Episode 1: Here Kitty Kitty
Gotham Museum
8:05 PM
As dawn turns to dusk, the guards on night shift at the Gotham Museum patrol around the exhibits. At the center of the museum is a jewel. Encased in glass, the jewel shines as the guards look around the building.
In the back through a vent, drops down a woman in a black bodysuit.
She steps out of the shadows.
She brings down the pink goggles on her head.
"Six Guards. This will be easy." She says.
She smirks and uses her whip to climb up the ceiling. She crawls above the guards.
One stands by himself scratching himself.
"God I need a shower." He says.
The woman crawls until she reaches above the guard. She uses her whip to hang down. She wraps her legs around the man and begins to choke him out. The guard tries to fight back. Once he is asleep she lets him down and drops down. She looks around and uses the whip to climb back up to the ceiling. She crawls to a vent and climbs inside.
She crawls around until she is above another guard. She drops down through the grate and wraps her legs around him. She chokes him out and lets him go. She hides behind a corner and sees two guards. She pulls out some caltrops from her bag and throws them down.
The guards hear the sound of the caltrops on the ground. They go to investigate but trip on them. The woman runs and knocks them out. She looks and sees two guards in front of the jewel. She whips up to the ceiling and hangs above the guards.
"So I'm new to Gotham. Tell me why do so many people talk badly about it?" Asks one guard.
"Kid, if you only knew...We got a Bat Vigilante roaming around, kicking criminal's in the face! It's crazy!" Says the other guard.
"A bat?!" Says the guard.
Then, She drops down behind them. She grabs their heads and slams them together with enough force to knock them out!
She stands there as they fall. She smiles.
"Oooh..I think I chipped a nail." She says.
She walks to the jewel and uses the claws on her gloves to cut a circle through the glass. She pokes the glass making it fall. She grabs the jewel and puts it in the bag. When she goes to turn, she hears a gun clicking.
"Don't move!" Says a guard.
She turns around and sees more guards.
"Jesus...We got a Bat and a Cat!?" Says a guard
"Oooh...Cat. I like that. Now are you just gonna stand there looking stupid or do you boys want a piece of little ole me?" She asks.
One guard goes to hit her but she grabs his arm, twists it, and kicks him in the face! She then slides under him and kicks the guard behind him in the face. She jumps on the guard and takes him down. She kips up and kicks another guard in his face!
She grabs her whip and chokes a guard with it. A guard runs at her. She kicks him in front of her. She moves the whip so it hits him in the face! She lets the guard she choked go and knees him in the face knocking him out.
She stands around the guards.
"Well it was fun boys, but I got places to be and pets to feed." She says as she walks off.
16vxriot presents...
Based off the characters by Bob Kane and Bill Finger
Gotham Museum
8:54 PM
GCPD officers stand around. Some gards are being interviewed while the others are being checked out by Paramedics.
Captain Jim Gordon stands looking around.
"Long night Jim?" asks someone with a deep gravelly voice.
In walks from the shadows, The Batman.
Jim chuckles. "Yeah. I have the Commissioner complaining about our partnership, plus being a single father and having to deal with Harvey Bullock..Yeah it's been a hell of a night." Says Jim.
The Officers look at Batman and are shocked but also disgusted.
"Are you kidding me Jim? Him?!" Says a Cop.
"He is trustworthy. Get used to seeing it. We are partners." Says Jim.
"He beat up so many of us last time." Says a Cop.
" If I recall you are the one who pointed a gun at him." Says Jim.
"I bet The Commissioner would like to hear about this." Says another Cop.
"And I bet your wife would like to know about your affair." Says another Cop.
"Jim. Come on. This...thing is horrible for this city!" Says Detective Harvey Bullock.
"No offense Harv, but I don't think hitting on every female officer is good for the city either." Says Jim
"Whatever Jim." Says Harvey Bullock.
Harvey walks off.
Jim and Batman walk closer to the jewel case.
"It was cut open in a perfect circle. No alarms tripped. The ones that saw her only came in for a shift change." Says Jim.
"Her?" Asks Batman.
"Yeah a woman. She kicked all of their asses." Says Jim.
"Do we have a description?" Asks Batman.
"She had a mask on but some of her face was showing. She has these cat ears on her mask. Like yours." Says Jim who chuckles.
Batman just looks at him. Jim stops laughing.
"She is of mixed descent. Around 5'2." Says Jim.
"Do we have any footage?" Asks Batman.
"Yep. Come on, follow me." Says Jim
As they walk, Cops stare at Batman.
They walk into the room with tons of computers.
A guard looks at Batman and shakes his head. Batman pulls out a flash drive and plugs it into the keyboard.
"Seriously Gordon?" Says the guard.
"Relax. He is on our side." Says Jim.
The guard sighs.
"Well we couldn't get a face. She had a mask and goggles." Says the guard.
"Damnit!" Says Jim.
He goes to look back at Batman but he is gone.
Outside the museum, Batman gets on his Bat Bike and drives around the city. He soon drives to Wayne Manor. He heads off a pathway. Two doors open. He enters and rides until he stops inside....The Batcave.
9:12 PM
He gets off the bike. He takes off his cowl to show messed up eye shadow. He walks a bit.
"Batcomputer. On." He says.
Then a bunch of lights turn on. Many bats fly around and hiss at the lights. He walks forward to a computer.
He begins to type a few things.
An older gentleman walks up to him.
"That cat certainly could pack a punch. I saw the footage." says the man.
He plugs a flash drive into a box. The computer screen shows the footage from the museum.
"She sure knows what she is doing." Says the older man.
"She is a professional Alfred. She is probably the one behind all these recent robberies." He says.
"I wouldn't doubt it, Master Bruce. " says Alfred.
Bruce watches the footage.
"She took them out like it was nothing." Says Bruce.
He pauses it and looks.
"One smart Cat." Says Alfred.
"Look, She is avoiding the cameras. She turns her face and hides. She is stealthy. " says Bruce.
"Indeed sir. I do think though it is time to call it a night." Says Alfred.
Bruce nods and looks back at the computer. He stares at the woman.
"Who are you?" He asks himself.
Timm Apartments No. 40.
9:17 PM
The woman opens the door to her apartment. She heads in and sets her bag down on the counter. She looks out and sees an older man walking toward her.
"Hey! Selina! Where is my rent?!" Asks the man.
"I have told you so many times Joe, I will get it soon!" Says Selina.
"You better! Or I'll throw you and your stupid cats out!" Shout The man.
Selina slams the door.
She bends down to check on her cats. She stands back up and walks to the window and looks out at the red, night, sky.
Selina walks to her fridge and opens it and grabs some milk. She pours some in a small bowl and places it on the ground for her cats. She goes and opens the bag and looks at the jewel.
"Don't worry Joe...Soon I'll pay." She says as the jewel shines.
Wayne Manor
9:01 AM
Alfred walks into Bruce's bedroom. He opens the blinds which wakes Bruce up.
"Come on Al." Says Bruce.
"It's the only way to get you up." Says Alfred who grabs a tray he sat down on a table. "Your suit for your trip to Wayne Tower is ready. It's about time Bruce Wayne makes an appearance." He says.
Bruce takes the tray from Alfred.
"Thanks Alfred." Says Bruce.
"Of course Master Bruce. Just try not to spill anything. When your um...friend was over I had to clean those sheets ma- " says Alfred before he gets cut off.
"I got it! Thanks Alfred." Says Bruce.
Alfred chuckles and walks off.
Bruce nods and begins to eat.
Wayne Tower
10:13 AM
Bruce is walking around Wayne Tower's top floor. He arrives at the board room and walks in.
Inside are tons of businessmen.
"Wow! Bruce! I am stunned to see you." Says one of the men.
"I decided to finally get up this morning." Says Bruce with a smile.
"Well It's great to see you Mr. Wayne. Please sit. We are discussing the finances." Says one of the men.
Later, Bruce walks up to a black man with glasses.
"Mr. Wayne. I hope you are doing well." Says the man.
"I'm fine Lucius." Says Bruce.
"Good." Says Lucius.
He then walks to a different room and closes the door.
"Now we can talk about the...rock climbing." Says Lucius. "How is the suit treating you? Did my improvements help?" He asks.
"Yes they did. She is doing great. " says Bruce.
"Good. Good." Says Lucius. "So what can I do for you today?"
"I just wanted to check in. See how you are doing. You do a lot for me and this company, Lucius." Says Bruce.
"Ah it's not a problem Bruce. If spending hours on a grapple hook will make crime in Gotham stop, then I am all for it " he says with a smile. "They still don't believe you are real."
"Let's hope they never have to find out." Says Bruce.
The two share a chuckle.
"Tell me Bruce. Why are you really here? You haven't been seen in public in what feels like forever." Says Lucius.
"I need your help with something." Says Bruce.
He hands him a flashdrive.
"There is footage on here. It's from the Museum. A woman robbed them." Says Bruce.
"There a face or ID?" asks Lucius.
Bruce shakes his head.
"Damn...I see why you needed my help. I'll see what I can do." Says Lucius.
"Thanks Lucius." Says Bruce.
"No problem. Take care Bruce. Oh! Tell Alfred I say Hello." Says Lucius.
Bruce then heads out of his office. As he walks through the halls of Wayne Tower he bumps into someone.
"Oh! I'm sorry mam" says Bruce as he crouches to pick up her things.
"It's ok. It's my fault. I'm very clumsy."
Bruce looks and sees Selina. He hands her her things.
"There you go." He says.
"Thank you. It's good to see a rich man like you to be so kind." She says with a smile.
"Well I try my best." Says Bruce.
"It's crazy to see you here Mr. Wayne." Says Selina.
"I thought getting out would do me good." Says Bruce.
"Well that is good. I'll get out of your hair now. Take care Mr. Wayne. I hope to see you again soon." Says Selina.
Bruce nods and walks off. Selina watches him walk off.
1:01 PM
Bruce is sitting at the computer. Alfred walks up to him with a tray with tea. Bruce takes it.
"Thanks Alfred." Says Bruce.
"Are you excited for tonight's festivities sir?" Asks Alfred.
"No." Says Bruce.
"Why not? You are the one who agreed to this. It's about time you show your face without makeup on." Says Alfred.
"Is that all Alfred? Or are you gonna keep digging at me?" Asks Bruce.
"Well Master Bruce, what do you think? You have been back for 2 years and you barely show up without that bloody mask on." Says Alfred.
"It's not a mask. It's who I am." Says Bruce.
"....I surely hope not." Says Alfred. "Your suit is ready."
"Thank you Alfred." Says Bruce.
Alfred walks off. Bruce turns the news on.
"In other news, Bruce Wayne, The Billionaire Philanthropist, is hosting a Masquerade Ball for all of Gotham's Elite tonight. This marks the first time in months since we have seen him. " says Jack Ryder.
Meanwhile, Selina is at home watching TV.
"Brucey, Brucey, Brucey...You made this so easy." Says Selina with a smirk.
She gets up and walks to her closet and pulls out a dress .
Wayne Manor
8:30 PM
Wayne Manor is filled with Gotham's Elite. They are all enjoying their time with their masks on.
Alfred stands outside greeting the guests. Selina walks up to the doorstep.
"Welcome to Wayne Manor." Says Alfred.
The woman nods and smiles. She walks in and grabs a Cat Mask, and puts it on.
As that is going on, Bruce is walking around greeting the guests but doesn't have a mask on. A woman taps his shoulder.
"Excuse me, Mr. Wayne. May I have this dance?" Asks Selina.
"Of course." He smiles and takes her hand as they walk to the dance floor. They slowly dance.
"What are you supposed to be?" She asks.
"Bruce Wayne." He says.
Selina smirks.
"That's a nice necklace," he says.
"Thank you. It was my mother's." says Selina.
Bruce smiles.
"You look beautiful." Says Bruce.
"Thank you. You know, I thought when we bumped into each other I wouldn't get to see you again." Says Selina.
"Really?" Asks Bruce.
"Mhm. I was scared. Fate brought us here." She says.
"You believe in fate?" He asks.
"When I want to." Selina says with a smirk. "Tell me Mr. Wayne. What's it like to be a rich man?" Asks Selina.
"I'm sorry?" Says Bruce confused.
"Oh come on. Cut the act. All you rich boys are the same. You want to use us to get laid and get rid of us immediately. You see, Mr. Wayne. I'm here for one reason. To get something that I want." Says Selina.
"And that is?" Asks Bruce.
Selina leans close to his ear.
"You will have to find out." She says.
The two smirk and lock eyes. They lean closer and closer until she pulls back.
"I'll see you later Brucey." She says and walks off.
Bruce smirks. A woman then walks up to him.
"Bruce! Hi!" Says the woman.
"Um..Hi," he says.
"Don't you remember me?" She asks.
"I seem to forget mam." Says Bruce.
"Oh come on! We had...a really HOT night." She says.
As this is going on, Selina heads up his main staircase. Bruce sees her.
"Excuse me" he says to her as he pushes through the crowd after Selina. He follows her up the steps and sneaks.
Selina goes past a corner with Bruce following her. She sneaks down a hall and enters Bruce's study. She searches the room.
"Come on...Come on!" She says as she looks for it.
She goes to his desk and opens a drawer and finds a black box. She opens it and sees a pearl necklace.
"Hey! That's my mothers!" Shouts Bruce.
Selina looks and smirks.
"I was wondering when you would show up!" She says.
Bruce stands there and remembers the burglar from the Museum.
"You aren't taking that!" He says.
"I think I am." She says.
Bruce runs but she dodges. She kicks him in the gut and then goes to kick him in the face but Bruce grabs her leg and pushes her into the wall. He runs but Selina kicks him in the face. She goes to run to the window but Bruce tackles her into the wall.
"Enough games!" He says
"Too late! I like games! And I'm winning!" She says
She then headbutts him and kicks him into the wall again. She runs and leaps out the window.
Bruce runs to the window but sees no one.
"Damnit." He says.
He pulls his phone out.
"Alfred. We have a problem." Says Bruce.
He looks out and sighs.
11:09 PM
Bruce is sitting in the cave as Alfred stands next to him. They are watching the footage of Selina stealing the necklace.
"I feel so stupid!" Says Bruce.
"Master Bruce, If I may, she is smart. You shouldn't feel dumb. People make mistakes sir." Says Alfred.
"It was my mother's necklace, Alfred. I'm going to get it back." Says Bruce.
"And how will you do that?" Asks Alfred.
Bruce just stays silent.
"Exactly. I have an idea. Why don't you try and trick the cat with some bait?" Asks Alfred.
"How will I do that?" Asks Bruce.
"Well. We know she likes jewels and stealing from the rich and corrupt. Mayor Hill is away for Vacation and If I recall in his office he has a safe." Says Alfred.
Bruce nods
"Send the footage over to Lucius. See if he can get an ID." says Bruce.
"What will you do?" asks Alfred.
"I have to meet someone." He says as gets up and heads over to the suit chamber. He puts his hand on the scanner. The suit comes up from the chamber.
He looks at it. His reflection shines against the glass of the chamber.
11:30 PM
Jim Gordan is standing on the roof of GCPD smoking.
"You really should stop that."
"Yeah well when I have to deal with a daughter, wife, The Commissioner, these crazy criminals and you...this doesn't seem that bad" says Jim with a chuckle.
Batman walks out from the shadows.
"You wanted to meet here. Why?" Asks Jim.
"You hear about what happened at Wayne Manor?" Asks Batman.
"The Ball?" Asks Jim.
"No. Someone stole a necklace from Bruce Wayne's office." Says Batman.
He shows him pictures from the footage.
"We have a face. We don't have an ID. I have someone working on that." Says Batman.
"How can we be sure it's her?" Asks Jim.
"She fits the description and stole from a rich man. It's her." He says.
Gordon sighs and throws his cigarette down and steps on it.
"What do you have in mind?" Asks Jim.
"Mayor Hill has a safe in his office. It's full of cash. My guess is he most likely didn't leave it there when he left. We have to trap her." Says Batman.
"How do you do that?" Asks Jim.
"I have a plan," says Batman.
Timm Apartments No. 40
Selina is at her apartment watching the news.
"After a few weeks of vacation, Gotham's Mayor, Hamilton Hill will be back in Gotham in a few days!" Says a reporter
Selina smirks.
"About time I do this job." She says.
Gotham City Hall
8:20 PM
As guards are patrolling around City Hall, Selina is sneaking around above them. Once they move away she drops down and sneaks past them. She heads to the Mayor's office and sneaks in through a vent. She drops down in the office and looks around.
"Where is it?" She says to herself.
She turns and sees a painting.
"Gotcha" she says.
She grabs the painting and pulls on it showing it's a door to a hidden safe in the wall. She pulls out a tool and starts to unsolve the combination. She solves it and opens the safe.
"The hell?!" She says.
Inside the safe there is nothing in it.
"Looking for something?"
She turns and sees Batman behind her.
"Finally. We meet." She says.
"GCPD has a cell waiting for you. We can do this the easy way or the hard way." Says Batman.
"Oooohhh...I prefer the hard way. It's way more fun." She says with a grin.
She runs onto the balcony of the office and uses the whip on her belt to climb up the side of the building. Batman chases after her and uses his grapple gun to follow her. He zooms up.
He holds the cape. He makes a silhouette against the moon as he lands and runs at Selina. Selina runs to jump off the rooftop but Batman pulls a tool out and fires it. A claw comes out and attaches to Selina and pulls her back to him. He goes to grab her but Selina cuts the rope and lands behind him. She goes for a kick but Batman blocks it. She goes for a punch but Batman dodges and hits her in the gut. Batman goes for a knee but Selina backs up and kicks him in the face. She does a spinning side kick to his gut.
She then goes for another kick but hs grabs her by her leg and slams her down. He goes to hit her but she moves.
She wraps the end of her whip around his neck and chokes him.
Batman tries desperately to stop from choking. He then cuts the whip with the blades on his gauntlets.
"What?!" Shouts Selina. Bruce grabs the whip and pulls her to him. He hits her and catches his breath.
She kips up and runs at him but Batman dodges. She tries to hit him a bunch but Batman dodges. She goes for a scratch but Batman dodges. She looks up at him on a knee while her hand is on the ground and smirks. She then kicks him in the gut and kips up.
She runs further down the rooftop but stops when a GCPD helicopter is there.
"Police! You are under arrest!" Shouts a cop on a megaphone.
Batman catches up to her and goes to hit her but she dodges. He goes for a hit but she blocks it. She goes for a kick but he moves and places something on her back. She goes for a punch but he grabs her hand and slams her down. They look at each other.
"It's over!" Shouts Batman.
"I wouldn't be sure of that." She says before she headbutts him. Batman backs up. She gets up and sees Jim Gordan and Officers behind them watching, further back.
"Hold your fire!" Shouts Jim.
"By Bats." Says Selina.
She winks and runs to the side of the roof and leaps off. The Police go to look but she is gone.
"Damnit!" Shouts Gordan.
He goes to look at Batman but he is gone.
8:52 PM
Bruce is standing looking at the computer. His cowl is off but he is still in the suit.
"I'd say that was an eventful night Master Bruce." Says Alfred. "Want me to put some tea on?" Asks Alfred.
"No thanks." Says Bruce.
Just then a call alert on the Batcomputer shows up. Bruce clicks on it.
"Bruce. I have some good news and some bad news." Says Lucius.
"What is it?" Asks Bruce.
"I found an ID...But...look at what I sent you." Says Lucius.
Bruce clicks on a image alert and it shows thousands of ID's from Selina.
"I told you she was smart." Says Alfred.
Bruce sighs.
"Thanks Lucius." Says Bruce.
Bruce ends the call and looks.
"I better get started then. I'll take that tea " says Bruce.
Alfred nods and walks off.
Timm Apartments No.40
9:00 PM
Selina arrives home and sets her things down.
"Damn freak." She shouts in frustration.
She looks around and thinks.
" ...I got one more left. I have to make it count." She says. She grabs her things.
"Sorry guys. I have to go." She says to her cats. "Mama has some business to attend to."
9:30 PM
Bruce is sitting in a chair and looking through the IDs. He lifts his head up off his hand when he sees something.
"Al!" Says Bruce.
Alfred walks up.
"I think we got her. Selina Kyle. 28 years old. Let me pull up her record." Says Bruce
Bruce types on the computer and pulls something up.
"She has a history of felonies. She is known to steal things." He says. "Her mother was Maria Kyle." Says Bruce.
"That name sounds familiar." Says Alfred.
Bruce pulls something up.
"She was killed many years ago. She worked for...get this...Carmine Falcone. The Police investigated but only found that she hit her head and died." Says Bruce.
"Considering how Mr. Falcone is, I highly doubt that." Says Alfred.
"Wait. Check the tracker." Says Bruce.
Alfred nods and types something on a smaller monitor.
"Oh dear...she is heading to Falcone Manor." Says Alfred.
"She is gonna get herself killed. I have to help her." Says Bruce getting up and grabbing his cowl.
Falcone Manor
10:02 PM
As the rain falls, Selina climbs around on the side of the manor. She goes to the balcony outside Carmine Falcone's Study. She climbs up and sneaks in.
She goes to a safe and begins to solve it.
When she solves it, she goes to open it but a gun is cocked and pointed at her head.
She gasps.
"Bad Kitty." Says a man.
The Man in question, is Carmine Falcone.
He looks at her and smirks.
As this is going on Bruce is swarming through cars in the city on the Batbike.
He arrives at building overlooking the manor. He grapples up to the building's rooftop. He pulls out binoculars and looks at the buliding.
Meanwhile, Selina is tied up in Falcone's office. Falcone smiles. He snaps his fingers. A man walks in from the shadows. He has spikey hair and a tux on. He is holding a tray with a drink.
"Thank you Oz." He says as he takes the drink.
Oswald nods and smiles.
"Now, You wanna tell me why you are here little kitty cat?" Asks Carmine.
"I'm sure you have heard about me." Says Selina.
"I have." Says Carmine.
"Then why do you want to know?" Asks Selina.
"Because, I wanna hear you say it." Says Carmine.
"Go to hell." Says Selina.
Carmine chuckles.
Selina then sighs.
"Come here then." She says.
Carmine gets closer. Selina leans close and spits in his face.
"Fuck you!" She says.
Carmine slaps her.
"Now, I like you...But you are starting to piss me off" says Carmine who wipes his face off.
Selina spits out blood on the floor.
"You are a piece of shit." Says Selina.
"Oh hun, if only you knew what happended to all the women that told me that." He says.
He turns to walk away.
"I do." Says Selina. "Maria."
"I'm sorry?" Says Carmine.
"Maria Kyle. Name ring a bell?" Asks Selina. "She used to work for you till she dragged up dirt on you. And then you killed her! She was my mother!"
"Oh yeah...I remember." He says.
"You killed her! You son of a bitch!" She shouts.
Carmine smirks
"Ya know you are just like your mother. You never backed down. You're brave. And you're a bitch!!!" He says right in her face.
Just then, Batman bursts through the window.
"The hell?!" Shouts Carmine.
Oswald runs out of the room.
He points the gun at Batman but Batman grabs the gun and hits his hand making him drop it. He twists Carmine's hand and headbutts him.
Carmine falls back against a bookshelf. Batman runs and kicks him in the face!
He grabs Carmine by his collar and throws him down on the floor. He mounts him and hits him over and over till he is knocked out. He looks up at Selina.
"You done?" Asks Selina. "How did you even find me?"
"Tracker." Says Bruce.
"Oh you son of a bitch!" She says.
Batman gets up and unties her from the chair.
"Come on. Let's go." He says.
"No. I'm not leaving without what I came for!" She says.
"It isn't safe here! We need to go! Now!" Says Bruce.
"Fuck you." She says.
Just then guards burst in with guns.
Batman grabs Selina and runa to the balcony and jumps off. He grapples up to a building.
Later, Batman and Catwoman arrive on top of a rooftop.
"What the fuck?!" She shouts. "That was mine!"
"I get it. You want to screw him over for what he did to your mother." Says Batman.
"No! No! You don't get it! Have you ever had someone you loved taken away?!" Huh?" Shouts Selina.
"Revenge won't solve anything! Believe me! I know!" Shouts Bruce.
"And how do you know that?" Asks Selina.
He looks down.
"For years...I wanted to kill my parent's killer. But then I realized...Revenge wouldn't help me. It would make me just like him." Says Batman.
Selina just looks down. She looks up at him.
"Who are you under there?" She asks.
She gets closer to him and goes to touch his mask but he turns away. She smiles and touches his cheek. She then gets closer. He gets closer.
They then kiss as the rain pours on them.
He holds her hips as she wraps her arms around his neck.
They pull back and look at each other.
"I'll see you again batsy." She says as she turns. She walks off and leaps off the building.
He smirks.
11:32 PM
Bruce is sitting at the batcomputer. Alfred walks up.
"I guess we won't be seeing more of Ms. Kyle." Says Alfred.
Bruce looks at him and then at the computer.
"Let's call it a night Al." Says Bruce.
Meanwhile, a sillhouette with cat ears stands on the top of the wall of Wayne Manor watching all the lights go out.
End of Episode 1
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