course.

Mark hesitates, seeming to think on the situation.

"How do I know you haven't killed him already...?"

The red haired man finally mutters into the phone, his voice lowering. Felix smiles and turns walking towards the green haired man, who instinctively leaned away as much as possible, only making the Swede smile more. Jack silently cusses himself out at his fear, but still can't help himself from wanting to get as far from the hunter as possible.

"Want to chat with him? I'm sure he's dying to speak with you Mark..."

With that Felix pulls the phone away from his ear and presses a button, putting the call on speaker. Mark stays silent waiting to hear something from Jack. The green haired man opens his mouth to speak but stops himself, letting his blue eyes travel up and glare at an annoyed Felix who silently told him to speak with his ocean blue eyes.

Jack shakes his head, refusing to help the Swede torture his friend. The only one he could trust at the moment. He kept his mouth shut, honestly hoping Mark would believe him to be dead and not try to come after him. He couldn't imagine if Mark got hurt, especially if it were because of him.

Finally Felix sighs and lifts the blade again, bringing it down until it pierced through Jack's thigh, blood spurting out. The green haired man can't help himself as it forced a blood curdling scream out of him, his throat raw already, but hurting worse as the scream escaped him.

"Does that sound dead to you? Why don't you come get him Mark...?"

Felix asks into the phone, his mouth curling into a grin. Mark says nothing on the other end as Jack sucks in shaky breaths, a couple of tears escaping before he forces them to stop, letting small pained groans escape him instead.

"If you really want him alive... come get him... But I'm warning you... You're going to have to get through me first."

The Swede continues. Jack sucks in a breath before forcing himself to speak to Mark, his voice pleading.

"M-Mark! D-Don't.... H-He-"

Before Jack can continue Felix pulls the blade from his thigh, letting more blood spill out, and causing Jack to yelp in pain. The blade is brought up to Jack's throat, piercing into his throat slightly, though cutting his throat wouldn't kill him, it would certainly keep him from talking, and of course hurt like hell.

"Shut it, fleabag!"

Felix snarls, his blue eyes glaring into the fear stricken ones of Jack. A small whimper escapes the green haired man, though he obeys and shuts his mouth. Trying not to move as the cold metal threatened to cut into the soft skin of his neck.

Mark sucks in a sharp breath, before finally speaking, his voice cold and angry, sending shivers down even Jack's spine.

"I swear to god Felix.... I'm coming to get Sean... And you had better hope I don't run into you...."

Mark threatens simply, before the phone clicks and the call drops. Felix says nothing, his blue eyes travelling to the phone before he smiles slightly again, standing up fully again, moving the blade away from Jack's throat, letting the Irish man relax slightly.

That small bit of relaxation ends as Felix pierces the blade into Jack's leg again, same leg, different spot. Jack cries out again, his arms instinctively pulling against the restraints, the excruciating pain in his leg distracting him from the scratching in his raw throat.

Felix simply leaves the blade in his leg, walking away once again behind Jack, out of his sight. The green haired man forces himself to breathe through the pain, trying to keep his eyes away from the silver blade sticking out of his thigh, looking at it only managed to make him panic. The burning pain never ceasing, and his body struggling to heal the wounds, though unable to in his weakened state.

Jack's head drops as his vision blurs, and his eyes travel upward slightly as Felix walks in front of him, a gun in hand. He cocks it before walking out of the door, and leaving Jack. The green haired man struggles to stay awake, but soon blackness overtakes him and he passes out.

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