Chapter 35
???'s POV
I watched the girl, Soul, enter the room with the alter stage in it. I watched as she figured out each puzzle to the alter in order to activate it. It was made for this specific reason and this reason alone was why I was the one to watch her do it. I knew all to well that this girl was something beyond anyone's dreams and she was capable of destroying all things as we know it. But she was still my daughter and I should've known that this is what happens when you abandon your sorcerer child into a world where anything in Notch's right mind can happen. I saw the final part happen where the room was blinded by a colorful light and saw her unconscious on the ground.
I sighed and walked over to her with her shadow counter-part trailing behind me...I walked up to her and brushed her cheek lightly with my hand...In time you will remember everything...Thanks to those stupid boys, they erased all of the memories you had before that cursed day Dawn unleashed your dark side. Thanks to her, my baby girl has become a monster, and is destined to either destroy or preserve Minecraftia. I stood up and was walking back to my study when Soul Silver spoke.
"Sir...What do we do with her? Her allies will notice her absence quickly if we don't do something. They will come back for her, and if not she will try to find a way to get out and find them herself..." The shadow counter-part, Soul Silver was saying before I silenced her with a wave of my hand.
"I am quite aware of that Silver, and I know what we're going to do...We're going to keep her here until Kuria comes back with what I need in order to save my daughter...At this rate she'll unlock her full powers and won't be able to control them...Am I correct Silver to assume that you've been watching over her as I asked of you?" I asked the shadow as she nodded in response.
"It would appear that she is almost completely immune to physical pain and that she has a rare disease in which causes this as a result...She is also deathly allergic to the chemicals in peroxide, and she appears to be well trained with any weapon despite having no training or experience what so ever..." Silver said as she placed her hand on her chin as though deep in thought.
"And...?" I said as I waved my hand motioning for her to continue.
"And she is suppose to be a weak child because of this but what I have noticed from her behavior sometimes, is that there are three other 'entities' residing within her mind...I have yet to discover who they are though-" Silver was saying but stopped in the middle of the report she was giving me when we heard a demonic laugh fill the room...Oh crud...
"Oh crud is right Jeremy...And your little plan to do just that won't work...You see, not if we have something to do about it...Hehe...You have always underestimated us...Now it's a shame I didn't get to kill someone, but I don't want to have to explain to the guys why Soul is covered in blood so we'll be on our way now...See you on the flipside *****" The person said and I turned to look over to Soul and saw that stupid boy of Notch's with Soul in his arms. He stood there with a smug look on his face as he saw my reaction.
"Damian!!!" I yelled as I stomped towards the boy. His smug look turned from one of satisfaction to one of pure hatred. He summoned a knife to his hand and began tossing it around in his hand like a toy.
"You Jeremy have made a horrible mistake by calling me that. You shouldn't have done that..." Was all he said before throwing the blade straight into my shoulder. I screamed out in agony as pain and blood came from the new wound.
"Master!" Silver said as that stupid child did this. Silver started to come to my aid but I stopped her with a wave of my hand.
"Don't come any closer Silver...He'll kill you on the spot if you come anywhere close to me or him as long as he has Soul...You will pay for interfering with me and my daught-" I was yelling at the boy before he rudely cut me off.
"Your DAUGHTER? Ha! Don't make me laugh Jeremy. You abandoned her to fend for herself when she was four and she could've died for all you cared! If you really cared for her like a father would to his own child, then you wouldn't have done that to her to begin with! She's lucky that Ender, Wither, and I were out hunting that day you abandoned her, otherwise she'd be dead by now! We cared for her like she was our own little sister, not like a friend, or like one of our allies, but as a sister. In all retrospect, we cared for her a lot better then you ever did in those four years of her life! So you can shut your mouth about you being her father when in reality, you're nothing more than some sick psycho who wanted to make some kid suffer! You're a pathetic excuse for a father you son of a *****" Damian said as he spat on the floor and teleported away, with my child in his cluches...Why you-
"Sir would you like me to heal you now?" Silver said as she came closer to me but still waited for my response. I sighed, agitated that some brat could talk to me that way and leave without getting a piece of his own medicine.
"Yes Silver, I need to get some rest anyways..." I said as I pulled the blade out of my shoulder and watched as it vanished out of my hand.
"I'll get right to it Master..." Silver said before she started treating my wounds.
Soon Soul, I will come for you. Soon you will be under my control and none of your friends will be able to help, let alone save you. Soon Soul you will fulfill your fate...
Damian's (Derp) POV
I teleported back to the Sky Army, where Soul was the safest, and laid her in the closest bed that was in the room I was in. I looked around and saw an enchantment table in the corner of the room. My face lit up as I saw this and I quickly pulled it out from the corner over to the bed. I felt so much better with it around and I soon realized that I could bring Ender and Wither out here due to the unlimited amount of magical energy coming from the enchantment table. I did my thing and Wither and Ender were out here with me. Except when Ender came out, he was asleep and he landed on the ground with a thud, which woke him up in an instant. Wither however, landed on the ground in a kneeling position before he regained his posture. Ender however, he was pretty mad right now...
"What the Nether Damian!? What was that-" Ender was saying before Wither clamped his hand over Ender's mouth, silencing him. Ender tried squirming out of Wither's grasp while a bit of mumbling came from Ender.
"Shut it all ready! Are you that stupid to not notice that Soul is right there!?" Wither hissed at Ender in a hushed tone that shut Ender up in a matter of seconds.
But it was too late...All of our faces paled as we saw Soul wake up and sit upright in the bed. She placed a hand on her head as she sat there not doing a thing. But she looked at us and her face lit up when she saw us.
"Derp! It's good to see you in person finally!" Soul said as she jumped out of the bed, and ran over to me and gave me a hug. Well, more like she tackled me when she tried to give me a hug. I just laid there in shock at what just happened, I mean that is no at all how I expected her to react, let alone the fact that she called me 'Derp' instead of...Oh no...I-It's just as we feared...Soul has forgotten us...No...
I sat up and saw the hurt look on Wither and Ender's faces when Soul didn't even look at them, let alone even mention their names...Soul sat up as well, cause she was laying on her stomach when I sat up, and looked over at Ender and Wither. Her expression changed from happiness to confusion when she saw them. But then she screamed out in pain, and fell on her side as she held the side of her head. Wither and Ender snapped out of their trances and rushed over to Soul. Wither summoned a wither skull in his hand but it was a different one than what I'm used to seeing Wither use. Ender's expression read pure fear and worry as he watched Soul like this. He closed his eyes and looked away from Soul, and I could see tears streaming down his face.
"Soul, please be okay...Please..." Ender said as tears continued to roll of his face. I couldn't stand seeing Soul like this either, I just couldn't.
"I hope this works...Aren deso adinori consuno se..." Wither said as he started chanting and the wither skull in his hand turned white instead of black. He placed the skull on Soul's side and a soft white light filled the room. Soon Soul was just laying on the floor and she wasn't in pain any more.
"W-What did you do? Wither..." Ender said worriedly as he saw Soul wasn't waking up.
"I used a forgotten technique that turns a wither skull from one of withering, to one of restoration...I just hope that it worked..." Wither said as he looked down at his hands.
I looked back over to Soul and saw that she was waking up. Wither and Ender looked at her and their faces were full of worry and hope at the same time. She opened her eyes and sat up rubbing her forehead. She looked over at us and her eyes started to tear up, and she ended up giving us a hug and she wouldn't let go...
"Soul...Do you know who we are?" Ender asked as he fought back tears of his own. Wither and I tried to hold back tears of our own, and all Soul did in response was hug us tighter.
"H-How could you ask me such a thing? Of course I know who you are...You're such an idiot some times Ender...I can't believe that you guys are back...I missed you guys Damian...I missed you too Wither...I-I c-can't believe it's really you guys...I-" Soul was saying but she ended up crying into our arms as we held her close to us...She...She remembers who we are. She actually remembers!
"I can't believe you remembered us...after all the time that's passed...We're sorry for leaving you...We were trying to keep you safe from Dawn..." Ender said, as we ended up hugging Soul trying to stop her from crying.
"I-It's okay...I'm just happy that you guys are okay." Soul said as she calmed down and stayed in our arms.
"I promise that I will protect you guys...You will always be my family..." Soul said before she yawned and looked like she was going to fall asleep.
Ender laughed as Soul fell asleep in our arms and was sound asleep in a matter of moments. Wither picked Soul up in his arms and walked over to one of the beds in the room we were in.
"Hey Damian..." Ender was saying as he looked out the window.
"Yeah?" I asked wondering what was on his mind.
"Where exactly did you teleport us to? Cause...Hehe...This isn't the Sky Army Derp..." Ender said as he used my nickname...Well okay, the name I gave myself because of how crazy and berserk I go when I really get into a fight...And I mean get into it. I sighed an irritated sigh before glaring at Ender, while Wither was laying on the floor with his eyes closed and his hood over his eyes.
"Fine...Give me a minute Captain Obvious." I said while Ender rolled his eyes at me with a smirk on his face. I started chanting and Ender quickly, but carefully, picked up Soul while Wither joined hands with me and Ender.
Within a few moments, We were in a room with four beds and by the looks of it three of the beds were occupodo. Ender placed Soul in the vacant bed while Wither conjured up some pillows and blankets.
"Looks like we're sleepin' on the floor tonight guys." Wither said throwing a pillow in both my face and Ender's face while we got tangled up in the blankets.
"Help I'm being eatin alive by the blankets!" Ender whispered-yelled. But then three pillows smacked into our faces as we saw a very agitated and tired looking girl who had no pillows while there was still four pillows on the other beds.
"Soul...*yawn*... How many times do I have to tell you to keep it down at night...That's what the daytime's for-" The girl was saying before she looked right at us.
I mean Ender fell over, face first onto the floor while being wrapped up in a blanket like a worm. Wither was sitting on the pillow that was thrown at him, and he was sitting cross-legged with his hands in his lap, and his eyes were closed as though he was sleeping. Um okay...But me, well I was just standing there with a blanket over my shoulders like a cape, or something.
"Idiot..." Wither said as he opened one eye and looked at Ender, as he worm crawled across the floor trying to make his way towards Soul. The girl jumped out of her bed and landed her foot onto Ender's back and left him squirming in place as he tried to get away from her.
"That guy's right, you really are an idiot...Especially for an assassin." The girl hissed as she pulled out a dagger and pressed it to Ender's neck. Both Wither and I raised our hands and slowly made our way to the girl in hope that we could avoid any kind of blood shed. But...We were too late with that one, especially with how Ender reacts to these kind of situations...
"You shouldn't have done that you foolish girl...Now it's time for you to pay and to learn what happens when you get on my bad side..." Ender said as his calm, purple draconic eyes turned into black slits, and his wings came out and he got really angry. His eyes glowed a dark purple in the dark, barely lit room which was lit, by a side table lamp by her bed.
"What the-" The girl said as she backed up away from Ender and it was obvious that she was terrified by him.
"Ender calm down...We are suppose to protect Soul and her friends, we're not suppose to harm her or them...Come on calm down. Remember this?" Wither said as he pulled out a little box and pulled out a gem. But this gem was enchanted to play any song or event that it was present for.
But Wither stood in front of Ender and held the gem in his palm, showing it to Ender. And the gem started to play an event that involved Soul. I looked into the gem and smiled when I saw that it was Soul when she was nine...Months before the incident...
(Event in the Gem)
"ENDER! ENDER! ENDER! Watch this!" Said a very excited Soul as she stood in front of Ender and Damian as they waited for Soul to do what ever it was she was suppose to be doing, while Wither recorded this on his gem he got from his dad.
"We're watching Soul! Do your thing!" A very happy Ender said as he watched Soul shift from foot to foot.
"Don't worry Soul...We won't make fun of you if you don't do good...I promise" Wither said behind the gem's view of vision.
"I'm making no promises!" Damian said as he pointed to the camera.
"And don't you dare put that thing near me Wither!" Damian said as Wither put the gem by Damian's face and caused Damian to scream like a girl and fall out of his chair.
Wither ends up chasing Damian around with the gem, while Damian jumps over everything and anything in order to get away from Wither's gem. Soul is giggling as they do this and she waits patiently for them to stop. When things calmed down, Soul was less nervous and she looked excited to do her thing.
"You ready Soul? Cause we have ice cream for when your done..." Ender said holding a tub of ice cream. Soul nods her head and gets herself ready.
"I...wanted to sing a song for Ender cause today's his birthday and I wanted it to be special for him..." Soul said as she blushed at what she said. Ender's cool guy act softened as Soul said this and he smiled afterwards.
"I-I wanted to sing Ender his favorite song,'Darkness'. I hope you enjoy Ender..." Soul said as she pressed the play button on a pair of speakers and the music started to play...
(Cue in the music at beginning of the chapter. Note: It's not the exact lyrics but I hope you enjoyed none the less! Now continue...)
I can feel the cold hand of death at the end drawing near...
I have seen the gods of the men and all in which they fear...
Sing to me Songs of the Darkness
Farewell to heaven my friend...
Come to me bury your sorrow,
Temptation reek havoc again...
Sing to me Songs of the Darkness
Farewell to heaven my friend...
Come to me bury your sorrow,
Temptation reek havoc again...
Sing to me Songs of the Darkness,
Farewell to heaven my friend...
Come to me bury your sorrow,
Temptation reek havoc again...
Sing to me Songs of the Darkness
Farewell to heaven my friend...
Come to me bury your sorrow,
Temptation reek havoc again...
Sing to me Songs of the Darkness...
Sing to me Songs of the Darkness...
Sing to me Songs of the Darkness...
Sing to me Songs of the Darkness...
Sing to me Songs of the Darkness...
The song ends and Soul looks like she's tired and she get's a hug from Ender. And she ends up having a piggy-back ride from Ender and the recorded event on the gem ends...
Ender's hostile eyes calm down as he watches this. He smiles when he sees Soul singing and how adorable she was when she was little. I smiled as well and I looked down to see Soul was hanging onto Ender's leg as she slept. I chuckled as I saw this, I mean how did she fall off of the bed and get all the way over here in the first place!? Let alone not waking up in the process.
Ender looked down at the ground as tears formed in his eyes, but he soon saw Soul and he smiled again. He got his foot out of Soul's grasp and knelt down next to her.
"I miss those days...I hope we can have them..." Ender said before he picked Soul up and hugged her, while his wings were folded back against his back. The girl walked up to Ender with the blade out of her hand, and she looked at Soul with a worried expression.
"Do you know her? I mean, I've known Soul for the last ten years, and she has never even mentioned you or your friends there..." The girl said while she approached Ender slowly. Ender looked up and let out a low growl while baring a few of his draconic teeth trying to get her to back off. His tail was twitching, and his wings were unfolding and he wrapped them around Soul thinking that she was going to harm Soul.
"We were the ones who raised Soul since she was four...After Jeremy abandoned her in the wilderness...We raised her till she was nine...But then something happened and we had to leave in order to protect her...Cause if we hadn't done what we had done, Soul would've been dead by now..." Ender said as he kept the low growl in his voice...Man this is going to take some time to get used to...
"But may we ask who you are?" Wither asked as he opened both of his eyes and started to drink a cup of either coffee or tea. Wait when did Wither get a drink!? I want some!
"Me? Well I'm Sora...and over there is Zach and Echo...Zach is a creeper hybrid, but he can't explode though...Echo is a cat hybrid and over there is Kyra and Zero...Our pet cat and slime...Now you..." Sora said with her arms crossed as she motioned at us.
"I'm Damian but you can call me 'Derp'...Don't ask why...Over there you got Wither drinking what I believe is coffee or tea-" I was saying but Wither cut me off.
"It's Tai Tea..." Wither said before taking a drink of his tea.
"Right...Over there is Ender and you really made him pissed off..." I said as I looked over at Ender who was glaring daggers at Sora...
"Well based on your names I guess it's safe to assume that you're hybrids?" Sora said as she pointed at Ender and Wither. I nodded my head and that seemed to satisfy her.
"So Wither is a Wither Skeleton Hybrid? Ender is probably an Enderman hybrid...And you...I have no idea..." Sora said as she shrugged her shoulders. I sighed an irritated sigh as I looked back over to her.
"You're somewhat close...But not quite...Wither is a Wither BOSS hybrid, or the son of the Wither...Ender is an Enderdragon hybrid, or the son of the Enderdragon...And me well...I'm not sure how to say this but...I'm a Brine hybrid, or the son of one of the Minecraftian gods, Notch himself..." I said as I looked away in embarrassment...I never fully admitted who my parents were except to Soul and the guys...
"W-What!? So I just made the son of the Enderdragon made at me and possibly even want to kill me!?" Sora said as she started to freak out and run around the room. Soon enough though, the sun started to rise and the rest of her friends started to wake up. Ender however decided to be a funny guy and do something stupid...
"Gah! The sunlight! It burns! I'm melting! I'm melting!!!" Ender said as he fell over on the ground after placing Soul on the bed, and pretended to play dead. The other two boys just screamed and jumped out of their bed, while running over to Sora trying to use her as a human shield.
"I sacrifice thee to the Enderdragon in order to revive him!" Sora said as she pushed the two boys in front of her, towards Ender. Ender opened one of his eyes and stood up while opening his wings just to scare the living nether out of them. Ender than transformed in a miniature Enderdragon and scared the boys so bad one of them passed out. Ender transformed back into his normal self while laughing his head off. But he soon got a face full of pillow thanks to Soul.
"Keep it down over there Ender...Or else I'll use you as a pillow and throw you out the window." Soul said as she threw another pillow at Ender and made him fall over cause of how hard she threw it.
"Ow..." Ender said as he laid on the floor with a pillow over his face. Soon Soul was standing over Ender, and she had a crazy smile on her face and she had a very mad look on her face...Oh ****...
"What did I say about keeping it down Ender?" Soul said while Ender got up and started running out of the door trying to get away from Soul...
"You can run but you can't hide Ender!" Soul said as she started to run after Ender while holding a pillow in her hand. Wither just shrugged his shoulders as he and I ran after the two of them.
We found Soul and Ender running through the Dining room while Sky and the others were eating breakfest. We ran after them and I jumped over the table and chairs just to be a show off.
"Hi Sky! Just dealing with some problems!" I yelled as I ran past Sky and he and the others just looked from one to the other before following us.
"Get over here Ender! I have a surprise for you!" Soul yelled at Ender while he ran for his life.
"I don't want the surprise your going to give me cause it's going to end with me being killed!" Ender said as he screeched like a girl, as Soul caught up to him and ran as fast as he could.
Soul soon tackled him and was laughing as Ender tried to squirm his way away from Soul as she grabbed him by the ankles and started pulling him back the way he came.
"Help me! I'm going to die by a five-hundred and nineteen year old!" Ender said before clamping his mouth with his hands. Soul dropped him and was looking at him in confusion as she looked at him...Oh no Ender what did you do!? Wither and the others caught up but I got there before them like ten minutes ago.
"What did you say?" Soul said as she glared at Ender...
"N-Nothing...I'm free! My distraction worked! Muahahaha! NO!!!!!!!!" Ender was saying before Soul grabbed him by the ankles and started dragging him away again.
Soul soon brought Ender to a window and opened it with one hand and held his ankle with the other. While Soul did this, Ender tried to claw at the floor in an attempt to get away from her. Soul soon picked Ender up and it looked like she was going to throw him out the window.
"Ender remember when we would do those sky stunts and such right?" Soul asked Ender...Where is she going with this...Ender nodded his head in confusion.
"Let's do one for old times sake..." Soul said as Ender just smiled playfully as he got himself prepared for takeoff.
"3...2...1...Launch me Soul!" Ender said as Soul threw him out the window and jumped out of it after Ender. The guys rushed to a window and tried to see if they could see them.
"Soul!" Sky yelled when he didn't see her. Man does he have a crush on her or something? Geez loosen up man...
Soon a shadow covered the windows as it flew by and when it passed by, everyone cheered as they saw Soul standing on Ender's back while he had his wings out gliding and occasionally flapping. Sky sighed and fell over backwards, it was as though he fainted from their awesomeness or something...Well actually that's not far fetch...It happened when some random person saw us doing it...Hehe yeah that was funny...When they came in back in, we all went to eat breakfast with the guys and it seemed like a another normal day...Except today Wither, Ender, and I were able to be with Soul again...But man was I wrong about the normal part...
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