Chapter 20

Sky's POV  (You weren't expecting that now were you??? XD )

The last thing I remember is teleporting to a random lake, and falling unconscious. But as I fell, I was caught by someone. Who caught me? Wait, wasn't it Soul who caught me? But before I could see who it was, I blacked out. I felt myself being lifted up and placed on someone's back. It  felt so warm and comforting, that I fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to when they arrived at the Base~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up a bit when I  heard someone yelling for Jerome.

"General Jerome! Over here! We need help and fast!"

I couldn't tell who it was that said that, but I could tell that he meant that I was the one who needed help. I could hear everyone talking, trying to figure out what to do. I could hear Seto call Quentin over to follow him.

"Quentin! Could you come with me? I want you to come with me too." Seto said.

I felt the person who was carrying me nod their head. We started walking somewhere and then Seto asked the person who was carrying me a question.

"'s your name?" Seto asked a bit nervously.

Since when was Seto nervous? I get how its all awkward and quiet and all but still, Seto was never this nervous. Unless it was something really big and important. But what surprised me even more was the person's answer.

"My name is....My name is Souldragon9 or just Soul." Soul said.

Wait what !?!? Soul was the one carrying me this whole time! Oh Notch, hopefully I wasn't too much of a bother to her. I fell asleep again and before I knew it, we entered a room and heard Seto say something.

"Can you go place Sky on his bed over there?" Seto asked.

"Okay." replied Soul.

Wait, we're in my room? Well I should've expected this, I mean that makes the most sense considering how this happened at least three times. Yeah. Soul started walking over to the bed and when she did, she placed me on with the gentleness of a mother. The moment my head touched the pillow, I started to fall asleep. I was engulfed in the smell of Budder from my blankets and pillows, but something unexpected happened. Soul pulled a chair over to me and then she said something totally unexpected to me.

 "Don't worry King Sky, I'm staying next to you until you wake up. I won't let anthing happen to you while your asleep. I promise." Soul said.

Then Soul held my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I gave her hand a small squeeze in response, showing that I understood what she said and that I had heard her. I could tell that she was very surprised by this, because she tensed up. But she soon relaxed and let go of my hand. I didn't realize how cold it was until Soul let go of my hand. Unintentionally, I shived at how cold it was, and Soul must've noticed because she pulled the blankets up until they were just below my chin. Once she let go of the blanket, I rolled over and pulled the blankets closer to me. I'm pretty sure she smiled, because I could hear her trying to surpress a giggle. Soon enough I was consumed by darkness, and was asleep knowing that I was back at the Base, where I belonged.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip 7 hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up to hearing Quentin and Mitch arguing about something on the other side of room. I groaned and started to feel my way around the side table looking for my sunglasses. For I felt them for an instance before someone took them away from me. Oh come on, I was so close!

"Mehhhhhh. Give them back" I mumbled. It was obvious that I still tired from yesterday's events.

I heard Mitch laughing, while Quentin was scolding Mitch for his childish behavior.

"Come on Mitch! Give them back to Sky!!! I mean it! Come on, give them back!!!!!!" said a very irritated Fish.

"NO WAY! It's way to funny!!!" Mitch said in between laughs.

I sat up sat and let out a yawn as I stretched my arms out. I got up and started to get up but was shoved back down by someone.

"Owww, what the nether happened?" I moaned because my head was blasting with pain.

"Your not going anywhere Biggums!!!" Mitch said still laughing his head off.

"Ok! Ok! Just get off of me and give me my sunglasses back!" I whined.

"Ok here you go Biggums. But on one condition!" Mitch said in a michievious tone.

I groaned. "Fine, what do you want Mitch?" I asked quite annoyed.

I got a bad feeling about this....

"First, you open your eyes. I mean, I don't get why you don't open your eyes. Why don't you want us to see your eyes?" Mitch asked. I couldn't hear any of the goofy tone that was always in his voice, instead it seemed as if he was talking in a serious tone.

The instance he said that, I tensed up. I was really hoping that he wouldn't ask that. I was hoping that  I wouldn't have to show them yet. But I guess that I have no choice but to, if I wanted my sunglasses back. I faced my lap and opened my eyes.

"I going to warn to warn you though, your going to be surprised by what you see..." I said still looking at my lap.

I lifted my head up and turned to face Mitch and Quentin. I heard them gasp at what they saw. Geez, Mitch was even covering his mouth for Notch's sake! They were the few people I've showed my eyes to. I got them from my dad and they were always glowing a Budder color. I don't know why they were Buddered color though. They were just standing there looking at me in shock, and that really ticked me off.

"What?" I asked bitterly.

"Uhhhm, Sky... your eyes are glowing a budder color." Quentin said.

"No derp Sherlock!!! Of course they're Buddered color. He's Sky for crying out loud!!! Plus, they're glowing because of Herobrine. I mean Herobrine's his father for crying out loud! I mean seriously Quentin! You're so clueless sometimes." Mitch said angrily, but was still smiling.

"Oh....Uhhhh..... Sorry" Quentin said looking away. I guess he couldn't take it anymore.

"It's fine Quentin, that's how everyone acts when they see my eyes for the first time. Besides, can I have my sunglasses back now? You got what you wanted, now I want my sunglasses." I said, pointing at my sunglasses.

"Oh, um here." Mitch said and handed me my shades.

"Thanks. So where is everyone?" I asked, while looking around the room.

"They're in the dining room having dinner. It's all ready 5'o'clock on the dot. You've been passed out for seven hours Sky." Quentin said while looking down.

"WHAT!?!?" I said nearly jumping out of the bed.

"And there's another thing that Quentin didn't tell you.... Your father said he was going to stay here until he was sure that you were fully healed. And do you want to grab somethin to eat, I mean you haven't ate anything since last night." Mitch said.

I stared at them until my stomach growled. We all started to laugh our heads off. When we finally stopped, that was when Ian walked into the room.

"Hey guys, Seto wants to know if you guys want to eat cause it's re- SKY! When did you wake up!?!?" Ian asked. He ran over to me and gave me a hug. Man, was he happy to see me.

"Hey Ian! How are you doing lately? How is everyone doing, I mean I haven't been able to talk to anyone yet since the... you know." I said trailing off.

"Oh! Um I've been good and so is everyone else!" Ian said cheerfully.

I smiled and let a relieved sigh to know that everyone was okay. I layed back onto my bed with my arms sprawled out all over the bed. I laughed as I layed there with a big grin on my face.

"So are we going to eat or what?" Ian said while laughing too.

"Oh no! It's the LAUGH VIRUS!!!! It's contagious! Hurry, run for your lives!" Mitch said laughing his head off too.

"Yeah come on let's go eat, I don't want to hold you guys up from eating your dinner. Besides it's about time I got out of bed." I said with a smile on my face.

I swung my legs over the bed and tried to get up but the instant I did so, the world started to swirl all around me. I felt my legs give in and I fell to the floor. But Ian caught me before I was even close to landing the floor.

"Woah! Take it easy Sky! You don't want to over do it now, or else you could end up passing out again." Ian said with a worried expression on his face.

"Okay, I'll try and thanks Ian" I said witha thankful expression on my face.

I tried to stand on my own, but to no prevail.

"Here let me help you." Ian said and slung my arm around his shoulders, and helped me to the Dining room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TIME SKIP CAUSE I SAYS SO XD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When I walked into the room, I saw that everyone was there. Even my dad there, enjoying a nice cup tea and steak. Ty and Jason turned around and saw that I was there with Ian, Mitch, and Quentin. They're faces lit up with joy as they saw me. I smiled at them and waved a small wave to them. They ran over to us and gave me they biggest, and longest hug I've ever recieved from them. Everyone else turned around from their meals to see what Ty and Jason were so excited about. When they saw me, they did the same thing that Ty and Jason did. My dad teleported over to me and gave a long hug before breaking the hug.

"It's good to see that your all right. I hope that you didn't suffer any major injuries." He said before he teleported back to the table, and he looked like a large weight was lifted from his shoulders.

"Come on guys, let's go eat before it gets cold." I said with a smile plastered on my face.

We walked over to the table and started to eat our dinner. I wanted to talk to my dad and Seto when I got the chance, but for now lets just enjoy a peaceful evening together. Man we need to do this more often, cause it feels nice to hang out with everyone together every once in a while. Yeah that would be nice...

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